'Earth's Children' Teaser

Story by Mickey Torrento on SoFurry

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#13 of Night Of The Brothers

'Earth's Children' Teaser


My footpaws make no noise as I sprint through the forest to soon hide behind a tree, seeing two, bright lights pass nearby. Humans... They use those strange vehicles. We've been told such vehicles are one of the main reasons earth is being so violated.

„I'm at my position." - I said to a blue crystal in my paw. We use it to communicate on short distances.

„Great. Wait for us to get there. Told you not to sprint that much." - The voice bolnged to Jaine. A leader of this 'mission'... although I can hardly call it a mission. It's more like planet-saving.

While waiting for others I took the chance to look around... this place was quite different from our hidden home. The trees here seem so... simple. While looking further down I spot a puddle and see my reflection in it. A 16 years old fox with still quite a childlish face and green eyes. Those strange, unusually green eyes... almost toxic-green. I wonder why no one else has such color apart from my family.

„Okay... we're here. Your highness... you'll find us at the nearby lake. Feel free to join us."

„Again with the highness?" - I said with my eyebrows raised. - „I told you. No need for the formalities. I feel silly. Just call me Koda."

„Pardon. Koda..."

„I can see the lake. Will be there in about a minute." - And so I sprinted in the lake's direction. Yeah... people will often call me 'your highness' because of my status in our homeland. I am the Earthwarden's son. What's Earthwarden? It's something like a king or president for humans. Too bad my father will be the last one. You see... our race... The Fera is responsible for the earth's future. A few thousands of years ago we were allied with humans. We lived and co-existed in peace until one day the first Earthwarden has been chosen. Although many of the Fera race disagreed with someone having higher rank than others, it stayed that way until today. What happened is that the Earthwarden felt like the entire earth belongs to him, which is not true. No one owns the earth. We belong to earth, we are part of it... Some see it my way yet some follow the old rules... like my father. This is why I will abandon this stupid rule of having a leader...

Eh... I keep on getting off the subject. Anywho... the humans did not like the idea. Even though we were technically much more powerful than them, they had that 'power' of overpopulating. They outnumbered my ancestors and forced those few Fera to retreat into place far from humans. Somewhere we could live in peace and keep low numbers of our kind to somewhat keep the balance. If we couldn't force humans to stop populating so quickly then we had to make a sacrifice of reducing our own numbers... For years and years we've seen humans slowly but unreversabily destroying our and their own planet... this is why we can no longer simply watch.

Story is copyright © Mickey Torrento