Evolution's Gate First Anniversary - Reader's Guide

Story by Justanotherstranger on SoFurry

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First Anniversary


The 18th of October, 2010 A dark and bitterly cold evening in Sweden A man sits at home Proceeding with his exploration of the Internet.

Upon a seemingly innocent website A contest awaits him Daring him to concoct a story Combining Pokèmon And the Occult.

He did.

Reader's Guide

Written by Super Nerd Phi

Chapter 1: Snivy's Story

On the sixth day of autumn 2010, the cult known as Evolution's Gate was disbanded after police discovered the bodies of 47 of its members in the Cerulean Cave. Evolution's Gate is, of course, heavily based on a cult called Heaven's Gate, which ended in 1997. Apparently, only 39 of its members were found, and rather than being killed its members committed suicide to join aliens or some nonsense, but the concept is the same.

One wonders, why the author didn't just give the date as September 23 (on Earth, in the Northern Hemisphere). Regardless, it is worth noting that fall generally represents old age or sadness, the latter of which is relevant here.

It didn't take long before the rain was really starting to come down. The strong wind was turning minuscule raindrops into freezing icicles. One could even call this a "dark and stormy night." The darkness is easy, but rain carries several connotations. It obscures the view along with darkness, it washes things away (like blood), and it falls on cops and killers alike. A few Pokémon-specific things: Snivy's speed increases in the sunlight, so it's fair to expect that in a time like this, he'd be rather sluggish. Also, the cold turns the water (super-affected by Grass) into ice (super-effective against Grass). It's obvious why Snivy is reluctant to step outside.

My name is Snivy, although my colleagues call me "Smugleaf", which they in turn say is "a fitting profile". Smugleaf was the fan-given name for Snivy before the official non-Japanese names were announced. It's actually probably more appropriate than the real one, and it can be assumed that the author was aware of this.

I believe it's their way of coping with the fact that I am far more skilled at my job than they are. Woo, irony! Though Snivy is something of a "grasshole," if you will, it is hard not to like characters like these, the openly snide. I have to imagine a hint of irony in this statement, though: Snivy can't be quite that much of a douche. Either way, this establishes the character's base personality, which the story will build upon.

Apparently some Pokémon are so bored with their existence that they attempt to appease Arceus with strange rituals or try to create an eighteenth element. I mean, we all went looking for Mew under trucks and in mystery dungeons when we were kids, but there comes a time when you simply have to grow up and forget about all that. Is Snivy an archetypal atheist? Probably not. He is, however, extremely logical and considers himself sophisticated. Also, here's an obvious reference to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. By the way, Pokémon could certainly do with a Light type to balance out the Dark, though I have to doubt this has any bearing on the dark Snivy's in now.

"Smugleaf! Glad that you could make it, old pal!" I heard the revolting Muk say from behind me. He was holding some kind of sludge in his right hand, which I honestly couldn't tell if it was condiments or another missing piece from his brain. Here we have the familiar "goofball and straight guy" pairing. Besides the fact that Poison is super-effective against Grass, one would rarely think to find poison on this side of the law. Team Rocket used Poison types often, after all. I wonder where they are, huh?

"Umk, I was right before the Primal Dialga fight in Explorers of Darkness when you called" I said and suddenly wished I had started the movie 20 minutes earlier, "This had better be important." "Ahaha, let me save you the trouble!" he chuckled, "The real villain's Lugia, everyone already knows that!" Snivy has his own house with cable? Well, the author has stated that EoD was his inspiration for writing mature Pokémon stories. The strange thing, though, is that Lugia wasn't involved at all in the plot of that game.

She was curled up in a ball, but not while lying down but rather sitting up and leaning against one of the mirrors. The fetal position? I know nothing of the gestation of animals or Pokémon, though it's obvious Eve is shaken. Part of it might be her being in a room that seems to stretch to infinity, since all the walls are mirrors.

"Why are you even talking to me! Talk to Zerobi or Astrid if you want someone who knows anything!" "Well, see, that's the problem" I started and a felt a surge of confidence well up, "We've tried asking them, but they were both a bit too dead to answer." Snivy needs to check his sources: both of them are alive. Hey, they aren't spoilers at this point!

"... Yeah, the blood." Eve whispered softly, "... It was the blood she craved." Here we're introduced to Zerobi, a character who couldn't be more of a vampire if she tried. She wears a cloak, hunts in the night, has sharp fangs, and most importantly, feeds off blood. Well, she doesn't feed so much as bathe in blood, but the point is that she gains from the suffering of others and is incredibly difficult to destroy. Of course, a chapter title in "The Human Species" flat-out refers to her as a vampire, making my observation seem less astute.

Chapter 2: Eve's Story

My father was a Houndoom and my mother was a Leafeon. This checks out: Houndoom can breed with Leafeon, and offspring are the same species as the mother while inheriting the father's moves. Clearly, Pokégenetics aren't quite like regular genetics.

We lived in a forest when I was young, when an accident happened that set our burrow ablaze. I'd like to hear the details of this accident, but it's relatively unimportant. What is important is the fire. Fire is violent; it consumes thoughtlessly. There is an obvious reason it is thought of as the hotter counterpart to water: it can also be cleansing. It expunged Eve's mother from her life, after all. The fire completely changed the way she lived, though it was for the worse.

One might say that a fear of fire is more healthy than destructive. Try saying that after almost freezing to death on a cold winter night, or running away from any Fire Pokemon in the vicinity. No matter what kind of fire it was, I could always see mother writhing among the flames and smell her scent in the smoke. You don't need me to point this out as post-traumatic stress disorder-or, sorry, post-traumatic stress. Anyway, this can sometimes lead to suicide. Eve's claims that she would die if evolved into a Flareon are probably not just drama.

If you take your time evolving, you become either an Umbreon or Espeon. If you happen to stumble upon the Moss or Ice Rock, you'll become a Leafeon or Glaceon. The easiest way of evolving seems to be getting a hold of one of the elemental stones, so that you can become a Vaporeon, Jolteon or... Or... Flareon... One can assume evolution, especially for Eevee, is like passing into adulthood or choosing a career. It's a physical change that can never be undone, but for caught Pokémon, it seems it isn't a personal choice. Snivy, being employed by humans(?) but apparently still free of the Poké Ball, chooses never to undergo this change-probably by having someone scare him or keeping an Everstone with him at all times. Of course, single-form Pokémon would never have to worry about this sort of thing, though it is strange to imagine a tiny Druddigon or something.

Second of all, even if I slaved away in an exploration team for years I wouldn't earn any human currency, which is what I need. A mention of slavery in Pokémon? How poignant. What really catches my eye is that there apparently are exploration teams (and possibly rescue teams) in this world, but use berries or something instead of Poké as currency.

So the only option for me would be to get myself caught by a human, and have him evolve me. This is a horrible idea. I don't want a trainer! I don't want to fight for a living! And what if he decides not to evolve me, or turn me into a Flareon! I'd die! Eve seems to have an inherent distrust of humans, for some reason.

I had no plan. Very little hope. I just went to the school for Pokemon in Cerulean City every day, fighting with my fear of fire and avoiding evolutionary items whenever I could.

One: Pokémon have a school, where apparently they learn to battle, which makes it a strange choice for Eve to go every day. Two: Evolutionary items are suddenly more common than she thought.

Zerobi was a Sneasel in my class. Very elegant and intelligent, but also very dark. She was really into the occult, spouting her mouth about reality-devouring creatures called MissingNo or Mew, Mewtwo and Mewthree. Zerobi never knew her parents, and Eve lost one of hers. Heroes are often orphans, since this makes a good inspiration for heroism. It's hard to call anyone in this story a hero, though, at least in the usual sense.

How could anyone have known! She was just another girl at our school, how would we have known that she was in fact a vicious, bloodthirsty demon! A hint that deep inside, everyone has the potential to be a murderer (or at least that you can't tell apart the ones who do)? But, hey: less philosophizing, more reading.

Chapter 3: Zerobi's Story

From Life, Death. From Death, Rebirth. From Rebirth, Life. But only outside of obscurity can you live for all eternity. And like the wind, I shall sweep the land forever. Death and rebirth are really the themes of this story. Eve's mother dies; Eve starts a new life in the city. Cult members die and others are reborn as new types. The cult dies, and Eve transforms into a sullen mess, unable to even evolve. And, of course, Zerobi dies but is brought back to life. I guess you could even say evolution is a kind of rebirth. In that case, Eve has reached her rebirth limit without even evolving.

It all began in Cerulean City, where I lived most of my life. It was a peaceful city, but one that harbored many dark secrets. The greatest of these had to be the cave located in the city's outskirts, better known as the Cerulean Cave. If I'm analyzing symbolism, I feel obligated to draw some connection, however tenuous, to Greek myth. Now, to get to this cave you have to cross a river-swim under it, really-and pass a vigilant guard. If that isn't Hades I don't know what is, but my guess is that this practically wrote itself into the story. Keep in mind, though, that it is a place of death and decay which no one leaves. Caves are often used symbolically, as in Plato's Allegory of the Cave. Consider that, for the most part, the cult members are kept in the dark, so to speak, as to the identity of the other members or the true nature of the activities. Astrid, especially, has never ventured beyond the cave, and after seeing what the outside world can be, is understandably hesitant. The real problem, though, is what's inside the cave. Zerobi was fascinated by the occult before even setting foot in it, but on entering this place her true nature shows: that of a serial killer. Clearly, Cerulean Cave is more than just a place for Mewtwo to hide. ...Damn, this symbolism stuff is easy.

My favorite rumor was that a genetic clone of the legendary Mew was housed in the cave, crushing anyone who dared to disturb his peace. Is Mewtwo Hades and Mew his Persephone? Okay, enough of that.

"Astrid" I repeated, thinking that the guide was doing well so far, but I should probably cut out the whole "weaken it and throw a Pokeball" part of it. The magazine was written by and for humans, after all. It really is irresponsible to give legendary power to pre-teens (or any human), isn't it? One could call Pokémon the power fantasy of every child, made real.

"M-Me?" Astrid said with a surprised look on her face, "I'm a regular Eevee, living here with my father... Or at least, until recently, he passed away." Yes, it seems Evolution's Gate doubles as the local Orphans' Club. I have to wonder if this kind of thing is common among Pokémon. I guess you never know when your parent will be captured or ki-I mean, faint.

The next day, two creatures broke through the surface in the secret entrance I also feel like I should make a reference to baptism somewhere around here. So yeah, baptism, rebirth and all that. Go symbolism.

After a quick glace downward, I suddenly realized that Astrid was definitively not a girl. An erection, or what? Well, this series does have its share of references to "that certain part of the male anatomy." Of course, any sex is never explicit.

There was, like, a warm feeling all around me, and when I came to it, I was a Rock-type! So, here we have the death and rebirth theme again. Some rock Pokémon died, and its essence-its aura, you could say-was somehow transferred to Astrid. Clearly, Poképhysics aren't quite like regular physics.

That is when my life changed forever. A burning, yet pleasant sensation which stemmed from my arms and reached throughout my body, slamming my every nerve with pleasure on the way. The warm, dripping blood was no longer a source of revulsion in my mind, but rather the essence of joy. I felt it caress my skin, I felt it seep into me to soothe my pain, and I felt my body craving more. So, yes. Blood, at least in this case, is basically sex. You can substitute it rather cleanly: Zerobi has her first experience with a male and a stranger, no less. The pursuit of it drives and eventually destroys her, but as a loss of innocence marks her transformation from a girl to a woman. Okay, that sounded way too creepy.

Chapter 4: Ghost's Story

To be honest, I always wanted to be a Ghost Pokémon. I mean, they're awesome! You have almost no weaknesses, you get to fly around and you can even make yourself invisible or transparent! The only issue I've heard is that they easily frighten people, but a cute Eevee that just happened to be a Ghost-type? It's the best of two worlds! This particular character (who is never technically named) must have been evasive and/or mischievous. Why else would he want to turn invisible, other than to scare or hide from others? Maybe he already felt invisible and wanted an appearance to match.

So we were given these black cloaks to wear to keep our warmth, and to conceal our identities. Now, does everyone in a cult really believe they're the chosen people, or will meet aliens or whatever? Probably not. I've never been in a cult, but I think the idea is to fit in rather than stand out. It's a place of belonging, like a gang.

She brought the nervous thing up on the altar and asked her what kind of type she wanted to evolve into. "Poison!" the little thing shouted, desperately trying to sound masculine. Couldn't have been over 5 years old. Why would a female want to sound masculine? Gender issues? Are cults typically male gatherings? Is the Poison type typically male? I don't know the answers, but I can certainly ask the questions. Also, I know nothing of the development of Pokémon, but five years old in many animals is into adulthood.

"What!? Like I'll let you... GRAAAHHH!" I heard the Gastly scream so loud that I felt the sound hit my stomach, "I-I'm vanishing! Help! Someone!" By all indications, Ghost-type Pokémon (or at least the Gastly family) are basically sentient gas, not spirits. They can die, then-but what about the ghost of Cubone's mother? That's...That's an anomaly.

I remember her cutting off my ears and taunting me, but I could still hear her somehow. At one point she cut a trail down my stomach towards my private parts, but she stopped right before them which made me thankful. I think she was on top of my [sic] all the time, but with the intense pain flowing through my every nerve it was hard to tell. Even a punch would have felt like a sweet caress at that point. Sound anything like sex here? I didn't come up with the idea of vampires being hyper-sexual, by the way. They just both tend to be...messy.

I stopped myself, and looked down in confusion. I was floating in midair. Here, death does seem to mean a transformation into a ghost. I've never particularly understood why something as specific as a ghost should be a type-or dragons or poison, for that matter. If you ask me, the entire Type system is screwed up. Back on topic: apparently this Spectreon is still able to die. It seems Ghost-types are actually corporeal, if only some of the time.

Walking was rather easy in comparison, since gravity would always keep you attached to the ground. I have to wonder why ghosts wouldn't just shoot off into space if gravity had no effect on them. Of course, neither TPT nor Pokémon invented ghost physics. Freedom from the laws of physics, though? Being a ghost is the ultimate form of escapism.

Chapter 5: Astrid's Story

Having been born in recluse, I find security in a cage. Probably meant "seclusion" instead of "recluse." Anyway, I find this interesting: a cage is something meant to restrict freedom. It's a prison. It's surprising, then, that anyone could enjoy having his freedom taken away, especially when nothing was done to warrant imprisonment. However! Astrid was born into the prison that is his cave, and in a way, a cage can provide security. As it protects the outside world from what is inside, so does it guard what is within from what is without. The idea is that people are much more rarely a danger to themselves than to others. ...Or maybe it's another typo and it was supposed to say "cave," which would probably make more sense anyway.

I mean, I'm no stranger to killing . . . It would seem this cage isn't so secure after all. Maybe Astrid's rocky exterior signifies how he's withdrawn into himself and blocked out his surroundings. I'm not saying that's right; I'm just saying it could be interpreted that way.

And when I don't want to be found, I won't be found. The darkness of a cave is perfect for camouflaging a rocky Pokémon. Actually, one wonders if Astrid had ever seen light before.

Apparently, Halloween is something that happens on the sixth day of autumn. That would put its date about a month before Halloween is usually celebrated. Clearly, Pokéseasons...etc.

Right in the dialogue here, I find it kind of hard to believe that the characters can recall events with such clarity. They're practically omniscient.

These po-lice seemed to wield big authority . . . Is a cave really under their jurisdiction, I wonder? Sorry that this is mostly observations; there isn't much going on in the way of symbolism in this chapter. Or maybe I'm just losing my touch!

By doing this, I can live forever! I have found myself both eternity and divinity, all for the simple price of blood! Totally a vampire.

"You fucking killed me, bitch!" the ghost bellowed . . . Ooh, language. This reminds me of another choice quote from chapter 8 of The Human Species: "BITCH, I'M YOUR ACCOMPLICE!" Lucario bellowed. So, for some reason, more than one dude has bellowed "bitch" at Zerobi, moving her to violence. Strange, no?

"Oh, @#% you &£¶ Ɵƻƴ, in your Ï Â¶-¾ "¸Î´"Š with thirty 'žÂ¶'"!" Astrid roars in rage. Obviously this is non-canonical, but I have to wonder why the author decided to just now censor this cussin'. Comedic effect, I guess.

"Finally time for the big climax, eh?" Snivy mumbles. "I'm behind you all the way!" Umk chuckles. Umk-secret rapist? I'll get to this.

Chapter 6: Story's End

As Snivy exited the detention cell, he immediately wished he hadn't as the pungent stench of Umk once more filled his nostrils. Snivy actually does have nostrils, like real snakes, at the end of his nose. Actual snakes smell (mostly at least) using their tongues, but it's probably safe to assume Snivy isn't quite like ordinary snakes given his arms and legs.

. . . large rocks were scattered randomly on the side. They loomed ominously over them in the dark of the night. Graves! They're gravestones! It's a graveyard! Yeah, I've got nothing.

The sky exploded in brightness as lightning struck behind it, casting a long shadow from the viscous creature. I'd really say Umk is the viscous one. I'll have to talk about fixing up all these typos...Maybe someday I'll rewrite this whole series...Hmm...

"No! Don't!" Eve wailed from behind them, "She's too strong! Zerobi, everyone already knows you're special, don't do this!" Chances are that Eve is completely misunderstanding Zerobi's motivation. Actually, I wonder if some serial killers do kill for the attention.

"Zerobi!" Snivy shouted while pointing at her, "You are hereby arrested for all that stuff you did!" Either the writing is losing steam or Snivy's shaken by what's been going on. I'll give 'em the benefit of the doubt.

"Ooooh, you feel soooo good!" Zerobi taunted while licking some blood of her claw, "You too shall soon become a part of my body! We'll get to know each other quite intimately!" Smugleaf stared at her in silent disgust for a while, before suddenly bending over. I am 100% sure of that murder=sex thing at this point.

"My name... is not 'Smugleaf'..." he muttered angrily as he hunched over before howling madly, "It's SNIVY!" This reminds me of that one part in The Matrix where he's all, "My name...is NEO!" That's a good movie. Lots of symbolism in that one.

"Your resistance only makes me harder!" Umk said loudly as he felt a cold feeling in his lower regions, "Water may soften me, but ice has the opposite effect!" This is what I mean by "Muk is a rapist." What's his deal? Also, this: She inhaled deeply, occasionally stopping to cough up sludge that had invaded her facial orifices.

Now, drench me with your innocence! This one's actually spoken by Zerobi. This is a strangely sexual scene.

"... And then, SHE SUDDENLY CAME BACK TO LIFE!" Umk shouted while laughing uncontrollably. "What!?" the Croagunk said, "But you said you melted her! You're drunk off your ass, man!" Strangely enough, she totally does.

Now they both looked down at the ground. A few days ago they didn't even know each other, but now it felt like they shared something invaluable. Snivy seems kind of like a father figure to Eve--and possibly a love interest. That's some weird Oedipal stuff there, huh? You know, it occurs to me that I never did include any Freudian symbolism in here, mostly because I don't care for it. If you wish, though, you can replace every analysis with "(This/These) character(s) want(s) to sex up (his/her/its/their) parent(s) of the opposite gender. Also, everything is a penis or a vagina." Have fun!

If you have something to tell me, leave a review or something, maybe we can strike up a conversation, get a drink sometime, listen to some music, collaborate a story, earn millions, move in together, spend millions, create solo careers, try to write music even though we can't, enter alcoholics anonymous and never talk to each other again. Phase one is complete!