Tina II chapter 16 Wet Pants- A Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Tina II chapter 16- Wet Pants- A Gray Muzzle story

Tina stood behind the screen in her doctor's examining room. She stood there awkwardly for a moment before pulling down the zipper on her sleeveless floral dress, letting it fall to the floor. Since the material of her dress allowed it, she didn't wear a bra. Finally, she slipped off her panties, and lay them on the chair. Only then did she put on the examination gown, and sat on the edge of the table .It was only a few minutes before the doctor entered.

"Good afternoon, Tina" the doctor smiled " This isn't our regular visit, so what brings you in?"

Tina paused for a moment, then looked down.

" I pee'd my pants." Her eyes stayed averted; she couldn't look at the doctor, so great was her shame.

"Well, that's a lot more common than many people realize. Let's take a look...."

With that, the doctor gentle laid her back on the table. She put her head on the pillow, her feet in the stirrups, so that her legs were spread and elevated.

"Tell me a little more about what happed."

"I was in my bosses office. It was a bad meeting. I was standing at his desk, when........I just lost it. "

"You wet yourself?"

"More. I lost control. I just emptied my bladder. I urinated all over myself. Left a puddle on the floor."

"Before.....it happened, did you need to urinate?"

"No, not really. It wasn't like that. I just lost it. All at once. It just started coming, and before I knew, I had emptied myself."

'Was this the first time?"

"No, not exactly. A few weeks ago, I had to deal with a problem customer. It got pretty heated. At one point, I felt myself wetting, so I ran to the bathroom. Luckily, I had a pad on."

"Before that?"


The doctor returned to his exam. He had gloved his hands, and spread lubricant on his finger. He used this plier like device, a speculum, to spread the opening to her vagina. With everything in place, he examined her, feeling inside and out, checking her uterus, her ovaries, and her bladder. She felt like it took forever, but in reality, it took only a few minutes. Once finished, he stepped back. He removed his gloves.

"I think that's it.. You can dress now. When you're ready, let the nurse know, and we'll sit down to talk,

When he left, Tina got down from the table. Using a paper towel, she wiped the lube from her crotch., before tugging up her panties. Once she was dressed, the nurse showed her to the doctor's office, where he waited.

"Well, doctor, what's the matter with me.?" She asked, concern in her voice.

The doctor leaned back in his chair.

"The good news is that physically, you're in great shape. Your bladder, your uterus, everything down there is exactly as it should be."

"So, why am I wetting my pants?"

"After a female has children, the perinial muscles stretch. This is necessary to give birth. But, those muscle don't go back to quite where they were before. You may get leakage. Especially under stress, like sneezing or straining."

"So, that's it?' she asked.

"No, I don't think so. What I described is known as 'stress incontinence' That's not what you describe.

"Then what.....??" There was concern in Tina's voice.

The doctor continued.

"In hybrids, there is a mixture of human and canine genes"

Tina nodded.

"Every hybrid is a unique mixture of those genes. We know that urination behavior in canines is different than in humans. Canines mark, and use urination for a variety of other social and behavioral purposes. Canines have a behavior called 'submission urination'. Have you heard of it?

"Where one dog urinates, to show the dominant that they are not a threat, that there is no challenge to the dominant?" she answered.

"Exactly" he replied

"Then, why did this come out of nowhere?"

"Not exactly out of nowhere" the doctor responded. "As a hybrid, you may be hard wired with a tendency toward submission urination. But behaviors are a mix of genetics, plus socialization. Raised as a human, you were socialized to relieve yourself as humans do. Then, you encounter stress, trauma, anything, and your mind may revert to earlier, more basic behaviors."

"What are you saying?"

The doctor started writing.

"I'm giving you a prescription that will help. Try not to let your bladder get too full. Mostly though, I want you to see another doctor. A specialist."

He handed her a prescription form.

"A shrink"

"A specialist. A therapist who works with hybrids, on hybrid issues. I think he's the best in the business."

After the doctor's visit, Tina went home. Once there, there was plenty to do, as there always was. Tina started dinner, and got the pups from her mother, who watched them after school. Ray got home at the usual time, and the family had their evening meal together. Afterwards, Ray helped her clean up, as the kids watched TV.

"How did the doctor visit go?"


"Did he find anything wrong?"

"Not really. He wants me to see someone."

"A Urologist?"

"Uh uh. A shrink."

"I think you should."

Tina rolled her eyes.

"Great! Everyone thinks I'm nuts now- even you! Tina began to cry.

Ray walked around her, putting his arms around her.

"Look how upset you are! I hate seeing you like this. What harm is there in giving it a try? If it doesn't work out, I won't make you go. Who knows? It might help.

With that Ray gave her a hug, and a kiss. Tina felt a little better.

"Maybe you're right. I'll call tomorrow."

On the appointed day, Tina went to Dr. MacGregor's office. It was on one of the mid level floors of the giant medical builder near the hospital in downtown Trenton. It was dark, with low lights, and dark would paneling. Tina thought about how masculine it looked. She wondered if it was the right thing to be discussing something so personal with a male doctor. For a fleeting moment, she considered leaving. Just the, however.....

'Mrs Goldstein? Doctor will see you know......"

Dr. Macgregor was a hybrid. A Scottish Terrier hybrid to be exact, and he looked the part. Short and dark, he had these incredible bushy eyebrows. He wore tweed, and a red plaid vest.

Tina? Angus MacGregor....

The Scotty bowed to Tina, who was instantly drawn to the scrappy little terrier. He motioned her to the therapy couch. Where Tina sat nervously on the edge.

"I hope you don't mind if I don't lay down" Tina asked.

"Dance on the arm, if it makes you feel better" MacGregor smiled. He turned, and lit his pipe, a large curved one. The building didn't allow smoking, but no one dared to say anything to him about it. He tamped the tobacco, then lit it, puffing contentedly.

"So, Tina, what brings you here?"

Tina swallowed hard.

'I peed my pants."

"I see. What happened?"

"I was in my bosses' office. He was really upset about some personal issues. He was yelling, almost getting out of his chair. His face got redder and redder until..."


I was really tense. Scared. Then, all of a sudden, this wave of relaxation washed over me. Instantly, I felt my bladder empty. Completely. I couldn't stop. I had urinated over myself, the floor, everything..."

"Then what?"

"I ran to the bathroom and hid. I was totally soaked. I just hid in a stall and cried. I stayed there until they came looking for me.."


"Friends. I guess people heard his raised voice, and heard me leave. Then, maintenance got called to clean the mess."

"Go on...."

"Well, my friends calmed me down, until they could clean me up enough to go home.They put my boss on leave over the incident, and gave me two weeks. The two weeks are almost up, and I'm so humiliated....."

Has this ever happened before?"

"About two weeks ago. I had a VERY difficult customer. I felt myself begin to......wet myself. Luckily, I had a pad on. It wasn't too bad."

MacGregor sat back in his chair.

"Growing up, did this ever happen? Any unusual experiences involving 'accidents', toilet training, anything like that?"

"I was a very good girl. I was trained almost immediately" Tina announced proudly

"Tell me about home."

"I grew up in a working class home. Dad was a factory worker, mom stayed home. Mom.....I guess you'd call her bipolar today. Then, she was just....troubled. I went to Catholic school. My Mom and Dad insisted. The day before I went to school for the first time, I was playing in the yard. It was the last day of Summer, and I was having a great time! So, when I had to go, rather than go in, I pulled down my pants, and peed where I was.. I guess my mom was watching, 'cause I was still pissing, when I felt her yank me off the ground. She dragged me back inside, screaming, and calling me a filthy animal. I was so scared, I was crying, and I leaked pee all the way into the house. She beat the daylights out of me, and I was locked in the room for the rest of the night."

"Locked in? All night?"

"Uh huh."

"But, how did you....?"

"She put a pan in the room. Said if I wanted to act like an animal, she'd treat me like an animal. "

"Were there other incidents?"

"I was older, thirteen maybe. I was kind of sheltered, in Catholic girl's school. But there was this boy, a Golden Retriever hybrid. I thought he was the most wonderful thing in the world! As we got to be better friends, we'd go out to the fields and make out. One day, while we kissed, I was laying down, and he kissed me from on top. As we'd kiss, I felt something new.....and nice! We kissed some more, before we...touched each other. I put my hand down his pants; he had his hand up my skirt. It was such an exciting, new experience we didn't pay attention to the time. It was almost dark when I got home. Mom and Dad were waiting. She demanded to know where I was. I told her that I was with the boy."

"Go on"

'Then, she did something weird. She put her hand up my skirt. She felt my, you know, girl parts. I was wet, 'cause we'd played all afternoon. Well, when she felt the wetness, she slapped me across the face! Called me a tramp and a whore, a slut,and lots more. Her face was red, and she screamed at me, an inch from my nose. I thought her head would explode. I've never been so scared! That's when it happened."

"When what happened"

"The same thing! Just when I thought I couldn't get more scared, I wet myself. REALLY wet myself. Emptied myself completely, right there on the kitchen floor. Now she was REALLY mad! She ordered my Dad to give me the beating of my life....."

"Did he?"

Tina nodded.

"Yes. He didn't want to. I still remember the sadness in his eyes. But, he spanked me. Hard. When he hit my bottom, I had this little jean skirt on. It was soaked. As he's hit me, the pee would fling across the room. I got maybe twenty, twenty five licks. Then Mama made me scrub the floor, all in my wet clothes. After, I had to stand out on the porch, in my wet clothes. I couldn't bathe until after she went to sleep. Daddy was checking on me. He'd hug me, and made sure I was all right."

Tina was crying by the time she finished.

"So, Doc, have I become crazy, like her?"

MacGregor shook his head.

"You did what you had to do to survive. You and your father submitted, each in your own way, to your mother, who ran the home. You both appear to be conflict avoiders. Are your parents still alive?"

'Yes. Mom had a spontaneous recovery from her depression a few years ago. But, Doctor, is there hope?"

He smiled, and relit.

"Of course. Understanding the problem is half the battle. Submission urination seems to be a pattern, but one you can deal with, once you know what is going on."

"Doctor MacGregor? There's something else......"

"What is that?"

"Ever since that first day, in the yard- I've had....feelings....I associate with pee....."

"I see. Tell me more."

"The day I was caught by my mother, I got these strange feelings. I know now that they were sexual feelings. Sometimes, I think about those awful incidents, and I get aroused. Having to go makes me aroused. Sometimes I deliberately have sex, with a full bladder, because it's more intense. Sometimes I'll ask my husband to pee on me. Sometimes I pee on him...."

"I see"

"Sometimes I even make it so I have to go, when there's no where to go. Then, I have to do it wherever I can find, which I find incredibly sexy."

"Well, I think we've made quite some progress. Our hour is about up. I'd like to see you again next week. Until then, If you can begin to open up about the things we've discussed, I think you'll find it's helpful.

That night, before bed, Tina found Ray taking a bath. Moments later, Tina appeared in the bath, naked. She entered the tub, and kneeled over Ray.

"Looks like you're feeling better. To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Homework" Tina replied.