God Siege Chapter 1: The Fall of Soarsky Temple

Story by inksugar on SoFurry

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Hello all. This will be my second story that I start. Recently I've become addicted to a game called Feral Hearts, where you get to choose either a Canine or a Feline to design and live as. You enter a world where you can roleplay anyway you like. You can be a mythical creature or part of a lions pride or a wolf pack. It's basically a big furry chatroom with cool images and music and I love it. I wrote this story after making a god character in the game. I think everyone here should look up the game and play it. I posted the story on their forums and hope it's recieved well. I love the game and I hope you will, too. I also hope you like the story and come back for more. Feedback is always welcome :).


Chapter 1

Gale had, once again, been denied the opportunity to help out with the sunset. The temple was bustling with wolf spirits either finishing their work or getting ready to begin it. Some, like her, were settling down for bed, though. Her job wasn't to help. Her job was to grow and learn so that one day she could help. But she was not at all excited about the job she was one day destined to take. The Temple resided high in the sky, surrounded by Cumulonimbus clouds to obscure its vision. It was hidden from the land dwelling creatures and yet known about by all. Everyone knew of the Celestial Temples in the sky hidden all around the earth, but without actually being part of one, they were hard to find, and even harder to get to. Sightings were rare but also a cause for celebration and excitement. Different beasts ruled different Temples and Gale, being that of a wolf, resided in a temple of wolf-kind. Soarsky Temple it was called. Sunset seemed a simple occurrence for many but so much more work went into it than most would think. So many other wolves and fox-kind were involved in so many other ways. Gale had long desired to bring her favorite part of the day to the world but how could she?

You see, Gale had no wings. She resided at Soarsky Temple and didn't have so much as a feather. It's not unlikely to be born without wings. Some gods just don't get them. That was just the way things worked. But how could a wind spirit be without wings? That was just plain cruel. At least to Gale, it was. The best that she could do was glide short distances, using thick clouds as little platforms if they were sturdy enough to actually hold her. It had been explained to her time and time again that she was an earth wind spirit. Not a sky wind spirit. Sky wind spirits brought the wind with the flapping of their wings. She would run across the land, invisible to all, and bring with her the breeze. That was to be her job once she was of age. Gale lay at the edge of the Temple, and stared up at the sky. The temple itself was an open structure, consisting of Pillars holding the roof up. During her studies, she learned how the structure had come to be; only she halfheartedly paid attention. Her study sessions were preparing her for something she had absolutely no interest in. There was one perk to living in the temple and that was the great view you got of the sunset. She sighed and smiled to herself as sunset unfolded right before her. Every change was subtle. With each second that passed, stars became slightly more visible, and the moon shone more brightly as the sun would go from a dim orange glow at the horizon to nothing. Every change was so slight and yet, if you turned for even a second, it would be over before you knew it.

"You like the sunset, don't you Gale?"

"Oh, Synnova!" Gale jumped. "I didn't hear you coming." Synnova laughed.

"You're going to have to work on that. After all, a goddess must learn to sense other gods around her. As a future wind spirit, you'll have to..." Gale's attention was elsewhere, as she stared up into the sky. "Gale!" Synnova said in a commanding voice.

"Huh?!" Gale shot straight up and faced her superior. "Yes, Synnova."

Synnova sighed and shook her head. "I wish you would pay more attention. Especially when others are speaking with you."

"I'm sorry, Synnova." Synnova was patient, strong, and above all, kind. She was also born destined to rule the temple along with the other priestesses. Synnova was a white wolf with wings that stretched farther than her body was long. On her face were little ribbons of gold, circling her cheeks. She stood above most and inspired awe within everyone she encountered. And those eyes: bright, yellow, and piercing as the sun they were. In one word, she was beautiful. Gale wanted nothing more than to be like her one day. But that was impossible.

"We want to send you down to earth for good. We really do. You're old enough. But my sisters aren't convinced you could handle it long term. You stare off into space a lot. It's like you're not even there."

"I'm your sister too, you know." "Stop that. You know what I meant."

Gale hesitated for a moment and then silently responded, "Maybe I don't wanna go down to earth."


"I don't want to go..."

"Gale, you have to. It's your job."

"And what if I don't want this job?! What if I want to stay up here with my friends and be a High Priestess like you? I want to fly. I want to visit the stars. I want to be...important."

"Sweetness. You are important. Who else would bring the lovely summer breeze to the inhabitants of earth?"

"So that I can blow hot summer air in their face? Come on. No one cares about the wind. If anything, it makes things worse on land. It makes the cold bitter. It turns rain into hurricanes, conjures tornados, and makes thunderstorms that much worse. Do you really think I want to be the cause of all of that?" Gale looked up at the sky. Dangit. She had missed the sunset for the second night in a row. Gale looked back at her sister but her eyes soon found the floor. She couldn't bear to look at the one thing she could never come to be at the moment.

Synnova looked at her younger sister. She remembered the day Gale was born. Her fur was a pale blue with no markings. Now look at her. Her fur had darkened into a deep, beautiful blue, likening to the color of midnight, with little curved spirals of pale blue left from birth. It was as if the very spirit of wind had been bestowed upon her. She could blend in perfectly at night. And she got to keep those breathtaking blue-star eyes. Gale had the type of beauty that she herself would never actually begin to realize or appreciate. And this saddened Synnova. Synnova opened one of her wings and wrapped them around Gale. The touch was all it took and, at that moment, the tears that Gale had been fighting to hold back, ran down her cheeks. She sniffed and turned her head into Synnova's wing so that Synnova would not see her sister cry.

"My sister. My little baby sister." Synnova said sweetly. She laid next to her weeping sister and hummed gently as Gale sobbed. It was a song Gale hadn't heard in quite a long time and longed to hear once more from her mother. Gale quieted herself as she listened to her sister sing:

Run, little wind herder

Go bring the breeze

Sweet little wind herder

Across the seas

Fly little wind herder

Swift you must be

Home little wind herder

There I will be

"Mom..." Gale whispered, not meaning to be heard. Her tears began again as her sister held her closer and rocked her to the tune. Synnova rocked her back and forth until the rhythmic breaths of sleep were the only sounds Gale made. Synnova leaned in towards her sister's ear and whispered,

"You are important. Especially to me. Never forget that." This memory would be one that Gale would come to cherish, for she would not get another fond one with her sister...

** **

Synnova opened her wings and jumped out into the air. She carried herself higher and higher over the temple peak. She soared over her people, who acknowledged her with respectful bows and smiles. She gave a graceful nod in return. The evening's work winding down, most were settling into a nice comfy cloud to dream the rest of the night away. Some howled at the beautiful moon before retiring. But there was one peculiar howl that specifically caught her attention. She could spot her landing platform in a high, isolated portion of the temple. Synnova swooped in, folding her wings in upon landing. She approached her fellow Sister on the temple's opposite end and stood next to her. Sister Luneria stood for a brief moment before letting out a long howl that echoed through the sky much more vividly than any of the demi-gods below could possibly manage. They both stood and waited.

"It's been three days now." Synnova finally said.

"And still no word." Luneria shook her head. "This is becoming serious. We must send someone."

"I've already done that." Xerinia said, approaching the two from behind. "I sent someone to the North Reach Temple and I've heard nothing since this morning. I fear they may be lost."

"What?" Synnova was terrified at the idea of actually losing someone.

"That's impossible. No one is lost." Luneria said curtly.

"I hate to disagree but..."

"No one...is...lost." Luneria repeated. Synnova and Xerinia looked at each other. "But it's obvious that something is seriously wrong and our air communications are cut off. We may have to send a land messenger."

Synnova stiffened at the idea. The other two sisters stared at her. "No. No. We're not sending Gale." Synnova said.

"We must."

"She's not ready."

"She's the only Earth Wind Spirit old enough for the journey. She's ready."

Synnova looked at Luneria first and then Xerinia. "No. That's my final word."

"Sadly, sister, it is not up to you." Called a voice from behind.

"Junrei." The three exclaimed as they bowed in her direction. The remaining five sisters followed behind Junrei, completing the gathering of the nine Sisters of Soarsky Temple. Junrei was the head sister and was to be respected as such. She, like Synnova, was white with wings, although her celestial markings across her face likened to the color of the evening purple sky. She towered over Synnova the way Synnova towered over Gale.

"I've been aware of this problem for some time now. I see no other way than to send a courier by land and the most fit for the job seems to be...Gale."

"She's never been out of the temple on her own for that long. She doesn't even know the way. Junrei, she can't even sense me coming up behind her! How can she...!"

"Be still." Junrei commanded. Synnova shook with both rage and frustration but she did as she was told. "The choice has been made. Gale will make the journey."

"What if I go in her place?" Synnova let it fly out of her mouth as freely as she flew to get there. "What if I went?" The sisters looked back and forth at each other before returning their attention to Synnova.

Luneria was the one to answer. "Synnova...I don't think earth dwellers are used to seeing winged wolves roam their lands. That might create more trouble for us than we need. And definitely trouble for you. If there is a threat, we want to discover it unnoticed. Gale will be invisible."

"It is done then. Gale will go at first light." Junrei turned and began to walk away. Synnova watched her leave with a heavy heart. But then Junrei stopped. "If you're so concerned about her preparedness, then you be the one to tell and prepare her for the journey."

"What?" Synnova gasped but Junrei's wings were open as she began to fly away with the others. Luneria followed and all that remained were Xerinia and Synnova.

"I can't believe this." Synnova walked behind a pillar and sat with her head low. "She's just a baby."

"She's a woman. Just like you were at her age."

"Yes, but she can't even fly. She has no faith in herself and no desire to possess and perfect the skills that were bestowed upon her. Responsibility with something this big is the last thing she needs."

Xerinia approached Synnova. "It sounds like the faith she's lacking isn't just coming from her." Synnova lifted her head.

"What are you saying?"

"If I may speak freely," Xerinia waited for Synnova to give her permission, being on a lower tier than she. Synnova nodded. "I cannot see how one can have faith in one's self when the only family she has left doesn't seem to have faith in her. "

"I want to protect my sister. I love her."

"Then let her be her own woman and let her go. You may be surprised at what she's capable of doing." Synnova took Xerinia's words in. "Tomorrow morning, you show her how much faith you have in her. Encourage her. Make her feel like she can do anything. And who knows what she might do."

"What if something happens to her?" Synnova dreaded the thought. "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she were to be..."

Xerinia was strict. "None of that talk or else you'll worry yourself into a dark hole that you might never be able to climb out of." Synnova nodded at the advice. Xerinia brushed her light blue and purple body against Synnova. "She's not a child anymore."

"Thank you, Xerinia. I'll try to remember that."

** **

"Gale. Gayaaaaale."

Gale could no longer ignore the annoying voice and so she cracked one eye open. "Poro, what is it?"

"What is it? You're asleep on the temple floor is what." Poro was a tiny red fox, with ears the size of his whole head. At a young age, he glided from cloud to cloud by spreading them straight. But, as he grew, he began flapping them and each day they took him farther and farther. He now flies as well, if not, better than any winged wolf here could. The gift was more common amongst the fox-kind than most would think but it was still funny to see. Don't be fooled by Poro's size. Just because he was little didn't mean he was a kid.

Gale sat up and gave a big, toothy yawn. The little red fox did a flip in the air as Gale's wind-powered breath nearly blew him off kilter. "Woah. Watch that yawn!"


"Hey were you crying?"

"W-what?" Gale said nervously.

"Your eyes. They're all red and poufy. Have you been crying?"

"No I'm just really tired. I just woke up, remember?" Poro didn't believe her but wasn't one to push what others clearly didn't want to talk about.

"Fine. Come on. Most of the good spots are already taken. We're probably the last ones up." Gale stretched as Poro flew out of the temple and up towards the upper reaches. Gale hopped out into the open. Letting the wind carry her over to a nearby cloud. She made her way higher as she ran up cloud after cloud.

"Come on, faster! Faster!" Poro shouted back down.

"Let me gnaw off your ears and lets see how fast you go." Gale shot back. Poro laughed and kept climbing. She looked down to see how much distance she had put between where she is and where she was. But something caught her eye. Or someone. "Hey Poro." Gale called up. "Look at this."

"What?" Poro swooped down to where Gale was and looked down. "What is it?"

"Look there." Gale gestured downward. A shadow crossed a cloud. Then another. The shadow approached.

"Who is...?" Before Poro could finish, the dark figure launched upward, dragging behind it a blanket of darkness. The figure passed over them. It appeared to be a wolf but it wasn't...normal. It was all black. As it passed, it's green, piercing eyes met with Gale's blue eyes. Trailing behind him was what Gale could only describe as death itself. As it passed her, it was as if her insides were being filled with a burning, dark essence that was feeding off of her very soul. The thick mist went inside and through her and Poro. As the darkness grips the two, Gale blacks out.

** **

Gale's body convulsed and contorted until she finally coughed out a strong gust of the dark matter that had invaded her body. She rolled over and inhaled fresh air. Gasping, her dizziness and pain began to subside and her mind now focused on that of her friend. She turned back over to find Poro on his back. His legs were stiff and the color had left his fur. "Poro? Poro?!" Gale struggled to get up. She got a good look at her friends face and immediately shivered and turned away. His mouth hung open, with the blackness drifting in and out. His eyes were open and his eyes grayed over by death. Gale looked up, fighting back tears. What was the fate of the rest of her comrades?

Gale hopped up higher and higher as she got closer to where the others slept. Only they weren't sleeping. The closer she got, the darker the clouds got. The cloud beds were covered in the black mist and, as she made her way to the thicker parts, praying for someone, anyone, to still be alive, he throat began to close and burn. With deep breaths, she blew the mist out of her path, revealing rows and rows of dead bodies. Only momentarily, though, for the mist began to re-gather where it dwelled previously, re-covering the bodies. Some were those of young ones. Gale ran through the mist, conjuring wind around her as she jumped back to the temple. She could no longer bare the sight of all of those bodies. "Synnova! I have to find the sisters!" She said. The temple was impregnated with the black death, as it billowed down halls and along the stairs. Gale ran upwards, making her way to the High Temple of the Priestess's. If they were still alive, there could be a chance to get help. Oh how she wished she could fly. Leaping from platform to platform, she got closer to the home of her saviors. She was so close. But that is when she heard the voice. A male voice.

"It's nice to see you again, Junrei. I do wish it were on better terms though."

"Sealed! You were sealed away, Okeer! How did you get out?" Junrei shouted.

"Let's just say, " The large, golden wolf with a dark red mane and eyes like blood-soaked daggers licked his lips, "I have friends in low places." The golden wolf stretched his wings a bit. His feather tips were silver, almost as if they were made out of some sort of metal. Two wolves stepped forward out of the darkness. One was all fire and fury, a sickening grin cutting across his entire lower half of his face. The other was the wolf from before: black and massive with those still green eyes. "I have to say, my brothers and I were expecting a warmer welcome, considering all we've been though."

"You are NOT welcome here!" Junrei said as the sisters stood behind her in defense. "A chaos lord has no place here. You've caused the world enough pain!"

"YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PAIN IS, YOU LITTLE BITCH!" Okeer had nearly lost control but managed to regain some composure. "You see, after gaining our freedom back, we're looking to rebuild our kingdom. And this would be the perfect throne room."

"Leave now!" An angry growl began to rumble amongst the sisters. Synnova bared her teeth and put her wings back. Okeer only laughed.

"Hmm...I don't think that's how it works. How can you kick me out of my own home?" Okeer took a step.

"Take another step and it'll be your last." Junrei warned. Okeer lowered his head and smiled a little.

"You know you can't win, Priestess. You should just accept it and join us. I could always use a mate."

"I'll die before I bring forth any of your young."

"THAT can be arranged!" The fiery one said. He stepped forward, his paws burning into to temple stone floor. But Okeer stops him.

"Easy Aristarchus. The last thing we want to do is kill powerful potential allies...again." The reference to the fate of the other temple enraged Synnova and she charged forward. The wing of Junrei swung out, stopping her.

"Sister. We must fight. There's no choice now." Synnova said.

Junrei ignored her. "What is it you want?" She asks. Okeer chuckled.

The question shocked Synnova. "Sister! You cannot be serious!"

"Silence!" Junrei shouted so loudly that the temple pillars shook. Her eyes locked with Okeer. "Well?"

"I'm glad you seem to have some sense as a ruler, Young Junrei. But there's something we must attend to first. Phobos."

"Yessir." The black wolf stepped forward.

"I thought you said you had killed them all?"

"I have, sir. Every last one." Okeer gestures towards the steps where a little blue wolf lay low. Phobos let out a low growl towards her and Gale saw that she had been discovered. Synnova turns to see her little sister standing, fear and relief overtaking her expression. Gale was alive!

"Synnova?" Gale said towards her sister. "What's going on?"

"Ahh, so you're attached to this one, huh brave sister?" Okeer approached Gale but Synnova puts herself in between the two.

"You leave her be." Synnova snapped.

Okeer was caught off guard by such a suicidal approach at protecting what appeared to be family. "I'll make this easy for you then. You swear loyalty to me and the girl lives." Worry swept over Synnova's face as such a choice was put before her. She was appointed to put others before herself, but she knew deep down inside that she could not win this fight. "Or you both could die. Your choice. By the way, times running out. What is your decision?"

Synnova's face turned pleading and tears burned eyes. "Please..."

"Phobos, kill them both." Before their eyes, Phobos dissolved into the death-mist and darted towards Synnova.

"Nooo!" Synnova cried and ran toward Gale. Synnova opened her wings and pushed Gale over the temple edge and out into empty air. "Gale, find help!"

Gale lets out a terrified cry and she flailed in the air. "Synnova!"

Synnova was gripped by a pain that she had never felt before. It blinded her. She heard nothing above her own screams. Phobos's poison had taken hold of her.

"You would doom your own family to death. The little one doesn't even have wings." Synnova jerked on the ground, not hearing his comment. "What a waste. Phobos."

"Yes sir."

"Kill the little one."

"But...she's already..."

"Make SURE she stays dead." Okeer snapped. Phobos' green eyes glowed as he glowered. "Yes sir." He jumped over the edge in the wake of the fallen sister. Okeer turned back the remaining 8. "Well now. Back to business."

** **

Gale fell further and further towards earth. Fairly certain she had passed out at some point, she tried to keep her mind straight. The thought of her sister dying could not be removed from her thoughts, though. She fell through the thinner clouds that could not possibly hold her. Upon seeing the rocks of a mountainside, she straightened her body with her legs facing downward. She inhaled with everything she had, blowing downwards with insurmountable force. The sudden decrease in speed knocked her dizzy, as she was pushed back up in the air. Falling back down again, Gale fell shoulder first onto the dirt, tumbling down the mountainside. She tried to stop herself but the mountain was very steep and blowing in the wrong direction might make her fall harder and faster. Still, at some point, she met a level rock and managed to grip herself steady with her paws. She could see her own breath in the cold air. As she stared at her own shadow, a larger shadow hovered above her. Gale looked up to see a giant paw come down on her, pinning her back against the side of a cliff.

She squirmed and wriggled as the green eyed Phobos examined her. "You don't seem extraordinary in anyway." He said over her gasps. "Yet you survived the fall." Phobos tilted his head to the side. "And how on earth did you survive my toxin, little one?" His voice was almost sultry. But Gale knew better. Phobos opened his mouth and let the gas escape. It surrounded Gale, bringing forth the familiar feel of death. With as much effort as she could muster, Gale blew, knocking the noxious air back into Phobos's face. Phobos, of course, being immune to his own toxin, shook it off. "Ahh, I see." He said in a whisper. Most wind spirits use their wings to control the air. Not you."

"Pe..." Gale gasped.

"Is there where you beg for mercy? Let's hear it." Phobos said sadistically.

"P-petulance." Gale coughed out the insult. Phobos hadn't counted on such bravery and actually took the slur to heart. "Oh well. I'll just have to kill you another way." The large wolf began to press down onto Gales midsection, slowly crushing her. Gale knew she didn't have much time. With the last breath in her lungs that she knew of, She blew upwards. Phobos leaned his head back to avoid the blast. "Almost, little one." But Phobos looked down to see a sly grin on Gale's face. He looked back up to see a large boulder come tumbling down. Phobos removed his paw and hopped away, freeing Gale. Gale wasted no time. She immediately headed in the opposite direction and the chase was on.

"I just need to get to flat land. Please let me get to land." Phobos was on her tail and Gale knew even looking back might compromise her speed. But she also knew that, on land, she would be unmatched, even by him. For nothing, save light and sound, could outrun the wind. And that fact was true enough. What she reached wasn't exactly flat, but was all she needed. Reaching the forest bed, she flew across it, trees leaning briefly in the direction she traveled. Leaves flew everywhere. Phobos opened his wings to pursue her but he didn't stand a chance of catching up. His poison was of no use to him now and his wings were no help either. He had never before felt so powerless by someone so little and seemingly weak. He stopped the pursuit. Okeer was not going to like this. Phobos knew he could not go back until the job was done.

"You can't run forever, little one. And when I find you, I'm going to rape you. And then I will kill you."

That was his promise.

** **

Gale ran through the mountain forest as quickly as she could, afraid to look back. But after racing to her sister, falling an immeasurable height, and nearly being chocked to death, her stamina was waning. Quickly. She needed to stop and soon. She had made it out of the forest and into an open field. There, she looked for a direction to go in. Any direction: as long as it was away from the mountains. Thoughts of her sister flooded her memory. Her screams. What she did. That evil wolf. Poro, and all of the others...why?

Before she had to time to decide where to go next, she collapsed where she stoodin the high grass.

End of Chapter 1