Twokinds Revolution Chapter 6

Story by 6620 on SoFurry

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#4 of Twokinds Revolution


Emma and Seth made their way around the camp. Seth took note of where the ...

Emma and Seth made their way around the camp. Seth took note of where the important tents were: the medic tent and the mess hall. Dinner that night was some kind of stew.

"The food isn't always this bad I swear."

"What are you talking about? Compared to nuts and berries with the occasional MRE, this is a feast."

After they had finished eating they went back to see if Tom was done with Seth's prostatic leg.

"I just finished up making the performance one. The esthetically pleasing one will be done by tomorrow, the CNC machine is cutting the pieces as we speak." Tom stated.

"That's great! So, you want to try it on?" Emma said looking to Seth.

"No time like the present right?"

Tom walked Seth over to an area with a couple hand rails and a bench and helped Seth put his leg on.

"Alright, it will take a while to get used to, but before you know it, you will be walking normally again."

Seth managed to stand up, but almost immediately fell back over.

"It's hard to keep your balance with just one foot." Seth said as he made his way over to the hand rail for support. "You said this is the performance one? What is special about it?"

"That spring can take anything you throw at it. It gives you extra spring while you are running, but as you can see, it isn't the easiest thing to stand on. The other one, if you want it to, can have a 'sock' put over it that looks like fur." Tom thought for a minute then added, "There is another one we could try... no, it's far too dangerous."

"What is it?" Seth asked eagerly.

"Well, the boys down in the R and D department think they're on to a new type of prosthetic. With the help of Rain, it would theoretically connect the electronics in the leg with your brain. Unfortunately, we haven't been able to test it on anything other than injured animals, and the results were... Well, it would work, but we think they went insane from the pain of the procedure."

"Oh..." Seth said with a bit of disappointment.

By the time Seth had managed to walk on his own, it was dark out.

"They should be done with your tent by now. Let's go see." Emma said as they walked across the camp.

Sure enough, there was a tent set up next to Emma's when they arrived. It wasn't anything special, just a tent with a cot. Seth walked over to the cot and laid down, and let out a grunt of discomfort.

"Oh let me get that for you." Emma said before walking u to the cot and casting a spell. The cot was instantly the most comfortable thing Seth had ever laid on.

"Thanks! I was wondering how your cot was so soft."

"Yep, they are all like that. It's a little trick Rain showed us. You get your rest ok? We still haven't seen all of the camp."

"What, how? We went to every corner. There wasn't another tent in sigh- There is stuff underground isn't there?"

"Wow, you're good. I guess that's to be expected from a Basitin though." With that Emma left the tent and Seth extinguished the lantern.

He had another dream that night. He was in that same place. This time it must have been fall, because all the trees were different shades of red and yellow. Again, Seth heard the bell tower ring. It was twelve o'clock. Shortly after the twelfth chime, it played a song. It was familiar, but Seth couldn't figure out what it was. When it was done, he decided to investigate a little more. He walked to the nearest building. It was entirely made of brick and was at least ten stories tall. As he walked through the door, a tiger Kiedran rushed pasted him and started running up the stairs. Seth heard him mumble something about being late as he passed. He decided to follow him up. Seth arrived on the third floor; it seemed to be entirely filled with simple rooms, almost all identical to each other. As he entered the room that the Kiedran had, Seth saw an older Basitin standing at the front of the room giving him an upsetting look.

"Please take your seat so we can start the test." The Basitin said.

Seth turned to see that the rest of the room was filled with desks; each had a very nervous looking young adult sitting at it. Again, all three races were present.

"A test? What kind of test? Hand to hand? Basic weapons knowledge? It can't be marksmanship, there isn't a range."

"Its calculus. No take your seat." The Basitin said again slightly aggravated.

"Calcu-what?" Seth said, starting to panic a bit. He thought it best to leave. At least he knew what this place was now; it was some sort of gigantic school. As he made his way back down the stairs, he reached for the door and opened it. He was greeted by a pure white on the other side. He woke up to the sound of birds chirping.