Memories: Nightmare (OLD STORY)

Story by Rurikredwolf on SoFurry

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I really hate my old author's notes. They are cringe worthy. Very Cringeworthy. But whatever, another chapter of this derp. THIS IS AN OLD STORY WRITTEN 3 YEARS AGO.


Cynder awoke with a start at the voice. It was in the middle of the night and Cynder had gotten tired from the day. Terrador had shown her and Wind's room, since Wind protested on sleeping in another room.

She looked around and tried to find the source of the voice, but the room was empty. Cynder got up and looked around harder to find the voice. She walked over to the window and looked out, and then jumped back with a yelp.

A pair of glowing orange eyes glared back at her. Cynder felt fear rising within her and was paralyzed. The eyes climbed up the window and a large figure stood there. It was shaped like a dragon with armor and it crawled towards her.

Cynder couldn't move. No matter how hard she tried, the eyes held her still. The dragon approached her slowly, making no noise.

" you....remember?"

It was the voice again. Cynder didn't understand what it was talking about; what was she supposed to remember?

"Who are you?" Cynder asked the dragon. She was shocked that she could speak from being

"...a shadow..." was the reply.

"A shadow of what?" Cynder asked it. The dragon chuckled slightly at her question, causing her to feel of twinge of irritation.

"'re past..." it said as the dragon charged her, going through her completely.

"What was that-" Cynder started to ask as she suddenly collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"She is hatching..."

A black egg was shaking violently on a stone table surrounded by apes. A large crack ran down the middle and was expanding rapidly. Soon, a small black dragon came out of the egg and squeaked. A large ape in armor that wielded a large, green staff stepped forward.

"Welcome, my new minion...." He said as the dragon looked at him with confusion. The black hatchling felt something rising within her.


She looked around the room, and found a bowl of fruits nearby. Without warning, the black dragon scrambled towards the bowl, taking the apes by surprise. When she was an inch away, a staff blocked her view and slammed her into a wall.

"You will eat when I tell you!" the large ape said as the hatchling lost consciousness.

Cynder awoke an unknown time later with a large headache that almost made her cry from pain.


Cynder looked up to see Wind walking towards her, concern in his little eyes. Cynder look around, but didn't see the dragon anywhere in sight. Holding her head with her paw, she stood up with some strain. Wind, who noticed his 'mother's' pain, cuddled against her leg in an attempt to comfort her.

"Thanks Wind..." Cynder whispered, her headache subsiding slightly. Her thought's then shifted to the dream that she had. It burned her memory, and Cynder knew that she would never forget it.

But who was that large ape? He seemed so familiar to her, but she didn't remember from where. She decided to ask Terrador or the other's later. As she lied back down to go to sleep, something caught her eye. It was faint, but the thing stood just outside her room.

"...weakling..." it said as it faded down the hall. Cynder got up despite her searing headache and ran out the room, Wind right behind her. The thing was floating down the hall, and Cynder narrowed her eyes to see what it was.

It was shaped like another dragon, but it has burning red-orange eyes that looked like they had flames dancing inside of them. The apparition laughed and flew down another hallway.

Cynder gave chase after the shadow, running at a speed she never though she could go. The walls seemed to blur as she ran, but to her shock, Wind was keeping up with her as if it was nothing. She decided to find out later how Wind was keeping up to her, but she needed to find out what that thing was.


At the sound of the voice, Cynder tripped and slammed into a wall, causing Wind to crash into her and land in a tangled mess. Cynder groaned with pain as she looked up to see Terrador running over to her, worry in his eyes.

"Are you ok?" Terrador asked as he aided Cynder to her feet.

"Despite the headache and just slamming into a wall at a speed I never knew I could do....yeah, I'm ok." Cynder said as she rubbed her head, Wind mewing in agreement.

"What were you doing up this late, anyway?" Terrador asked her.

"Well..." Cynder told him as she described what happened and the figure she saw going down the hall.

" that so?" Terrador asked after a moment.

"It's true. Do you know who the ape was in the dream?" Cynder asked him, aching to know who it was.

"....yes, I do. That ape in your dreams was the ape king, Gaul. He was a ruthless tyrant who served the Dark Master before being killed by Spyro. He....took your egg from this temple long ago and..." Terrador trailed off as he looked away guiltily.

Cynder had a feeling that he was leaving something out, but she had other questions that burned within her.

"Who was the Dark Master?" she asked, curious on how someone as cruel as Gaul served someone.

"He was....a powerful dragon that turned corrupted. Spyro defeated him...but after something...tragic happened to him. Even then, he barely defeated him." Terrador explained to her.

"Wow...I'm beginning to like this 'Spyro' even more..." Cynder said dreamily. Terrador smiled inwardly, for he enjoyed seeing both Cynder and Spyro together before...they died.

"Also, I have another question. How is it that Wind can keep up with me when he is only an infant?" Cynder asked Terrador.

"I remember Volteer saying something about cheetah's being born for speed. At his age, he should be able to catch an adult dragon on the ground." Terrador explained to her.

"I" Cynder began, but was cut off by a large explosion that happened in the middle of the temple.

"What the hell?" Terrador exclaimed and Wind mewed in fright.

As the explosion went off, Cynder felt an unknown fear in her heart. Without knowing it, she rushed towards the explosion.

"Cynder, wait up!" Terrador called after her as he ran after her and Wind, who had followed her.

Cynder ran towards the direction of the explosion with haste. She kept running for five minutes until she reached the center, Terrador and Wind behind her.

In the middle of the inferno that was raging, a figure could be seen walking towards them. A clawed foot stepped out, and then it came completely out revealing.....