Wedding Surprise

Story by Calafin on SoFurry

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Warning! Warning!! The following story contains rampant yiff, both m/f, m/h, and even f/f , and should not be read by anyone under the legal age of consent in their home-territory! If you are not of age, don't read any further!!

On the other hand, If you are of age and like really big, muscular, hung male orcas, and maybe a little taste of teasing f/f incest, read on?

Selene, Luna, and Moby © John Tursiops Calafin. Naketa orcan © Hirself, my mate. The story, YPBS universe, and all related material is © John Calafin, the author.

Positive feedback is welcome; Flames will be used to cook steak for my upcoming wedding?

Selene couldn't repress a giggle as she heard the low moan of her sister through the cellphone, making a couple of her guests smile at her in her wedding dress, a nervous glance to either side preceding her putting her hand over her beak and the phone to muffle her words

"Well, he better be one hell of a hot fuck if you're doing him three hours before your sisters wedding day! I expected you here a while ago!" was whispered as she churred, the answer mostly hidden as the phone was pressed to her earhole, a blush visible on her face and going down her neck under the white dress she wore, and she gave a rueful murr "just be here on time.. I don't want to go to jail for beating up my big sister the day of my wedding!"

Closing the phone and disconnecting the call, she glanced around again and sighed "of all the. I know we're both nymphos but this is ridiculous.. no, wait! those don't go there!" and she forgot all about her big sister as she ran off to lose herself again in the arrangement of her wedding day, the phone slipping into her packet as she resumed her ceremonial frenzy.

Luna could barely manage to trill out a goodbye as the large tongue dancing between her thighs intensified it's movements, her eyes rolling back in her head as her moist sex was assaulted by a very talented and experienced male, and without a second thought she dropped the phone onto the floor and grasped the massive whaleprick in front of her, her beak going over it and stroking it with her tongue as one of her hands hefted the massive balls of her partner, each nearly as big as an orange, the thickness of his prick almost enough to make even her orcan jaw ache as she trilled "she's.. godss.. doing okay... you dirty boy.."

The male under her grinned, thoroughly enjoying the position of his wife to be's sister, her 7 foot height dwarfed by his near 10 feet of muscular orca frame as his tongue danced within her, pumping into her cunt and lapping along her clit, his own huge thickness being thrust into her open maw as he murred and held her groin to his face above him, dribbling pre onto her tongue.

She could barely suppress the loud moans and trills coming from her as the male under her pleasured her with all his skill, her bouncing D-cup tits rubbing against his groin as she lustily blew him, one of his hands gripping her buttock and squeezing as her body shuddered above him. Finally, she couldn't hold herself back, her Swimmers frame spasming as she gave her nectar to him, filling his maw as she keened in orgasm, her cry filling the room as he continued her orgasm, making it pulse within her like a second heart.

Her beak hanging open, she was unprepared as his balls pulled in and he began to fire, forcing a huge load down her throat for a few seconds; her ability to swallow was quickly overwhelmed though, and his cock and seed fell from her mouth, spraying it's lust all over her face and chest, giving her black coloration a white mask as a second orgasm flooded her body, the groan of the huge orca bull beneath her joining in sounding their pleasures atop the bed.

Panting, she rubbed herself and then squeaked "Dangit, Moby! I know you were a porn star, but now we have to shower before we go, you horny bull.. I'm covered in it!" The deep laugh from underneath her did nothing to assuade her concern over getting to the wedding on time; the last thing her sister needed was for her and her sister's husband-to-be showing up covered in his cum, regardless of how good it felt. Turning to look back at him, she chittered "You're always so messy.." "Hey, that's how you like it, according to you.."

Nodding and then rolling her eyes, she slowly pushed up from his form lying back on her bed, the cum sticking to her chest and face, churring as she heard him query behind her"how much longer do we have to show up?" "about 3 hours..". She squeaked as she felt him lean up and nuzzle her sex with a happy murr "mm, good, time enough..."

"Time enough for wha..." was barely out of her beak before she was pushed forward on the bed, her tail hiked, a surprised whistle coming from her as she felt the large male slide up and bring his cock up to her sopping wet entry, his hands gripping her waist "time enough for one more round" and with that he thrust in, the fat length of his cock spearing into her cunt and stretching it, spreading her in ways no other male ever had. Throwing her head back, only a soft keen escaped her as she began to be claimed by her sisters fianc'e, the huge cock pounding in her erasing any concerns she had about the wedding or anything else as she felt her body begin to tense again.

Selene ran forward, embracing her sister as she churred "Oh, thank the gods you made it Luna, what took you!?!?" The 7 and a half foot female Orca was dressed in a tight-fitting but not naughty wedding gown, as white as the underside of her belly, her proprtional bosom only a little enchanced by her bra, everything but the veil looking ready for the walk as she churred. Her sister giggled, dressed in her maid of honor dress, matching the whiteness of her sisters outfit but far less elabroate, as much a one piece dress as anything else, and she kissed her on the beak "Oh, I had to pick up your groom.. the big dummy was so nervous he forgot to fill up his gas tank!"

Glancing behind her sister, she smiled as she saw her soon to be husband getting out of her sisters smaller car with a bit of difficulty; most vehicles weren't designed to handle a being 5 inches shy of 10 feet. Standing, Moby looked as intimidating as his literary namesake, a handsome male orca with a muscular but not too muscular build, dressed in a tuxedo perfectly accenting his coloration as he smiled and waved at her, then went to the grooms tent. She hated the old protocol of groom and wife not being able to see each other before the wedding, but her parents had insisted on a formal wedding, and since they were footing the bill, they didn't have much choice.

Grabbing her sisters hand, she pulled her over to the tent with her family's name on it, and gave her a conspirital grin "okay, name, build, and cock size, you little slut.. who was so danged good you were almost late for my wedding?" Her sisters expression of a mixture of smugness and anxiety made her giggle "Oh c'mon, I'm getting married, can't you tell me one last bit of gossip before I take my big bull to the honeymoon bedroom?"

Whispering, her sister mentioned everything she'd done, doggy style, in the shower, an accidental but orgasmic facial during a hot 69, only leaving out the name of the male. Her inquiries as to his name only brought a grin from her "Uh-uh, I've got to keep some secrets, right? are we still on for the surprise tonight?" Her nod brought a trill, and they both hugged each other "I love you, Big sis.. I love you too.. I never imagined you'd bag a porn star, you little slut.. trying to show me up!" and their giggles were soon drowned out by the start of the wedding dance.

Moby Tightened his suit again, blushing as he felt the suit try and conform to the endowments which his wife to be, and her sister, loved, but which made normal clothes a bit on the uncomfertable side. Glancing in a mirror, he chuckled "I've done dozens of mel's and fem's in front of camara, but I'm nervous about saying I do?" The chuckle behind him drew his eyes to his boss and friend, Calafins 6 and a half feet of muscular but gymnastic bottlenose form concealed under a tuxedo syled wetsuit that somehow came off looking more proffessional than his own custom several hundred dollar suit.

"Don't worry.. she's a great gal, and she loves you, and you love her.. I know you two might stray a little, but you'll always come back to each other, right?" His slow nod brought another grin from the beak of his friend, and a slap on the back "c'mon.. it's not like you're giving up on anything but heartache.. she said you could still work for YPBS, and she wants to as well, and Gaia knows you need someone to watch your ass besides me, right?"

A nervous laugh made his friend glance him up and down, adjust his tie, and then his pants, drawing a murrp from him, and he smiled "allright, allright. just quit fondling me.. I swear, for being married you've got curious hands, Cal.." and they both chuckled, the music starting drawing their attention as he gulped nervously and the bottlenose phin grinned at him "show time buddy.. try not to get hard during the vows looking at her boobs, okay?"

Stepping out of the tent, he churred softly, Calafin as his best man standing beside him as they slowly walked to the beginning of the walkway, a low murr coming from him as he looked up and saw his wife in her dress "Jeez, she's gorgeous" "yeah, well, she's waiting, c'mon.." and he slowly began to walk forward, forcing his gaze from the minister as shi stood next to his wife.

The Minister, one Naketa Orcan, was clad in one thing, and that was the necklace signifying hir as a priestess of Cet'i and Certon'is, hir nudity forced upon Selene's parents by tradition. The herm orca stood a little taller than The wife to be, Hir medium bosom firm and shining with moisture, rings piercing each nipple, hir orca coloration showing in the light. The only outward sign shi was a herm were the double slits in hir groin. Smiling at him, shi winked as he stumbled up onto the stars, and Calafin stood beside him, the decorations they'd chosen, a black and silver motif, blowing in the breeze around the small gazebo as he looked at the lovely female orca and reached down, taking her hand.

He didn't fully remember the rest; the combination of the nude minister, His wife looking so beautiful in the dress, and the setting had his mind in a fog of the kind of love he felt for her. He did indeed bed many others, including her sister, but no-one else made him feel like she did, whether in bed or simply talking, and she herself also knew that sometimes, if he was willing, she might play around a bit, but that she wanted him in her home and heart. The vows went by in a blur, a tear threatening to leave his eye as they smiled at each other, slipping the ring on one anothers fingers, the Ministers smile like a cheshire cat as he Finally said "I shall" and heard "you may kiss the bride"

The resulting kiss was far from the typical, tame kiss he'd seen in movies. He physically picked her up and kissed her, the kiss turning into a hot, passionate frenching as he held her to him, her toes barely able to touch the ground as the kiss continued for several minutes, Calafins cough the only thing bringing him back to earth. Blushing as brightly as she was, The ministers giggle made them glance, and then turn to face their assembled friends and family, his and her parents seated in the front. "Friends and Family, I present to you Mr. Mobius Richard and Mrs. Selene Richard" and he felt his face flush again as the announcement was met with a standing ovation and several loud cheers, and he smiled down at his new wife, her own smile matching his as she winked up at him.

The celebration lasted Quite some time, a massive cake with them dancing atop it quickly devoured along with enough seafood to handle an ocean liner, Toasts echoing along the tables set up in the garden backyard of Selene's parents house. During the celebration, he couldn't help but notice his new wife and her sister whispering now and then, but then they'd always been very close; he'd sometimes wondered how close they'd gotten from a few things he'd heard them discuss on the phone, but then, she was getting married, of course they'd chat. Feeling an urge he knew well, he leaned over and nuzzled his wife, telling her he needed to use the bathroom, her affirming nod letting him up to get into the house and finding his way to the large master bathroom downstairs.

Giving a low sigh as he stepped into the bathroom, he leaned back against the tile and groaned. Something he'd explained to his wife and she understood, was one of the reasons he had become a porn star in the first place. A combination of his unusually large balls, even for his size, rampant hormones, and a gene mix not even his doctor could explain, caused him to make much more seed than normal, to the point he got blue balls unless he climaxed once or twice a day. He'd turned that seeming problem into a way to make his career, and while he enjoyed indulging it, at times it could cause problems, such as not getting a hard-on at the wedding dinner table.

Pulling open the snap on his pants and dropping the zipper, he gave a churr of relief as his member slid from his slit into the open air, his cock proportional to his height and then some, a soft croon coming from him as he began to stroke himself, licking his beak as he imagined his wife suckling on him and then mounting him, remembering all the fun he'd had in his career, even the time he'd enjoyed having his best friend under the tail. His reverie was brought to a snapping stop as he heard the bathroom door open, his shaft still in hand, pre on his head, balls hanging out his pants; no, he'd locked the door, hadn't he?

He recieved his answer as a cetacean hand, marked with the colouring of an orca, gripped the door and then pushed it further open, the Minister stepping through in hir nude glory, and then turning, giving him a wink "I could hear you.. not able to wait for the wedding night, eh?" HIs blustering attempt at a reply was met by her pushing a hand to his beak and smiling "Calafin told me all about your problem... It's not something to be ashamed of, it's just a part of you She understands and loves.. and Selene is a wonderful Girl, you're lucky to get her."

Nodding slowly, he began to pull his member back inside, then give a low squeal as she grabbed his head and then shook hir head, smiling at him "uh-uh.. I'm not about to deny you enjoying the rest of your wedding.. lets make a deal, hmm? I have a way to insure you'll have lots of seed for the honeymoon night, but that it won't bother you *until* tonight, okay? That way you can enjoy the wedding, and still keep up your reputation.." His slow nod was met with a churr by hir "what do you want in return?"

Grinning, shi reached up to a small box, hidden in a rack above the toilet, unfolded a tripod from it, and pushed something on it, making a green light appear "Simple.. This is a micro- digital camcorder.. I want to make a video of me blowing you to tease my husband Calafin with, he loves watching me blow other males" Blinking, he trilled at hir "you mean to tell me, the cost of my being able to hold back until tonight, then give Selene everything she wants tonight, is to let you blow me?" The giggling nod She answered with made him grin, and he let himself come fully erect, his length throbbing eagerly "okay, deal.."

Leaning back against the wall, he gave a low groan as the herm walked up and grasped his cock, giving him a teasing lick from base to tip as shi trilled "mm, such a big boy..." and then wrapped hir Heavy C's around his length, starting to slide them up and down it as he groaned, absently reaching over and locking the door, not wantng any more visitors. The lusty ministers actions soon had him dribbling pre, hir tongue darting out to lap it up, but letting some coat hir breasts as shi winked at the camara "enjoying the show, Cal?" and continued worshipping his maleness as hir own femsex become moistoned, hir melslit starting to bulge.

Abandoning all pretense, Shi reached up after a few more moments and gripped his cockhead, pulling it down to hir Beak and starting to suckle it into hir throat, hir form a mix of bull and female as shi reached down and began to finger hirself with one hand, hir other gripping his staff as shi expertly blew him, tongue flailing along his length

as shi slid more and more of his thickened cockmeat into hir beak, finally letting hir beaklips rub his hilt as his hands found hir head and he bucked into hir maw, eyes closed as he grunted in pleasure.

No one had ever been able to blow him to the hilt, not any of his co-stars in the porn shots he'd done, not his wife's sister, not even any of the gay orca's he'd bedded, and the feeling was more intense than he'd thought possible. Bucking hard into hir gulping throat, it took only a couple of minutes for his endurance to expire, especially considering he wanted to cum more than prolong it. His jets of white cream firing down hir throat made hir moan in orgasm, hir cunt visibly pulsing to the camara as he flooded hir throat, and then shi pulled off of him, jerking his member off with his assistance as hir face and breasts quickly got coated with thick whaleseed, hir own moaning orgasm only urging him on as he marked hir with a load worthy of his name.

Gasping for breath, he leaned back against the wall again, and he gave a low murrr as the cum-soaked herm kissed his cocktip and then stood, not in the least seeming to mind the puddle of spoo shi was standing in as shi smiled and pulled him back into his pants, then handed him a small pill, which he took "there.. Cal was working on those, your balls will be full to the brim tonight, but sated until then.." and shi giggled, glancing at hirself, then making the camara pan hir body before turning it off "you better go.. I need a shower, and you have a new bride.."

Nodding, he quickly finished straightening himself and ran out the door, then composed himself before walking back onto the garden and re-joining the party, his needs sated as he resumed the festivities. Behind him, the herm orca giggled and began to shower hirself, whistling, a knock on the door met with a low churr "Yes?" "It's me Naketa, you okay in there?" Hir smile betraying hir recognition of hir husbands voice. "sure, come on in.." "What on.. yip!!" was followed by a slammed and locking door, and then followed by the sound of a male dolphin being given a thorough prostate exam, as the herm decided the party wouldn't require their presence for an hour or so.

After the end of the Party, and the guests going home, He smiled at Selene as he held her hand "well, shall we retire then, my love? Your parents promised us a room here tonight, and I don't really want to drive home.." Her soft, seductive churr brought a grin to his beak "honeymoon? in my parents house? Why you dirty, Naughty bull... I just love the idea.." and shi stood, followed by him as shi lead him through the house, passing by a certain bedroom which made his pants even tighter than normal, and then took him upstairs, Her veil discarded onto a chest in the hallway as she walked to a room at the end of the hall and then paused, winking at him "It's not our house.. but will you take me across the thresh-hold?"

Laughing softly, he picked her up almost one handed, unlocked the door, then put her over his shoulder, Drawing a squeal from her "you barbarian!". His deep chuckle, followed by a soft kiss, made her smile "like you said, this isn't our real house.. and tonight, my wife, I plan on letting you plunde rme all you want..." and he opened the door, stepping inside, pausing a moment as he took in the surroundings.

His wife's parents had a big two story house, dressed with decorations, and the room in front of him boasted a huge california king with a soft comforter on top, drapes surrounding it, a open door to the left leading to what looked like a huge bathroom with a walk in shower, a second door to a closet, apparently, the rug under their feet plush enough to cover some furs feet completely, a classic set of drawers standing next to a chest, the entire room decorated in a modern victorian theme, and he chuirred as he slowly set her down on the ground, giving her a kiss "Man, your parents know how to live.."

Smiling, she nodded and returned the kiss, then trilled "mmhmm... we picked this room in case we wanted to stay for the night.." and she winked at him "settle yourself in while I make myself more comfortable.." Cooing at her with a wink, he sat on the bed as she slipped into the bathroom with a blown kiss, and he churred, kicking off his shoes and removing the rest of his tuxedo, leaving himself nude save for his wedding band as he waited for her, Glancing around the room and then focusing his attention on the door, feeling the urge in his balls start to re-awaken from whatever pill the minister had given him, licking his beak softly as he pondered the fun soon to be had.

A soft Trill escaped him as the doorknob turned and the door opened, revealing his wife to him. She was clad in the stockings and garters from her wedding dress, along with a pair of white silk panties and a white silk bra, her heavy C-cup breasts, slightly smaller than her sisters, held up by it's fabric as she closed the door behind her and swayed her hips, slowly approaching him on the bed, his eyes drinking her in as his maleslit began to bulge, his member seeking the air as she trilled and padded around him, eyeing him with a playful grin on her face "Like what you see?"

"No, I Love it.." was his reply, and she churred "good..." and then pushed his chest with her hand, his willing form pushed back onto the bed as she murred and got atop him, slowly stalking up his body like a predatory cat "Then you're going to earn it..." This was something he hadn't revealed to anyone, that he sometimes liked to be a bit submissive to her, to follow her commands, and his belly pinkened as she continued sliding her form up his, until her waist was resting on his upper chest, and she pulled his head to hers, giving him a frantic, passionate kiss, his deep murr and answering frenching of her tongue told of his arousal as his new wife took control of their pace, breaking form the kiss and then sliding her sex up to above his mouth, pulling her panties aside with a lusty trill, and grinning down at him "show me how much you want this..."

A thrill of love and excitement went through him as his wife exposed herself, and he quickly responded as he knew best, gripping her hips and pulling her snatch onto his hungry tongue, his open maw letting him pump it into her as he had her sister earlier that day, a loud squeal of pleasure erupting from her as he began to devour her sex, his own member quickly erecting to full staff as she moaned and bucked, her panties pulled aside to let her fully savour him as her hands rubbed and stroked his head, his own gripping her thighs and making her ride his face.

His deep murrs echoed hers as he worked to make her climax, her cunt so tight and hot and delicious, like her sisters but so different, and this was his wife, his male desire's overwhelmed by his want to sate and pleasure her, to learn her every detail so he could make her moan for years to come. Soon he began applying his sonar, vibrating her clit as she arched her back and squealed again. Her body shuddered as she moaned out "By Cet'i and Certon'is!" and climaxed hard on his tongue, her nectar quickly devoured as he murred, working to insure her climax was one she would never forget, gripping her thighs as he crooned out his love and lust.

Murring, he nuzzled her as she panted and recovered, her body slick with moisture as she churred, slowly recovering from her climax atop his face. Smiling down at him, she slowly dismounted and then trilled at him, giving him a kiss "mmm, that was one heck of an appetizer.. but I have a surprise for the main course.." Nodding slowly, he grinned, his hardened cock bobbing in the air "I'm ready for anything you want, beautiful.." and she giggled, then walked over to the chest, and pulled out four sets of handcuffs "Really?"

He chittered a moment, then nodded, letting her handcuff him to the beds four posts spread eagle, cock still hard and dribbling some pre as she murred, occassionally licking his cock and making him shudder in desire. After anchoring him, she grinned "now the surprise" and he gave a yelp as she trilled out "okay Sis, you can come out of the closet now" and the closet dor opened, Revealing Luna clad in the same outfit she'd worn for him earlier, precisely nothing, and he blew as she walked over and kissed her sister, tongues battling as they gave away their love was a lot more than platonic, The hand of his wife's sister sliding down to her mound and sliding two fingers in, drawing a squeal from her "do you have any idea how hard it was to listen to you too and not jump in?"

Blushing furiously, he watched as his wife leaned down and began sucking on her sisters tits to her approving moan, feeling his lust battle with his love at seeing his wife pleasure her own sister, the same one he'd bedded that very morning. The bridal bra on his wife was discarded as his wife's sister reciprocated, gripping and fondling her breasts as they kissed again, and then grinned at him, his hardened member bobbing from his groin as his wife trilled "surprise love... I know my sister has been wanting you since we met, and I saw the looks you gave her while we were dating, so now you get to indulge.." His slow nod was met by a giggling churr from them both "mm, ya think he's more nervous or horny?" "I dunno, but then I dunno if I can handle that thing.. I knew he was big from his videos, but he's as thick around as my calf!"

Winking at him, his wife's sister giggled "Nah, calves are in the future.. maybe.. right now you're on the pill like I am, and I plan on taking advantage..." His low murr was matched by his wife and her sister as they both approached him on the bed, a sharp groan escaping him as his sister in law grasped his cock and trilled "you're the new wife, you get first dibs.." She nodded, and he pressed his head back against the pillows as her tongue began to bathe his member, her sisters joining a moment later, but lapping at his heavy ballsac, the pills effects now disappearing in their holding back of his need as he groaned, dribbling pre from his cocktip, eyes rolling back in his head. "This" he thought to himself "Is going to be a very enjoyable night..."

To be continued?;)