Oceans Away

Story by Anakani on SoFurry

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Upon their arrival on shores of Destiny Island, the Cap quickly looks the area over and tries to remember which way it was to Destiny's hut. "Such an ego, she names her island after herself. "Standing behind him are Stone and Fade, his main two hired deck hands.

They watched as the Cap quickly took out his pipe and began to smoke it while pacing back and forth.

Stone kicks the sand and asks Fade, "Looks like our Captain has lost his way again."

Fade can only shrug as the Cap turns around and looks at the two of them.

The Cap points to Fade, "Well I wouldn't have to remember if that idiot over there didn't break my enchanted bottle."

Fade shakes his head and quickly replies, "Oh yeah blame me. Like it was all my fault. "

The Cap quickly becomes annoyed and walks away but not before uttering, "It's a good thing I need your help because other wise I would have you walk the plank in a minute".

Fade turns his back on the Cap and mutters, "That is if you had a plank on your ship you cheap bastard".

Stone can only shake his head and walks over to the Cap, "Um Cap'n we should just go into the jungle and search for your sister".

The Cap shrugs him off, "How bout no! And I'll have you know only the captain can make those kind of decisions, so shut that hole in your head!"

Stone shakes his head again and walks toward Fade, "Well I guess its safe to say we're fucked."

The Cap quickly turns around and yells, "Hey you two, shut the hell up, I'm trying to think over here."

Stone turns to see smoke beginning to rise from somewhere in the jungle, "Hey Cap, look a smoke signal!"

The Cap looks to where Stone is pointing. "Well I'll be damned, alright thats where we are headed."

Fade looks at Stone and asks, "Just who the hell made him captain?"

After a few minutes they walk into the jungle towards the rising smoke. The Cap slowly walks behind Stone and Fade.

Fade wonders why he is behind them, "Why you back there Cap? Aren't leaders usually in the front?.

The Cap quickly replies, "Well just in case Destiny has her tiger traps up again I don't wanna fall in one. I might get hurt and then be useless for awhile."

Fade rolls his eyes, "Your already useless as it is."

The Cap leans down and grabs a small pebble to throw at Fade. He quickly chucks it at Fade and hits him in back of the head, "More movement less talk".

Stone looks at Fade and sees him muttering the words, "Mutiny".

As they rounded the next turn on some trail Stone found they see Destiny's hut.

The Cap quickly walks ahead of them and goes to the door and knocks.

He hears a voice come from the inside, "Who is it?".

The Cap quickly replies, "It's the Captain."

The voice asks, "Captain Who? Captain Morgan? Captain Kid? Who?"

The Cap shakes his head and kicks the door, "Quit dinkin around Destiny, we have a treasure to find on Skull Island."

Destiny's voice comes back, "Oh that Captain, well give me a minute then."

Minutes later Destiny comes out and looks at the Cap, "You haven't changed much have you?" She noticed he still carried his mystical bottle of rum. She wondered how the hell he sails the seas with such a thing. She also notices Stone and Fade and waves.

The Cap laughs, "My crew may change but I never do. So lets get a going before that other group of pirates find it first. "

Destiny looks at the Cap again and asks, "What other pirates?".

The Cap tilts his head and forgot shes not up to speed , "Well since you don't get out much they are the other group of pirates that I was able to get a map from about the location of a treasure chest on skull island. They say the treasure is enough to shame the kings of Foxland."

Destiny nods, "Oh I see, I see. Well we should hurry just in case they have another copy of the map."

The Cap wonders how that is even possible and begins the long trek back to his ship, the Bonaparte.

After getting aboard the ship the Cap orders Fade and Stone to set the sails so they may start their journey.

With the wind in their sails they head out into the great blue.

The next day the Cap is in his quarters sitting at his desk, "Captains log the next day after yesterday. We are currently on our way to the treasure on Skull Island. The crew I'm sure hates my guts and I can't find my stash of rum. I think Stone and Fade have been at it since I can't find it. But at least this day can't get any worse."

The sound of an explosion catches the Cap's attention and he goes outside to see a pirate ship firing upon them. "Stone, Fade what the hell is going on?".

Stone turns to the Cap, "Sir, it's the other pirates. They found us. "

The Cap shoots Stone a mean look, "I can see that you moron!"

Stone shakes his head, "Well me and Fade were cooking your lunch sir."

The Cap feels a little dumbfounded and quickly recomposes himself, "Well quit cooking and man the cannons. Let's give them a taste of lead."

Not wasting another moment Stone turns and goes to get Fade from below. As he enters the kitchen he sees Fade taking another shot of rum, "Hey Fade, put that down, we have to ready the cannons because we're under attack."

Fade corks the bottle and looks at Stone, "And I though it was the Cap being drunk again and shooting off his cannons for kicks."

Back on the deck the Cap looks at the other ship with his scope. "God damn pirates!" He turns back to the deck and sees Stone and Fade readying the cannon.

"How much powder do you put in this thing?" asks Fade.

"Asked as if I had a clue. Would you just put it in there so we can fire back."

Not knowing how much to use Fade empties most of the powder keg into the cannon, "Goods, we're ready to party"

Stone puts the cannon ball in, pats it down a little and goes to light it. Just as he lit the match Fade sneezed and put it out. Stone looks at Fade, "Nice going sparky, that was my last match. Now I have to go find the other boxes in the cargo hold."

The Cap shakes his head and takes out his pistol, "Outta the way you scurvy dargs watch as the Cap saves the day". The Cap fires his pistol and hit's the wick instantly igniting it.

A big cloud of black smoke filled the deck as the cannon fires its payload. Stone stands covered in blackness and coughing from the smoke cloud, "Just how much did you use on that blast?"

Fade coughs up a storm and looks at the cannon, "I would just about say a whole keg, but that was awesome. Let's do it again."

The Cap shakes his head as Fade and Stone load up the cannon again, "Hey you two this isn't a game you know, we're under attack."

Meanwhile on the other ship, their captain, Roxy, a sea hardened vixen. Stared on in wonder as to what the hell they were doing aboard the other ship. A voice came from behind her and she turns to see Nikka, her first mate.

"Captain what do you see?" , asks Nikka.

Slowly Roxy turns back to the Bonaparte, "Nothing right now. Just keep firing. I want that map back."

Nikka looks at her with a puzzled look, "But if you sunk their ship wouldn't you lose the map to the bottom of Davy Jones' locker?"

Slowly Roxy thinks about this, "Yeah but the Captain always has the map."

Nikka looks at her again, "Just how did you lose the map in the first place?".

Roxy thinks of this and tries not to remember. But it comes back to her anyway.



Roxy sees herself sitting in the Broken Seas bar, guzzling rum like it was water in a desert. She glances up from her table and sees a stranger walk up to her. She doesn't seem to notice who he is until he walks a little closer to her and she notices that its Stone, her love slave.

Stone sits beside her while Nikka watches on.

Reaching for her cup, Roxy takes another swig of rum, and strikes up a conversation, "So Stoney babey are you ready to shiver me timbers tonight?"

Stone gets kind of creeped out because her idea of fun was pure torture and replies, " Um not tonight I have a headache."

Pure desperation on his part but Roxy quickly replies, "So I'm gonna have a head ache tomorrow. So it makes no difference."

Stone quickly turns his eyesight to Nikka, "Why is this girl so horny?"

Nikka can only shake her head and replies, "Hey, Roxy's the captain and she can do whatever she wants so try not to piss her off, besides all you have to do is keep her happy and nothing will happen to you. Capishe?"

Stone shakes his head and looks over to Fade, who is dancing around because some of the other girls need some entertainment to get over their drunken boredom. "I guess your right." Swallowing his words Stone turns back to Roxy who is looking at him with a drunken wanton.

Out of the corner of her eyes Roxy sees a burly looking fox come walking into the bar and gives him a look over to size him up just in case things got out of hand.

Stone notices who she is looking at and watches as he goes over to a table and orders a few bottle of whiskey.

Roxy and Stone would forever know this man as the Cap.

Stone gets curious about this person and goes over to him.

The Cap just looks at him and says, "What? Do you want a drink?"

Stone shakes his head and asks if he could chat with him for a bit.

The Cap shoots him an odd look, "Look the Caps not interested in dudes. So hit the road."

Stone assures him that its not like that and takes a seat, "So you're a captain of your own?"

Cap drinks his whiskey and looks at Stone again, "Arr matey I be a captain, Captain of the Bonaparte, I is".

Stone tries not to laugh at the reply, "Would you be interested in getting at some treasure? Cuz my captain over there has a map leading to one and I don't wanna work for her anymore."

Cap tilts his head past Stone, "That fine philly over there, she be your captain?"

Stone nods his head, "Yeah buts its not all its cut out to be. You know?"

The Cap laughs out loud, "Hell son you got the easiest job this side of the seven seas."

Stone cringes at the thought of being with Roxy tonight and replies, " It's draining my life. I was meant for so much more."

Cap just laughs, "So you wish to join me crew?"

Stone nods his head, " Well me and my ship mate Fade. He's the one who's dancing over there." Stone points and Cap sees Fade dancing like a moron. He could see the vixens watching Fades every move.

The Cap shakes his head, "Well now I see your problem. But if I take you onto my ship as hired hands the deal is I get all the treasure this time. You get your cut on the next one agreed?"

Stone quickly agrees to the terms and shakes the Caps hand, "You have a deal." Stone could only think whats a little treasure compared to freedom.

The Cap takes his shot of whiskey and pushes the bottle towards Stone, "Then on the 'morrow we set sail, just get me that map."

Stone tries not to jump for joy and goes back to the other table where Roxy is drinking. As he sits down he begins to hatch a plan inside his mind.

After the party died down Stone is lying in bed with Roxy hugging on him. He could feel the heat from her fur and tries not to move too much. Her body heat is nearly roasting him alive. Slowly he reaches over to Roxys jacket and stirs up Roxy.

She awakens from her drunken stupor a little, "What are you doing love?" Slowly she snuggles closer to Stone and puts her head on his shoulder.

Stone tenses a bit before answering, "I was getting some money to get some more rum. I'm a little thirsty"

Roxy lets go of him and turns over on the bed. Her soft tail hanging out of the covers. "Mmmmm the moneys in the inner pocket of my jacket. Next to the map. But hurry back babe. I'll get lonely if your gone too long"

Stone finds her speech a little more than convenient and reaches over to her jacket. He takes some money and the map.

"I'll be right back, my love", says Stone as he gets out of bed and quickly gets dressed. Slowly he creeps downstairs and finds Fade sleeping at one of the tables. He goes over to him and shakes him a little, "Hey Fade wake up. We're leaving."

Fade stirs a bit, "Where to?"

Stone puts the map into his belt, "We're going on another ship. I got us a deal with another captain."

Fade looks at Stone's belt where he sees the map, "Roxy's gonna hang us for sure if she catches us."

Stone shakes his head, "That's why we're leaving right now".

Fade shakes his drunkeness off a bit and follows Stone out to the pier where they find the Cap waiting.

The Cap is smoking from his pipe, "What the hell took you two so god damn long? I sobered up about an hour ago and was ready to set sail."

Stone and Fade follow the Cap aboard.

The Cap barks orders, "As long as your on this ship you work, no slacking off or you walk the plank straight into Davy Jones' Locker. Agreed?"

Fade nudges Stone, "Some deal. I haven't even worked for this guy over a minute and already I don't like him."

"Now let me consult my navigator here and we can leave", the Cap reaches in his pocket and takes out a bottle.

"Whats he gonna do? Take a shot, spin around and point to where we go?" says Fade

Fade and Stone watches as he sets it on the deck and spins it. It slowly stops out on the horizon.

The Cap picks it up and points to the open sea, "We head that way. Destiny's island is over that way."

Fade shakes his head, "Ask a stupid question get a stupid answer".

Stone looks at Fade, "No shit".

The Cap looks over to them, "Hey you two less talk more work."



Meanwhile back to reality Roxy thinks about that last part of her memory. "At least that's how I think it went".

Nikka shoots her an odd look, "What are you? Psychic?"

Roxy shakes her head, "Aw shut it and keep firing before I have you walk thee plank to thy doom."

Nikka shakes her head and orders the girls to keep firing.

Back on the Cap's ship, Stone and Fade are getting a kick out of the cannon every time it went up in smoke.

The Cap yells at the two again, "Hey quit dinking around and get serious!"

With all the ruckus Destiny comes out onto the deck, "Alright what the hells up with all the noise? I'm trying to get my beauty sleep here." She looks out to sea and sees another pirate ship, "Ohhhhhhhh, my bad."

After a few minutes Stone and Fade are getting tired from loading and take a break for a minute.

The Cap looks at them, "What the hell you guys doing? I told you to keep firing."

Stone wipes the sweat from his forehead and answers back, "We're tired alright, give us a break. Its not like we're doing this for fun"

The Cap shakes his head, "I bet if that cannon was a vixen you would keep working on her."

Fade looks at the cannon and back at the Cap, "Yeah well she's not my type sir. She's a little heavy set."

The Cap shakes his head, "I can see that you moron. Keep loading her or god help me I'll cut off your fucking head and use it as a cannon ball."

Fade shrugs him off and loads another powder keg, "Just because I accidentally broke his bottle he takes it out on me."

Stone looks at him, "How did you break his bottle anyway?"

Fade finishes loading, "Well you know how he spins that bottle? Anyways I jacked it from him and was using it to find his rum stash in the storage deck. When all of a sudden one of the cannon balls came loose and smashed it to kingdom come."

Stone shakes his head, "So how did he find out?"

Fade stops for a minute, "Well I tried replacing it with another bottle and somehow he noticed it was different. He said something about the spirits not being there."

Stone loads the cannon ball, "Spirits?"

Fade shakes his head, "Something anyway I don't know but that's how I broke it."

Stone laughs a little, "Spirits huh?" He just can't believe what he is hearing and shakes his head.

A loud bang rang over the momentary silence as a cannonball from the other ship came crashing through the deck.

The Cap looks at the damage, "Fire back you morons before we end up getting sunk and taken prisoner. You wouldn't want that now would you?"

Stone lights the fuse while Fade aims it at the deck of the other ship. Boom!, the cannonball flies and goes into the hull.

The Cap looks over with his telescope, "Alright a hit finally. Now we're getting somewhere."

Back on the other ship Roxy leans over the edge and sees a hole in the hull, "Alright girls time to fire off the big guns!"

The crew quickly uncover the bigger cannons and begin to load them up with powder and cannonballs.

The Cap looks over and sees the big cannons being aimed at them, "Oh shit! Everybody hit the deck!"

Loud roars could be heard over the smaller cannons as loud explosions began occurring on the deck. After all the noise had stopped the Cap looks over the edge to see the damage done to his ship and sees many large holes in the deck. "God damn vixens!"

The Cap leans over the railing and begins yelling, "You god damn sea bitches why don't you just come on over and board us, why don't ya!!!!!!?"

That said the other ship starts on an intercept course with the Bonaparte.

Stone looks over the edge, "Um Captain I think they heard you"

The Cap looks at Stone then back to the other ship, "Well I'll be damned. They did. Alright everyone, draw your swords. We take em head on. They ain't getting my ship today."

Stone looks at the ship and its condition, "Well they won't get much if they sell it. Its all beat up and shot to hell."

The Cap looks at Stone, "How about you shut up. I didn't ask for your damn opinion. When I want your opinion I'll squeeze your head and ask you!"

Fade looks at Stone and reaches for his sword, "Death!!!"

Stone looks at Fade with a worried look, "I think you've been hanging around the Cap a little too much."

Destiny looks out on the horizon and sees something really big coming towards them, "What is that over there Cap?"

The Cap looks over and sees the dark object coming towards them, "I've sailed the seas for awhile and I've never seen anything like this before" He shakes his head as it goes under the ship and slowly rises out of the water.

Back on Roxy's ship, Roxy sees the thing coming out of the water and notices it as a Kraken. A monster of the ancient world.

Meanwhile on the Cap's ship, Fade is beginning to tweak out, "We're all gonna die here out in the ocean!"

Stone slaps him behind the head, "What the hell you tweaking out about? I'm sure the Cap has a plan for this. Right Cap?"

The Cap looks at Stone, "Umm sure yeah I do, I guess."

Stone stares on waiting for an answer, "Well what is it?"

The Cap looks away from Stone , "Well just remember the prime directive of this ship".

Stone looks at him funny, "What prime directive is that?"

Cap points to a sign on the mast, "That one over right there."

Stone looks and sees the poster, "Prime Directive #1, Save the Captains ass" Stone shakes his head, "Save your ass? What about the rest of us?"

Cap tilts his a head a little bit, "Well when your on this ship you save my ass"

Fade laughs before speaking, "So we just save your ass and not the rest of you."

The Cap goes silent a little bit and quickly replies, "No you save all of me you moron!"

Destiny can only shake her head as the Kraken grabs a hold of the two ships. "Well when your all done can we get back to the monster? Please."

The Cap watches as the Kraken wraps its tentacles around the mast, "Alright boys get to cutting before we lose our mast and end up marooned out here!"

Stone reaches for his sword and follows Fade into the fray as they begin cutting away at the tentacles.

Meanwhile back on Roxy 's ship, her crew is struggling to fight off the monster and load the big cannons to fire back. "That's it girls put your backs into it!"

Nikka watches as one of the tentacles grabs onto to one of the crew and runs over to free her.

Panic and disorder soon over come the crew as they scatter amongst the deck.

Roxy hears her crews screams for help and quickly goes over to one of the cannons to help load it, "Okay one half fight the monster while the other half loads the cannons!"

Nikka quickly frees another crew member and decides to keep fighting the beast as its tentacles start to grab anything on deck.

Back on Cap's ship, Stone and Fade managed to free the mast but the monster keeps trying to rip it down.

As the Cap looks over to the other ship he sees a cannon fire. It hits the monster in the body. It lets out a piercing wail as it lets go of the Cap's ship and moves towards Roxy's ship.

Roxy watches as one of the crew members was taken over board and devoured by the monster. Stopping for a second, "Nikka!"

Nikka cuts off a tentacle and turns to Roxy, "Yes Captain?"

Roxy looks at Nikka, "Load the harpoon gun. Shoot it in the eye to buy us some time."

Nikka nods her head and rushes up to the head of the ship and loads the harpoon gun, "Ok right in the eye". Before she could aim the harpoon cannon a tentacle knocked her from the gun. It fires off a harpoon that hit's the Caps ship. "Damn!" Nikka quickly regains her footing and loads the harpoon with another spike. "This time I got you".

Nikka quickly ducks as another tentacle goes by with a crew member in its clutches. She watches as it drops the vixen in its mouth.

Not wasting another second, Nikka fires the harpoon into the body of the beast because it rocked the ship and offset her shot. Again missing her mark she loads up another spike.

"Fire" yells Roxy as the cannons tear into the belly of the beast. The water began to fill with dark colored blood as the beast begins to bleed from its newfound wounds.

Feeding its pain Roxy looks to Nikka, who was missing from her spot by the harpoon. Looking up Roxy sees Nikka in the clutches of the beast. "Go help her!" orders Roxy as the crew rushes over to free Nikka .

Suddenly Roxy hears a loud roar as the beast screams out in pain. She glances over and sees the Cap standing by a smoking cannon.

"That should do this bitch up fine.", says the Cap.

Stone looks at the many harpoons in the beast, "Good idea we used a cannon full of harpoons that we had saved."

The Cap puts his sword away, "I told you it would work. The Cap always saves the day"

The kraken having enough pain, slowly begins to sink under the ocean surface.

The Cap looks over to the other ship and sees them lifting Nikka from the side of the ship.

Roxy with her sword drawn turns to her crew and motions for them to attack the ship.

Back on the Bonaparte, Cap turns to his crew, "You think that after battling with a monster they would let us go and collect themselves."

Stone loads the cannon with another batch of harpoons, "Well I'll fire this when they are close enough, ok?"

The Cap nods his head in approval, "That should rid us of a few pirates"

By now the ships are almost side by side, the Cap takes out his pistol and draws his sword once more, "I'll see you all in the depths of Davy Jones' Locker before I go!"

Stone lights the cannon and it fires a barrage of harpoons into the crowd of pirates. He hits a couple of them and watches as the others begin to board their ship.

Nikka being one of the first boarders.

Destiny runs into the Captains cabin and locks the door behind her, "Getting a little to rough for me".

Back outside Stone and Fade are battling with the pirates as the Cap holds his own against a few of them who dared to mess with him.

As Nikka cuts down a few of Caps crew and looks over the horizon. She seen a ship heading towards them. She squints her eyes and sees the Federation colors flying, "Damn! It's that no good Commander Spud"

Roxy looks over to Nikka and wonders what she is looking at and sees the oncoming ship, "Damn the Federation!"

On the Federation ship, the Peacemaker, Commander Spud looks on with his telescope and sees the pirates in combat. A decorated fox of the Federation, Spud has fought with the pirates for a while now. "Well it looks like I get two birds with one Stone today."

Spud turns to his crew, "Alright boys full speed ahead, we have some pirates to deal with."

On the Bonaparte, the Cap looks over to the approaching ship and moans, "Damn Spud is on his way and I'm still wanted for that jacking I did over in Mosea. I wonder if he's still mad about that stunt I pulled over in Mosea prisons?" Barely dodging that last sword strike Cap pushes a vixen over the edge and into the water.

At the helm of the Peacemaker, Commander Spud quickly orders the boarding crew to bayonet their rifles. Since Spud knows its Cap and Roxy, he knows their tactics a little all to well.

A few roars fill the sky as Roxy fires off a few cannon rounds off at Spud's ship.

Spud can only laugh as the cannons miss and hit nothing but water. "It'll take more than that to scare me."

Meanwhile Nikka looks to Roxy as she gives her a signal to retreat.

Stone and Fade watch on as the pirates quickly depart their ship and begin sailing off.

"We sure showed them, didn't we?", says Fade.

Stone turns to the Cap, "So what now sir?".

The Cap puts his sword away and looks to see Commander Spud coming into cannon range. "Well for one we get the hell out of here before we all become prisoners of the Federation."

Stone turns around and sees the flagship heading their way, "Commander Spud?"

As the sails were set Cap orders his crew full speed ahead. With a little luck and a few oars Cap was able to make a full escape and heads off towards Skull Island.

Stone turns and looks at Fade, "Wasn't that scene a little too convenient?"

Fade agrees and speaks his mind, "Yeah I agree. What do they mean with a little oars? What are we making, Troy 2?"

The Cap quickly hears them and yells, "Just shut up and go with the god damn flow. I am Captain of this ship and if you two have a problem with the way I run things around here I'm gonna go over there and stick my boot up your ass. Teach the both of you the meaning of getting your sea legs. "

Stone quickly goes back to what he was doing.

Fade just looks at the Cap and shakes his head, "This is the last time I get dragged into a story without consulting my eight ball."

The Cap ignores Fade and answers his beeping cell phone, " Oh y'ello? Um no I can't talk right now, I'm kinda busy working on a project. I know I said I would be there but I can't. What? Jas? Jas? Fuck!!" The Cap quickly throws his phone overboard in a fit of rage, "Expensive phones, cheap service and no signal coverage. Fuckin cells!"

After a whole day of sailing and trying to renegotiate their contracts with no dice they come into view of Skull Island. Cap goes to the helm and sees the island. As the ship comes into the bay the Cap climbs out onto the dinghy and waits for his crew to get on and row him to shore.

Stone and Fade quickly climb aboard and are followed by Destiny.

"Alright you scurvy dogs, stroke. Stroke I say.", orders the Cap.

Upon their arrival onto the beach, Cap jumps off and walks around the beach a little, "Well I'll be damned."

Stone, Fade and Destiny all look to the island and see a casino built just a little ways from the beach head. Stone and Fade just look at each other.

Cap quickly opens the map and looks at Stone and Fade, "Anyone care to explain this? Hmmm?"

Stone grabs the map and reads it over real quick, 'Ugh I can explain this. Um well uh......"

The Cap tosses the map away and looks at the casino, "What the hell is this? We don't even have electricity yet. "

Suddenly a large explosion comes from the back of the casino. They all quickly run over to the back and see a wolf holding a stick of dynamite.

"Well who the hell are you?" asks the Cap.

The wolf looks at them then fades into nothing.

The Cap just looks at the vanishing ghost, "Well oil me up and toss me on the spit. A spook."

Destiny peeks into the hole in the wall and sees the treasure chest, "Oh score."

Soon after Stone and Fade peek in.

The Cap pushes them out of his way and walks into the room. "Stone, Fade, get this chest and take it to the dinghy."

That said Stone and Fade haul the chest to the boat. Once everyones aboard they begin to row towards the main ship.

As they lowered the chest onto the deck the Cap shoots off the lock and slowly opens it. Much to his surprise it was full of coins and many jewels. The gold seemed to glisten in the sunlight.

Destiny grabs a large diamond and holds it up to the sun. She it marveled at its flawlessness and quickly holds it closer to her. For now it was her baby.

The Cap picks up a coin and looks at it, "Well boys we hit the jackpot today. So to speak."

The deck is filled with the yells of victory as the crew rush to look at the fruits of their hard labor.

Stone walks over to the treasure and admires it shininess, "Well maybe it wasn't all in vain."

Fade shakes his head and goes down to the kitchen to go have at the Cap's rum stash again.

The Cap turns to the horizon and reaches into his pocket, "Where does the wind take me this time?". Slowly he pulls out his bottle and puts it on the floor, "Where does the next adventure begin?".

Stone watches as the bottle spins and as it stops toward the horizon, "Alright boys we head that way to the next treasure."

A small smile creeps out onto the Caps face and makes Stone wonder what he has up his sleeve this time.

Slowly the Cap puts the bottle away and motions for Stone to order the full speed ahead.

Stone quickly obliges and shouts the order, "Full speed ahead."

The Cap pulls out his pipe and lights up a match and takes a few puffs, "Onward to the next adventure."