Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Foxie was on assignment in Moscow, Russia. The KGB and even the Spetznaz had come down hard on his agency, revealing many field operatives and leaving them exposed, some more exposed than others'. It was rumoured one of his own american colleagues had tipped off the reds' as to their involvement in the area. Foxie cringed slightly as a ghostly shiver caressed his soul, tapping his armpit to see if his M9 Beretta 9mm was still in place. Not doubting that it was, but simply wanting the assurance of it's physical comfort. If the counter-spies were to take him into custody, this would be his only defense, so it would be stupid to leave it on the plane accidentally when he had to go to the loo to crap.

Someone tapped his shoulder lightly. Foxie did not move as the stranger uttered one sentence.

"The sun rises in the east." The stranger prompted.

Foxie turned toward his contact.

"So that we can eat cocoa puffs in the west" Foxie responded, eyeing the smoke-gray coated wolf in an expensive business suit.

"Ah, Mr. Mccloud. I will be your guide. Simply call me 'Rune'." He spoke with a wolfish grin.

"Foxie, please." Mccloud offered.

"Don't you mean, the names' Mccloud, Foxie Mccloud?" Rune mused wryly.

Foxie chuckled at that.

"You read too many spy novels" Foxie replied.

Rune laughed heartily at that.

"Perhaps, but it entertains me to know how wrong they get our jobs figured." Rune responded.

"Do we have a safe house here nearby?" Foxie asked.

"Safe and comfy." Rune said with a teasing wiggle of his hips.

"Dammit! We know I'm gay! All the spies know I'm infamously horny! But I'm on duty!" Foxie protested.

Rune appraised his red furred contact.

"Business before pleasure? And here I thought you were a yiffy Casanova variation on that british fellow in Ian Flemming's books!" Rune growled out in disappointment.

"Tell you what, take me to the safe house, share your intelligence you gathered with me, and maybe I'll think on whether or not I should take a break for 'recreational activities'." Foxie offered.

Two hours later in the 'Ritz', an old hotel on the south side of Red Square which should have been shut down decades ago, for it was quite a decrepit structure in dire need of repair. But as far as inauspicious a building it was, it was right for a cover front. Foxie could give his government credit for that. What KGB could think a spy agency could be run out of such a bleak hovel?. The wallpaper peeled, where it hadn't been eaten away by swarms of ravenous bugs, namely roaches. Some wiring hung dangerously out of the ceiling, and there were steel barrels where wood scraps had been set ablaze.

"I know it isn't much to look at." Rune spoke aloud.

"Huh, I wonder why you got that impression from me." Foxie grumbled.

"But it's a safe house, and it keeps out the rain so you can do your work."

Rune led Foxie toward a sort of recreation room on the second floor, where a pool table looked more like a wedge, with two legs on one side collapsed.

"You take a seat in here while I get the dossiers." Rune replied, turning to leave.

"Wait. I'm going to clean my gun. You want me to service yours too?" Foxie offered.

Rune grinned.

"Sure, I'll bring it back with the files." The wolf responded.

Foxie sighed. How unprofessional! The furry smuck should take his weapon everywhere he goes!. Foxie took a seat at a couch worn from burgundy red to dull brown by age and constant use, dragging a coffee table with severe water damage on the top toward him. He then dug through his bag for the small tool and smithing kit, which had a rag, a one ounce bottle of oil, a pipe cleaner looking thing, a hooked tool to undo the slide catch mechanism, and some other stuff he forgot the uses for. With one practiced motion, he used the tool to unhinge the holding pin of the slide, while at the same time taking out the magazine, setting both pieces to the side as he admired the slide spring and the few odd shaped metal parts that linked the slide to the trigger mechanism.

"I'm back." Rune said.

Foxie took that in dismissively.

"Hand over your gun" Foxie replied.

"It's stuck, I think you'll have to service it over here."

Foxie sighed. How much of an idiot could he be not to be able to remove it from the holster?. Foxie looked up in annoyance, and stared in shock, dropping the handle portion of his weapon to land with a loud bang on the hardwood floor. Rune's gun wasn't stuck in a holster, it was stuck in the sheath, for rune stood there naked in the doorway with his erect wolf cock on display 'For Your Eyes Only!'

"Whoa! I thought you were getting your gun!" Foxie protested.

"I did! Isn't it neat? Not exactly standard issue, is it?" Rune declared proudly.

"Well, how the hell am I supposed to service THAT?" Foxie shrieked in surprise.

Rune smiled with irony.

"I can think of a few ways. Mine comes with a cleaning kit, too." Then Rune bared out his tongue and tentatively licked his lips.

Foxie looked lower down from the sheath, fastening his gaze on Rune's furry testicles.

"And he strikes with 'Thunderballs?'" Foxie wondered aloud, licking his own lips at the thought of throwing away his duty, if only for a few minutes. he went towards Rune, leaving his gun pieces behind on the ruin of the table.

"Oh, forget her Royal Majesty. I'm gay dammit, why should I be taking HER orders!" Foxie declared, tossing his Italian-made suit articles to the side until he was at Rune's muzzle wearing nothing but a smile.

Rune took Foxie in his arms as they shared an exceptionally delicate kiss, a kiss that made Foxie burn hotly with intrepid desire. Rune played with Foxie's tail, as the 00 fed millimeter after millimeter of tongue past Rune's impatient lips, they began to feel the slimy silk of tongue flesh whisper about within each others' jaws. Foxie ran his snake exploring the texture of Rune's tongue and teeth, tasting his wolfie lovers' previous meal of veal marinated in some odd spices he did not recognize. Rune ran his hands down Foxie's lower back, and toward the fox's muscular government graded and inoculated butt cheeks, making him shiver with a barely suppressed craving need for much more. Much, MUCH MORE, did his body yearn for greater stimulation and affection from his smoke-coated contact (whom he shouldn't even be consorting with!).

Rune grinned, fully aware of the feelings he released in his overeager lover. Suddenly, Foxie dragged Rune down toward the floor for more intimate pursuits. The floor was not cushioned, but neither particularly cared and at least there wouldn't be any rug burn to be worried about. Foxie had Rune in his lap on his side, as he cradled one of Rune's warm, soft buttocks in his right paw. In this odd position, Rune managed to get Foxie's meat into his tailhole as they pressed close together, sharing passionate warmth-in front of the 'romantic' sight of a tire ablaze in a steel barrel. Well, when they thought about it, they didn't care about the surroundings, but with imagination, that illegal house fire could be construed as a fireplace, even if it somehow emitted an unnatural glow from a blue flame.

"How does that happen anyway?" Foxie mused as he nibbled Rune's ear.

"Hmmm?" Rune moaned out.

"The blue fire, how'd that happen?" He asked.

Rune took a brief glance at it before licking Foxie's face.

"Chemicals were once stored in those. Probably a liquefied gas of Krypton. and yes, when you burn it, Krypton is blue, not green!" Rune declared.

Foxie frowned.

"Well, is it safe to burn it like you are? I want to have kids eventually, and I don't want to glow in the dark either!" Foxie protested.

Rune appraised his yiffy love with an odd look.

"Kids? I thought you were gay!" Rune exclaimed.

Foxie frowned.

"So, I can still have cubs, can't I?" Foxie replied, hurt.

"I'm sorry I insulted you. Truthfully, I never put much thought into it. I'm a bachelor, not a family fur." Rune whispered, shamed.

"Would you have cubs with me?" Foxie asked.

Rune coughed spastically.

"WHAT?!!! Are you kidding? How is that even possible?!" Rune sputtered out, befuddled.

Foxie grinned.

"Either you adopt, or you ask some chick if she'd be willing to bear a baby for you. That is, unless, you turn into a herm one day." Foxie added.

"Can we just fuck and talk about it later? All this talk of kids and how to get them is a total killjoy!" Rune declared.

"Sorry, your right, besides, I'm still on duty for two more decades-I don't have the time for kids!" Foxie amended, taking Rune's cock in a paw he had sneaked past the wolfs' shoulder.

"And if something happens, we'll always have Moscow." Rune offered with a groan of delight.

"Yes, we'll have Moscow forever, and I pray your nights shall be warm at a strangers' hearth." Foxie agreed.

Rune caressed the red paw on his cock.

"And I return those sentiments to you, Spasiba." Rune mused.

"What did you say?" Foxie asked, his ears jumping forward.

"Some Russian word I picked up here, I've been assigned here a looong time." Rune explained.

Foxie put that out of mind as he thrust lightly into Rune's tailhole. Rune moaned in response, clenching his rectum onto the fox's shaft. Foxie gave a moan in response as well. Rune orgasmed first, divulging an elegant cascade of his juices with each pump of his pelvic muscles. Foxie sighed in bliss as Rune's ass clamped rhythmically down on his needy dick, triggering his own less fancy, but just as awe-inspiring, yet powerful release of fluid.

They lay there spent for hours.

An agent of the KGB snuck into 'The Ritz', finding the spy and his counter-espionage agent locked in loving embrace, asleep. He admired the sight of the 'exposed' vulpine male for some time, before waking them both up, noticing that the agent's gun was disassembled and in pieces scattered about, and he certainly didn't have any gadgets up his 'sleeve', now. The first to wake and see him was the fox. his lovely, yet dangerous eyes fixed on the KGB furs' before he riled up and panicked. Counter-agent Rune pinioned his arms against his chest and whispered something the KGB fur couldn't hear into the fox's ear.

When he saw the enemy agent, Foxie knew why all the suspicious elements came together; how all other agents of her majesty were 'exposed' like this, why Rune never wore a gun, why he used unfamiliar Russian herbs in his cooking, why he used that word like it was second nature. Rune was the defector! then Rune wrapped his arms around Foxie's, whispering into his ear.

"We'll always have Moscow" then Rune gave a mirthful, but not unkindly chuckle.

Foxie dreaded what was going to come next.

Jack Irons, in charge of M:I6, received an odd gift from the ambassador of the Soviet Union. It was a giant box, and when he opened it, he found 00 Foxie bound, gagged, and drugged, but otherwise unharmed. The most poignant thing of the whole episode was that Foxie had a sign tied around his neck. It was printed with bold neon blue letters and said in perfect grammatical english,

"From russia with love', signed, Rune Wolf, p.s., We'll always have Moscow!"