
Story by XxsexymarcyxX on SoFurry

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Thousands of years ago before the humans came to our lands. We were a small primitive people. Who thrived off what our mother eternal or the Great Spirit gave to us. In return we worshipped her and did what we could to give back. Some more than others had irrational methods of worship, sacrificing their people for the Great Spirit. There were some people that followed forming the first clan. Eventually more clans split off forming their own beliefs of the Great Spirit.

Many of the clans wanted the power of the Great Spirit for their own selfish gain. To rule all other clans make them believe in their own views. Each forming a unique fighting style to over power the other.Unfortunatly each had a weakness to another clan's strength. So clans began to marry into one another.

Trying to patch up the chinks in their armor, but the fighting still went on. This fighting caused the land to be torn and break open. Clans began to believe not in the Great Spirit but in the brother of the great one. The evilest of all spirits, symbolized by a dark chrome skull; worn on the soldier's armor.

The spirits of out land grow strong from the people that believe in them. Sadly, the Great Spirit eternal had grown weak and her brother rose up. His followers thought they could stand beside him but they were wrong. He hated our people and planned to destroy us all.

The clans had to fight off the beast, but failed. None of their techniques worked on him. Leaving nothing more that a scratch. There was only one man who could harm the beast. But he was not from one single clan but from all. He had learned their ways, their techniques. Only the combined power of all the clans could get rid of beast. But he couldn't kill it only seal it away.

Doing so left him weak and near death, he called a leader forth. He told him, "one day he will be back but someone much more powerful than I shall tame this beast for the good of his people." And with that his last breath left his body. Leaving those left waiting for the day things would turn for the worst once more.

Thousands of years later

This village was silent, peaceful, everything I could hope for. There was no war, no violence everything was just perfect. Until, the humans arrived, when they arrived they carried disease war, crime, and everything our kind hoped to keep away from us.

But most of our people didn't seek to be rid of the humans. Only to befriend them, they were seen as gods in a way. Or sky people some even called them, some that called them demons from well...a word that's not spoken by our people.

To me though their nothing but dirty, despicable furless creatures that didn't have a right to be here, they no right in taking our land. It belonged to mother eternal and no one else, sure we could share but they were killing her. With their factories, houses and other things they built. I wanted to kill one every time I saw one of them. Unfortunately, they placed laws against killing in our land. We couldn't even challenge for rightful dominance anymore.

Unlike others I have a better reason for fighting them. When they first arrived they don't as the smart species of today. They killed us, or poached us in their terms and took our hides and sold them on a market far away. That's how I lost my mother, to the vile creatures.

Thankfully there's my friend simy, who is from a neighboring clan. If it weren't for him I might be dead on countless occasions. In a way he cures my stupidity, and protects me like an older brother would. Even though our clans aren't exactly on good terms right now in a struggle for power.

"Zek would you stop daydreaming we have to get to school before we're late" Simy said.

"Can't I just stay home today I don't want to go"

"No you have to go I'm the one who looks after you."

Simy was the next heir to a clan not too far from ours. Even though our clans oppose we still remain friends some how. He has to sneak in here just to wake me up without my father noticing. Good thing was today that he was gone on official business, which meant dealing with handing over more land to the humans for close to nothing. Because of that I hated him; those beasts killed my mother I will never ever deal with them. That's why at school I'm kept separated from them so I don't start anything like fights.

Simy swung the blinds open letting in the morning sun light. "Oh crap that's bright" I said. I covered my eyes from the blinding light.

"Stop being a baby its just sunlight it's good for you"

"So you I don't glorify the simple things like you do"

"Just hurry and get your uniform on Zek"

He left to so I could change. I could barely stand wearing underwear and pants let alone a whole shirt, suit jacket, and a tie. It was just ridiculous and it got so hot during the day wearing the day. Luckily there was way out of it, gym class. In there we could at least have no shirt on, but we still had to wear shorts.

But that's beside the point, since schools popped up so did the drama. Our school wasn't any different from the other. There's was the clicks you know the jock, the nerds, cheerleaders, Goths. Any kind there could possibly be, but there was one taboo u absolutely did not commit. Relations beyond friendship with a human, that was of the most capital crimes. The punishment was worse if u happened to get that other species pregnant with your seed, because the baby would usually die right after birth from defects. Even if the eternal mother wanted to save them she couldn't, because the human wouldn't believe in her and that's what gives her the power to do what she does.

I never understood why anyone could love the humans. They were so different from us. They always treat us badly and treat us like savage primitive people. Just because of the technology we don't have that they do. We could do much more, but chose not to reveal what our true strength was.

Since the changes the humans ordered us to create a formal government. A democracy to bring us into the new age, like their system we elected our officials. A president as the leader, senators, and representatives, but forcing this system on our kind wasn't as easy as they thought it would be. There were those that a government some what like a monarchy and they wanted to be on top of everyone else.

Our once peaceful land, where tribes got along with one another. Trading goods and services to help the other. Turned into a split land, the two governments opposite of each other and what the humans called communist country. Which didn't seem all too bad to me. I mean what's bad about being the leader of the whole country. Everyone sharing the same things. I guess their human sense of greed was greater then our own.

But it was also that Democratic government that setup our schools. It taught a lot about things that I would personally never use. As the next head of the clan all I need was quick decisions, no mercy, and good fighting skills.

"Yo, Zek there's someone I want u to meet" Simy yelled out before we entered the school.

"Yeah and who's that?"

Behind him Simy was holding the hand of a dark orange colored bird. Of what species I had no clue all birds looked a like to me. She was actually quit cute, a little short for my tastes but she had sparkling eyes, and well...that curviness that Simy liked so much.

"This girl is Yuka...my *coughs* girlfriend until yesterday"

Yuka bows, "nice to meet you sir" she suddenly laughs.

"What's so funny" I asked?

"It's just this formal crap doesn't fit the mood here"

"Yuka you are right, I never liked talking formal anyway"

"Yeah simy but its kind of the rules around here your not one to break too many rules"

I gave him an odd stare, I think in his whole life that I had ever known him he had broken three rules and they weren't too major. Things like stealing cookies and stuff from the school cafeteria when he wasn't supposed to. But with his speed training from his family isn't wasn't likely that he would get caught. His parents usually kept a close watch on him. It was probably because of them that he met this Yuka girl and was probably going to be his bride due to arranged marriages like most of us did.

The only ones on this planet that didn't do those marriages were humans, they believed in finding the right one and falling in love with them. What was the point of that the only reason females were needed was to be used a reproductive tools for our species pass on genes and such nothing more nothing less.

"Zek what are you thinking about in the mind of yours"

"Oh I'm thinking about the medical exams today"

The medical exams were one the oddest things ever and one of the most frustrating things about school. I was never up to standard, Because of an accident that happened when I was little. After my mother had died and my father made piece with the humans, I had been training. My father was having me channel my inner spirit, something that every male in my family had to do. But because I was the next head of the clan I was trained specially. I had to learn it fast too, to show how great I was. I had to be greater then every leader before me. It was not an easy task, every expectation had to live up to the first Noble father. That was the wolf that started our family, who developed our ways our customs and our powers.

I didn't like all those eyes from the ones up above staring down at me. I knew I couldn't live up to what they wanted me to be. But believed I was the one that would finally surpass the first Noble Father. It didn't help that I was blind , but it was thanks to my training that it helped me to see. Feeling all the spiritual energy around me, it was almost like a range of colors. Mostly everything had a blue outline to it so I could see where it was. Each person had a unique color shade to them, but sometimes those shades got a little too close together and well I got peoples mixed up. Sometimes it's a good thing though I can see the bust size of every girl and ever feature in their body. And it does help when I accidently walk into the girls locker room.

Simy and Yuka separated from each other before me and him headed into the male side of the nurses office. There was a long line of guys leading to the weighing scale, there was no girl in sight in the entire room. Soon it was my turn up to the scale, but it was not the usual male at the scale. It was actually female fox, a very beautiful looking vixen. She had a great bust and wide hips, but she was very tiny, and one could see so her nice nurses outfit.