Love and War Chapter 4

Story by HuskieWolf SouthPaw on SoFurry

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#4 of Love and War

Chapter 4

He sat there, basked in his shame...his anger at himself too. "I'm such an idiot!" he roared as he punched the couch where it took place. He then felt a thumping head-ache. He took an aspirin then laid down as drifted off to sleep. He was woke by sensation of feeling shook, which he was. As he woke he noticed his paw on his leg, shaking it. And that voice....his voice..."Josh...Josh, wake up!" Josh slouched up, but kept his face low. Mark already noticed."You've been crying..." Josh said nothing."I can understand why...but firstly you got it wrong. I didn't leave cause I was disgusted or anything... It's just with my dad..and this war with those crazy nano shit things... I left cause I needed to think it through." Mark smiled but Josh just sat there. Not that he was upset still. Mark had cleared that out of the way. He was just still a bit drowsy from the aspirin. But managed to slur something out "" Mark's face was confused "Are you ok?" Josh pointed towards the aspirin box. "Oh. Your still drowsy. Uh..well...I mint that.." Mark started blushing."Reed said we protected each other, looked out for each other. I realized that this morning. But came out not to while ago. I don't see why you hid it from me. I would have had no problem." Josh felt slightly better."Well I wasn't sure...being friends with a guy that likes guys..and one that likes his best friend too.." Josh sighed. "Hey, I'm totally cool with it!" Mark smiled and gave Josh a hug. "uh...what now..?" Mark could head a hint of confusion in Josh's voice."Well..I've never taught about dating a guy..yet alone anyone...and you know this." Then another reason why Josh didn't tell him came to mind. Mark had been so isolated from his past. When he made friends with Josh, they stayed friends. All Mark wanted to do was hang with Josh. "But anyway...while I was gone I did get a bit curious..but I'm sorry. Now isn't the time. With the stuff about my father..." Josh rubbed Mark's armband they both blushed " It's ok Mark. I feel much better anyway. And I'm glad this hasn't ruined our friendship." Josh smiled."When this is all over we can talk...about us. And if there is going to be one." They looked at each other, caught in the moment. Josh was more in love with him than ever before. Mark knew that Josh was loving this past few minutes and he didn't want to ruin. He was the single most important person to him. His friend for life "and maybe more.." he thought. "Uh....wanna watch TV?" "Sure" said Mark. They watched TV together and Mark did something unexpected. He leaned his head on Josh's shoulder, but Josh knew what he was doing. Making him happy, cause tomorrow they were going to military training.