Up rising part 1

Story by Katiethewolf on SoFurry

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One day Three wolves were sitting in a room laughing and talking. One wolf was Nathan, the second was Kim, and the last was Kiba. "I'm tired" said Nathan."Me too" said Kim. Kim turned on her laptop and got on facebook while Nathan started texting. "Why are we all moping around?" said Kiba. "I don't know?" replied Nathan. Nathan sat on a couch and sat down on it beside Kim and rapped his arm around her. Kiba scoffed, "Why do you two like eachother so much?" "Because we do" said Nathan. Kiba growled, "Why does Kim like you?" "What's so special about you?" "You're just jealous" said Nathan. "Oh am I?" said Kiba. "Of course you are" said Nathan. "You always sit by her and give her love cards." said Nathan. "Don't push it!" said Kiba angrily. "Bring it on!" said Nathan. The two wolves jumped on eachother growling and snarling and biting eachother. "Knock it off!" said Kim. "He started it!" said Nathan. "No I didn't!" yelled Kiba. "Yes you did!" Nathan yelled back. A strange black wolf with a dark black coat walked passed the door and glared at the three wolves. He popped out a cigarette and grabbed his lighter and lit it. The evil wolf grinned and threw the cigarette into a trashcan. Nathan and Kiba started throwing pillows and pots and all the things they could throw at eachother. Nathan took a deep breath and flung himself at Kiba. Nathan grabbed Kiba's arms and put them behind Kiba's back and pulled hard. "ow, that hurts!" Kiba yelled. Too bad! said Nathan. "Will you two get a grip!" yelled Kim. Nathan let go off Kiba's arms and walked away. "What is your problem?" said Kiba. "No, what the hell is your problem!" Nathan shouted. "Why don't we all just take a death breath and calm down?" Kim said. The fox with the black coat walked off and laughed as he walked out the door exit. "Did you hear something?" said Kim. "Nope." replied Kiba. Kim headed toward the door and grabbed ahold of the door knob. "It won't open!" shouted Kim in panic. Kiba and Nathan looked at eachother and rushed to Kim's side. Nathan took the door knob and turned it as hard as he could. Kiba banged on the door. Help! he shouted. Nathan realized that he knew what he had to do. Nathan backed up as far as he could and ran toward the door. "Everybody move!" he yelled. CRASH! the door collapsed. And before they knew it a burst of flames was heading straight toward them. They ran back into the room screaming and yelling. Kiba looked for a fire extinguisher but there was none in sight. Nathan opened the window. "We have to jump!" he hollared. "There's no way I'm jumping off a five story building!" Kim yelled. "We could die!" complained Kiba. "I know but it's our only chance!" said Nathan. Nathan saw a large clump of wood and debris about to fall on Kim but he raced and pushed her out of the way. The large clump fell on top of Nathan. Kim gasped. "Nathan!" she yelled. Kim ran to help him. her fur was silver in the moonlight. "Here, grab my paw!" Kim shouted. "It's too late!" said Nathan. "Come on, the building's about to collapse!" she yelled. "I'm sorry Kim, I just can't make it." "Yes you can!" Kim replied. "I just can't get up." said Nathan. "Please get up!" said Kim. She tugged at his paw. "Come on!" hollared Kiba. "What do we do?" he said. "We'll escape through the vent!" Kim said. She dashed to the vent and was about to crawl inside but she was worried about Nathan. "Go ahead, i'll be alright." said Nathan. "No, i'm not leaving you!" said Kim. Nathan pulled his self up from the large clump and ran toward the vent. Kim began to cough and collapsed. "Kim!" shouted Nathan. He rushed to her side. "The smoke is too much for me." she said. She gently closed her eyes. "No, I won't let you die!" shouted Nathan. Kim didn't answer. Nathan sweeped her up off her feet and put her in the vent. "Come on let's go!" Nathan shouted. Kim heard him and began crawling into the vent. Kiba crawled inside the vent. Nathan was about to enter the vent but another large clump of wood and debris fell. Nathan dodged it. He was safe but the clump was blocking the entrance to the vent. "What?!" he shouted. "Nathan, no!" Kim yelled. "Go!" said Nathan. The whole building collapsed. Kim and Kiba ran out of the vent and walked outside. Kim and Kiba both gasped. "Nathan, no!" shouted Kim. "Well, at least you have me to talk to." Kiba joked. "Shut up!" said Kim. Kiba frowned. "whatever." "Do you not even care that Nathan's dead?" She shouted. "Yes." said Kiba. Kim stared at Kiba and then began to cry. Kim fell to the ground in a burst of tears. "Nathan, come back to me!" she yelled. "I love you." Kim whispered to her self. She saw and large shadow walk toward her. Her thick, white fur prickled. But then, she saw a grey wolf smiling at her. She stared at the strange wolf then she shouted and leaped for joy. Nathan was alive. Nathan ran and hugged her. "You saved my life." she said. "Yes, I did." Nathan replied. Kiba walked toward the two wolves and pushed Nathan to Kim's lips. The two wolves kissed. Nathan pulled out a purple box from his pocket. "Will you marry me?" "yes." said Kim. To be continued.