Chapter 2: Experimentation

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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#2 of A Shockingly Pleasant Change


I did my normal writing on Corel word perfect, making sure most of the spelling and grammar was correct, but I didn't post the entry. I thought most people wouldn't believe me, or they'd think it was some sort of stunt.

Or worse, they'd believe me and make my condition known.

I reveled in the thought of being famous. Imagine, a real life anthro tiger.

I stopped typing, and I started to examine my body from the feetpaws up. I wiggled my toes, seeing how they worked. I tried to make the claws come out, and all it took was the flexing of a muscle I didn't have before.


I was bending my knees, I noticed my legs weren't digitigrade, that was nice. I'd have a hard time trying to adjust to that kind of walking.

I had to take my underwear off, they were really restricting, and of course I had a sheathe. I would have blushed, but I don't think I was physically capable of doing that anymore. I had to resist an urge to play with myself.

I am male, after all.

I flicked my tail, seeing how to control it, I found it remarkably easy, like I'd always known how to use it. I tried picking up my underwear with it, but it was kinda hard. I did get them though.

One thing I did notice was that I was a little bit taller. I think it was because I was on my toes instead of on my feet, when I tried to stand flat-footed, it felt uncomfortable.

Hmmm, interesting, that's for sure. I was so different, but unless I consciously tried to do things I knew were 'normal', I was fine.

I tried flexing and exercising every muscle in my body, from my ears to my tail. It truly was a wonderful experience.

I had to think about who I was here, what all could Runa do, was I really Runa, or just an anthro tiger? I mean, I looked like I imagined Runa to look, same short black hair, same blue eyes.

Actually, the eyes looked identical to my own. Well, they were technically my own.

I began to pace, this was all so much to absorb. I mean, yeah, every furry I knew had thought to themselves about what they'd do if they actually woke up and were their fursona, but most just said 'Paw off" or something equally juvenile.

Frankly, there's a lot more about the body to get used to than a new penis.

I thought I'd go on a rampage through town, but of course your perception changes when this actually happens. I mean, yeah, you can talk about all the cool things you're gonna do if you turn, but if it actually happens, reality sets in and you realize that you have to take the reactions and opinions of others into consideration.

Face it, a walking, talking animal isn't exactly going to go over well in the news. I can see it now, "Freak animal speaks! We give you the details."

Tabloid dreams, that's what we'd be.

So of course, despite my immense happiness, I found myself very reluctant to stand on the roof and shout my feelings to the world. Instead I planned on chilling in my basement until an opportunity came to leave.

I looked at my clock, it was 5:32 AM. Mom would be up in half an hour. I had to make her believe that I was asleep, but that was going to be hard. I could likely convince her I was asleep till at least noon, this was a Tuesday morning. Meets take a lot out of me.

I looked out the window again, and I figured out why everything looked so bright. Cats eyes, very sensitive.

I could only imagine what the daytime would look like. The thought scared me.

I sat back down on my computer and opened MSN messenger. I had to talk to someone that would understand.

Hmm, May was set to away. She likely wouldn't respond. I went through all the Furries I knew, Ether, Strype, Cooper, Madius, Tron, Hawk, Lethias, Ember, Cole, nobody was on other than Frost, and his Status said he was away.


I decided to go out on a limb and message the people that were on anyway. I asked them both the same question, "Any changes this morning?" Keep it vague.

Again, I resumed my pacing, and decided to change the loads of laundry. My cousin must have dropped a whole load of clothes off here, because there had to be four or five loads worth of clothes here in my room.

In the load went, all dark clothes, of course.

Again, I had time to think to myself. What would happen when mom got up? I know she'd ask me to do more chores, she always does. I can't let her see me like this.

Perhaps I'll feign sickness to get out of work, sometimes that works, sometimes she gets me to do it anyway.

With nothing better to do, I went online to see if there was anything like this happening worldwide. I googled, "Anthro morphs on August 5th"

I didn't get any replies.

I decided to go onto Yiffchat, the armpit of the internet, and see if any one of them had anything happen to them.

I logged on, and there wasn't anyone that I knew on. I entered the lobby and asked, "hey, have any of you furs woke up feeling a little different this morning?"

Of course, I got some random replies about sex and horniness, but none of it indicated that there was anything significant.

"Why?" one fur asked in whisper. His name was Efrath.

I whispered back, "I was just wondering, I woke up this morning and felt like I really was my fursona. A few of my other friends felt the same way, I was wondering if that happened to anyone else." Of course I lied, I wasn't gonna tell him straight up that I turned into an anthro tiger overnight. At least with what I said, he can write me off as a loony, or if it happened to him, he'd dig deeper.

"Oh, I see. No, I awoke a long time ago. Haven't had a shift in ages."

I laughed a little at my desk. "Well, it's a bit more powerful than your everyday shift. I don't know how to describe it. Well, anyway, thanks, but I gotta go." And I logged off.

Doesn't seem to be something outside of my own realm. Maybe I really was dreaming. I've had plenty of dreams that went on forever, and felt undeniably real.

Even if it was a dream, it sure felt real, and I was gonna have some fun with it.

I saw that Frost had responded to my message, an alert came up. "Frost says: what kind of changes?"

I opened up the window, but didn't type anything. I was a little nervous and embarrassed, but filled with potential hope. "Like, physical changes."

I patiently waited for a response. It said he was writing.

"Yeah, a few....why do you ask?"

My heart jumped. "Like...well. I woke up, and I'm not sure if it's just a hallucination or something...but I'm runa."

"Oh man, I thought I was the only one."

I stared at the screen for a few moments, not blinking, not moving, I don't think my heart was even beating. It had to be a full thirty seconds before I actually had the composure to respond. "So you're telling me that you're a fox now?"

"I think so." He replied a moment later.

"Dude, you should go see Cooper and Strype....maybe they changed too. I'll try to get a hold of others, you should too." I suggested.

My heart was racing, this was amazing, I had no idea what the hell was going on. But it was such an adrenaline rush.

I immediately picked up my Cellphone and called Lethias on his cell-phone, I knew he would be one to be really excited.

"We're sorry, but the customer you called..." Fuck, he had it turned off, I hung up. I contemplated calling his house phone, but it wasn't even 6:30 yet.

Oh Shit, it was after six..I better not talk any more. It all had to by typed, my mother would be up any minute now if she wasn't already.

I went on a Texting spree. I did cell phone texting to Tron, Madius, Welnis, Ember, May, Cole, Em, Lethias, Shal, Cerbis, and Tdawg. I did a mass ext, all of them said, "Noticed any changes this morning?"

I continued pacing, never sitting to text or type. I was too anxious.

I looked back to the computer to see that Frost had responded. "I can't get a hold of anyone."

Damn, that sucks. Hmmmm, perhaps there's some sort of way to get a hold of these people.

"Gordon, are you awake?" I heard my mother ask from upstairs. My heard jumped up into my throat and I froze. I contemplated ignoring her, but I knew that wouldn't work.

"Uh, yeah, I'm still in bed though!" I called back up. Luckily for me, I was over by my bed when I said it, so it would sound true. "I'm not feeling to well. Drank too much at Strype's place last night!"

I heard her laugh upstairs. "Well, I hope you had fun, I'll see you later then. Take it easy."

Thank god my mother wants me to drink and be more social. She would totally encourage my fake hangover. That was one nice thing about my mother, she may get me to do a million chores daily, but if I did anything like drink or fuck, she'd totally be cool with it. Hell, one time she walked in on me going down on my girlfriend at the time, she just turned around and said, "I see you're busy, I'll see you later."

That was a fun day. Jess lying on my bed, pants on the other end of the room. Mom walks in, I'm nose deep in muff.

Oh, those were the days. Too bad I was still in high school at the time.

I stood there a moment....I wondered about Frost, I asked him to see Cooper and Strype. He didn't say anything about them.

I went back to my computer and asked him, "Frost, did you go see cooper and Strype?"

I tapped at the desk until I realized I was making noise, so I stopped. "Yeah, Strype isn't here, Cooper's still asleep. But she's not herself anymore either. She's a wolf."

"Well wake her up." I typed back.

I waited for a response. It took a good five minutes of anxiety before I got a response, and it wasn't from Frost.

Cooper says: "What the fuck happened to me?!"

"You, um, changed?"

Frost said to me, "She's up now, and she's freaking out."

"I see that." I responded.

I decided it would be best to open one window for the three of us, so I invited Frost into the window of Cooper and myself.

Runa says: Okay guys, so something happened. Any idea what to do about it? Any idea what caused it?

Cooper Says: I don't know, but this is fucking cool. I can hear everything!

Frostscar says: so, who all did this happen to? Anyone get anything online?

Runa says: I checked google and yiffchat.

Runa says: Nothing on either one.

Frostscar says: what about Torfur? Should we ask them?

Runa says: No, no posts online where anyone can see it. For now, we wait, chats and texting only.

Cooper says: hey guys, can anyone do magic, lol?

Holy shit, I may be able to do magic. I can't believe I didn't think about that!

Runa says: I don't know, let me try. Can you?

Cooper says: I'm gonna try.

Frostscar says: I don't think so.

I held my paw out, palm up, I waved my fingers gently before trying anything. I was sure to keep the paw away from my computer or anything else important.

I don't know what I did, but it felt like I'd just twitched a little, and a small ball of fire formed on my palm. Not hovering above my palm, no, the fire was literally coming from my palm.

I was shocked, but it didn't hurt. I felt the warmth, but it was like it was dulled. I pushed harder, and the fire grew.

Oh man, that is awesome!

I shook my paw, causing the flames to go away.

"Gordon, can you change the loads of laundry hun?" Mom called down just then. I jumped, I wasn't expecting it, especially at such an odd time.

"Um, sure mom!" I called back.

"Wow, you're right, you do sound sick. Your voice isn't the same. Well, just bring it upstairs."

And she left me alone to do the loads. I changed all the loads, putting the stuff that was in the washer in the dryer, and I put a new load in the washer. After turning on the washer, I thought of something else to try.

I put my paw in the washer as the water was spraying onto the clothes, and I concentrated on another Spell that I made Runa have.

As expected, the water began to hover in a small ball in the air. My face lit up, another spell worked! I can manipulate liquids.

It was becoming more and more apparent that this had to be a dream. There's no way I could be precisely the character I created. There's got to be more than that.

And besides, if I could turn into any character, I'd be able to use telekinesis.

Telekinesis, you say? Wait, maybe I could do that, Runa was moderately good at that. I focused on turning the ball of water into a ball of ice, and it surprisingly worked, so I dropped it into the washer and touched it once, making it melt back into water instantly.

I was breathing heavily again, this was so exciting! My eyes scanned the room greedily, looking for a victim of my next spell. Well, not a victim, more of a test subject.

I walked back over in front of my computer and looked at the little tiger plushie that may had bought me, and I pointed it. I wanted to try telekinesis.

I got the feeling like I was pointing and clicking, and as I moved my finger, the plushie moved in the air. It was awesome!

I quickly say back down at my desk and looked at the conversation that had gone on since my leave of absence, it was funny.

Cooper says: Holy shit that was cool!

Frostscar says: What was that crash up there!?

Cooper says: I broke a glass, it just shattered. I'm gonna do it again!

Frostscar says: Cooper, we need those glasses

Cooper says: Don't worry, we can get more

Cooper says: Damn, this is a lot of fun!

Frostscar says: Dammit cooper, stop breaking the glasses, break beer bottles or something, I've got plenty down here.

Cooper says: lol

Cooper says: that was a lot more fun than a glass!

Cooper says: Wait, where's Runa?

Frostscar says: I don't know, probably doing the same thing you are, but he's likely not breaking his dishes.

Cooper says: oh well, this is totally worth it lol

Cooper says: Aren't you going to try something?

Frostscar says: there's nothing to try. I didn't make my fursona some god like you people.

Cooper says: you suck lol

Frostscar says: Shut up cooper

Runa says: Okay, I'm back

Runa says: I did it, I made fire, ice, and I did telekinesis.

Frostscar: you people and your magic.

Runa says: Magic is cool, that's why I made a fursona, to be powerful.

Cooper says: it's more creative and fun to write this way.

Runa says: I agree

Frostscar says: Well, I think it's more creative to have a character that actually has to think rather than overpower people.

Runa says: True.

Runa says: so what do we do now? Where's Strype, maybe he'd know more about this than we would.

Cooper says: I don't know, he's not here.

Cooper says: if this happened to him to, I'm sure he snuck out in the night to be alone. That's just how he is.

Cooper says: best to not bother him.

Runa says: yeah, you're right. *sighs*

Frostscar says: Well, we need to find out who all this happened to first, before we decide on anything. Maybe it's only temporary.

Runa says: Maybe it's permanent.

Runa says: I hope it's permanent. I can do telekinesis, and everything that Runa can do. This is amazing!

Cooper says: why are we all in our homes, not going outside?

Runa says: Stitch may get a lot of attention in suit, but this isn't a mascot suit, this is real.

Runa says: this could attract a whole lot of attention. Some of it could be bad.

Frostscar says: I don't think it would be that bad. We'd get a lot of publicity. We'd be famous.

Runa says: do you want that? I know I don't. I would prefer to stay anonymous

Cooper says: we are anonymous, fear us

Frostscar says: good point

Frostscar says: but you know as soon as someone sees us, that's what's going to happen.

Frostscar says: Can we really stop that? Would it be better to just get it out in the open?

Runa says: let's figure some shit out first.

In the past few minutes, I'd seen Lethias, Tron, Madius, and cole log on, so I quickly added them all to the conversation. I would have wondered why they didn't say anything, but I wouldn't be surprised if they all were too shy, or felt they were on drugs, and as such, were waiting to clear their minds.

Or maybe it didn't happen to them. That's always possible.

Tron says: hey guys, what's going on?

Lethias says: what's with the group chat?

Runa says: did anything odd happen to any of you this morning?

Madius says: good morning fellow furs.

Cole says: Every day weird shit happens to me.

Tron says: yeah, that furmeet was a lot of fun last night.

Frostscar says: well, something happened to a few of us, we were wondering if it happened to you too.

Cooper says: I'm a WOLF! Rawr!

Lethias says: O.O

Madius says: *Squeak!*

Tron says: ...

Cole says: Woof

Runa says: and I'm Runa....honestly.

Frostscar says: it appears as if the three of us have turned into our fursona's. we were wondering, did this happen to any of you guys?

Lethias says: *blinks* yeah, and it's incredibly cool!

Madius says: yeah, that happened to me too. I love my tail! *meeps*

Cole says: I thought I was the only one. Thank god my family is gone for the day.

Cooper says: I love my body, I'm so strong now lol

Lethias says: but these claws make typing really difficult

Runa says: well, I was thinking, are we going to be able to meet?

Runa says: we can't exactly be in public

Tron says: well, nothing happened to me.

Frostscar says: no, it's not everyone.

Madius says: Well, who all is changed?

Madius says: I have

Lethias says: me

Cole says: I did

Cooper says: whoohoo! Me too

Runa says: I've totally changed.

Tron: says: I'm still human

Frostscar says: I'm a fox

Runa says: Well, guys, it's almost noon, I have chores to do. I'll stay online, but I'm gonna see what I can do to get this place cleaned.

Runa says: we all need to meet in person, that would make this incredibly simple. Right now, it's just chatting. So far we know of six people who have for sure changed.

Frostscar says: you can come to this house, there's a lot of room here.

Runa says: well, as it stands, we can't really travel by day, gotta wait till midnight or later, and we should probably keep away from particlarly crowded areas if we can help it.

Cooper says: because that's so easy, considering all of us live right outside of the middle of town. I live in a townhouse.

Tron says: Well, I can drive over any time. Madius can be in the car, nobody will notice him.

Madius says: yeah, that could work. Should we go over now?

Frostscar says: yeah, as long as you can hurry him in quickly and quietly.

Cole says: what about me and Runa? We're all the way in Norwich.

Lethias says: I can't drive with these wings.

Runa says: we can run, we' should both be very apt at that kind of thing.

Lethias says: Wings....maybe I could fly?

Tron says: Best of luck Lethias, no thermals to keep you up.

Runa says: that's a good point, flying by night could be bad, and flying by day could be too much exposure.

Cole says: Wait, you mean we need to run to london?

Frostscar says: well, unless Tron wants to pick you guys up, you're gonna have to.

Cooper says: Just steal a car!

Runa says: Well, I was going to just jump on a truck on the 401, but I guess I could take the car. I do know how to drive.

Madius says: No, don't steal anything, I'll get Tron to pick you guys up.

Frostscar says: What about Lethias. He can't fit in a car, and he can't fly.

Lethias says: yeah, what about me? >.>

Runa says: Well, like I said, if you are able to get that body of yours on the top of a Transport's trailer, and maybe you can make it that way.

Lethias says: I can try.

Runa says: well, I'm gonna sort things out here now. I'll leave here around midnight, I'll see you all around 2 AM

Cole says: am I going with you?

Runa says: if you want to.

Tron says: Are you sure you don't want a ride?

Madius says: see you then

Cooper says: awesome

Frostscar says: best of luck

Runa says: no thanks tron, cole might though, bye.

And I logged off. I knew what I was doing, there wasn't going to be any more chatting. For now I had to worry about making sure nobody saw me now.

I looked outside, and noticed that it wasn't actually any brighter than it was in the early bits of the morning. I guess my eyes adjusted really well.

I heard footsteps walking across the floor, so I lay my ears back, expecting another chore from my mother.

"Gordon, could you change the loads?" My mother called down to me.

I rolled my eyes, a small growl escaping my lips. I quickly covered my mouth, I couldn't believe I actually growled!

"Don't dare growl at me!"

"Sorry mom, I'll change those loads."

"Okay." and I heard her heavy footsteps making their way across the floor back to her computer desk.

I sighed and changed those loads again. It was getting a little bit later, so I was running out of time to do my shit. When I was done changing the loads, instead of carrying the basket up the stairs, I threw it up. I didn't need to be seen, I even checked around the corner before throwing the basket up the stairs.

I love basement bedrooms.

I noticed when I threw the basket, it felt nearly weightless. It was like nothing was there. Curious about this strength, fell to the ground, face-first, and did some pushups.

I, too, felt as light as a feather.

I must have had some sort of immense strength in me, because judging from my own body size and my new build, I must have been 245 pounds.

I decided to try something risque....I went over to the small freezer, put one paw on either side of it, gripped, and lifted.

The odd thing, it came off the ground incredibly easily. Nevermind the fact that the freezer itself was 150 pounds...but the food inside it had to be another 250 pounds of meat, and I lifted it like it was an empty box, even though I couldn't even hold onto anything,

Man, I was strong!

I could have reveled in the fact that I was strong, but I had a whole lot of things that I could practice. I had that fire that I made, the ice I made, the water I could control, and the telekinesis.

I had a lot to practice and test, but there were some spells I needed to see if I had.

First of all, I went to Dad's work shop and opened the small window, to see if I could breathe the outside air. After I took in one breath, I had to cough. The scent of oil and gasoline was overwhelming, but not as bad as the cigarette smell that was inside.

I tried seeing if I could control the wind. Runa could control the wind, so I could assume that I could too.

I put my paw to the screen and waited for the wind to pick up. It took a moment, but within a few seconds, I saw the wind pick up, little bits of leaves and dust swirling around on our neighbors yard.

I pulled away from the screen and stopped the spell. Clearly, that test was a success.

I looked around the room, and at all the power tools, and I got another bad idea. Runa could heal. I needed to see if that ability carried over to reality too.

I started looking through all his drawers quietly, I didn't want anyone hearing me. I was looking for something that I could cut myself with, but was finding nothing. Screwdriver? No. Hammer? No. Saw blade? Hmmm...uh, no, not sharp enough. Theoretically, I could actually use the saw blade, turn it on, but that would make noise I was so desperately trying to avoid.

Oooh, an exacto knife. I've used that on myself before out of curiosity. Maybe that would work.

I pushed the blade out and pressed it against my fur, then stopped. This wasn't going to work, there was too much fur on my arm, and if I tried to cut through it, the fur would fall on the ground, and the parents would see it and wonder.

Then again, we do have an orangey-black cat. I guess it wouldn't be too bad.

I grit my teeth, press down, and slice across the arm, doing everything in my power to not growl or make a noise.

But surprisingly....there's no pain. Did I do it wrong?

I look down, and no...I definitely didn't do it wrong, there was a big assed gash in my arm, blood spurting out of the veins. Oh shit, I forgot to factor in the blood that would spill!

I quickly went back into the laundry room to get a towel to mop it all up, but when I went to mat up the blood, I noticed that the wound had small tendrils going from one side to the other, and it was pulling itself shut. There was no blood flowing anymore. The few drops that spurted out were all that left my body.

I dropped the towel as I stared at my rapidly healing arm. There were what appeared to be little fibres of blood forming that were pulling the gash together as more of them were formed, filling in the hole.

Within less than a minute, the gash had been pulled together as if it was by stitches, and all that was left was a little scab that formed, which quickly crusted shut. I rubbed my arm, and I felt the little bits of blood fall to the ground.

I checked, and within less than two minutes, it was like the wound had never happened.

You have no idea how much self control it took to not jump for joy.

Back to my computer I went, suddenly I really wasn't all that interested in sitting at my computer like some hunchback nerd. If anything, all I'd really wanted to do was go outside and climb a tree. Not unlike any other day, but I just felt like I should, like I needed it.

Fortunately, my awe and wonder powered over and forced me to stay indoors.

I had one more relevant spell to try, but I really didn't want to try it inside. Too many electronics made it dangerous. Theoretically, Runa could create and control electrical currents, but I had my computer, my video games, my DVD player, and my laptop to worry about destroying. That would have to be a spell I waited for.

The rest of the night was relatively uneventful. I just sat there making fire, playing with water and ice, moving small objects and reorganizing DVD's using telekinesis. I did all that in between loads. I even had to skip out on supper, since I had to convince my mother I was genuinely sick.

One could argue that I had one hell of a disorder, but I liked it.

I found that using all these spells were surprisingly simple, like another limb. It was as simple as, "I want to do this." and it happened.

It was too good to be true, but it surely felt real and true.

I quickly curled up in bed around six PM, set my alarm for eleven-thirty. I also put the alarm at the other end of the room so it wouldn't be so harsh on my ears.

Sleeping was incredibly easy. Lie down, instant sleep. It seemed like only seconds later that my alarm was ringing.

Up I got again, waiting for the day to begin. I heard nothing moving around upstairs.

I quickly rooted through my bag of clothes, and put on the black cloak Andrea made me on. It really made the character real. I was runa, an anthro tiger in a black cloak. According to my lore and the story I wrote him into, he had to wear some clothes when in a human world.

Quietly I snuck upstairs, and into night I crept. I had a hell of a day ahead of me.