Complicated love

Story by mavinator5 on SoFurry

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#1 of RLS

Complicated love

This is my first ever story posted on sofurry, as well as my first ever story.

Any and all criticisms on everything (from character descriptions to spelling errors to the plot) are greatly appreciated. Just please don't bash the story completely. If you don't like it that's fine, but you don't have to ruin my self esteem :*(.

Also, sorry about this weird-ish looking format, i'm still learning how to post on sofurry

Warning: This story is told, as much as possible, from a first person POV, and is supposed to represent a sort of diary about the past 5 seconds ago, so the main character is telling the story just as its happening. Anything in brackets ( ) is more along the lined of narrator input or idle comments I like to add.

One more thing, I'm bad at grammar and spelling.

With that, enjoy

Chapter 1: Two men, one teen, and 7 letters.


As I reached out of bed to slap the sleep button on my alarm clock, for the third time that morning, I realized that the clock read 6:45, and I had to get going or I would miss my bus.

'Sigh' I thought 'Alright, up we go.'

After a few seconds I managed to get myself into a sitting position. It was a Tuesday morning, my least favourite day of the week. Once the blood had returned to its normal flow, and the light-headiness passed, I turned and looked around my room.

The walls were a nice dark blue, ever so slightly faded, with curtains and a bedspread to match. It gave the room a cold feeling from the blue, yet still welcoming because of the faded shade, kind of like a old man who appears mean and grumpy at first, yet when you spend some time with him, turns out to be quite nice, if a little boring.

In the room was a bed (duh), a bedside table, a desk, a closet, a chair, two lamps (one on the bedside table, the other on the desk) and a ceiling fan. It wasn't the most expensive looking room, nor the cleanest, but it was mine, and that was good enough for me.

I succeeded in getting to my feet and decided to take a look outside and see if my kitty was in our yard. She wasn't. 'Must not be back from her nights hunt yet...'. If she wasn't back by now, odds were she wouldn't return before I left. She usually left around 10:00pm, right after I went upstairs to prepare for bed, and the time at which she returned varied, although she was usually back before I awoke. When she got back, she usually crawled into bed and lay beside me till I awoke, licking my face when I did to help me get up. After I got up, she usually took my spot, since she's more of a night creature and she likes the warmth of my bed. She slept most of the day, and I woke her when I got home so we could play.

"She's not gonna be happy." I said to no one in particular. She hated it when she missed me in the mornings.

I suppose you all want to know a bit more about me. My name is...


'Great, now my cat and my mom are pissed.' I thought with a bitter sweet smile. "I'm coming, mom." I yelled down to her.

My mom is one of the nicest people I know, except when she gets hungry, which really sucks since she always insists on waiting till everyone is seated to begin any meal, and I'm usually the one keeping them all waiting in the morning, so mornings aren't fun. She's 5'9 with brown hair, brown eyes, white skin and a loving smile. She's also 45 years old, but no one ever mentions that to her. She looks more like she just turned 30 at best. Some people even mistake her for my older sister (albeit it doesn't happen often).

As I reached the kitchen, I was greeted by the sight of 3 awfully tired looking people. They were seated around a table that seats 4.

In the furthest chair from me was my mother, in the one to my left was my brother, and my father was in the one closest to the entrance (we don't have many doors in our house, only for the bedrooms and closets). My brother is the shortest in our family. He's 13, but he hasn't started eating or growing yet. He looks a lot like our mother, except for his nose, which resembles that of our father. As for our father, he's 6 foot tall, with brown hair that's withering away since hes in his 50's. He has brown eyes and white skin, like my mother, but he's very tan.

As I sat down in the seat across from my brother, my mother said "Finally, the sleeper has awakened (WC3 quote), lets eat."

For breakfast, we all had our usual, cooked by our loving mother:

For my father, 3 eggs sunny side up with a strip of bacon and plain toast.

My mother had a bacon omelet and 2 slices of toast with peanut butter.

My brother had cereal. Frosted flakes to be specific, with milk.

Finally, I had 2 waffles with maple syrup and 3 slices of bacon.

During breakfast we made idle conversation about the weather and our dreams. Near the end my mother asked "Maverick, did you send another request to the Parliament?"

"Ya" I answered "They haven't gotten back to me yet, but I doubt it will be a yes."

"Who knows, today might be your lucky day. As they say, seventh time's the charm." she answered with a very large smile.

We all laughed. Every month for the last seven moths I sent in a new request to the Canadian Parliament asking if they would permit me to...

"Wo, look at the time, you guys will be late if you don't hurry. You got all your things?"

"Yes mom" my brother chorus along with me.

"Then go, now, before we have to drive you AGAIN!"

We gather our stuff and made our way outside. At the end of the driveway we split apart with a few words of farewell, since our bus stops are in opposing directions.

Since I'm on the way to the bus, I should have time to tell you about me. As you know, my name is Maverick. I'm an eleventh grader, 16 years old, turning seventeen in February (its currently September). I'm 6'1 with brown hair and, oddly enough since both my parents eyes are brown, piercing green-blue eyes that change shades slightly everyday. I'm white skinned, like milk white; I don't tan well. As for that letter this morning...

"YO, MAVERICK" shouted a rather short Arabic looking teen.

That's my best friend, Chet. He's the same age as me, but half a head shorter, with Caucasian skin (or whatever you call that brownish-yellowish shade).

"Maverick, the math quiz, is it TODAY?" he enquired, rather loudly.

"Yes Chet, its today, why?"

"Damn, I didn't study"


"Ya, I know. I'll have to cram during lunch"

"I just don't get how you can't understand math, its so easy." I said, shaking my head.

"Maybe that's because you were born a prodigy, unlike the rest of the world." He said as he fished for something in his bag.

What he said was true. I was born with sort of natural aptitude for math and computer programming. Anything that had to do with numbers came easily, and the logic in programming seemed super simple to me.

He finally removed his hand from his bag, taking his IPOD touch with it. He proceeded to put the ear-buds in and cranked the volume up to 10...out of 30.

After about 3 more minutes, the bus showed up. We proceeded to claim our usual seats 4 rows from the back on the right hand side (when facing the front), him sitting down first. After I took my seat, I took a book from my bag called "Warriors, Midnight" (good book, look it up). It was about the 4th time I had read threw the series, yet I still enjoyed it.

"Good god, are you reading that AGAIN?" asked Chet. "Isn't this the 4th time? Are you trying to match your record for the most re-reads?"

My current 'record' was 7 times. It was achieved on the Harry Potter series, which I was a big fan of (the movies, not so much. I find they deviate to much from the books, although I love the part where the head says "YA, take it away Ern"). My second place, with 5 re-reads, is (here comes the shame) Twilight. I'm not even sure why, but I got so hooked on that series...

Anyway, I read my book throughout the bus ride, finally storing it away for later as we arrived.

Our school, called CCSG (College Catholique Samuel Genest), was the weirdest school I knew. It had some aspects were brand new, other not so much. The auditorium could seat over 1000, yet it was over 15 years old. On the flip side, our science material was brand new, yet somehow we never seemed to have anything good.

Our first class of the day was French. It's the class I struggle the most in, which is odd since everybody tells me I speak a very beautiful french. The only problem is, I can't spell, in french or English. I also have problems with CD's, CI's... anything that has to do with spelling or grammar really. So it's with bitter regret that I made my way over to my locker to get my stuff for French class...

"Hey Maverick, what's up?"

This is my next door locker neighbour Kim who's speaking. She's a nice girl, but she has this strange tendency to never stop...

"Did you see the news last night? It says a couple out in Kanata got killed by a drunk driver. They haven't caught him yet, but a bystander managed to get a license plate number. They say the killer should be found withing the next few days. There was also a story about this cat who had 6 kittens. 6! She's a rescue at Petsmart just next to the Timmy's on Innes..."

And that's how she prattled on until I left for French. By then her friends had shown up, so I didn't feel too bad about leaving her.

As I arrived to French class, I was happy to see my usual group of friends sitting in their usual spots. I made my way over to them and was greeted with a wave of "WHERE WERE YOU LAST NIGHTS"'s.

'Wonderful, now that's 6 people I've pissed off. I must admit I'm not getting very lucky today.'

"MAVERICK!!! What the hell, man. We had four people ready for a serious night of ranked LOL'ing, and you decide not to show up?" said Tom.

Tom is one of those guys who really needs to learn some self control. He's spent half his life in detention cause of what we call "tomrrets". Its not like he swears uncontrollably. Its more like he mouths off intentionally. He's a pro at gaming, like all of us really (although I'm the best ;D). His style is FPS, TPS or basically any other shooter.

"Tom's right for once, Maverick. You said you didn't have to work tonight, and we got almost no homework in the classes we have together, so you had better have an AMAZING excuse."

This here is Trisha (OMG, A GIRL GAMER :P). She's a real smart cookie. She'd find a way to logicise magic should she put her mind to it, which is hysterical since she's a RPG player for games like WoW and Guild wars.

"Common guys, give him a chance to explain himself."

That's Chet again. He likes RTS's like WC3 and SC2, and as you've seen, he's not that into his schoolwork.

"*SIGH*, are you gonna let him get away with it again, Chet? He does this every other day. 20$ says it has SOMETHING to do with his kitty."

And this is Sarah (2 Girl gamers, what are the odds???). She's the one we all go to when we need a judgement in something, since she's easily the fairest. But she does have the strangest tendency to vote against us when we miss a night gaming (She's hardcore). Her style is racing. No one can beet her at NFS or Mario karts.

Now, I've been saying LoL a lot. It stands for League of Legends. Its all of our favourite game. Whenever we can, we get as many of us together to play. If we're all there, we play ranked 5v5. It's a super fun game.

Oh, I suppose I haven't told you my gaming type. I tend to play alternating turn strategy games, like Final Fantasy or Fire emblem. Also, I've been telling you that we play these games, but these are just our favourite types. I also play need for speed world and WC3, and my friends play a wide diversity of games.

So, now that you're all caught up...

"So Maverick, whats your reasoning this time?" asked Trisha.

"Well, you know Rebuild 2..."


"Really, Maverick? REALLY?"

"You blew us off to play REBUILD?"

"Um, no actually" I said "I got home and played rebuild for about 30 minutes, then I had to do chores, the homework and eat dinner. By then it was 7:00, so I was coming down to play when I got jumped by..."

"NO, WAIT, let me guess. It could possibly be that your brother jumped you and got you to play Monster masters or FFERPG?" said Tom

I nodded.

"Sigh, that's almost as bad."

"Anyway, we played FFERPG for about an hour and a half, so I figured I still had time. I opened LoL when..."

"My turn to guess. You got distracted by your ''Kitty'' and decided to play with her." said Sarah.

"You guys know me too well." I said, resigned to the chewing out I was about to get.

"Not really" Sarah started "Out of all of us, only Chet has ever been to your house, and he hasn't seen your kitty yet. You know, the one that give you half the excess you need to avoid playing with us."

"Hey!" I said, insulted " I don't avoid you guys, I just get unlucky some nights."

"Sure... Well anyway, tonight we can all make it again, so will you..." Chet tried to say

"Bon, on se leve pour l'hymn national." Yelled the teacher, Mr. Glazer.

As we stood for the national anthem, Tom leaned over and I said

"I can't, I'm working tonight"

Tom nodded and shook his head to the others. They looked a bit pissed, but I knew they understood. Although I was the most gifted of all of us, my family wasn't as wealthy as theirs. My parents would be able to afford university if they saved for me and basically only bought the things necessary for survival. So they said they would pay half of the cost if I would pay the other half. I was really hoping for a scholarship, that way the cost would be reduced by half or more. Hence the reason I have a job.

French class past slowly. Mr. Glazer had decided to dedicate the whole period to teach us about the history of the French version of our national anthem (did you know that "Saint" was spelt "Ceint" and meant surrounded, not godlike?). When it finally finished he told us that we had to memorize how to write the anthem without spelling mistakes (kill me now) and there would be a test on it in a few days.

Next was Programming. It's our favourite class, since we are gamers. Today we had to work on our individual projects. I was trying to create a game of Blackjack in flash, and let me tell you, it wasn't going well. Although this is my second best subject, I kept making dumb mistakes and wasting hours at a time trying to make the code for the deck. Plus, I don't have an artistic side. Lucky for me the teacher likes me and my friends, so when Chet asked if his individual project could be making my table and cards and graphics for me, the teacher not only said yes, he said it was a great idea, because we could help each other out. About halfway through the class, a call came in... (for the sake of sanity, and understanding, the call will be translated, but its supposed to be in French(it is a french school after all)).

"Hello, Mr. Paquette?" said the intercom.


"Is Maverick Mailhot present? There is someone here to see him."

"Yes, he's here. Shall I send him to the office?"(dun dun dunnnnn)

"Please do."*Hang up*

"Well, you heard the lady, Maverick. Off to the office with you." He told me.

As I got up to go, my friends gave some funny looks, wondering what I had done. Usually it was Tom that got sent to the office.

On my way to the office, I saw some odd things: there were men in black suits everywhere, and I saw a few police vehicles stationed outside. My first thought was that a student had decided to commit suicide, but I brushed it off swiftly. My next idea was that they were expecting someone important. That seamed far more likely, so I stuck with that idea. 'But if someone so important is coming, why am I being called to the office? I'll probably distract them.' Puzzled about this odd timing, I wasn't watching where I was going, and I accidentally walked right into the back of one of the men in suites.

"Oh, sorry sir, I wasn't looking where I was walking" I apologized.

"That's quite alright, son. Do be more attentive from now on though, please. The Prime Minister is speaking with the principal in his office." He said.

"Wait, what? I was just called to the office. I guess there was a mistake..." I answered as I started to return to class.

"Hold on. You wouldn't happen to be Maverick, would you?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Ah, we were expecting you. If you would be so kind as to follow me."

He took something from his belt and pressed a button. About 15 seconds latter, another guard was at his place, and were walking towards the office. When we arrived outside the door, he told me to wait while he informed the PM of our arrival. A few seconds latter, the door opened again and he led me inside.

Sitting at a rather large table was the school principal, Mr. Holler. He was a balding man, in his late 40'es. He wore a very nice suit, but sitting across from him was a man I had never dreamed of seeing.

The Prime Minister was dressed as one would expect; Black suit, black tie and black shoes. He sat tall and commanding, wanting to make sure everyone understood his position.

Steven Harper, PM of Canada. He stood and walked over to me slowly, a smile on his face, his eyes warm, his movements relaxed, yet I felt like I had interrupted a very tense moment. Our principal hadn't been fast enough to hide his fear and irritation.

"Hello, Mr. Mailhot. Such a pleasure it is to meet you at last."

Suddenly I realized why I had been called.

"It's about my letters, isn't it?" I asked, taken aback that he would come himself to give me the answer.

He smiled "A very direct approach, a good way to get our message across and our questions answered."

"A relaxed assessment of the situation, a good way to distract the other and lead onto a different topic." I answered.

His smile widened "I knew you would be a good politician ever since I read the arguments in your letters. They were well structured, organized, and left little room to manoeuvre one-self."

I was taken aback again "You read my letters yourself?"

"Well of course I did. Such an important decision could not be delegated. It may impact the security or thousands of people." he answered, all business now "You realize what your asking is against the law, correct? Just like what you asked for 2 years ago. We let you slide last time because we trusted you, and because of the situation. But now, now the situation is different."

"But sir, if you read the letters, you would know that the tests were completed successfully and without flaw. I remade the contract from before so that it would suit the new requirements. It is not dangerous anymore, especially because of the new piece of technology my father has developed for me"

My father is an engineer and a physician.

"As true as that is, Maverick, a test is not 100% accurate, and the results can change should the test be repeated multiple times. Plus, a test environment and a real situation are not the same. There are no guarantees that, should the event be reproduced in the real world, the results would not change. And, should they change, it could mean the difference between life and death for anyone in the vicinity."

The answer was no, I could see it coming already, so I merely stayed silent.

"That being said, the new piece of technology your father developed intrigued me, and I do know very well that you are one of the most responsible young men I have ever seen. That also being said, I am going to ask you something. What is the thing you hold that is the most precious?"

I glanced at the principal for a moment, and then the other bodyguards in the room, and answered "The thing of which the letters concerned."

"Then, should I give you the following choice, which would you choose: First, to have what you ask for in the letter a reality, or to receive a million dollars for your family?"

"The letter, without a doubt." I said, with no hesitation.

"Then, should I give you the following choice, which would you choose: You can have what you wish in the letter, but you will never be allowed to use any piece of technology that is or is similar to a computer, an IPOD etc."

I was mystified "How did you know I like gaming?"

"Maverick, being the Prime Minister does come with SOME privileges. I've had men watching you. That's how I know you're such a responsible young man."

A little bit intimidated, I took a minute to think about how much they both mattered to me, then said "The letter, again."

He smiled again, and said "Maverick, I have a request of you. My daughter wishes to go to a regular school like this one, and I am willing to allow her to do such, but only if she assumes a false identity. However, I wish that someone would know the truth, someone I can trust. As such, I will make you this offer that your principal and I agreed to. You will be allowed to have your request, but in exchange, you will be my daughter's friend, and you will help her integrate to a normal school. She will also stay with you at your house, so as not to arouse suspicion about her arrival. Of course, we will send some money to assist your parents in their financial situation, as thanks for taking care of her. Also, you must understand that her true identity is to remain a COMPLETE secret. No one can know. There are more details to iron out, but you have the general idea. So, whats your answer?"

I was, as suspected, completely blown away. Not only would I get my request accepted, I was going to share a secret with the PM, and I would get to know his daughter!"

"I would love to say yes right here and now, but of course you understand, I have to ask my parents permission first." I said.

"Yes, I was hoping you would say that. I've already informed your parents of the situation, and they've accepted the conditions."

'Ah, so that's why mom said seventh time's the charm' I thought. I couldn't really stop the smile from coming, or the increase in pitch of my voice, as I said "You're serious? I can have permission?!"

He smiled too "Of course, you must to understand that, should anything happen that should endanger those around you, you'll be responsible for the situation. And this is a privilege I'm giving you. Privileges can be removed. Finally, understand that being around my daughter could put YOU in danger as well."

I started laughing "I know why you're asking me to be the one that knows the secret. Because of my privilege, I'm best suited to protect your daughter."

"I do suppose that's part of it. So, I will send a ride for you after school in three days so you can come and meet her. You will stay one night with us, then she will be returning home with you, and you will help her get used to living in a regular house over the weekend. Then, on Monday, you'll take the bus together, and she will start school...

"So, do you have any questions?"

I thought it over, and said "You said something about there being "other details". What exactly did you mean?"

"Oh that. Well, we'll need a story to explain why she's joining school 2 weeks late, and about her relation with you. You know, stuff like that." He brushed it off as if it was unimportant. I knew I should have followed it up, but I was still in shock about my request having being accepted.

"And, when can I start, um, using this privilege?"

His smile reappeared "Immediately, should you wish. But I do believe you will start tomorrow? Make a big entrance? Well, don't let me keep you from your learning. I will see you again on Friday, Mr. Mailhot."

"...Thank you, mister Harper." I said as I turned to leave...

"UGGG, I can't keep silent any longer!" Our principal burst out "How can you possibly expect your daughter to be safe at this school? As soon as her identity is revealed..."

"Quite interesting, Mr. Holler. I would think, considering the fact that the only people that know about my daughter's induction are in this room, that there should be no way her identity could be compromised..."

"I don't trust this child, especially after he hid that secret from the country for the first 6 months. Why you forgave him for that is beyond me...

"Maverick, please return to class, now!"

Once I had left, I heard the voices in the room behind me grow even louder and angrier. Clearly, my principal didn't like me.

It was about then that the shock wore off.

"OH MY GOD, I got permission!" The trip to the class was punctuated by multiple cries of joy and whoops of victory. After seven months of trying, I finally managed to get my request acknowledged, I could finally...

"Maverick, what were you called to the office for?" Asked Tom.

"I GOT THE APPROVAL!!!" I answered back, a little loudly.

Tom smiled, as did my other friends. They knew it was very important for me, even tho I hadn't told them why.

"So, are we finally going to know what this whole letter thing is about?" Asked Trisha.

"30$ says it has to do with his kitty!" Said Sarah.

"You'll see tomorrow!!" I said, somewhat able to suppress my ecstasy.

After that the day past as a blur. I couldn't remember eating lunch, or waling to my other two classes: math and physics. I couldn't remember what the teachers taught us, I couldn't remember the conversations I had with my friends, I couldn't remember the walk to the bus or the ride home. But now that I'm off that bus, I'm paying super attention. It was time, finally, after 7 months, to tell her.

BUT, before I do that, I had to sneak in. Since I didn't see my kitty this morning, she was probably waiting for me, and if she decided to jump me on the way in, it would not end well.

I walked up my street slowly, looking left and right every few steps. I knew she was watching for me, but I didn't know if she could see me. When I reached the house 2 down form mine, I made my way into the backyard. There was a small passage through the hedges all the way to my house. When I was a kid, I used to play hide and seek. No one ever found me there.

Carefully, without making any loud noises, I moved past the middle house and into my backyard. Once I was there, I was kinda screwed since it's completely visible to the upstairs windows. My only chance was a silent dash across the yard, not an easy thing to do.

I prepared myself, looking at where I had to place my feet to avoid any excess noise. I took off, and made it to the outside wall in less then five seconds. Once I was there, I glued myself to it, trying to become as flat as possible. I moved sideways, slowly, towards the glass sliding door, and peeked inside. Everything was the same as it was this morning, no one was home. I opened the sliding door as slowly and silently as I could. Still nothing moved.

I was just thinking I finally managed to bypass her when I fell forward, flat on my face, with a 350 pound tiger siting on my back, and she wasn't happy.

Well, there ya have it. My first story. Bring on the complements, criticisms, reviews etc.