Pj and Pete chapter 6

Story by BAYOKKO on SoFurry

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#6 of Pj and Pete

Pete's used cars 5:00...

"You...*grunt*.... Know sumethin' boy...*grunt*...I'm getting a bit hungry...*grunt*."

"You're...Ahhh! Thinking about that now dad?" Pj asked his dad.

Pete nodded and tightened his grip on his son's hips. "Yeah- fuck boy -I am." he said as he thrusted. "After we're...Hummm...done let's get some grub."

"*Moan* Ok dad." Pj sighed. 'Why is he bringing this up now?' the boy thought as he was fucked by his father.

Pete more hungry then horny increased his tempo drilling into his son in a frenzy pushing them both to their climaxes. It only took a few of these powerful thrusts to make Pj cum with a shout of "DAD!". His young seed spilling onto the furniture under them. Pete wasn't far behind growling through gritted teeth and slamming into him one last time before unloading into his son's ass.

"As sati-is-fying as ever boy!" Pete proclaimed as he pulled out of his son.

It was late afternoon and the pair were in the trailer the older man used as an office for his work. They were doing what they often did whenever they were alone these days, Have sex. Pj endured the rough fucking clutching to the armrest of the couch his dad used for clients. He had thought he would be safe dropping off something that came in the man for his dad. After all he surely wouldn't try molesting him in a public place. Boy was he wrong as soon as he came into the small trailer Pete's eyes lit up and he quickly locked the door. Stripping off every shred of clothing and pushing his son to the floor he claimed that he needed a break and pulled off Pj's shorts.

Pj's father lit up a cigar and chuckled admiring the work he had just done. His sons chunky backside was a healthy shade of red from his pounding and the boy was good and sweaty. Made him so proud that he could ravage someone so fully. "Say boy what you goin' ta get me taday?"

"Pj had to think a few moments still trying to catch his breath. "Um... How about subs again?" He suggested.

Pete raised a disbelieving eyebrow. "Again?" He asked taking his shirt off of a nearby lamp and putting it on.

"Yeah..." Pj said meekly. He sat up and pursed his lips. "You don't like them anymore?"

"Naw they're fine just been havin' them to much." The older man pulled his boxers on. "Why you want to have subs all 't time?"

Pj could feel himself instantly blushing. The real reason he liked eating subs all the time was because it gave him a chance to talk to Mr. Fraido. "No reason dad...Guess I just like them." he lied.

Pete instantly noticed the blush on his sons face and the tone in his voice. He had heard it quite often in the years he had raised him. The boy used it every time he tried to hide something from him. There was defiantly something up with this deli of his and the older man just had to see. "Fine get a sub iffin you want to." Pete relented as he placed his jacket on. "But I'm getting somethin' else." Pete put on his jacket. "Come on I'll drive you."

"You're coming too?" Pj asked. But he got no anwser just the sight of his dad opening the door and walking outside. The younger man groaned and stood up searching the room for his clothing so he could also get dressed.

(I had a real bad feeling about my dad meeting Mr. Fraido. I remember hoping to high heaven that my dad wouldn't do or say anything to make him mad. But now that I think back to those days I have to admit my father was beginning to mellow out some. Guess I could have chalked it up to the last two weeks we spent having sex with each other. To this day I still don't know where that man get's his energy from. Every weekend when Moose comes by my dad makes sure to give both of us good solid two and a half days of constant sex. I'm always so worn out by Monday morning. Then there's the weekdays. I have to suck my dad off first thing in the morning and sometimes he get's so worked up I usually end up bent over something or on my back while he fucks me before school. Then after school we have sex until he falls asleep at midnight. Mr. Tarn has come by to join us a few times. He can't be there every day though he wants to. Those few times he has come by my dad makes sure to put on a show and goes double time. So as you can see my home life is kind of draining for me now, both literally and figuratively. At least I get a break during school which I'm happy to say has gotten just a little more bearable. Mr. Tarn has been nice to me lately. not getting mad at me or giving me detention if I come in late. All he does now is pat me on the head and tell me to "Say hello to sarge" while opening my classroom door for me. Moose has also been acting differently. Now he sticks around after him and his buddies bully me. Sending them off with a fake excuse then helping me up when they're gone. And sometimes he actually get's them to go easier on me which is always welcomed. Who would have thought after all that's happed in the years that I would actually look forward to being in that building.)

Stepping outside of the trailer Pj found his dad polishing off one of his many used cars as he waited for him. When he saw his son approaching him Pete stood up saying. "Give me a second boy I gotta tell the mechanic to look after the home front b'fore we leave. Hey... how 'bout you come along meet'um bet he like meetin' ya."

"You want me to meet one of your employees?" Pj asked in amazement. In all the years the older man had owned his dealership Pj had never been allowed to meet anyone who worked for his dad.

"Don't look to much inta it kid." Pete said leading him to the smelly and broken down garage. When they entered the building Pj covered his ears the sounds of a sparking blowtorch filling the dark room with both an unbearable sound and fleeting light. "There he is come on." Pete walked up to the source of the noise Pj behind him and stopped behind a gator whom was kneeling next to a car welding a bumper onto the frame. "BUBBA!" Pete shouted trying his best to be heard above the clamor.

The big man didn't seem to notice his boss the first time but responded when Pete shoved him. Yanking off his welders mask the scaled man turned around a angry frown. "Who the fuck-" He growled in a deep voice. At seeing Pj's dad starring down at him he laughed and smiled a toothy grin. "Oh it's you Petey." he said standing up.

Pj's mouth hung open when he saw the behemoth of a man stood. The gator was a large! Nearly a foot taller then his dad and much more built. His muscled arms gave the young dog the impression that if he wanted to he could lift a car over his head and the rest of his body, which was just covered by a pair of dirty overalls, was equally impressive.

"Close yer mouth boy yer embarrassing me." Pete said nudging his son.

Pj's mouth snapped shut. "Sorry dad."

The gator wiped off his hands with an oil stained handkerchief then scratched his bare chest. "So boss man what do you want from old Bubba?" Seeing the smaller man next to his employer he cracked another smile. "Who's this le petite here?"

"This here is 'm son." Pete said thumbing over his shoulder to the younger man. "Son this here is my best man."

Being polite Pj stuck his hand out for the large man to shake. "Hello Sir My name's Pj." He began "Nice to meet you."

Bubba chuckled and took Pj's hand in his large palm. "My, my manners! You sure your this old dog is your papa?" He said smiling. "As for me My momma gave me the name Jake Molyneux, but most jus call me Bubba. So Bubba s'pose you can to.

"Ok, B...Bubba."

Pete grinned as he observed his son speak to his mechanic. He could tell instantly that the little slut was drooling over him. A dirty image of the burly gator fucking his son entered his head but just as soon as it had come the dog dismissed it. Food now, sex "lots of sex that is" later. "Hey Bubba I need you to watch the shop fer awhile while me and chubby here go get some grub."

Bubba sighed. "Dam Petey don't tell me your knocking off again! You weren't even here yesterday."

"Calm down will you scale head. It's just fer lunch." Pete huffed. "B'sides you wouldn't want m' boy getting' hungry now would you?"

Bubba looked at Pj for a few seconds then turned around with a shrug. "Sit's fine with me but don't you dare blame Bubba cher when these car's aren't done on time." He complained. "Got to stop m' work and watch the dammed office. Ever since that there idiot Orlando ran off I've been-"

"Come on boy he's going off again." Pete said yanking Pj out of the garage. "I swear that Gator does nothin' but cry crocodile tears." the dog pulled his son to his car shoving him inside once there were there.

"Dad you sure you should leave?" Pj asked as his dad got in. "I mean I can go myself its no problem."

"Don't worry." Pete said rolling his eyes. "Bub will handle the office. Also I want ta see this deli of yers." the dog added the suspicion from earlier had grown after his son met Bubba. After seeing the goo-goo eyes his, HIS boy was making at his old army buddy. He was starting to get an idea what Pj was blushing about earlier. He had to check out this place to make sure the boy was eyeing the right person.

Fraido's deli...

Pj frowned as he stepped up to the door of Mr. Fraido's deli. He knew this wasn't going to be pleasant. Looking over his shoulder he could see his dad impatiently tapping his foot waiting for him to open the door for them. "For cripes sake son will ya get yer ass movin'!"

"Alright sir." Pj relented. He pushed open the glass door the sound of the bell above signaling the beginning of what he presumed to be a nasty fight. He had told the older man inside so much about his father and Mr. Fraido had always responded with anger and curses at the way he treated him. Plus knowing his dad he wouldn't stand for being confronted because of his "bad" parenting

As usual when he saw his favorite customer come into his shop Mr. Fraido grinned and called out. "Good afternoon Peeje what can I... ... get you?" The rhino slowed his usual greeting when he noticed the large man following Pj into the store. The man looked so much like his little friend that it could only be his dad. The dad who made his friend so upset so often. "Who's yer friend?" he asked a edge in his voice.

"Um...Mr. Fraido this...this is my dad, Pete D'chat senior." Pj said smiling nervously. "Dad this is the owner of this shop. Mr. Fraido."

Mr. Fraido looked down at Pj worriedly then stepped around his counter and held out his hand for Pete. "How's it hanging?"

The older dog didn't accept the handshake offered to him instead he looked the other man over. Was this the reason his son came here? The rhino before him was average looking one ear folded over, brown eyes, and a scuffed up horn. He had a small paunch and doughy arms all of which proved that the deli owner enjoyed his wares one to many times. Not really someone that would be his first choice but he did have a certain lowbrow charm. All in all he approved. He bet the guy had one heck of a salami hanging between his legs too.

Sensing that he wasn't going to get his handshake Mr. Fraido lowered his hand and turned to Pj. "Anyway... what can I get you Peeje, the usual?"

"Yeah for me at least. My dad wants something else." Pj replied. "Right dad."

"Yeah whatever boy." Pete said waving him off. He had seen what he wanted and was ready to go back to the dealership. "Just get me one of them there..." he looked up at the hanging menu on the back wall. "...Calie-zones and get yer fat self back in the Studebaker." the older dog turned around and started to walk out the door.

The way that fat slob of a father had just talked to his son made Mr. Fraido's blood boil. "Who the fuck are you calling names lard ass!?" He shouted after the other man angrily.

Pete stopped dead in his tracks and spun on his heals facing the rhino. "What did you just call me horn head?" he asked. There was a dangerous edge in his voice.

"I called you a lard ass and I meant it." Mr. Fraido restated crossing his arms. "You deserve to be called that bastard after what you said to this sweet boy here?"

'Hum so the crush goes both ways huh?' Pete thought. "Oh is that it?" he out loud with a snort. he waved the Rhino off as if he were an annoying nat. "The little brat don't mind me cussin' at him on bit, don't you boy?"

Pj looked down at the floor a bit frightened to make eye contact. Getting into this kind of fight wasn't something he wanted. "No sir it doesn't bother me."

Mr. Fraido placed a hand on the younger dog's shoulder and turned the boy towards him. "Peeje, don't say that kiddo." He said softly. "He's yer daddy and he shouldn't be saying them things. He should be nice to ya."

'He-he someone has daddies issues.' Pete thought smugly. The dog turned around and headed for the door again. "Look pal I'll say this once and only once." he said opening the door. "I talk to my so however I wish so mind yer own business." that said he left, once outside the older dog broke out into a grin. Despite the harsh words just flung he had enjoyed the fight. Locking horns with some bozo about nothing and coming out on top was like a sport to him. But in order for him to win the game he had to find a way to get under the bastards skin and him under his thumb. Instantly formulating a plan Pete decided that the best way to do that was to use the crush his son had on the man. After all how could the bologna salesman say no to "kiddo?"

Back inside the shop Pj let out the breath he had been holding ever since the fight began. "Well... that could have been worst." he said to Mr. Fraido. It had been nasty sure but at least there were no fists flying this time. The young boy looked up at Mr. Fraido. The rhino was still glaring at the door his father had just gone through. "Um... Mr. Fraido?"

"I should spit in his Cal-ie-zone." Mr. Fraido grumbled childishly mimicking the older dog. Answering Pj. "I swear I don't know how you put up with it. I'd have decked him by now."

"I'm just used to it I guess; besides living with dad isn't so bad. I get to have lots of-" Pj had to catch himself. He almost told the Rhino about him and his dad. "-um... we have lots of...laughs."

Mr. Fraido frowned he could tell the kid was lying to him though he didn't know what about exactly. Getting back to business the older man clapped his hands together and grinned down at his little friend. "Alright kid let me get your food for you and this time no charge." Pj began to object but the bigger man placed his finger on his lips. "No backtalk understand buddy."

Pj blushed and muttered an "ok". The simple touch on his lips had ignited a warm fire in his belly. "I won't pay then, But at least let me do something nice for you."

Mr. Fraido's face brightened. "Good idea kid. Humm... how about you come here on Saturday. You can help me with the shop." 'Yeah help me and stay away from that bastard dad of yours.'

"It's a deal sir." Pj said equally excited.

"Don't start with the sirs please in fact stop calling me Mr. Fraido all the time." The rhino said going back behind his counter. "From now call me Benny once and a while Kiddo."

"Ok Mr. Fraido, I mean Benny."

Saturday Morning...

"So horn head want's you to help him taday." Pete grumbled. It was the following Saturday and the father and son were in their kitchen just about to eat breakfast. Pj was dressed in his street clothes ready to go to the deli but his father was naked save for a pair of white socks on his feet. "I guess I can let you go." The older man said leaning back against his chair.

"Really!?" Pj said surprised. He wasn't to sure that his dad was going to agree to him going to Mr. Fraido's after the small argument he had with the rhino. That's why he had waited to the last moment. But here he was agreeing so easily... ... he had to be up to something? Pj thought about what that something might be as took the eggs he had been frying and scooped them onto a plate. "Dad, are you sure you're alright with this I thought you hated Mr. Fraido." he said placing the food in front of the older man.

"Yeah I'm sure." Pete said shrugging it off. "After all what's the difference I-" His sentence was interrupted when Moose walked into the kitchen. He like Pete was naked. "-Got monkey boy here to tide me over till you get back." Pj frowned a little his dad wouldn't miss him?

"Sorry I'm overslept sir." Moose said scratching his backside. "Boy am I bone tired.".

"Well I bet ya are after ridin' my "bone" all last night he-he." Pete chuckled. When he saw Moose's frown his amusement turned into a full on belly laugh. He always liked the way the ape made faces when he was reminded that he was his bitch. "Ok boys sit down. Moose you be sure to eat every bite cause I got plans fer you taday. Gonna try 'nother one of them new toys of mine "The Whopper"."

Moose shuddered in both fear and lust then began eating. "Wait just me?" he asked. "What's fatty doing today?"

"He's got another appointment today boy." Pete said as he shoveled a spoonful of food into his mouth. "Now stop complainin'." turning back to Pj. "Speakin' bout that again... I sorta feel...sorry-" He had to choke out the last word "-'bout upsettin' yer deli man. So I want you ta take something to'um. A peaceable offerin' of sorts."

Ok now Pj was really suspicious. "What kind of peace offering?"

"I'll go get it an' show ya." Pete stood up scooping up the last of his eggs and eating them as he walked out of the room.

Once his dad was gone Pj groaned. "Oh boy this is going to be trouble.

"Wadda you mean?" Moose said around a mouthful of food.

Pinching the bridge of his nose Pj explained. "Whenever my dad starts acting nice it's always trouble." Images of all the times the older man had "apologized" to someone popped into his head. The person always ended up ripped off, or humiliated, or ruined, or in one case framed for insider trading. "Poor Martha."

Moose raised an eyebrow at that but stayed silent. After a few minutes Pete reentered the room a medium sized package in hands. "Well here you go boy give this to that there buddy of yers." Pete dropped the package down in front of Pj it landing in his food.

Pj quietly huffed seeing how his breakfast was now ruined and muttered a "Thanks dad." Picking up the wrapped gift he shook it gently. There were no ticking sounds or hissing from a snake or spider. "Um...can I ask you what this is sir?"

While Pj had looked over the package Pete had turned his attention to Moose groping the ape's chest as he stood behind him. At hearing the question he glared over at his son. "Never you mind that boy it ain't none of yer business. An just so ya know I 'spect you not ta open it. Cause trust me if you do, I'll know." Moose moaned as the man above him tweaked one of his nipples.

Pj wondered about what his dad had just said. "How would you know?"

The large man stiffened for a second. "Trust me I will." Pete growled. "Now move yer ass and go help that cow at his meat shop!" Pete pulled Moose out of his chair and forced him to the floor shoving the gorilla's face into his crotch. Moose opening his mouth imminently taking the dogs cock into his mouth with a happy grunt.

Pj watched his dad and Moose for a few moments mystified by the obscene act in front of him and how it now seemed normal to him. But he remembered where he had to be and gathered his things leaving the room. As he opened the front door he heard a pained groan from Moose. The young dog giggled to himself the ape always made that noise when his dad entered him. Leaving the house Pj thought that even though he was looking forward to helping Mr. Fraido he would miss being with his father and the ape today. But then again there was always tomorrow.

Fraido's Deli...

Pj grinned nervously to himself as he walked up to Mr. Fraido's deli. He was a bit worried about messing up today but the thought of spending time with the rhino greatly outweighed his fears. Realizing he had to hurry or he would be late the young dog opened the door and went inside. When he stepped into the shop he was greeted by the unusual sight of no one behind the counter. It was strange not to see Mr. Fraido behind the counter. But then again it was early maybe he was somewhere else in the store. "Mr. Fraido?" Pj called out.

There were a few moments of silence then some shuffling from the direction of the back room. "Peeje that you kid?" The Rhino's voice came. The older man walked out into the front of the store a smile on his face. "What am I saying? Of course it's you."

"Good Morning Mr. Fraido."

"What's with this Mr. Fraido stuff call me Benny remember."

"Sorry forgot." Pj laughed nervously. "I meant to say Good Morning Benny."

Benny walked up to Pj placing his arm around him. "Good, so kiddo you ready to work?" he asked as he ushered him towards the backroom.

"Yeah sir. But I'm afraid I'm going to mess up."

Benny rolled his eyes the Mr. Fraido was gone but not the sir. "Don't worry Pj I'm sure you'll do fine. In fact I think I got something in my locker in the back that will make you look like a real professional." Arriving in the back room Mr. Fraido let Pj go and went over to a locker. As the Rhino rummaged around the small locker Pj looked around the room. There were hanging dried meets everywhere and what looked like a freezer. Strangely there were also a few empty cans of beer and a portable tv sitting next to a single bed. Thinking back to the day Moose and his cronies had hit him he remembered Mr. Fraido offering to let him lay down in it. Still it was kind of a weird place for a bed.

After moving a few of the things that cluttered his small foot locker Benny produced a stark white apron and turned around showing it to Pj. "Here you go." he said handing the piece of clothing to the shorter man. "This was mine when I was younger but it's still in real good shape and it should fit ya. Hey I'll even let you keep it after today."

"Really?" Pj said taking the item. Mr. Fraido was giving him his own apron from when he was younger? "Mr. Fra- I mean Benny, I can't take this."

"Yes you can Peeje." Benny said sternly. There were a few moments of awkward silence before Pj agreed and nodded his head smiling at the other man. "Ok now that that's settled Peeje there are three things you got to know if yer going to work here today." Mr. Fraido began. "Number one: Always say "Welcome to Fraido's deli what can I get you." when someone comes in. Number two: Try your best to make customers happy. Number three: And this is the most important one little guy. If someone mentions vegetarianism kick their ass out."

Pj gave the older man a stunned look. "R...Really?"

The rhino stared at him appearing serious for a few seconds but then he broke out into laughter. "Naw kiddo just pulling your leg." the Rhino ruffled Pj's hair.

"Oh." Pj said a little embarrassed. He placed his backpack and jacket onto the cot in the room then put the apron on. It fit perfectly doing as Mr. Fraido said and making the boy look professional.

"You look great Peeje." Benny cheered. "Come on let's get back out front and get ta working."

"Ok Mr. Fraido." Pj said. The pair began to walk out of the backroom but before they reached the door Pj stopped, he had forgotten the "gift" he father had gotten Mr. Fraido. Looking back to the item then to Mr. Fraido he decided to wait till lunch no sense in ruining this morning.

(I had a lot of fun that day working with Mr. Fraido in his deli. It seemed as the hours went by I became a real pro at it. At least that's what Mr. Fraido told me. Between helping customers me and him would talk about things going on in our lives. He would ask me about school and my home life, mostly about my dad and I would ask him about his past and the shop. He seemed to shy away from the conversation when I brought up his home. I knew he was married but that's about it he clammed right up on elaborating on more.)

"Thank you come again." Pj called out to a customer as she left the store.

"Wow Peeje you got her order out really quickly good job." Mr. Fraido said. The rhino had watched as the younger man had waited on the woman. He noticed Pj seemed to really find something he was enjoying. And the truth was he was enjoying it to. He really liked seeing the kid smile and laugh for once. The young dog had always seemed to a little sad when he came into his store before. "Hey Peeje how about we close up for a bit and have our lunches. I usually eat in the back so we won't have far to go."

"Um ok I guess Mr. ...Benny." Pj said turning to the older man. "I'm getting kind of hungry actually."

"Good you're going to love what I got made for lunch." The rhino locked the front door then went into the back room Pj following right behind him. "So Peeje, you think that you might like to come here again and do this?" Benny asked.

Pj removed his apron and sat down on the bed. "Sure sir being here is kind of interesting."

"Well I can always use the help." Mr. Fraido pulled a cooler out from under his bed and took out two wrapped sandwiches from it. Sitting next to Pj he handed one to him. "How about you come here after school every day? I can-"

"-I can't do that Mr. Fraido." Pj said quietly. There was no way his dad would let him do that. And truth be told he didn't want to give up his time with his dad. He might have worn the young man out but he just couldn't stop letting the man do to him what they both enjoyed.

"Come on Pj why not I can pay you real good and it would give ya a chance to get out of your house and away from your dad."

"That's just it sir I don't mind being around my dad." Pj said as he began to eat his food.

"Peeje... I know you don't mean that." Benny took a bit out of his sandwich. "I see the way he treats you and it's horrible. No one should have to put up with him."

Pj actually felt a bit angry at Mr. Fraido for how he was talking about his dad. Sure Pete was mean, nasty, greedy, bitter, vengeful, slightly abusive, manipulative, lazy, cruel and cheap. But he... he... well he just didn't like hearing the rhino talk about his father and lover that way. "You really should give my dad another chance." Pj began. "He's not so bad. ...Um oh right, he actually got you something to say he's sorry about yesterday. The dog got up and went over to his backpack. After unzipping it he pulled out the gift his dad had given him and held it out to the other man.

The rhino looked at the gift wrapped item. "That blowhard got me something?" he remarked as he took it. Hesitantly he ripped the wrapping paper off and lifted the lid. He expected the contents of the package to be something you would find in laying about some dog park but what his eyes were met with was far from it. Inside the box was a pink teddy bear with heart shaped pillow with "I'm sorwy." written on it in bubbly letters.

"What the hell?" Mr. Fraido said seeing the stuffy. Benny lifted the item into the air and turned it all around examining it. "Well this is... strange." he said placing it on a crate next to the bed.

Yeah it is." Pj said he bent over and took a closer look at the bear. As he got closer a strange whizzing sound and a click came from the toy. "Wait a second is there-"

"Hey There's something else in here!" Benny said interrupting Pj's question. Having looked into the box again he found a Photo album. "What's this now?" he asked picking it up.

"I don't know." Pj said. Mr. Fraido opened the album and chuckled when he saw the first picture. Curious at to what he was looking at Pj leaned over. The first picture in the book was of him during a trip he had been on that summer to Spoonerville beach. "Guess dad must have put this in here by mistake." the younger man reasoned.

"Yeah must have." Mr. Fraido said. Wondering if there were more the rhino turned the page. But what he found on the next page was not another picture of Pj on the beach but several snapshots of Pj naked and posing or having sex with a gorilla. "What the hell!"

"OH MY GOD!" Pj said mortified. He remembered these pictures his dad had taken them with his digital camera the night he had taken Moose home. Quickly the boy snatched the book out of Mr. Fraido's hands and snapped it shut. "I'm soooo sorry Mr. Fraido my dad must have... Mr. Fraido?" Pj looked over the rhino was staring blankly into space. He had a glassy look in his eyes and was breathing in short heated puffs.

Realizing where he was Benny snapped back to reality "Oh, Um...Sorry about that Peeje." he began then responding to Pj's question. "I guess I.... just wasn't expecting to see something...like that."

"Ok yeah I guess it kind of gross seeing that."

"Gross?" The older man said confused. "Oh yeah gross. He, he."

It was then that something snapped into place for Pj. The way Mr. Fraido treated him, the kind words the gentle touches. The older man liked him and the idea of that made Pj a little hot an bothered. Mustering up a bit of courage Pj spoke. "You liked them didn't you sir?"

Mr. Fraido jumped at the blunt question then looked towards the floor. "I've ruined this haven't I?" he asked. "You come along all trusting and I go betray that trust by getting all hot over them pictures."

"You can look at them again if you want." Pj suggested. He handed the book to the other man and opened it to the page with his dirty pictures in it.

Benny raised his head and peered at the dirty book then Pj's face. "What?" he asked still stunned.

"I don't mind if you like me Mr. Fraido." Pj explained. "I'm really flattered that you find me attractive and... as you can see I sort of have practice at this sort of thing."

"What sort of practice?" The rhino asked confused.

Pj took a deep breath. What he was about to do he wouldn't have never had the guts to do a month or so ago but after having sex with Moose, Mr. Tarn, and his dad he felt that adding one more to the mix wouldn't hurt. "This sort sir." Pj got off of the bed and onto his knees moving between Mr. Fraido's open legs. Raising a hand he gently rubbed the Rhino's crouch through his pants feeling the growing mound of flesh beneath his butcher's apron.

"Ahh...Kiddo you shouldn't be... oh that feels good."

"Don't worry I want to Mr. Fraido." Pj reaffirmed. "I really like doing this and I wouldn't mind doing it with you. I like you a whole lot after all."

The man above him seemed to be fighting off the thought of doing what he suggested for several minutes but then Pj lifted up the apron and began unzipping his jeans. "Alright Kiddo you win." he relented. The older man lifted himself up a little letting Pj pull his pant's down till they were around his ankles.

Pj smiled he was glad that he was getting the chance to really thank one of his favorite people for all he had done for him. Pushing opened the hole in the front of Mr. Fraido's underwear he pulled out the horned mans cock. Pj's mouth watered a little as he took in the nice thick organ and breathed in the slightly musky smell combined with the sweet smell of the meats in the room. Knowing what he wanted to do he opened ran his tongue along the rim a few times before taking the whole thing into his mouth. Slowly he inched his way down that hard pillar of flesh swallowing it till his nose was massed against the rhino's dark pubic hair.

Mr. Fraido let out a long strangled groan when his cock was engulfed in Pj's moist mouth and placed his hand on the back of the boy's head when he had fully swallowed his meat gently ruffling his headfur. "Fuck kid that sure is nice."

Pj hummed in agreement then concentrated on sucking on Benny's cock a hard as he could. The wet suction enticed a series of curses and moans from the sitting man. Soon Pj had relaxed his throat enough that he was able to bob his head up and down on the Rhino's dick. This really got him exited and he began snorting and huffing as he enjoyed what he considered the best blow job he had ever had.

The boy was a pro it seemed at this activity and worked his pud just the right way. He kept his lips firmly wrapped around his base and when he had pulled back far enough the young man swiped his tongue across his piss slit sending a jolt through his entire body. But unfortunately he was too good if he didn't stop this right now this all would end to soon. "Peeje be careful if you don't let up I might cum in your mouth."

Pj pulled away Mr. Fraido's fully erect cock falling to the side. "I don't mind that sir. I sort of like the taste." he looked away blushing. "But if you mind I think there's a better place you could... um, cum." Pj couldn't believe he had just said that.

"You really want to do that kiddo." Benny asked. He knew what the boy meant. And it made his dick jump from his increased hearbeat. "I mean I'm just some old fat guy who owns a deli."

"And you're the nicest person I ever met."

Mr. Fraido smiled and pulled Pj up so that they were face to face. "Well if that's the case..." he leaned forward pressing his lips to Pj's and wrapping his arms around him. Using his strength he pulled the younger man onto the bed and climbed over him. "You know something kiddo your real cute." finished ravaging the boys mouth the older man moved on to his neckline kissing and running his horn against the hot shin there. "I'm honored that your letting me fuck you."

Pj was in pure ecstasy when he felt the contrast of the rhino's warm kisses and cold horn. It certainly was different then when he was with Moose or his dad. But what really got to him was when Mr. Fraido went lower and pushed his shirt over his head. The dogs chest exposed the older man lowered his head and began running the tip of his tongue around his nipple biting the erect nub after a few seconds and sucking on it. Feeling that mouth on that sensitive part of himself made Pj thrash around he had never had that done to him before. "AHHH!" He moaned. "Please... please do, do that again."

"Alright babe." The rhino chuckled then went back to sucking on the boy's chest. Pj crying out as with every firm lick and nibble. It had been so long for the larger man since he had been able to do this with someone else and he was intent on enjoying the experience. The warmth of the body under him, the cries of pleasure, the promise that he was about to mount the willing man in his arms it was so arousing. But the only way he would be able to do that last part was if he got rid of his bothersome clothes. "Peeje baby give me a sec ok."

Pj nodded and watched as Mr. Fraido shifted so that he was sitting on his backside between Pj's legs. Winking at the younger man the rhino took off his apron then removed his boxers. Leaving him in just his old wife beater which he was about to take off. "Wait could you leave that on for me please." Pj asked suddenly.

"Why?" Benny wondered then he noticed the boys blush and shook his head laughing. "Ok I get it. Well I hope you don't mind if I insist that you be-" He grabbed Pj by his legs with one of his hands and pulled off the boy's shorts with the other. "-completely naked."

Pj laughed as he was rendered nude before Benny's eyes. But the giggling soon turned into moans as the rhino returned to what he had been doing nibbling on his nipples then he traveled downward kissing his way down Pj's jiggly belly. "Mr. Fraido are you going to... you know now?"

"Yes?" Benny began to cup the boy's balls rolling them around in his palm. Then after a good tug he opened his mouth and swallowed the boys cock in one gulp. Pj panted and clutched at the small cots sheets as he was sucked on. It wasn't often that he got the chance to have this done to him. And his inexperience showed itself when he felt his balls begin to boil over. "Mr. Fraido stop I'm about to cum." He said before it was too late.

"Wouldn't want that to happen yet would we babe." The Rhino said as raised his head. "How about we move on then Peeje? Get on all fours and turn around for me baby?"

"Alright sir." Pj say suddenly shy. Benny got off of the bed letting the younger man shift himself so that he was on his hands and legs his backside facing Mr. Fraido. Once he was ready Pj looked back at the other man nervous. "Like this?"

"Yeah like that." Mr. Fraido took in the offering before him for a few seconds. The boy's ass was so pleasantly plump that his mouth began to water as the sight he needed to taste it. Deciding to not wait any longer he placed both his hands on Pj's but and pulled him to the edge of the bed then he pried the cheeks apart revealing a tight little pucker to his eyes. Licking his lips he lowered his head and began to tease the entrance with his thick tongue.

The response from the larger mans ministrations was the sounds of Pj calling out his name as he almost lost balance and a mantra of "Oh, God Mr. Fraido!" Pj was beyond himself he had never had someone lick him there no wonder his dad liked it so much. He had to have more of it so he began to push backwards trying his best to get that wonderful slick tongue into him.

When he felt the younger man begin to move Mr. Fraido chuckled inwardly and began drilling his tongue into the boy's hole joyfully eating out the young dog as he moaned and ground his ass into his face. It wouldn't be to long now before he got to do what he had been wanting to do for so long. But he knew that his little buddy had to be a little looser fo him to breech him. Withdrawing his probing tongue Mr. Fraido made Pj move again on the bed shifting him so that he got on the bed behind him. "Ok baby I'm going to stretch you some then we'll get on to the main event."

"Alright Mr. Fraido."

"Good boy." The Rhino wet one of his fingers with his mouth then proceeded to pushing the digit into Pj. Working it into him as slowly but firmly as he could. The tight pucker gave a little resistance but gave in letting him penetrate the hole up to his knuckle. Hearing only soft grunting from Pj he began to push his thick finger in and out enticing a series of huffing sounds from the younger man. Hearing no arguments he inserted another finger scissoring them widening the hole he would soon be in even wider.

During the whole fingering Pj hummed riding on the sensations that were going through his body. He always liked being prepared like this ever since moose did it that night. His dad did it the best though but Mr. Fraido was a close second. Benny seemed to be getting off on the sounds he was making and was rapidly fucking the boy with his fingers twisting and curling the fingers, hitting every sweet spot he could reach.

But this wasn't enough for Pj after a while he wanted, no needed to feel the Rhino's cock busting it's way into his ass. Gasping he spoke up. "Mr. Fraido please I'm open enough now, please just... just *groan*... just fuck me ok!"

"He, he ok big guy." Mr. Fraido withdrew his hand wiping off the excess moister on the bed spread and got on his knees behind the smaller man. "This what your wanting Peeje?" He asked as he positioned his cock at Pj's winking entrance.

Pj lowered himself so that his chest was against the bed and wiggled his ass. "Yes sir please put it in please!" he begged. "But be careful you feel kind of big."

"I know I'm big baby." The rhino cooed. "But you're going to love having me inside of you I know I will. Don't worry I'll be as gentle as I can."

"Ok Mr.... Benny but like I told you I'm used to it." Pj reassured. "Just have fun; I'm sure we'll both feel good during it."

Mr. Fraido chuckled and leaned forward kissing his friend on the shoulder. "Alright kiddo." With a mighty thrust he pushed forward until he hilted himself, his gray thighs coming into contact with Pj's black furred backside. To his surprise Pj was true to his word only grunting from the intrusion and grinding back into him silently begging for more. 'The boy's right this is going to be fun.'

Pj shuddered as Mr. Fraido pulled back the intruder sliding out of his stretched and sucking hole. Then yelped as it drove back home pushing it's way back into place and rubbing his prostrate all at once.

"Fuck Peeje you're so tight." Benny grunted as he rode the other man. "And you squeeze me dick real good. I'm so glad your letting me take you."

"So am I Mr. Fraido, so am I!" Pj agreed. He couldn't say in words how he loved being fucked. Strange that it had only been two weeks since his first time and he was already as his father so nicely put it a slut. But still this was Mr. Fraido the man who had been so nice to him so long he was happy to have sex with him. He was about to ask if the older man to go a little harder when he pulled out and flipped him onto his back.

He was quick to return to his hole pushing back inside as Pj wrapped his legs and arms around his larger frame. "Now I can see you baby." He commented just before he began kissing Pj again.

Pj just hung on for dear life ad he was ground into and kissed breathless. He knew he wouldn't last much longer it was all just so overwhelming. The large body pinning him to the mattress as he dug his nails into the rhino's back, the warm lips and wandering tongue that explored his mouth, and then of course the rigid and large member noisily pumping into him. After about ten minutes of this assult he finally gave in screaming out. "MR. FRAIDO!!!" As he came between them his semen smearing on the older man's belly as he slid back on forth on top of him. Mr. Fraido wasn't to far behind sitting up and ramming his dick into the boy beneath him at a hectic pace. Suddenly he began moaning and came into that wonderful heat as he leaned over Pj clasping the boy's hands above his head and smiling goofily while he rode his orgasm to its conclusion.

A short time later they both lay on the now messy cot Benny on his back while Pj snuggled into the crook of his arm. "Wow Mr. Fraido that was... that was amazing."

"Oh hush kiddo. Like I said I know I can't possibly be the best you've been with." The rhino said quietly. He kissed the boys forehead. "I'm just a fat old man. That gorilla boy in the pics with you was a lot younger."

"It was still good sir." Pj reaffirmed. "much better then Moose, or my dad."

"Really he, he.... YOUR DAD!"

'dam it.' Pj cursed himself. "Mr. Fraido please don't say anything I'm letting him do it to me."

"But baby that's so wrong." The older man said angrily. "He's taking advantage of you."

The dog frowned. "Well... didn't you kind of do that to?"

Mr. Fraido was speechless for a few moments. The kid was right he had just taken advantage of his little friend. "Fuck... didn't think of that."

"And don't. like I said I loved it and so did you. We both had fun so what's the harm. Just like with me and my dad. I care about him and it makes me happy when he has sex with me."

Benny frowned at his friend but after thinking about it sighed and looked away. "Fine Kid I won't say anything but promise me if he ever hurts you when he fucks you you'll tell me."

"Don't worry he'll never really hurt me. He might be rough but he makes sure I'm alright afterwards."

"Good." The larger man tightened his grip around Pj. "Come let's take a little nap. The shop can wait for a few more hours."

"That sound good sir." Pj said closing his eyes.

As the pair of men began to drift off they failed to notice the empty stare of the stuffed animal Pete had given the deli owner. A small mechanical whizzing sound came from the bear and then a clicking. Inside of the stuffing a small camera extended and withdrew its lens. It had recorded the whole event between Mr. Fraido and Pj and transmitted it to a small transceiver in Pj's backpack. From there the signal traveled through wi-fi, through the internet, and back to Pj's house. In the dwelling a TV screen had displayed the entire act of the two copulating as a pair of eyes watched the entire time. Growing excited by the images that flickered on the screen.

"Wow that was fucking hot!" Moose exclaimed from his seat next to Pj's father. The pair were naked drinking a few bears as they stroked themselves.

"Sure was boy" Pete agreed patting the ape on the head. "Who would have know that Pastrami salesmen could fuck so nice like. He-he." he peered down at his sex slave, the boy had jacked off during the show and now had his cum all over his stomach. Taking some of it Pete smeared it over his dick. "Come on Monkey boy I haven't cum yet so I'm goin' ta use you fer a bit."

Moose eagerly stood up and reached back pushing his fingers into his hole preparing himself. "Anything you say sir."

Monday afternoon...

Mr. Fraido sighed to himself as he gave a little old lady her order. "Thank you ma'am please come again."

"I'll be sure to dear." The woman said taking her leave. She was about to open the front door when it opened and someone large entered.

"Move it fossil." The person rudely snapped. The woman muttered a "How rude" and left the deli in a huff.

Benny had been cleaning up his counter during the whole exchange but when he felt someone standing in his shop he smiled and called out his usual greeting. "Hello sir what can I...get you."

"How about some free food Horn head." Pete said smugly.

"Oh it's the fat s.o.b my little buddy calls daddy." Mr. Fraido responded venom dripping form every syllable.

"My, my aren't you one nasty fucker today." Pete laughed. "Guess it's to be expected havin' ta spend yer day chopping sausages and cutting the cheese."

"You know what D'chat." The other man huffed. "Why don't you just get you fat ass out of here! You're going to make the food spoil."

"I'll go when I'm good and ready to buddy." Pete walked up to the counter and slammed both of his palms down on the flat surface. "And you know why that is?"

Mr. Fraido mimicked the dog slamming his hands down on the counter to and glaring at him. "Why is that fatso?"

Pete's expression changed to one of anger to amusement. "'Cause of this." he reached into his pocket and pulled out a photograph. Mr. Fraido looked down at the picture his eyes bugging out when he did. The photo was of him and Pj his ass clearly visible in the frame ad he drove into the younger man. "Where the fuck did you get this!?" He yelled snatching the image and instantly ripping it.

"I got it from a very expensive camera I have." Pete explained. "It's so tiny that it fits anywhere you could imagine... like in the glass eyes of a cute... little... stuffed... teddy bear."

The horned male could feel the blood draining out of his face as the dog told him where he got it. He had been caught fucking this guy's son. "How much did you see?"

"Oh all of it." Pete grinned evilly. "The sex, the kissing even what ya did after Pj left, everything"

Mr. Fraido could feel himself shaking with rage. After all he had heard about Pj's dad from the younger man he knew what was coming next. "Ok what do you want?"

"Not much mind you. I want you to cater a little get together I'm hosting in a few months for one. And as for what else I want." Pete let that hang in the air as he walked around the counter and into the deli's back room. "Well come on fucker." he called out to Benny.

Benny snorted and followed. Once in the back room Pete picked up his hidden camera and told the other man his other demands. "Second I want you to get it through yer empty fucking head that Pj is my boy, my bitch and I'll treat him and fuck him anyway I want. And if you so much as even utter a sound about how I treat him I'll make sure everyone sees the video I took of you Moli-lesting my son."

Mr. Fraido began shaking he'd be ruined if that happened. Turning away he muttered an "Alright."

"Alright what horny man?"

Gritting his teeth the rhino said. "I mean alright sir." he glared at Pete. "Anything else or can we move on."

"Oh just one more thing." Pete began. "I want you to keep looking out for my son. He told me what you did for him. And you can keep fucking his lardy ass ta'boot I don't mind sharing my whore. I'm sure the little slut would love riding that big piece 'o' meat of yers again.."

The other man opened his mouth wide the closed it at a lost as to what to say. Between all the dirty talk and rudeness did the creep really just tell him to watch out for his son? It seemed really out of character from what he had seen. Could Pj be right was he not really a bad guy. No he was blackmailing him so that meant he was a bastard. But he had to look after the man's son even if it was only for his sake. "Ok Mr. D'chat I'll look after him. No body's going to ever hurt him." he pointed at the dog. "Nobody understand."

"Yeah, yeah whatever." Pete began to leave waving at Benny over his shoulder. "Bye, bye bologna man."

"Good riddance," Benny spat.

To be continued....

Next time Pete spends some alone time with his son reminding him who he belongs to. The hard and fun way.