A Boy and His Lucario Part 12

Story by LucarioFan692 on SoFurry

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#12 of A Boy and His Lucario Series

In front of John lay a large animal, but he couldn't quite tell what in all the panic. All he really noticed was that one of its hind legs was caught in a bear trap. The leg was badly swollen and bleeding at a steady rate; John knew this animal would die if he didn't help.

"Come on guys!" he yelled back to the group. "It needs help!" the bushes rustled loudly as Kyo, Ninetales, and Lucario came shooting through. They all stopped in awe of the large creature.

"John, what is this thing?!" Kyo asked in a loud confusion.

"I don't know, but if we don't get it out of this trap, it's going to die!" Kyo nodded and turned to Ninetales.

"Use your fire on that trap; be careful not to hit the animal." She nodded and spewed a small but steady flame on the trap. The beast whimpered and howled.

"Ninetales stop!" John shouted "The heat from the trap is spreading to the animal!" Ninetales stopped her flame.

"John, what are we going to do? I don't know how to get these things off." Kyo stated. Lucario walked up to the trap and examined it.

"Allow me." He said. He struck the bottom of the clamp with a palm strike and it snapped open. John took off his kimono straps and came to Lucario's side.

"Good job Lucario." He said as he wrapped the straps around the animal's leg wound. It breathed loudly, taking in large amounts of air simultaneously. The animal continued to lie on its belly, its head tucked back out of sight.

"Good thinking, the both of you." Kyo complimented. "Now, don't you think it's about time we figured out what this thing is?" John stood back up and looked it over. The animal had dog like hind legs and paws, a tail that ended in a curl, and the top half of its fur was a very light blue, almost gray. By a rough look, John guessed its front side was white.

"Well, just from looking it over, it seems very dog like, but I've never seen any DOG this big..."

"Allow me." Everyone froze. Did this thing just talk? The animal turned over, exposing it's (as John had guessed) white front side. Two arms were now visible, bearing human shaped hands. Its head was shown as it sat up against a tree. It had the head of a dog, pointed ears, and the calmest light blue eyes anyone had ever seen. Everyone took a step back in awe of this creature. It was a husky. John's mouth dropped and his eyes became the size of dish plates.

"Y-y-y-y-your ... an anthromorph!" he shouted with his finger extended. The husky gave out a little chuckle.

"Yes I am. Am from my knowledge, I'm the only one on this planet." He said. Kyo looked really confused.

"John what are you talking about? What's an anthromorph?"

"Well, an antrho-"

"An anthromorph," The husky interrupted "is an animal with human characteristics. For example, I can speak, I have hands, and I walk upright. Those are just a few examples." He explained. Kyo still had a look of confusion and utter disbelief on his face.

"Ninetales, go back to the dojo and get some bandages. Those straps aren't going to cut it." She nodded and took off.

"Lucario, please go back with Ninetales and get our friend here something to wear." Lucario nodded and took off behind Ninetales.

"What? Why does he need clothes?" Kyo asked. The husky chuckled again.

"Well, another human characteristic we anthromorphs tend to have is that we are anatomically correct." He explained as he grabbed some leaves to cover himself up. Kyo turned the other way out of embarrassment. John further approached the husky.

"You say you're the only anthro on the planet? Please elaborate."

"Yes, yes. But please, let's get further acquainted. My name is Ashito. May I ask your names?" He asked with an outstretched hand. John and Kyo introduced themselves and told Ashito a little about them.

"There, much better. I'm glad to meet you both and my dearest gratitude for helping me. I was afraid no one would find me and I would die out here. As for your question John, I'm the only furry on this planet because I was the only one they experimented on."

"Experimented? Who?" Ashito let out a loud sigh.

"You may want to sit down. A few months ago, I joined the notorious gang known as Team Rocket." John flinched at the mention of Team Rocket. His fists clenched his kimono as Ashito continued. "I had heard things about them, like they could turn me into a real man, how I could become stronger. I joined the ranks of the grunts and started my training. The Team Rocket scientists saw potential in me a chose me for an experiment. They were to infuse the altered DNA of a strong animal with keen senses -in this case, a husky- into me to give me that strength and those senses. But it turns out that they had altered the DNA too far, and it caused a mutation in my own DNA. After I was turned into a furry, Team Rocket was to dispose of me as if though I was just some dropped glass beaker. Naturally I tried to escape. I've been on the run for weeks trying to avoid all human contact; you never know who could be involved. Just last night I got stuck in this trap. It's as if though they know where I'm going, like they can see me all the time. They're hunting me, like the animal I am." John stood up, his fists clenched.

"You were a member of Team Rocket? Why would you ever do something like join them?" he asked with a bit of anger in his voice. Kyo sensed this wasn't going to be good.


"I joined because I had heard rumors that they could make me strong. I was always a little guy in high school, and I was picked on constantly for it. Now after my last year of college, I heard about them and what they could do. But look at me now, John. They only made my life worse." Tears started rolling down Ashito's cheeks. John charged at him with a yell. Kyo leaped up to try to stop him.

"John No!" he yelled. But Kyo froze, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Lucario entered one of the empty rooms. It looked identical to the one he and John were staying in, minus a bonsai tree. He searched the room for some sort of clothing for Ashito and found a large, light blue kimono.

"He seemed like a big dog, this should fit him." He said to himself as he examined this kimono. He could hear Ninetales running around in Kyo's room across the hall.

"Lucario, I found some bandages!" she called.

"Good, now come on, we need to get that dog wrapped up!"

Kyo couldn't believe what he was seeing, nor could Ashito. John had his arms wrapped around Ashito's neck, his head sunk into the husky's fuzzy chest. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he spoke.

"Team Rocket is a terrible organization. I know your pain. They killed my parents!" Ashito gasped with a slight flinch. Kyo took note of that, it could have meant something. Ashito put his arms around John and tried to calm him down.

"I heard about a killing a few months ago. It was about that time that the experiment began. I'm sorry John. It makes me feel terrible knowing I was a part of the death of your parents. Will you ever forgive me?" he asked in a calm and somewhat soothing voice. John sniveled, his head still in Ashito's chest.

"Of course I will. It's not your fault. I know you weren't actually involved in that."

Kyo observed the situation. He noticed how Ashito had been acting, the flinch, the hug, and know after John's forgiveness, a general look of uneasiness on Ashito's face. There was something about this dog, and Kyo wanted to find out what. But he lightened up a bit when John had finally started to calm himself, still in Ashito's arms.

"Thank you for understanding, John." Ashito said. "I meant no harm when I joined."

"It's ok, I know you didn't. It's not your fault. I can tell just from being here that you're a good person Ashito." Ashito's tail started to wag at the compliment. John smiled as he let go and stood back up.

"Master! We have the clothes and bandages!" they all heard from a distance. Lucario and Ninetales came flying out of the bushes into the crowd. Kyo got the bandages from Ninetales and the clothes form Lucario.

"Great job you two." He said. "Lucario, Ninetales, this is Ashito." The Pokémon bowed to the husky, who returned with a half bow. Kyo wrapped the bandages around Ashito's wounds and handed him the kimono. "It may not be much, but it'll cover you up." Ashito nodded and stood to put on his new clothes. The boys couldn't believe their eyes; he was big! He had to have stood at least 6'4". John was maybe 5'7", Kyo an inch taller.

"Ah, this fits perfectly. Thank you Lucario and Ninetales." Ashito said as he tried on his kimono. Lucario looked him over, he liked Ashito's kimono, and the light blue matched his fur.

"So Ashito, where are you going to go now?" John asked. Ashito let out a sigh and put his hands behind his head.

"I don't know. I imagine it'll only be a matter of time before Team Rocket hunts me down." He said rather non-chalantly. Kyo stepped in and said

"That's not going to happen; you're coming with us." Everyone was a little surprised by Kyo's sudden offer.

"Are you sure? Having me around could be dangerous, what if Team-"

"Team Rocket's not going to find out where you are. The grounds of the dojo aren't visible to the outside. You'll be able to walk freely and not have to worry. Plus, I think Sensei Hosokawa is going to want to meet you.

The crew made their way back to the dojo with Ashito. They walked through the main dojo and found Siegfried on the path to Sensei Hosokawa's quarters.

"Hallo an alle. Wie geht ihr?" he asked. But then he saw Ashito. "AGH! Was ist das?!" Ashito's ears drooped, he didn't know what Siegfried said, but it didn't sound nice.

"Siegfried, don't be rude." Kyo remarked. "This is our friend Ashito. We're taking him to see Sensei Hosokawa." Siegfried walked up to Ashito with his hand to his chin. He looked him over for a while, and looked into his blue eyes. Ashito and Siegfried stood at the same height, unless you counted Ashito's ears. "Sehr gut. Ich denke Sensei wollen ihm zu begegnen." Siegfried walked back toward the dojo.

"What did he say?" Ashito asked drooping his ears again. John laughed a little.

"Nothing you'll need to worry about."

John and Ashito entered Sensei Hosokawa's quarters alone. Kyo thought that everyone else should stay out, this wasn't about them. The boys kneeled in front of Sensei Hosokawa, who was balancing on his cane with his back turned.

"Welcome John." He said in a calm voice. "Who have you brought me? He seems different than most." Sensei pivoted around and let out a wrinkled smile as his eyes gazed upon Ashito. "Ah, I see I was right."

"Sensei, this is Ashito. He was turned into a husky through the means of the evil Team Rocket. I ask you to please let him stay here with us, if he doesn't, Team Rocket will surly hunt him down." John pleaded. Sensei Hosokawa jumped down off his cane and slowly mad his way over to observe Ashito. John could see the nervousness in Ashito's face, he sweat a bit and his teeth showed out of the corner of his mouth. Sensei didn't look him over for very long before he stopped in front of Ashito and looked up into his eyes. He gave a wrinkled smile.

"I see. You have known much pain. But I sense in you much good and compassion. I will allow you to stay here. You may even train with us if you wish, but on one occasion; I want you to come meditate with me every morning. Understood?" A look of absolute joy flooded Ashito's face. He rapidly bowed while praising Sensei Hosokawa.

"Oh thank you, thank you Sensei Hosokawa! You don't realize how much this means to me! Thank you! Thank you!" John and Sensei Hosokawa laughed, Ashito was going to be fun dog to have around.

John led Ashito to the living quarters and showed him where he would be staying. It was hard for John to keep Ashito's attention, he marveled at everything he saw.

"Alright Ashito, this is your room. Mine is right across the hall if you need anything." John said. Ashito smiled and gave John a bow.

"Thank you, John. And thank you for the wonderful day! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to bed." John nodded and bowed.

"Good night Ashito. Sleep well." Ashito grinned as he turned his back to the door.

"I will, knowing I'm safe." The door shut behind him and the light went out. John grinned and walked to his room. Inside, Lucario was meditating on the floor with a stick of incense burning in front of him. His kimono was neatly folded and rested underneath the bonsai tree. He sensed John enter and opened his eyes with a smile.

"Hello, Master. How is Ashito?" he asked.

"He's going to be just fine. He loves it here and hopes to better get to know everyone. I think he'll make a great friend." Lucario nodded and stood up.

"Good, I look forward to it." He walked over to the bed and curled up at the end. "It's late Master, we should be getting to bed." John grinned and nodded. He changed from his kimono into his nightwear and crawled into bed. "Good night, Master." Lucario said.

"Good night, Lucario. Sweet dreams."

Jon slowly woke to the sound of fast moving footsteps. He opened his eyes to see Lucario moving quickly into the room. He was carrying paper towels. He seemed to be mumbling in panic to himself as he lightly wiped the end of the bed with the paper towels. John sat up and Lucario froze in panic.

"Lucario, what are you doing in the middle of the night?" John asked rubbing his eyes. Lucario stuttered something so fast that John couldn't follow. He stopped Lucario and signaled for him to come sit next to him on the bed. "Now, tell me you're doing." He said.

"Oh Master please forgive me! I had a dream and it made me do something terrible!"

"Lucario calm down. What do you mean?" Lucario blushed and sighed.

"Well, I had a dream I met an attractive young fox. She was very pretty, like Celia, and we talked for a while. But then, she told me to.... well..... grab her breasts." John nodded, taking everything in. "I did what she asked and before I knew it, we were engaging in sexual intercourse. I woke up with an erection and found a wet spot on the bed. I tried to clean it up, but you woke up." Lucario began to cry. "I'm so sorry master!" John held Lucario tight and tired to calm him by stroking his back.

"Sh, sh, it's ok Lucario. Dreams like that are perfectly normal and healthy. You didn't do anything wrong. It's happened to me before too. As for the bed, don't worry about it. I can clean the sheets and just use my sleeping back as a cover until then. You didn't do anything wrong." Lucario tightened his grip.

"But Master, I feel like I've betrayed Celia!" John understood now. Lucario missed Celia very much, and his dream only made it worse. John started to scratch behind Lucario's ear with his other hand.

"It's ok Lucario. You're not betraying her. You love her and she loves you. You will never betray her, especially because of a dream." Lucario began to calm down although he was still crying.

"Master, I want to talk to Sensei Hosokawa about this tomorro