Werewolf Puppy Vore Chapter Two

Story by can on SoFurry

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Werewolf Puppy Vore Chapter Two, By can

The puppy was left holding David in her right paw with his head facing down in the long dark hallway watching her mother walk away, when her mother had reentered her bed room the puppy lifted David up to her face and asked.

"Now what?" the puppy asked.

"I'd like a bath" he said.

"OK" the puppy replied.

The werewolf made her way to the bathroom, after opening the door easily the puppy looked at the light switch, she then reached up and turned on the light switch witch blinded both David and Louis but only for a short time. With the light on and the two no more overwhelmed by the light the puppy walked over to the washing basket next to the sink with the sound of her paws making a tapping sound on the cold hard tiles that lay on the ground and walls; she placed David on the lid of the washing basket leaving him in a safe place so she could get the bath ready. The puppy opened the cupboard's right door and picked up the small round bucket that is used to wash only one puppy at a time, the puppy picked up the bucked and walked it to the bath.

The puppy then looked at the taps witch were not far for her, the puppy reached with one paw to turn on the hot water on then turned the cold water on. With both the hot and cold water running the puppy jumped behind the bucket but lost her pawing and fell over with a yelp. Louis didn't try getting back up so she used her hind paws to push the bucket under the running water witch quickly filled the bucket, Louis stood up to see how much water had empty into the bucket already and found it was already full enough, she grabbed a hold of the bucket and pulled it away from the running water.

The puppy jumped out of the bath, then bolted back to the washing basket were David still stood. The puppy picked David up from the washing basket then ran back to the bath, the puppy splashed into the warm water still holding David firmly. The puppy placed David in the water close to her belly, the water reached half way up the puppy's body.

David looked around at were he was now, in front of a werewolf puppy sitting in a bucket of warm water. He looked up at Louis who also looked down at David.

"Why did you do it this way?" he asked.

"So we can bath together" the puppy replied.

The two then bath together (well Louis did all the work), the puppy picked up David from the water, she then jump out of the bath landing on the bath mat still holding David. The puppy placed David on the bath mat so she was able to pickup a towel, Louis picked up a towel that was left next to the bathroom door from her mother. Louis only had grabbed a side of the towel so as she ran it unfolded along the ground, back on the mat the puppy pulled on the towel she then dried herself, when the puppy had finished she stood there watching David dried himself with the towel. When David had finished drying himself Louis picked him up, she then bolted from the bathroom to David's room; David couldn't say anything because of Louis's speed.

The werewolf held David in front of her face and asked.

"What can we do now?" The werewolf asked.

David found himself to close to the puppy's muzzle; he'd been spit on by Louis but that wasn't the worst thing he also got another view of a werewolf's muzzle he'd never wanted to see again.

"Can you move me away from your face a little" he said, with a scared voice.

The puppy heard his fear but didn't understand why David was afraid of being held by her, the puppy moved David away from her face she then sat down and asked.

"What's wrong" The werewolf asked.

David feeling better about were he's being held by Louis replies.

"I have been swallowed by, You, Your father And mother then you again. I don't want this to keep happening" he said.

The werewolf now understood why David was afraid of being held so close to her muzzle; the idea of being eaten alive isn't something anyone would want to happen to them.

"Can you rub me again" The puppy asked David hoping it would make him feel better.

David didn't need to think about this, he knew that Louis wanted him to rub her lower body were there her fur hadn't gone yet.

"OK, let's do that" he said.

The puppy walked over to the bed, the werewolf jumped on the bed easily without needed her forepaws, one in witch David was being held by.

The puppy placed David on the bed, the werewolf then moved away from him but not far she wanted to make it easier for him to climb up, the puppy walked a few steps before dropping to the ground. Walking around on a bed was hard because there paws would sink into the bed needing a puppy to lift there paws higher in order to move around.

Louis laid hind paws first giving David a view of her behind, when the puppy had laid down he approached slowly knowing that he'd need to climb onto her, when he'd reached the tail David walked on the right side, he didn't want to pull on the puppy's fur. When David reached the end of the puppy's body he placed his hands up and around her vulva, giving him something easily to pull on without harming Louis. David pulled himself up and over the puppy's vulva moving him onto her bear skin, her lower body skin was smooth, soft and warm at the touch. As he slowly made his way up the puppy's body she wiggled with pleasure, David laid himself in the small dip between the puppy's two lowest nipples.

David started to move his hands around the smooth puppy's skin making her close her eyes, loving every touch of David's hands. The two wiggled together for about ten minutes before David wanted to do something a little more the just wiggle around, he stopped moving his body around he then raised the front end of his body and said.

"Louis, I want to play a game or something"

The puppy hearing this quickly jumped up from the bed and sat like a normal puppy would, not giving David time to move off her body he was throne to the bed. The werewolf was looking to see were the shrunken David had gone without looking down but every were else, David stood up looking at the towing puppy body sitting over him, he touched the puppy's smooth skin with his right hand making her look down to were he stood underneath her.

"How'd you get there?" she asked turning her head.

"I was on you when you sat up" he replied.

"O, sorry. What now" she replied.

"How about hide and seek, I'll hide and you can seek" he said.

"OK" the puppy said wagging her tail happily.

The puppy turned to jump off the bed but David stopped her by saying.

"I'll need to be on the ground"

The werewolf tuned her head and looked down at David; she reaches down to pick him up. David stands there on the bed allowing himself to be picked up without fighting it knowing he'd be placed on the ground without being harmed. David feels the puppy's paw grip his body as he's picked up, the puffy soft pads grip his whole body as he's lifted off the soft bed. The werewolf then jumps off the bed landing on the ground with a thud, the puppy lowered David to the ground when she released him David stood there as Louis bolded out the door as quickly as she could on all fours. With Louis left the warmish light bedroom David decided to hide under his bed, even though she'd find him easily it would be a safe place to hide. (Why might you ask?)

The werewolf is standing on her hind legs with her face to the wall holding her paws over her eyes, counting down from twenty waiting until she can find David or hunt him down as she called it. When she's finished counting the puppy falls down on to all fours, she sniffs the air for David's sent witch she's able to pick up on, the puppy slowly makes her way back to the bedroom sniffing the air for anything else (her father torte her to always be on a lookout when hunting or when your just playing a game). She finally reaches the bedroom door slowing her trot and sniffing more picking up on David's new sent, the puppy lowers her nose close to the carpet were she finds David's hiding under the bed, already half way to the bed the puppy quickly makes her way to the bed, she then pokes her head under the bed near David.

David hears the werewolf's nose sniffing him out, as the puppy is close to finding him David decides to go out and confront Louis because she might start tossing things about looking for him. David stands up witch gets the puppy's attention as he walks out from behind a shoebox under his bed; he walks over to the werewolf's muzzle carelessly, but as he gets into her reach the puppy thrusts at him turning her head and opening her muzzle.

For David to see Louis thrust at him opening her muzzle to show her large sharp white new puppy teeth, her soft pink tongue sat at the base of her lower maw with the tip at the end sticking up, her hard palate looking like the waives in a sandy desert and the dark cave like throat glistening from her saliva. As this living tarp snatched David up underneath his bed, the puppy pulled herself out quickly from under the bed standing on her hind legs.

Inside Louis's maw David found himself being squeezed between the puppy's wet soft tongue and her hard palate ridges, her tongue was lowered and David once again got a view of the werewolf's entry to her esophagus, David called out to Louis "What are you doing". But there was no reply from the werewolf; the tongue began to twitch moving David deeper and deeper into her maw, saliva started to drip from the roof of the puppy's maw.

Louis swallowed once passing David threw her palatoglossal arch and into her pharynx, David sore her flap open to a rippling tunnel of pink and darkness, the puppy swallowed again opening her muzzle wide moving her tongue to the right side of her face pushing David deeper into her esophagus, were the ripples got a grip of David pulling him down into the werewolf body. David could only watch as he's pushed and pulled down the puppy's anatomy like a treat, David was half the size of the puppy's esophagus so he easily slid down, David couldn't see anything in front of his face not even his surroundings but he could feel the slippery walls of the esophagus pull him down to her awaiting stomach.

When Louis swallowed the last time she opened her eyes wide knowing she'd just eaten David again, the puppy quickly threw her paws around the middle of her muzzle and dropped her ears down, Louis didn't know what to do but after thinking she bolted out of the bedroom and headed for the bathroom knowing that David would need a bath after this. The werewolf threw open the bathroom door also quickly turning on the light but not the fan,

"David, David can you here me" the puppy said keeping her muzzle open after speaking hoping to here David's tiny voice.

David couldn't tell that the puppy had gone from the bedroom to the bathroom as he's taken down, he soon hits something head first that was slimy and closed, the puppy's sphincter opened with the esophagus still pushing on David as a slimy soft small hole opened to the stomach, as David was push threw the sphincter it closed around him, squeezing him into Louis's stomach. David fell from the sphincter all the way from the top of the stomach to the bottom; he hit the bottom of the stomach with a wet sounding splat.

As David stands up the wall of the stomach rumble with the sound of the werewolf's voice, he replies to this rumbling sound, "Just get me out" the dark chamber then tossed and turned as the puppy raised her rear high into the air while also lowering her head to the ground, David fell from the bottom of the stomach back to the top near the sphincter. The werewolf swallowed some saliva as before, David waited until the sphincter opened witch it did. David dived in but only made it threw to his stomach the rest of him was ether being squeezed by the puppy's sphincter or sticking out in side her stomach, her peristaltic waves tried pulling David out but couldn't ripple him free. The werewolf forced herself to release David this did take a bit but she finally passed him threw, David reentered the puppy's esophagus but this time his shoulders touched the walls of the werewolf's esophagus. The constricting force of Louis's peristaltic waves made it a painful trip backup the esophagus, David's body couldn't take much more of this.

Just as David reached her pharynx he become stuck, as his body became stuck David wiggled around trying to force himself out but it didn't help, the werewolf gave it one more push and his body slipped out back to her maw, Louis could once again tastes David inside her muzzle but this time he seemed bigger then before. The werewolf dropped David onto the bath mat underneath her face; he was covered with smile from inside Louis's body. David was breathing alright but mostly laying there resting, Louis sat up she looked at David she knew that he'd need washing or he may die from the acid. The werewolf gently poked her claws under David's body lifting him high enough off the ground so she could pick him up with her paw, with the slimy David in her paw the puppy carefully moved David to the bathroom sink, Louis turned the water on she allowed the water to run warm and only a little.

When Louis finished washing and drying David carefully Louis returned David to his bedroom, David slowly came too this whole thing was almost to much for him, David stood up on his bed Louis poked her ears up at the fact he'd recovered so quickly, David walked over to Louis how lowered her face to the bed that she also sat on, he walked to her nose and smacked it not trying to harm her but in a way to tell her off, "Bad girl" David also said while hitting her. Louis jumped off the bed crying and yelping with her tail between her hind legs because she'd never been hit by David before because Louis hadn't done anything wrong before this.

The puppy ran to her mother who was still in her bedroom but now resting, Louis bolded in to the bedroom crying after being hit and told off by David. Maria jumped off the bed when Louis entered the bedroom crying she ran to Louis and placed her right paw on the puppy's back, Maria asked Louis in a soft voice.

"What Happened?"

"David... said I was a bad girl and and he hit me" the puppy whimpered out.

Maria stopped for a second, and then continued by saying.

"What did you do?" Maria asked the puppy.

"Well I kind of ate him again" the werewolf cried out.

"No wander David did that, he doesn't like to be eaten" Maria told the puppy trying to cheer her up.

"Now why don't you go and play with your brothers and sisters for a while" the werewolf continued.

The puppy slowly turned away from her mother and off to find the others, Maria on the other paw stood up on her hind legs to find David. The werewolf trotted down the hallway finding David's bedroom door wide open with David sitting on his bed all alone, David could her Maria enter the bedroom, he turned around to see a gigantic Maria walking over to the bed. The werewolf sat down with her muzzle lying on the soft bed, David walked over to the wolf's face but didn't get to close to it.

"What happened with Louis" the adult werewolf asked.

"She became too playful and ended up swallowing me" he replied.

"Well ok, are you bigger or something?" she asked.

"I think so, it happened when Louis was regurgitating me" he replied getting a little closer to the werewolf.

"Could I sit with you for a while?" Maria asked hoping for a yes; this is because she'd been raised by David ever since the wolf was half a week old.

"I'd like that" he replied to the werewolf's face.

The werewolf pulled herself back off from the bed, she stood high above David who couldn't help but look up, and as she placed one of her hind paws into the center of the bed David got a view between her hind legs. The werewolf placed both of her fore paws on the bed giving her a boost up onto bed, she lifted her other hind paw up over David.

Maria sat down on the bed laying her hind paws out to the bottom of the bed; the wolf used her left fore paw to support her body, the werewolf waited for David to approach her. David bounces over to Maria using the softness of the bed to help, he soon find's himself between the werewolf's stifle and her hock with enough space to crawl underneath, allowing him to get between her hind legs. After David had crawled under the werewolf's hind leg he looked around seeing walls of gray fur with a little white fur in a few placers, he then turned his attention to her main body witch apart from the normal layout it also had large bumps sticking out, you couldn't see her nipples because Maria would clean her self up after feeding her puppies.

David sore her right fore arm laying on the wolf right sheath, with her paw open in away he could sit easily on, David walked over to the char like paw. David sat on one of the two centre digital balls. Maria lifted one of her the finger that was behind him giving David support for his back, David leaned back pressing his back to the razed finger.

The werewolf then lifted her finger in front of David moving it on to his lap; with David in her paw safely she razed him up, all the way up to her face but being careful not to have him to close.

"Are, Can you hold me on your belly or something?" David asked.

"Ok" she replied.

The werewolf lowered David half way down her body, he soon rapid his arms around the wolf's finger holding her almost the same way he did when she was growing up. The werewolf misses this but ever since she began breeding he'd stopped hugging her most of the time, but never lost interest in her or spending time with the werewolf. The two hugged for a few hours not talking but just hugging each outer, at night fall the werewolf moved her paw over to the bed pillow, were she laid a sleepy David who quickly did fall asleep; she gently touched his back with the back of one of her claws.

The werewolf stood up off the bed, she walked to the door way, but before leaving the werewolf had one last look at David, before leaving the bedroom and closed the door behind her.