Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 13

Story by G-man2014 on SoFurry

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#13 of Changes of the eclipse: Chapter 1

Well that took longer than I would've liked, my internet was down and it took way too long to get back up, so here's chapter 13. Almost done people! I own all the rights to my original characters and you all know who those are, so if you haven't read my other chapters, go back and read them or it won't make any sense. Please enjoy the chapter...

Chapter 13

The clock read six and we ripped our collars off, Hannah and Nate seemed the most surprised, "We're free? We're free!!!" They jumped up and down excitedly, I couldn't help but smile, 'Almost.' Nathan looked at me, "So now what?" I placed a paw on his shoulder, "I'm really sorry about this.", "What?" I slammed my knee into his pride and he fell to the ground gripping them, "AHH!! You dick!!!", "Help, this dragon is injured!"

I kept screaming for help, "That's your plan?" He clenched his teeth, "Give it a minute." Two guards had come in, one looked about eighteen and the other looked to be about in his thirties, "What happened?", "I don't know, he was fine a minute ago." I looked at the younger one as they swiped an I.D card in front of a scanner that unlocked our cell.

I was still staring as they walked in to examine Nathan, 'Why do I have to kill one this young? Innocent... Why couldn't it be someone else?' I shook my head, 'But my friends come first, I'll make his quick.' I stood behind the younger one, gripped his head with my arms and hesitated before I snapped his neck. The other guard looked at me horrified as he pulled out his handgun ready to shoot, but I was too quick, I slammed my fist into his throat making a sickening crack sound that gave me chills as he fell to the ground dead.

"Alright Nathan, you good?" He stood up groaning and slammed his fist into my stomach, "Warn me next time you do that, I could have faked it too you know?" I coughed, "We both know you can't act." He growled, "Shut up." I grinned and took the younger guards uniform, I.D. and gun, "Well? Get moving bro. Take his uniform." I changed into the uniform and he did the same

We walked out of our cell and started opening every one's cells, "Alright, Luke, Nathan, and Hannah, you're with me. Connor you're in charge of Sam, Garret and Nate." He nodded as Luke gave him the map, "We meet up at the front outside, agreed?" They all nodded, "Alright let's move people. We'll grab the cures, if we're not all out by six thirty then we leave the missing group behind. Under no circumstances are you to go back for anyone! Alright, let's go.", "Right."

We split up and took our designated routes, "Alright Luke where do we go from here?", "Turn left at this hallway, there should be a stairwell that goes to level two." We followed his instructions but we were stopped by two guards, "Where are you going?" I started to panic, these guys were huge, their muscles were too thick for any fatal or affective hits, "You're supposed to be at the assembly."

I hid my face with the hats uniform as bet as I could, "We were given orders to transfer these two prisoners to a different cell block." He raised his eyebrow, "Your rank isn't high enough for prisoner transfer..." I tried to be rational, "Hey I was just given orders by my superiors." He cocked his gun, 'Shit!'

"We're not stupid kid, we would believe you though. If it wasn't for that tail of yours." I turned my head to see my tail showing, 'Fuck, I completely forgot about that.' I looked back at him, "Umm well you see..." He aimed his gun at my head. I had very little time to react, I kicked the gun out of his hand and Nathan caught it. He swung at the other guard and smacked him in the head with it, knocking him out cold, he pointed it at the one who almost shot me, but the guard smirked, "You don't even know how to use that."

Nathan cocked it and pointed it right between his eyes, "Oh? Are you sure? I'm a decent shot, not that I need to be at this range, but I could easily put a bullet between your eyes." The man had sweat running down his forehead, "You're bluffing." He switched the safety off and put his finger on the trigger, "Try me." He put his hands up, "What do you want?" I looked up at him, "We just want to go upstairs and you're not going to say anything or I let my friend here loose, understood?" He nodded and gave us clearance.

We ran upstairs to level two, I looked over at Nathan a little curious, "Since when were you such a badass?" He raised his eyebrow, "Since I learned how to hunt. But I would never kill another human being unless I had too." I nodded, "I understand." We ran up to level two, "Now what Luke?"

He remained silent, "Luke?", "Just give me a second!" He paused for a moment before he continued, "The lab should be down the hall to our right." We did as he said and sure enough, there it was. We walked in to find all these liquids and parts of animals preserved in jars, it all made me sick to my stomach.

I looked along their tables until I saw the same needle that the cheetah had given me, and they had the same color liquid, 'These must be it.' I grabbed enough for everyone, "Alright, we have to keep moving." we ran out the lab and continued to the upper levels until Hannah made us stop, "What are you doing? We're making progress."

"I need some guns, I'm more useful with them." She ran down a hall and I followed her, "You guys go, we'll catch up with you later." They nodded and headed towards the stairwell, Me and Hannah continued running down a hall until she found the room she was looking for. I followed her into the room, it was full of guns of different sizes, "Whoa!"

I looked back at Hannah, "Well what would you know about guns anyways?" She ignored me as she started to grab different pieces of a gun and started putting them together, "What are you doing?", "Assembling an AR-15, I have four older brothers that are in the military and I guess I just picked this up from them." she grunted as she snapped the last piece on, "My dad wanted all girls."

"Damn girl." She laughed, "Just a precaution in case they release the dogs on us." I tilted my head, "Here, make yourself useful karate kid." I growled at the new name as she tossed me a loaded handgun, "I hate guns, I'd rather stick with my martial arts." She rolled her eyes and dragged me out of the room, "Just keep it, man you're such a girl." My ears perked up as I stood up and kept the gun, "Compared to a fox that can assemble a gun that fast?" She laughed as we ran to the top floor with no obstacles.

It was six thirty as we ran outside and joined the others, they all stopped to enjoy the cool evening air, I can't blame them, I was doing the same. We all had only one thought on our minds as we stood there, 'Freedom.' But our moment was short lived as alarms went off, 'One of those guards must have ratted us out.', "GO, GO, GO!!!" We all ran down the mountain, hearing vicious barking coming closer and closer to us, I had to stop, those dogs would catch us if we continued like this, "Keep moving."

I started to fall behind but my group caught me, "What are you doing? We need to go!" Nathan was yelling at me, "Those dogs will catch us. I can buy you guys time. GO!!!" They nodded and ran except for Connor, "I'm staying with you.", "This isn't up for discussion Connor." He gave me the same cocky grin that he had when we were fighting, "You need me." I growled but just dropped it, I did need him and he knew it, "Thank you Connor." I shook his hand, "For everything."

I turned ready for them when one of the dogs came at me and tackled me to the ground with my arm in it's maw, "I hate killing my own kind but it can't be helped." It bit down harder drawing blood. I grabbed the back of its head, twisted and yanked on its neck, breaking it, "This is so messed up." Its lifeless body layed on top of me, 'Why does everything about this place have to end in blood and pain?' I pushed the carcass off of me and turned my head to see Connor handling himself pretty well.

"Go, your group needs you.", "But what about you?" He looked at me with that same cocky grin, "I'll be fine. I'll catch up with you if I can." I hesitated before I got up, "Don't get yourself killed!" I threw the gun Hannah gave me at him and he caught it, 'Take care Connor.'

I ran the way my friends were headed as fast as I could, "Please let him live." all of a sudden I was lifted off the ground by a familiar figure, "There you are Gabe... Where's Connor?" I shook my head as he continued to fly, "He... stayed behind." My eyes became shadowed, "Oh I see."

He flew me to the base of the mountain where everyone was waiting, we landed softly and Sammy looked at me, "Now what?" I looked back at her, for the first time unsure of what we should do, "Umm... Well..." they all looked at me which only added more pressure, "We need to find some means of transportation." It was Nate's turn to speak, "Well what about a helicopter? I heard that there's supposed to be a hangar nearby."

I nodded, "Alright let's go before they catch up with us." we ran about a mile until we finally found the hangar and got to the first helicopter we saw, "Can anyone here actually fly this?" Nate raised his hand and went into the pilots seat, "I need a co-pilot." Sammy sat in the seat next to him, "I have a little experience." They both pressed a series of buttons and switches, and we started taking off.

"Hey Nate, can you really fly a helicopter?" I was a little nervous, "Well, I never really took lessons, but I was in a simulator. I mean how different could it be?", "Wait? WHAT!!" I started to panic, 'I just let a fifteen year old fly a helicopter!!!'

Surprisingly he got us safely off the ground, everything was going smoothly until we started getting shot at, 'Oh no, they got Connor!' Nathan and Hannah were shooting back at them as I looked down to see who was shooting at us. I growled when I saw Rex standing idly by, 'That bastard. He's not even doing anything.'

I grabbed the handgun that was in the uniform, I lined up my shot and fired twice, both shots hitting a knee cap, 'I won't kill him now, he needs to suffer for what he's done to my friends.' He fell to the ground screaming, "Nice shot." Nathan patted my back as we flew away from them, "We'll get back at him someday." He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back, "Yeah, and Garret I promise you the other prisoners will be fine, we can get them back later." I gave him a fake smile, 'I hate lying to his face but there's no way we would get lucky a second time.' He nodded at me, "I guess you're right."

I patted his back and handed everyone a shot, we injected ourselves with them but something was wrong...

Sorry to leave off with a cliff hangar but this chapter was way too long so I had to cut it in half, hope you all enjoyed reading and please, comment and rate it. All critiscism is appreciated, I'll see you next upload.