Seven Years

Story by Raserei on SoFurry

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A clicking of keys, Why can't I find him?

Searching... . . . No results found.

Damn. He thought to himself as he typed away at the keyboard again, a more hurried pace. This is pissing me off!

Searching... . . . No results found.

A growl hit the air as he brought a frusterated pair of fists down on the keyboard. "I see him in my dreams all the time, but I can't find him, I can't hold him, it's just not fair!" A trailing voice, "The internet, collection of all information, yeah right." A small fit of tears started, but stopped suddenly when it was broken by another sound.


There was that scent again. He had only smelled it once, but he knew it was the one that he had sought for all this time. Coming to the real world was the right thing to do, to find his tamer and protect him. His scent was strongest outside this window.

A growl hit the air, followed by light sobbing. Could that be him? The Digimon began to lean forward, but oblivious to the window, bumped into it, startling the teenager inside. The young man jumped, and then began to look around, making eye contact with the window.

The creature stared for a moment, curious, captivated, and staring in at the boy. A pair of blue jean cutoff shorts with a white tee shirt were the clothing of a blonde haired, blue eyed, young man of slender build, looking to be about 5'4" and 150 lbs, and definitly something worth-- This was his tamer, he was not supposed to look like that to a human. The beast couldn't help it as he felt a sensation in his lions. No... no, that's not right. The boy walked over to the window, a look that read both curiousity as well as astonishment.

"What are you?"


"I'm WereGarurumon, a Digital Monster, and you're my tamer." The kid froze. His dream had appeared before him, in the window, he first thought it was an hallucination. It couldn't be true. The words echoed in his mind for a moment, before the creature spoke again. "Can I come in? It's kinda cold out here." The Digimon said, rubbing his muscular upper-arms.

"Ye-yeah!" The boy said, a little too loud. "Come in, please!" He offered a hand, and it was filled quickly by the wolf's massive paw. "Oh wow..." He marveled at the sensation of the Digimon's fur, and tough skin on the palm of his paw, as well as how he didn't smell like a wolf. "You... you're..." He grinned, "Wow."

"My tamer has a name, right?" The wolf said, his tail wagging idly.

"Oh!" The kid caught himself, "Y-yeah, my name's Alex."

Alex... WereGarurumon began sniffing about his body, "You are my tamer." A definite nod as the monster than sat down on the floor, being uncomfortable to stand, as he was beginning to have certain problems. "Alex, come here." A paw patted the floor beside him, and the boy did as asked.

"Hey, umm... WereGarurumon?" WereGarurumon... He threw the name about in his head for a moment, "Garu, how did you find me? How long have you been searching?" Alexander dared not to tell the creature that his dreams had been filled with images pleasing to the body out of embarrasment, but wanted to so badly.

Another sniff of the air, and the lupine Digimon smiled. "I followed my nose, and a long time. I've been searching for you for seven years." The young man's eyes went wide, "Yes Alex, seven... long... years." WereGarurumon didn't realize that he was leaning closer to the spoken to with each word, but wound up nose to nose with him. A coy looked flashed, but then, faded away as he sat up tall, leaning away from the boy. "There's something else though... something I shouldn't tell you, but I will, because I feel that I have to."

Alex's heart skipped a beat. There had been a smell, and he'd rather liked the feeling of the Digimon's cold nose against his own. "Garu, before you start, there's a couple of things I want to show you." Alexander reached under his pillow, the head of the spacious bed being only feet away from the pair. "This is something I've been working on..." An art book was placed into the open paw of the monster. "I've been working on this for seven years as well." The cover was opened, and WereGarurumon gasped. The subject of every single page was none other than himself, in various poses, some with clothing, some without, and others in very curious ones...

"I-I... I don't know what to say." The wolf said, caught between a strong feeling in his heart, and a sensation once more in his loins. A fang filled smile crossed his face as he stared at Alexander, who merely turned away blushing. "This book says much more than you were ever going to tell me... doesn't it?" The lupine made a sudden move, and had Alex pinned to the floor, the Digimon's nose sniffing and making its way up his body, starting from between his legs.

The boy froze, but it was not from fear. This, somehow, felt right. It felt right that the Digimon hover over him and do this, but... why, he did not completely understand. "Garu... I-I... I'd like to draw another picture." The wolf froze, his muzzle just over Alex's neck. He opened his mouth and then lowered it, his fangs dangling just over the human's windpipe. They gently closed down on his throat, with his tongue snaking out, beginning to caress his tamer.

A release of fang, but the licking continued. "Alex, I would like you to."

From underneath the wolf, Alex's soft hands began to undo the various accessories that decorated the lupine. "Yes, I would like to as well." A smile, "But, I'd like to draw you..." He trailed off, but WereGarurumon knew what he wanted. He himself wanted it as well. "I'd like to draw you in the fur." His face was alight due to blushing, "I would like that very much." Alex didn't realize that his hands had arrived so soon at the wolf's belt buckle and pants button. "In order to do that, I need to-" One paw closed over either one of Alex's hands and guided the boy.

"Go ahead... I'm with you all the way." WereGarurumon began licking Alex's face as his pants were pushed down to his ankles, which were kicked off onto the bed. "Well now, you're going to have some fun." A coy smile crossed his face, full of feral fangs turned curiously. "A quick sketch, but... I'd like for you to join me as well."

Alex couldn't believe his ears. "Y-you want m-me to do what?" His eyes widened a tad bit, but he then smiled, "Well, y-yes, I-I will." The boy removed his shirt and then smiled, his hands caressing down his flat, smooth chest. A quick shake of his head, "H-how about we f-forget the s-sketch and w-we both catch a n-nap?" This stutter was beginning to get on Alex's nerves. The only audiable response was when Garu climbed onto the bed, chuckled, and then patted the bed. A small nod, and they were both thinking the same.

"There's no reason to talk like that, you know that I'm not going to hurt you." Something came to the Digimon's mind. "Alex, are you afraid?"

"No." He said clearly, "I've dreamed and drawn this for years on end now, and I never knew why." The boy leaped into the bed, playfully tackling, or being allowed to tackle, the monster. "Now..." His has began to feel their way about the creature's well defined features, his muscular body, the soft fur, and the smell.

What was that smell?

Alex found out. His eyes scanned the body of the other in bed, and then found his groin. The human quickly looked up, blushing and with a smile. "Garu..." He was silenced by a tongue licking his cheek.

"I know what you're thinking Alex, and it's all right, you can." WereGarurumon layed down on his back, his tail twitching and wagging this way and that, a grin evident on his face. Something had been bothering Alex. The fact that there were butterflies in his stomach, but the Digimon was perfectly comfortable. The human was not, at all. He had noticed his problem, and the fact that his pants had begun to show it. "Oh, and... yes, I know you're nervous, I can smell it. There's no reason to be, please, join me."