
Story by Kashito91 on SoFurry

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The sounds were driving him crazy. It pounded away at his brain; even though he clamped his ears off. Hell; he'd even tried being in a completely quiet room; with no interference from the outside world. Still he heard the noises; at times voices, at times music. He didn't know what could be causing it! His brain couldn't shut down because of it. His eyes ached from tiredness, his brain was frazzled and his voice was hoarse from lack of sleep; but he had to keep going.

Every movement he made with his eyes hurt like hell. It was as though the cursed metal balls were gouging away at his eye sockets. Finally; one day, he snapped. "I am not going to take this shit any-more. I don't care if it kills me, these monstrous things are coming out and that's fucking it!" He mentally raged as he stealthily drugged his bros as they slept. They didn't need to see or hear this. He knew they would try to stop him; but if it meant he'd receive no more noises, it was a pain he was willing to take. The drugs were powerful, but not long lasting; and they had no ill effects.

It was only a few hours ago, in the Last Chance Garage, that he figured it out. The constant sounds were radio waves. He was picking up nearly every frequency put out by the radio stations and the cosmic background radiation. It was that cornucopia of garbled transmissions; the white noise of the universe and everything else that was driving him crazy. He rode for the board; fire in his eyes, but invisible to everyone else. That had been at 7 pm. It was now 11 pm; time to begin.

Throttle took one last look in the mirror. Sure, it might fuck his looks up; but he didn't care. He was determined to shut out the noise once and for all. He began muttering a prayer; his tail lashing from side to side. He was nervous, scared and desperate. There was no way he could go to the hospital. They wouldn't look over a tail, ears or fur. The tan mouse let out a quiet breath; as he stilled his body, ready to take the final plunge. He'd thought about using a knife for this, but he knew that was too much of a risk.

He raised his shaking hands to his face. It was now or never. He sank his fingers deep; snarling and roaring in pain as he worked his fingers around the metal optics. His fingernail caught the thin metal join; tugging on the sensors deep in his head. With a soft chink, the low quality metal split apart as he pulled the front half of his bionic eyes out of his head; blood oozing slowly down his cheeks. Easy part over...

He growled; a low, feral sound that would have frozen anyone's blood. The truly painful part started now. He sank his fingers back into his eye sockets; his short nails catching the remaining metal of the now ruined optics. He snorted through his nose then yanked hard; the fragments of metal, and two long wires coming out with a ripping sound; his entire body quaking in pain as he roared. Blood was pouring out from his now vacant sockets as the useless parts clattered in the sink; hard, loud snorts echoing through the scoreboard as he slowly came down from the torture he had just put himself through.

As he began to wash away the blood; he noticed something: there was no noise. The board was deathly quiet, as if he was in the isolated room again. The constant radio chatter had finally ceased. He now had the peace he had been desiring for nearly 5 years. His fingers slowly wiped away the blood that was caking under his eyes; the memories and taint of the operation Karbunkle performed on him finally going away. He felt clean and whole; ready to start anew, despite his new blindness.