Chapter Two: The Trip

Story by Areio on SoFurry

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Author's Note:

I got a good response to the first chapter, with over a thousand views, some favorites, and a couple of comments. I need comments to know how I'm doing, so please take the time to review my stories. Whether it's praise or constructive criticism, just let me know. ^_^


Later chapters may contain references to, and graphic descriptions of vore. None in this chapter, but keep that in mind for the future.

Chapter Two

Corbin woke early the next day, his body still curled around his vulpine mate. He yawned, sitting up, and stretching widely. He blinked, his eyes still adjusting to the early morning light pouring through the window, and got out of bed. He pulled a set of clothes out of his dresser, pulling them on, before walking out of the bedroom. He walked into the kitchen, groggily pulling a carton of eggs out of the refrigerator, and cracking a few of them over a glass bowl. Corbin looked at the digital clock on the counter as he pulled out a frying pan.

"Six-thirty," he thought to himself, "okay. We've got two hours."

Adrian sniffed the air tentatively, his ears perking up as he smelled the eggs frying in the adjacent room. He sat up slowly, still sniffing the air. He grinned. Adrian knew that Corbin must be making breakfast. He stood up, and walked through the living room into the kitchen.

"Morning!" said Adrian cheerfully.

"Morning, yourself!" said Corbin, grinning back slyly. "Staying in the fur for the time being?" Adrian looked down, and chuckled. He hadn't bothered to get dressed.

"Yeah, I'd say so. For the time that we're up in that cabin, I won't be wearing clothes much!" replied the fox. Corbin grinned.

"Okay, once we get up there, I'll join you in the boycott of clothes!" chuckled Corbin, beginning to wake up more noticeably.

"We won't be needing them much anyway!" said Adrian, winking mischievously.

The wolf grinned, sliding his paw down his mate's body teasingly, letting his paw rest on Adrian's sheath. Adrian gasped softly, grinning at Corbin as the wolf gave his sheath a playful stroke, licking Adrian on the muzzle before turning his attention back to the eggs. Corbin slid the eggs onto a plate, and set them on a small card table near the window. Adrian followed with two plates and forks, and the two began to eat.

"So, are you packed?" asked Corbin.

"Of course! I packed three days ago. Not that I'll be needing that many sets of clothes," said Adrian, grinning.

The two finished their eggs, and while Adrian went to get dressed, Corbin began carrying their bags out to a small car that was parked around the corner from their apartment building. He came back through their door, to see Adrian carrying the last bag out of three that they were bringing.

"Ah, last one?" said Corbin, smiling.

"Yep!" grinned Adrian, licking Corbin on the muzzle affectionately before packing the last bag in the car. Corbin followed, got into the drivers' seat, and started the car.

"Well, we're off!" said the wolf as they pulled out onto their street to begin their trip.

It took them nearly twenty minutes to get to the interstate in the morning rush, but once they got out of the center of town, the traffic thinned out. Corbin rolled his eyes.

"Why are they honking at us?" said Corbin, gesturing to the tailgating truck behind them.

"Dunno," said Adrian, looking over his shoulder, "looks like they're in a hurry." Corbin growled softly in annoyance.

"We're going over the limit as it is," said Corbin under his breath.

There was suddenly a burst of noise as the large vehicle began passing them, a pair of hyenas in the cab. Corbin slowed down slightly to give them room, but when the hyenas pulled in front of him, his reward was a rude hand gesture thrown out the window. He snarled in disgust, but felt a soft paw on his thigh. He looked at his mate, smiling softly at the fox's comforting demeanor.

"It's alright," said Adrian, "once we get out of the city we won't have to deal with that." Corbin smiled.

The pair merged onto the highway, and traveled north, the scenery getting less and less urban and turning to countryside as they drove. As the hours passed, the countryside began turning into wilderness. Adrian looked tense, biting his lip slightly, and watching the road much more carefully than he normally did.

"What's up?" asked Corbin, looking concerned.

"Bathroom," grinned Adrian, blushing slightly under his fur. Corbin returned the fox's grin, before turning back to the road.

"Ah!" exclaimed Corbin. "Here's a rest stop. I could use a break myself, to tell you the truth."

They pulled into the rest area, and got out of the car, stretching. Adrian looked around.

"Where's the bathroom?" asked the fox. They both looked around.

"There it is," said Corbin, spotting a small building behind a clump of dense trees. "You'd think that there would be signs."

The pair walked over to the building, only to be greeted by a large 'Out Of Order' sign.

"Damn," muttered Corbin.

"I really need a bathroom, maybe we should..." said the fox, faltering. Corbin had unzipped himself, his sheath poking out of his pants, and had begun relieving himself on one of the trees.

Adrian grinned, undoing his belt and doing the same, and sighing deeply as relief swept over him. He finished, and looked over at his mate. Corbin was grinning slyly, his sheath still bobbing out of his fly. Adrian's eyes flicked down, noticing that the wolf's tip was poking out slightly.

"What..." started Adrian. Corbin grinned back.

The wolf moved forward, looking into his mate's eyes, and pressed his muzzle to the fox's, letting his tongue slip into Adrian's maw. Adrian murred, his own tongue wrestling slickly with Corbin's, but quickly pulled out of the kiss, blushing.

"We probably shouldn't let things get out of" said Adrian. "You know, if we were stuck together for a half an hour, and someone pulled up..." Corbin grinned, now blushing himself.

"You're right...I'm letting my instincts take over," said Corbin. He eyed his mate's sheath intently. "But, that's no reason not to let off a little tension!"

Corbin moved behind his mate, grabbing his sheath, and beginning to tug on the furred skin surrounding his shaft. Adrian grinned, catching on, and thrust forward, his flaccid member sliding out of its encasement and beginning to twitch as it began swelling into life. Corbin grabbed the base of his mate's knot, which was beginning to expand a bit now as well, and squeezed it teasingly.

Adrian let out a soft moan as he felt a twinge of pleasure shoot through his body. He looked up. Corbin had let go of his foxhood and put his arms around him. Adrian looked back at the wolf questioningly, but the wolf only grinned back at him. Corbin slowly guided the fox down to the ground at the base of the trees, avoiding the trees that they had just marked.

"Comfortable?" asked Corbin, grinning.

"Very," replied Adrian, grinning.

Corbin moved over his mate, his muzzle leaning down to Adrian's swollen member, and gave a tentative lick. He felt the warm body of the fox under him shudder slightly, and grinned, moving his own sheath over his mate's muzzle. Corbin grabbed the base of Adrian's knot, and began to suckle on the fox's tip, taking more and more of his shaft into his maw. Adrian let a soft moan escape him as he felt the wolf's maw envelop his pulsing shaft, and began returning the favor, letting his mate's lupine member slide into his muzzle. The two suckled on each other, slowly taking more of each other into their mouths. The distant sounds of cars and trucks speeding by a few hundred feet away were punctured with soft slurping noises, and the occasional moan. Adrian could feel himself beginning to lose control as Corbin squeezed the base of his knot with his paw. He pulled his mouth off of the wolf's member, knowing that at his peak his teeth would become a risk.

A wave of pleasure springing from his loins pulsed through him as Corbin let Adrian's tip slip into his throat. The fox's entire member pulsed, twitching slightly, as thick spurts of his seed shot into Corbin's throat. Corbin swallowed eagerly, his mate's musky scent filling his mouth. Adrian sighed in satisfaction, then turned his attention back to the wolf's waiting member. He licked his chops, and bore down on the shaft, his paw squeezing the base of Corbin's knot as he suckled on his length. Corbin twitched under him, a growlmoan escaping him as he felt his body give in, releasing his seed into his mate's throat as he came. His body shuddered in pleasure, overcome with the sensations that Adrian's maw was giving him.

Corbin rolled off of the fox as his member was released from Adrian's muzzle. The two lay next to each other in the grass, looking up at the sky as they recovered from their activities.

"Daddy, why is there a pair of pants laying on the ground over there?" Fear flooded the two as they heard a voice coming from the other side of the trees.

"Shit!" whispered Corbin as the voice came nearer. He peaked behind the trees, and saw a young lion cub walking across the parking lot next to his father.

"Should we get..." started Adrian, gesturing towards their clothes.

"No. Run to the car when I tell you," said Corbin, nervously looking the lion and his son. They both watched as the lions became level with the trees.

"Now," whispered Corbin. They both scurried around the other side of the treeline, and sprinted towards their car. They jumped in, and Corbin started the engine.

"What are we going to do?" asked Adrian, panicked.

"Here..." said Corbin, reaching into the backseat and pulling out a blanket that he kept in the car. "This should cover both of us."

"Look! There are a whole bunch of clothes over here!" They both heard the lion cub speaking, obviously amused.

"Come on, son, maybe we should find a different place to stop," said the lion nervously.

"Quick, seat down!" whispered Corbin.

They both leaned their seats back, far enough that they were not visible from where the lions were parked. They heard the father hurrying the cub across the parking lot, and heard two doors slam. Corbin looked up tentatively, and saw a large SUV pulling out of the parking lot, back onto the entrance ramp. They both leaned back up, looking around.

"Stay here," said Corbin, "I'll get our clothes."

The nude wolf flung himself out of the car, and sprinted over behind the trees. He returned in no time at all with their clothes, panting. Adrian stepped out of the car, and they both slipped their clothes on, relieved when they were finally back in the car, fully clothed. Corbin quickly pulled out of the rest area, and back onto the highway.

"That was close," said Adrian, still looking shocked.

"Yeah, too close," replied Corbin. "Fun though."

Adrian giggled softly. They drove for another hour, silently reminiscing about their most recent encounter, before Adrian spoke.

"How much longer will it be until we get there," he asked.

"Not long now, it's the next exit, then another hour on back roads."

Corbin had only been to the cabin once, back when he was a cub. His uncle owned it, and had used it as his primary residence until last year. Corbin was still puzzled as to why his uncle had moved back to the city. He was sure that his uncle had had some horrible experience, but when he asked about it, his uncle had seemed to have gone temporarily deaf until the subject was changed.

Their car pulled off of the highway, and stopped at a gas station adjacent to the exit. Both Corbin and Adrian got out of the car to walk into the small building. Corbin opened the door.

"I'm telling you, Marty, there is a dragon up there, people have disappeared, and we've all heard strange noise--" The cheetah talking to the attendant faltered upon seeing the newcomers.

"Can I help you?" asked the attendant pointedly.

"Um..." started Corbin, "...yeah, can I get twenty of regular, please?"

The attendant nodded, and pressed a button on his register. Corbin looked at Adrian, to find the fox looking up at him nervously. He shrugged back, and led the way back out to the car. Adrian silently opened the car door, and sat as Corbin finished pumping the gas.

"You don't think that there really is a dragon up there, do you?" asked Adrian as Corbin got back into the car. "...Like a feral dragon?"

"Feral? Feral dragons haven't been seen in years, save that supposed sighting over Ireland fifteen years back," replied Corbin.

They had both heard tales in their childhoods of the things that happened to furs that got too close to a feral dragon. 'Swallowed whole and never seen again,' was the explanation given by many storybooks that Corbin had read. Despite his determinedly calm voice, Corbin couldn't help feel a twinge of nervousness as they pulled out onto the woodsy two-lane road. "Is this why Uncle Remus moved? Did he see a dragon?" Corbin quickly snapped himself out of it. "Don't be stupid," he thought to himself, "There haven't been dragons anywhere near here for years, they were all wiped out.".

They continued driving up curvy road, both of them noticing the woods getting thicker and the houses getting fewer and further between as they drove. Corbin smiled at his mate, putting his paw on Adrian's leg as they continued driving up the continuous hill that the road had turned in to. After many twists and turns, they hit a bump that signaled the end of the pavement, and leveled out onto a mossy dirt road in the middle of a thick forest. Corbin's face lit up as he spotted the cabin.

"There it is!" he said, pointing into the distance.

"Where?" said Adrian, trying to look through the densely packed trees.

But then they both saw it, a dark rooftop set against dark woods. The road had turned into nothing more than a clearing in the forest now, and Corbin stopped the car, getting out and stretching. Adrian got out too, breathing in the fresh air and looking happily at the cabin.

"I think it's going to be a fun week," said Adrian, licking his mate on the muzzle.