Closet Love Chapter 2 (Revised!)

Story by Ciel Kliendell on SoFurry

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#2 of Closet Love

A lot of people commented on the previous post for this chapter about not having enough setting detail; so I fixed that. I added as much detail as I could think of so please let me know what you think of this revised version of chapter 2.

Just as I take my seat in the back of the classroom, the bell goes off. The classroom is just your average sized classroom. The walls are lined with tons and tons of bookshelves and a few cabinets for storage. Ms. Serpintina is obsessed with ready, which is probably why she never actually teaches anything; she just sits their and reads while we do whatever she says.

Billy, yes that juice head bull, walks in shortly after.

Ms Serpintina slithers her way over to him and yells "You're late!"

"I was just-" he began to say but was cut off.

"I don't care where you were or what you were doing, the point is, you're late for my class" the deadly cobra hissed, extending the s's on class.

"But Ms. Serpintina-".

"No buts! Take your seat Mr. Lewindowsky."

Billy takes his seat at the front of the classroom, everyone snickers a bit as he passed them.

"I hope you all studied last night like you were supposed to because we are going to have a pop quiz!"

Everyone in the room groaned. Nobody liked Ms. Serpintina's pop quiz's, especially me. I found them to be easy and I almost always got A's on them but still they are tedious.

It takes me about 5 minutes to finish her test. As I walk up to the front to turn it in, I can feel the angry stares I'm getting from behind, especially from Billy. Ms. Serpintina snatches the paper away from me and quickly grades it.

"Another A Mr. Rose" she says with the least bit of enthusiasm.

I walk back to my desk and just sit there. We still have another hour and a half before our next class. 'Well this is boring' I think to myself.

I decided to count all the books the snake lady has. "1, 2, 3...". They ranged from collections of authors, I don't know, to foreign books written in languages I have never heard of. I think I did see one that was in Latin. After about an hour I had gotten up to a pretty high number. "...1097, 1098, 1099..." I still hadn't counted up to half the books.

The door to the classroom swings open and everyone put their pencils down to stare at the door. In walks a silver gray wolf. Me eyes widen a bit as I stare at him. He hands Ms. Serpintina a piece of paper. She seems to just shrug and hands him the pop quiz. "Take a seat wherever you like Mr. Thorne" she told him.

He looks around for a bit and steadily makes his way towards me. I just seem to keep staring at him. He doesn't seem to mind because he smiles at me and takes a seat next to me. I'm just awed by him. This wolf...he's...HOT.

His fur is gray but in the sun you can see the shimmers of silver. His eyes, like most wolves, are ice blue. And his body...shoulder to toe of just pure muscle. He's not a juice head like Billy but he's damn near close. When he stood, he looked to be about 6'11". I felt so short and tiny compared to him. I'm only 5'5" so he looks like a giant to me. The wolf blows through his test almost as soon as he sits down.

After about 6 minutes of just watching him, he's done. He goes to the front of the classroom, test in paw. Ms. Serpintina is slightly bewildered by this. She takes his paper from him and starts to grade it.

"Congratulations Mr. Thorne, A+." the wolf smiles, and quite a smile it is.

He takes his seat at the back of the class next to me.

I look at him briefly and he turns to meet my gaze. I smile and he graciously returned it with one of his. I sit their the rest of class waiting for everyone else to finish.

When the bell rings, I am all but relieved. I grab my things and I'm the first one out the door. The rest of the day was pretty normal. The teachers gave their lessons and then we moved on to our next class.

This school is like a cookie cutter school. All the classes are the same size and shape, each hallway looks the same on all three floors. Sure, it was a new school, but it was cheaply built. Ceiling tiles would sometimes fall off, the plumbing is always getting backed up, and the computers are older than I am. The lockers aren't that great either. I remember one time I had to kick it open just to get to my books.

In each class, I somehow started to think about that new wolf in English class. He was just so damn gorgeous.

By the time school ends I'm, again, the first one out the door. Luckily for me I had all the books I needed to complete my homework and I was in the chemistry lab right next to the door.

It never stays warm here for long, for when I get outside, I'm hit with a blast of cold air. I should have brought my jacket but I didn't have any time this morning. I slowly start to head towards home. The trees are so beautiful and all but I'm just so cold.

Summers are the hottest out of all, and even though I hate the heat I wouldn't have minded a little more heat. Fall was the most unpredictable. It could be cold one second and then do a 180 and be stifling. The best thing about fall though are the trees. I always enjoy walking home during fall. The trees are so beautiful: the reds, the golds, and the in-between oranges. Even now, walking back home to Donna and Richard, I enjoy seeing the beauty of nature.

As I came to the spot on the road where the trees bend, making a tunnel, there was a sudden honk from behind. A blue pickup has pulled right up next to me. When the window rolls down I see who is sitting at the wheel. It's that wolf from English class.

"Need a lift?" he asks.

This was the first time I heard his voice, it was a lot more gentle than I originally thought it would sound like.


"Huh? Oh sorry. I'm not that far away from home (I lied) I can walk."

"Oh come on, it's cold out there and I can see you shivering. Really, it's no big deal." he says.

"O-Ok, thanks" I say as I round his truck.

He unlocks the door and I step inside. Shutting the door I'm instantly starting to feel the warmth.

"Here," he says as he reaches into the back, "this'll warm you up quick."

He wraps a blue and white letterman's jacket around me and starts to drive. '

Guess this jacket is from his old school.' I say to myself. I look at the patches on his jacket: football, soccer, wrestling. 'No wonder this guy is so ripped.'

The interior of the truck was well kept. Nice brown leather seats, the dashboard looke as if it had just been dusted, and the truck was just all around clean; really clean.

"Just get this truck?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh, no I've had it for about four years now."

"Must like keeping things I guess." I silently say to myself.

While driving I could hear the radio playing "She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5.

"Oh man!" I exclaimed, "I love this song."

"Well then" said the wolf as he turned the radio up even louder.

I was so happy, this song always made me feel good. My tail started to thump to the beat until I couldn't help it any more and I just had to sing.

"I don't mind spending every day Out on your corner in the pouring rain Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile And she will be loved She will be loved"

I was so happy the didn't laugh at me. When the song finally ended, the wolf immediately said "Wow," I look at him, "you have an amazing voice."

I could feel myself blush under my fur. Thank god for my reddish orange fur.

"T-Thanks, I'm not that good but I just like singing."

"You're kidding right? You're totally amazing." My blush reddened even more.

By this time we had reached my house and I hadn't noticed. My house was just like the school, cookie cutter. The houses in this neighborhood were almost all the same with hints of flare depicting the individuality of each neighbor. Our house, for example, had a red door in front with various lawn ornaments.

Richard had a knack for finding all these weird creatures and stuff. Last month, he brought home a hybrid of a donkey, a lion, a wolf, and an eagle. The statue was ugly as hell but Richard said it had "Pizzazz"; whatever that means.

"Well thanks for the ride." I said getting out of the car.

I was making my way up the sidewalk when the wolf rolled down his window and shouted out "Hey!" I turned around to face him. "So...umm...I'm new here, I don't know my way around. Do you think we could maybe hangout after school tomorrow? And you could showed me around?"

"Sure!" I said all to eager.

"Great, I'll see you after school then?"

"You bet!" I say.

The wolf starts his car. "I'm Tyler by the way."

"I'm Xander" I say.

"Well Xander...I'll see you tomorrow." and the wolf drives away.

"What am I thinking?!?!" Normally I would just say no but I don't know what came over me to make me say yes.

Walking in the door, I'm overwhelmed with the smell of apple cinnamon pie.

Donna loved to cook, all the time. Her food is amazing; it's like heaven laying on your tongue.

The warm colors gave the house a warm, friendly feel and the modern furniture just shows that Richard and Donna aren't that old.

They are both in their 40's but never had any kids. It's sad, all Donna wanted was her own child but she was unable to bare children. They tried several times but most attempts failed or resulted in a miscarriage.

Donna greeted me as I walked into the kitchen. "Welcome back!"


"How was school Hun?"

"It was fine, got a new kid today."

"Oh? What's his name? Is he nice?" She sounds just like my mother.

"His name is Tyler Thorne and I guess, he gave me a ride home from school today."

"Aww that was nice of him."

"Yeah and he asked if we could hang out after school tomorrow so I could show him around."

"What did you say?!" Donna was getting really excited.

"I said yes."

She squealed a bit. "See, I told you, you would make more friends; so is he cute?"

I blushed a little and I guess she noticed.

"Just be yourself and he'll see your just a normal guy."

"I will Donna, thanks."

"It's what I'm here for sweetie."

Dinner came and went. After dinner I had to start on my homework. I leave the table, gave Donna and Richard a hug and kiss goodnight, and went to my room.

My room isn't terribly big but it's not small either. It's almost like a single room apartment, minus the kitchen. The walls were all green except for one wall I had painted blue to make the room seem bigger that it really is. I don't have much: a bed, a dresser, a computer, and a ceiling fan. I also had a bathroom; which was nice, otherwise I would have to go all the way downstairs. My homework didn't take long . By the time I was done I had gotten bored so I decided to hit up facebook. My only friends on their were gay guys I've met online. When I logged in I noticed I had a new friend request.

"Tyler Thorne wants to be your friend." My eyes grew wider and wider along with my grin. I clicked 'Accept' and found myself instantly looking through his info. He had so many friends. Most of them were from his old school but I could see a few from ours; mostly girls that probably thought the same thing I did. He was single which made my heart flutter a bit. After viewing everything else I figured looking at his pictures wouldn't hurt.

I looked through all his pictures, smiling at the ones of him, his friends and family. I stopped at one album labeled "Me". When I clicked on it I was shocked at what I'd seen.

In the album were tons of pictures of just him. Pictures he'd taken in the mirror or just aimed the camera on his phone and taken. My heart all near stopped on his last picture. It was a picture of him shirtless, standing there, smiling his one of a kind smile. I felt my pants tightening. His arms were huge, damn near the size of a melon. His chest was huge as well; nothing else could describe it. His washboard abs made me want to melt. He definitely spent a lot of time in the gym.

There was a knock on my door and Richard walks in.

"Xander I was..." he stopped.

He starred at me and I was confused but then noticed my member was fully erect. I grabbed the nearest pillow and covered myself. He chuckled a bit.

"Never mind, I can see you're busy." and on that note he shut the door and left.

'How embarrassing' I thought.

I hit my head on the table, I was so embarrassed. I logged off facebook and started to get ready for bed. I slid my shirt off very my head and unbuttoned my pants which slid right off. I turned the lights off and got into bed. I was so embarrassed, my member had gone down on its own.

Thoughts of tomorrow crept into my head and I smiled thinking of the wolf and how I couldn't wait for after school. Thinking of the wolf made me think of the last picture I had seen on his facebook. That instantly made my member come alive and erect once again.

"Damn it!"

Good? Bad? Comment please!!! It made me smile last time how many people read and replied to it.