
Story by Hawke on SoFurry

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#2 of Camping

Part two of the story of Jake and Samantha, now with more rutting.

When Jake woke the next morning, her turned over, and noticed that the tent was empty. The memory of last night slowly seeping into his brain as he looked down and found himself naked. He bit his lip, and wondered if it was all just a dream, of if his sister had really stroked him until he came, right here in the tent. And had he really just fallen asleep afterwards? Either it was all a dream, which he almost hoped, or she was bound to be pissed off. His ears drooping, he pulled on a pair of loose fitting pants and a large t-shirt, crawling out of the tent, to find his sister bent over a lit fire, wearing very small hot pants and a bikini top, her rump right in his sight as he exited the hideaway. He stood up, trying to pry his eyes away from that sweet rump, he let out a small cough, smiling shyly as she turned and looked at him: "Hi Jake, breakfast?"

Jake mumbled something to himself and was suddenly very glad he had pulled on such loose pants, otherwise something would've been very revealing as he could barely peels his eyes from the sight in front of him. "What was that?" Samantha tried again, turning around to face her brother, who was now blushing profoundly. "U-uhm, yeah... thanks" Jake stuttered, quickly grabbing the plate she was holding out for him, sitting down while trying to hide his erection as good as he could. Samantha shook her head grabbed her own plate and went to sit next to him, starting on her breakfast, she couldn't help but giggle as she saw him stuffing his face full of the beans she'd cooked up. "Good to see you're eager to get going Jake," she offered, "we really should head out soon, if we want to get something out of the day." Jake just nodded and quickly munched down his plate, mumbling softly "I... I gotta go take a leak." He quickly stood up and ran of, leaving Samantha to sit there by herself, shaking her head as she looked at him run away.

Jake rested against a tree, trying to catch his breath, "What the hell." He thought to himself, "I can barely function around her anymore. Pull yourself together Jake, she's still your sister, even if you had that dream about her last night." He bit his lip as the images of his sister stroking him until he came flashed back in his mind, making him rest a bit more against the tree, his manhood soon standing to attention. "I gotta do something about this." He thought to himself, as he looked around to make sure he wasn't being watched, quickly pulling down his pants, letting his cock spring to attention in the cool morning air.

"I better see if he's alright," Samantha said to herself, as she watched him run off, "I'll follow him." She soon decided, getting up and going after her brother into the woods. She stopped a couple of meters from him, making sure to stay hidden behind a tree, as she looked at him leaning against a tree, obviously thinking hard to himself. She stifled a gasp as she saw her brother pull down his loose pants, and give her a view of what she could only half see in the darkness the night before. Biting her lower lip hard as she watched him start his stroking, slowly up and down the hard cock, soon increasing the pace, pumping himself hard, at what she knew would be the thought of his own sister. The thought sent shivers through her body, and she had to fight hard not to plunge her own fingers into her hot pants as she watched him buck against his own strokes. She shook her head to clear her mind, and turned back, sneaking back to the camp, a very wet spot having formed between her thighs by now.

Jake moaned softly to himself as he stroked harder and harder, soon letting out a small yelp as he came hard into the forest floor, and all over his paw. He panted softly as he dried off the cum on the tree he was leaned up against. He could have sworn that he detected the scents of his sister in the forest, "No, it's gotta be my mind playing tricks." He shook his head, pulled up his pants and returned to the camp, as if nothing had happened.

When he got back to the camp he found that Samantha had cleaned up after the breakfast, and was just about done packing the two backpacks they where going to bring for their hike. His looked a bit heavier than her, but that was alright, after all he was the stronger of the pair. "Hey, ready to get going?" Samantha asked as he stepped into the clearing that was their home. "Sure," he replied quickly "wouldn't miss it for the world."

A couple of hours later they where hiking through the forest, Jake following a meter behind Samantha, resulting in him having had a perfect view of her shapely bottoms the entire morning. He sighed and caught up with her, finally having made up his mind he spoke: "Sam, I, I gotta make a confession." Samantha stopped in her tracks, turning to look at her brother, who was himself looking down on the ground. "Oh?" She offered, looking at him, "And what might that be?" Jake looked up, feeling himself linger a bit too long on those perfect breasts held in place by the small bikini top. "I, I think I had a dream." He stuttered, "You think?" Samantha interrupted him. "Well, yes. At least I think it was a dream. It... It was about you... And me." She smiled and looked him in the eyes, "Go on Jaky." She offered sweetly. "I, uhm, I dreamt that you stroked me, until I came." He immediately looked down on the ground again, mumbling again and again "I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Finally taking his head in his paws. Samantha took his paw in her own, bending down so she looked up at his face, smiling softly she spoke: "It wasn't a dream Jaky." He looked up at her quickly, "W-what? What'd you say?" Samantha giggled and smiled at him again, with that sweet smile, that smile that made him all weak in his knees, "It wasn't a dream Jaky. It was very real, and I'd do it again if you wanted me to." Now was her time to blush, having just made the last remark. "You would?" Jake asked, barely believing what he was hearing, he was his own sister, his twin sister none-the-less, admitting that she would stroke him off again, if only he asked. He couldn't stop himself, he reached out and cupped her cheek, raising her head to face him again, "I'm sorry Sam. I'm sorry I fell asleep, and I'm sorry I've been like this all day." She just smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck, "You're more than forgiven my brother, I love you after all, perhaps more than a sister should love her brother." She added the last part under her breath, blushing again, making him smile softly by now. "I love you too Sam, I always have." He whispered in her ear, hugging her back tigthly, "Come, let's go find a spot to sit, we should probably figure out what this means." He smiled, took her paw and started leading her slightly off the trail. Samantha readily followed him, enjoying that her brother had finally taken control of the situation.

After about 10 minutes walking they got to a clearing deep in the forest. Green soft grass covering the place, and the trees thick enough around them that they wouldn't be disturbed. It wasn't until then that Jake let go of her paw, sitting down in the middle of the clearing, padding the grass next to him. Samantha giggled at the gesture and sat down next to him, looking at him shortly before leaning her head against his shoulder, curling her legs up underneath her. "So, where do we go from here Jaky?" She started, not raising her head, "I don't know Sam, I really don't. I know I shouldn't feel like this, but I can't help it. You're perfect." He blushed, looking away he didn't see her sweet smile at the words. "You're not too shabby yourself Jake, " she answered, "I mean, you must have girls fighting over you at school." She giggled, trying to ease the situation. "I woudn't know Sam, I only ever saw you." He turned his head, facing her now, soon finding himself leaning forward, his eyes closed, hoping that he wasn't crossing a line he kissed her. He kept kissing her, softly, warm, full of love and passion. Samantha let out a soft sigh before returning the kiss, parting her lips slightly, she let his tongue probe at her lips, then at her muzzle, and finally intertwine with her own, both of them caught in the passion, his arms around her, and her paws resting on his waist. It was a full 5 minutes before they broke the kiss, both of them panting hard as they looked at each other, their faces flustered. "Wow." was all Jake could say as their lips parted, he looked into her eyes, finding himself moving instinctly, he was soon lying down, with his sister, his love, in his arms, yawning softly her nuzzled against her neck, whispering: "I love you Sam, more than anything." He yawned again, and soon fell asleep, smiling all over his face as he lay there, his sister wrapped in his arms, the warmth of her fur felt against his own. "I love you too Jake. Oh how I love you." Samantha answered, shivering as she felt his warmth through her clothes, making her sleepy, she soon dosed off as well.

Samantha blinked, it had to have been hours since they fell asleep, and what was that poking her? She moved slightly, eliciting a groan from her brother behind her. That was when she realized, it was his cock, pressed tightly against her rump through his pants. She purred softly, moving slightly so that it was instead placed against her own covered sex, letting out a soft moan as she felt him twitch against her neither lips. She couldn't help it, she reached down, slipping her hot pants down her legs and off her paws, leaving her in nothing but the bikini top. She quickly repositioned, so his cock was now placed directly against her flesh, only his pants separating the two. She took his paw, which was tightly wrapped around her tummy, and slowly pushed it further down, letting out a low groan as she felt his fingers pressed against her wet sex.

Jake stirred behind her, "W-what?", his voice rang out as he awoke, feeling his paw idly caressing his sister's soaked pussy. "I could've sworn she wore clothes." He thought to himself, before realizing what he was doing. He quickly pulled back his paw, mumbling "Sorry.. Sorry... Sorry."

Samantha let out a disappointed mewl, looking over her shoulder into her brothers eyes, "Don't move that." She whispered, her voice full of lust. She turned over completely, facing her brother, her legs wrapping around his waist, pushing her soaked cunny against his crotch, leaving a stain on the fabric. "Please Jake... I want you." She practically moaned the words, her eyes looking at him hungrily.

He looked at her, his cock was rock hard after his previous dream, and the feeling of waking up, his sister's scents filling her snout with every breath his took, and what a magical scent it was, filling his body, making him both weak and strong at the same time, and giving him such a hard time resisting her words. He mumbled, "But, we shouldn't." Her face fell, full of hurt, "I.. I mean, you might get pregnant. I don't have any condoms." Samantha giggled, reaching behind them she unzipped the bag, reached inside and pulled out not one, but a ten-pack of condoms. "I saw you this morning, and figured, we might get to use these." She smirked, as she pulled out one of them, teasingly placing the package between her teeth. "Y-You?" Jake stuttered, "Why did you bring those?" Samantha just blushed, "You gonna use it or what?" she tried, avoiding his question of what exactly she had planned this weekend. Her paws moved down his back, stroking him through his fur, making him murrr softly like a puppy, gripping at his butt and giving it a firm squeeze, she whispered in his ear: "Please Jake... Your sister needs your help." She gave the pants a push and they quickly moved off his rump and down his legs, making him smirk softly: "Aren't we an eager little bitch?" Her scents were filling every part of his body by now, his sight clouded, and his judgement as well.

Samantha let out a soft gasp as Jake suddenly pushed her onto her back, soon following, placing himself above her, looking down and into her eyes, leaning down he kissed her, softly at first, but soon deeply, passionately, the teenage girl quickly following his example she returned the kiss eagerly, moaning softly into his maw, her moans only increasing as she suddenly felt him move, his cock one moment pressed against her soaked neither lips, the next pushed halfway inside of her tight pussy. "B-but, the condom." She whimpered, finding herself raising her hips to meet his cock, "I might get pregnant. You said so yourself." He only growled in response, pushing himself further into his sister's waiting pussy, letting out a loud moan as he hilted inside of her.

Jake didn't know what he was doing, suddenly he found himself on-top of her, his cock buried deep in her waiting pussy. Her scents had driven him over the edge, made him act on instinct. They where telling her that she was a bitch, a bitch in need, and his to take, and he had acted on it. Waking up to find himself pushing into her deeply, pushing his still small knot against her lips. "I... I don't know what came over me." He started, moving to pull out, feeling her legs wrap around his waist, pushing him in, only moving to let him pull back out slightly, then push back in completely, and he heard her voice, that angelic voice, "Fuck me. Fuck your sister. Finally, fuck me."

She moaned, she moaned loudly as she felt him push into her, somehow it felt right, the feeling of his pre-cum shooting into and hitting her walls, soaking her even more and preparing her for what was to come, she couldn't give that away, not now that she had felt it. She had to let him, had to have him, had to have his.

He groaned as he started increasing his pace, thrusting into her harder and harder with each movement, his hard cock filling his sister's pussy each time he bucked his hips. "Oh god Sam... Oh god you're good." He groaned, panting hard as he kept bucking into her hard.

She moaned with each thrust, but somehow it wasn't enough, she had to have more, she pushed him, pushed him onto the ground, and without letting his cock slip out of her soaked pussy she followed him, soon straddling him with her brother's cock buried deep inside of her. "Mmm, that's more like it." The sheppie moaned, feeling his knot push at her lips with each thrust. She started rolling her hips against his crotch, her pussy clenching and her back arching as she felt him stabbing at her deeply. "Oh yes, fill me... Fill me good." She whimpergroaned, her hips moving up and down, rolling against him at an impressive pace, "Do it. Do it big boy, give it to the bitch." She whined as she thrust out her chest against him, a small orgasm rocking the teenage bitch's body.

Jake suddenly found himself on the bottom, not really minding though as it gave a perfect view of his sister's gorgeous breasts. He reached up, moving the bikini top out of the way and idly stroked over them, forcing a sweet moan from her lips, he took that as a good sign and reached up, barely able to reach the price he took one of her hard nipples in his muzzle and started sucking on it, all the time bucking his hips against her, filling her with his meat again and again, the know forming slowly, making them both moan hard. He thrust harder, and her as well, forcing the knot to pop in and out, again and again, until finally it was too big to exit her tight passage. Jake kept up his thrusts, though more erratic now, with less space to move being locked into her, he moaned "I.. I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna cum baby."

She felt the knot pop into her, locking inside of her. It was the biggest thing she had ever felt, but oh god was it a good feeling. "Oh yes, yes, yes.... That's it... Fill me... Fill me with your cum." She moaned loudly, thrusting down on him hard, her pussy clenching harder than ever before, her body being rocked in another orgasm, resulting in her milking the cock hard.

His hips bucked up hard against her as he felt the hard milking of her pussy, he let out a loud growl as he gave one last hard thrust high up into her.

She felt it, oh how she felt it. That last hard thrust, and then it came. He came, he came like he had never cum before, and he moaned loudly. She joined in his moans, soon turning into passionate screams as her pussy clenched down and milked him for every drop he had, whining loudly and trashing about as she could feel his hot cum filling her. He growled loudly, his teeth biting down into her skin, his paws raking her back and ass, that perfect ass, the mere thought of it making him cum even harder, shooting string after string of his cum deep into his sister awaiting pussy.

And then it was over. They both collapsed on the ground, panting hard, his cock still tied to her tightly. "I guess we'll be here for a while Sam." He smiled. "I guess so my love," she answered, snuggling against him, "I don't mind."

Soon, they dozed back to sleep, enjoying the aftershock of their passionate love making, and the warm summer air.