Running from what

Story by Gabreail on SoFurry

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He runs through the forest as he runs to not feel not feeling even the slight breeze that blew thru the trees. Ever closer does his pace bring him to the light as it breaks, yet everything around him already breaks. He hits a rut with a tip of stride as trips in a fit he falls and glides to that prize he sees in his eye, he hears it the breeze the whizzing whine they where there the whole time. On his back with the whining ever gaining, should he continue knowing what the break held, this light was what he sought.

Basked in its glow it whispers to him his eyes shoot open unaware in the blare it just wasn't fair to make him have to dare on such a small fact. His ribs racked as he lifted back off to run again he had no gun this wasn't going to be fun this run. It was a lie it wasn't going to end it just became more dangerous, more treacherous, the vines themselves now whines for his cries. Reaching and gripping out to his arms as weak attempt to make him give to it all around nothing but as never closing end. It would only be a frame of time as they closed to make him give into the rain. The rain soaked the leaves his path was again hindered as he with every step sunk more his pace slowed.

He wouldn't stop not for what they gave not until this need was staved. Pulling and dragging around this would not keep him bound he would get his end. Ever closer they rode, the forest helping them make him stay but threw all this was still a ray. This was must he had to feed his lust he could not just sit to rust. Was it futile to try to get out for this little while. He would be drawn back like the last even if he could muster what luck and lust it took, but they already took what his lust had come from. It must have just been like a silly pun to them, the bit of fun to have him run till it would be done.

This would not be fun he would get his gun then have his fun. This run was it he thought in a rage fuelling his fit to his knee's he was getting his grip he started to sprint, dip, trip, weave, and careen threw the dark to the light. The step behind him pit pat closer and closer unheeded by the world around, don't worry just run it has to be near the end the light seemed to brighten again his mind opening again the lust finally getting him again. Finally it was the end this was the light it had to be it was just too bright, jumping out into the light and hitting the ground of dirt. Dust whirls around him looking around to the nothingness, so it was all a lie he thought to himself letting a tear out as he looked behind himself crawling back to the end of the plateau. The chaser broke the forest and slowly walked closer its face masked plaid in silver armor of wolf furs.

Nodding his head yelling back slowly getting closer to the edge, this must have been the end of the light, this world was just dust or a fake paradise hell, he didn't want any of it any more. As he got closer the figure got closer more quickly and seems to whisper to his soul from behinds this wolfs mask. This mask covered nothing he already knew what it was, this figure that stole his lust, and this figured he just couldn't kill. Getting scared as it got ever closer, a hand at the edge of the cliff he was almost there. Yelling at the figure to get away, no closer, and he didn't want its touch again. Yet it was too late half off the cliff the figure was upon him pulling him back up on to edge and into its arms holding him close to its armor.

Hitting against the armor he cried trying to fight and get away, trying to hit the mask off thinking it would somehow change the facts. It had caught up with him and he could no longer run, it whispered truths he didn't want to hear ever again making him cry harder and his hits becoming weaker. His fake lust starting to leave him and he started to accept the truth and slumped to the ground. The figure looking down at the defeated man, it didn't show emotion just leaked truth back into the man. He looked back up to the figure and starting to smile thru the tears and standing up to remove its mask to look into the truth. The mask removed with nothing left to hide behind it and put it back on his face, the armor crumbled and he started to pick up the pieces and put them back on.

Slowly covering the truth back up he walked back into the forest leaving behind the lie.