Xavier's new hope part 13

Story by Kaze on SoFurry

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#13 of Xavier's new hope

Chapter 13: The past always haunts you.

Xavier walked through the crowd quietly, he stole a few wallets from some furs. They never noticed as he dissappeared in the crowd. Xaviewr blinked, looking over his shoulder hearing a scream. He walked towards a huge crowd that gathered around a wolfess who was stabbed in the gut.

His ear twitched seeing her intestines out of her gut. He knelt down seeing a chain with a larg "X" on it. He studied it and put it into his pocket.

"Your...Your back..."The wolfess said quietly.

Xavier blinked looking to her and stood up. His held slightly tilted.

"I know...you'd be back...." She said as her life began to drain from her body.

Xavier simple walked away and sighed as he spotted the dragon looking at him. He growled slightly. He griped his fist as his blade began to unsheath from his mech paw. He waited for the dragon to move but as a large bull walked past the dragon and he dissappeared.

Xavier blinked and looked around. he snorted as he sheathed the blade and blurred from sight as well.

"Johanna!" Serie shouted from outside as she ran into the door.

Johanna looked up from her book. The kits playing wrestling with each other.

"What is it Serie?" Johanna asked.

"Its your son, he was spotted in the city.." Serie panted.

Johanna dropped her book and ran out the door."watch them for me!" Johanna said as she ran towards her car and drove off to the city.

Serie looked to the kits as they played and smiled as she went to the ktchen and grabbed a glass. running the water from the kitchen sink, she took a drink. She let out a sigh of relief.

"Its good you told mother of my brother Aunty." A female dragoness said as she had pistol aimed at Serie.

Serie gasped and stood still. She looked out the corner of her eye. The kits whimpered as they hid under the sofa, Serie looked to the dragoness.

"What is it you want Kira?" Serie asked.

"Hmm, what is it i want? Well I want my father, thats one thing. Another is My mother to help Xavier." Kira said.

Serie's eyes went wide as she looked to kira.

"your father has been dead for almost twenty years Kira. there is no helping him." Seire said softly.

Kira just laughed as she holstered her gun and shook her head.

"No no, he is very much alive. trust me Serie. You can try and find uncle Zak if you like though." Kira smiled and blurred from sight.

Serie blinked as she grabbed her cellphone and dailed her brother number. to only get the voicemail.

Zak shook his heaqd as he woke up from being hit in the back of the head. He saw nothing but a few lights on, he also saw that there were no windows. He then looked to his wrists that were held over his head by cuffs. He growled and tug them hard. With no luck.

"Good luck with those cuffs. Around me your powers are no use." A hooded figure said as he walked in through a door.

"who the fuck are you?!?" Zak snarled.

The hooded figure stayed quiet as he grabbed a syringe and walked towards Zak. Zak began to panic as he tugged the cuffs again. He growled and grunted as he felt the needle pierce his neck and he suddenly felt sleep overtake hime once again. He blacked out.

the hooded figure sighed as he pulled the needle out. He then took off his hood. His eyes glowed a red tint and he smiled. Xavier grabbed Zaks chin and looked him over as he then walked away.

"One down, two to go." He said to himself.

Johanna panted as she looked around. She was ontop of a roof, exhausted from the stairs as she took out a minocular. She scaned the city with her scope and whimpered as she searched.

"Kaze come on....please don;t run away again." Johanna said to herself.

The dragon sighed as he was perched on a roof just behind the one his mother was on. He lowered his head and jumped to the other roof and landed quietly. He stood behind his mother and licked his lips.

"Mother..."He said quietly.

Johanna eeped as she looked behind her and saw her son. She whimpered and suddenly hugged her son. She was whim[pering and sobbing as she held him tightly.

Kaze sighed as he held his mother as well. He placed his head over hers, he held onto his mother gently. He then gasped and grunted as he suddenly took a step away and he growled. Johanna looked at ehr son.

"No please...not again.."johanna walked towards her son.

Kaze growled and shook his head as some computer code went through his eyes.

"NO! Get away!" Kazew snarled as he suddenly jumped off the building.

"No! Come back!" Johanna ran to the edge of the roof.

Kazr ran from the building and tears rolled down his cheeks as he then halted to a stop and his face lost all emotion as he looked around. He then walked into a bar and scanned the room. He then walked up to a male fox. He grabbed his shoudler.

"What the fuck is your problem man!" the fox growled as he pulled out a knife. Only to have his breath taken away.

Kaze stood there as he held the back of the fox's neck. HIs blade through the fox's gut, blood poured from the large wound. He pulled the blade out slowly and grabbed a chain from the fox's neck.

"Another Xavier clan emblem." Kaze said tohimself.

"Brother!" Kira shouted.

Kaze looked over his shoudler and he turned around. He walked towards her slowly.

"Prime target aquiered." Kaze said almost like a machine.

Kira ran out the door and jumped up and ran up the side of a building. Her hind paw claws dug up the glass as she ran to the top. She looked down and smiled as she stood a fuul six feet even. Her two pistols in their holsters. She then jumped over to another building.

Kaze below smirked and blurred from sight and appear infront of his sister. Kira gasped and jumped over him as she then grabbed a wire and flipped through the air she then unholstered her pistols and opened fire. Kaze ducked and weaved from the bullets.

He blurred from sight and appeared behind his sister. Kira twrilled and kicked his gut. Making him fly back into a window and she took off running. She was one of the few who could get away from her brother.

Kaze stood up the glass falling from his shoulder. HIs sweater was fine not a tear in them. His pants were a army camo cargo pants. He simple walked out and jumped to the streets.

Serie groaned as she awoke from blackness. She was being dragged by the feet and she looked around groggingly. She then fell back into darkness. Then woke again to find herself hanging by the wrists, she looked out infront of her to see her brother.

Serie gasped as she tried to pull foward. The cuffs clink and she looked up. She stared at the cuffs as if expecting them to unluck by them selves.

"You can try all you like dear cuz. But your mind powers won;t work around me anymore." Xavier said with his back to them.

Serie gasped as she looked to see her dead cousin. She couldn;t beleive her eyes as she stared at the large wolf/dragon hybrid.

"Your...your alive..." Serie said in disbeleif.

"Yes I am alive. So to speak, but as you must be aware of it. There came a price." Xavier said as he stood up and walked over to Zak where he was cuffed behind his back and a collar chained to the floor to keep him in place.

Zak grunted as his head was jerked back and he panted. Blood was stained in his fur and his nose was still leaking fresh blood. He winced as then Serie saw the damage. His shoulder looked like it was skined off. Muscle was showing as well as blood pouring out of it.

Serie gasped as she looked away in pain of her own brother. She whimpered.

"why are you doing this?" Serie asked whimpering

Xavier chuckled as he knelt down and licked over the wound on Zak's shoudler. Zak winced and whimpered as he was too weak to do anything. Serie sobbed abit as she looked at him.

"Stop it!" Serie shouted.

"your in no postion to tell me what to do." Xavier smirked as he then bit down on Zaks shoudler. Making Zak yelp in pain.

Slowly then Xavier ran his mech paw across Zaks stomach cutting his to draw blood but not deep enough to spill his guts. Zak only shivered in pain and now in shock. He looked to Serie with his one good eye. He only smiled as then suddenly Zak grunted and large spikes shot out of Zak's back. His armour spikes penatrated Xavier from his gut to his stomach.

Xavier grunted as he was injured. He looked down as he tried to breath, seeing the large spikes through his body. He looked to Zak, Zak looked back at him.

"You need to be more careful dear cousin.."Zak said weakly as the spikes slowly retracted into his body.

Xavier then fell back as he laid there with the large wounds. He panted as he semi crawled away and he tried to reach for something. Zak stayed still chained up as he was hunched over panting from the blood loss. Xavier began to chuckle as he laid there.

"you idiot...you have no idea what you just done..." Xavier said as soon black flames surrounded his body.

Zak looked over in disbeleif as he worked on the chains.

"Come on!" Zak growled as the armour around his wrists began to stretch the cuffs and crack them. He tugged hard and the cuffs broke. Serie looked to her cuffs and concentrated hard as possible on them. The unlinked and she fell to her knees and paws. She tried to stand up to only have pain shoot through her body.

Zak ran over holding his stomach from the wounds.

"Serie you okay?" Zak asked.

"My ankles..."Serie said whimpering.

Zak looked down to see that her ankle had been cut on the back. He grumbled as he picked up his sister and carried her best he could.

Xavier soon began to stand up as the flames seem to have healed the wounds. he let out a breath that ignited into black flames. But he looked to his cousins, His face was half a skull and the bone seemed to grow over his face.

"Run.." was all he manged to say as he took a step.

Zak was lost with in the maze of tunnels as he tried to find a way out. He looked around as he then put his ster down and he held his arm as the armour madea alarge fist and he punched a wall to see the street. He grabed his sister and walked out into the fresh air but gasped as he felt imense pain. He looked down to see a blade through his chest.

Xavier growled as he lifted him up with the blade after he had dropped Serie. He flung the body into a walk making him crash through it. Zak panted as he was in pain, he was still alive. Laying in the rubble around him as he panted and grunted to get up.

"What the fuck Xavier! You helped save the city! why are you fucking killing me!" Zak snarled as his armour englufed his body.

"Because.....You took her away from me!" Xavier snarled as he lunged at Zak with his blade and slashed at his legs before the armour could protect his legs. Zak fell to his knees.

"You were dead.....she needed some one to be there for her.....I was....and if i must die for that....so be it." Zak said.

With that his armour broke into pieces as he knelt there and looked up to Xavier. Xavier panted as he snarled and then twriled and his blade slashed at Zaks throat. Zak gasped and held his thorat as he gurggled and tried to breath. Xavier stood as he watched.

"No!" Serie screamed as she looked in horror. She began to crawl away as she whimpered and cried.

Xavier looked back as he growled and walked slowly towards his cousin.

"you...you were supposed to keep a watch on my kits. Now one of them was captureed by the humans....my Daughter was on the look for him. You...you ran once Kaze had been brainwashed." Xavier knelt down and pulls her head back.

"you don;t understand......I tried to bust Kaze out...but I was too late. Kira blamed me for it and she has been on my case about it. there was nothing I could do.....please.....I tried Xavier..." Serie whimpered.

Xavier grunted and slammed her head into the pavement and sheathed his blade.He sighed as he then picked her up and walked to Zak. He laid Serie down beside her brother.

"You may say your good byes. But Know this....to break my bound with what I am...I have to drink both of your blood....I am sorry...but I need the power to save my son and my daughter. Truste my on this...I will bring you both back when this is over...." Xavier lowered his head.

Serie blinked as she looks to him. She gasped seeing the things in his mind. He wasn't the same, she felt he was diffrent in a way. But she nodded.

"It will hurt...but only for a little while......I am sorry agian." Xavier said as his blade unsheathed slwoly.

Serie only shivered in fear as she then looks to her brother and kissed his cheek."We will be okay.."She said and held the lifeless paw and looked to Xavier.

Xavier stood there and sighed as he then swiped his blade across her thorat quickly. Serie's eyes went wide and she gasped and coughed out from her throat. blood splattered her face and her chest as she gripped her brothers paw tightly.

Xaiver lowered his head and sheathed the blade as the blood mixxed together. He held his cousins paw as she became lifeless quick. He closed her eyes and Zaks. He looked to the blood and picks some up with his normal paw and licked it off.

He looked up and cleaned his paw off. He then grunted as he held his head and growled as he smashed his mech paw into a wall. casueing the bricks to crack and break, he then fell to his knees and let out a draconic roar that blew through the air and made every window above him shatter. He then held his head as the concret below him began to sink and crumble under some pressure unseen. He then felt pain ripple through his body as then....black armour englufed his torso and he fell to his knees. HIs face then was covered by a skull, the teeth pointed and sharp as he then let out another roar.

Down the street, johanna heard this and she raced towards it and panted.

"Kaze!" She said thinking it was her son.

Xavier hit the wall as the blade soon unsheathed burning with black flames and his face was soon fulling covered. The bone went around the back of his head. Up behinf his ears and ended at the tips. Leaving the front of his ears fully exposed. His eyes still glowing their blood red. The teeth parted as he panted heavily, he stood there, the armour aorund his torso. He looks to his blade as it was permentaly unsheathed. The black flames around the blade made it much sharper then before. He tilted his head as he then looked over his shoudler to see....Johanna.

Johanna stood in sheer shock as she droped her small blade. She was looking at her father who was thought to be dead. But she saw then Zak and Serie...both dead their throats agape.

"you....you killed them.." Johanna gasped as she looked to her father. "your....." She then ran for her life.

"Johanna!" Xavier raored out but stoped as he looked abck.

"I promise Zak...you will be back with her......but first..." He blurred from sight. But once he did that the buildings crumbled from the sheer speed and power. That the entire foundation cracked and the buildings toppled over.

Johanna whimpered as she ran to get back home to her kits. She blasted through the door to see her kits sleeping under the sofa. She panted and looked around. She grabbed her kits and then headed for her panic room her father built for her those years ago.

Kaze stood on the roof top as he looked around. He then looked back to see Xavier standing there. The dragon seemed emotionless as he seen the hybrid in his new form. He only stayed calm.

"Xavier prime target. Ordered to be exterminated immediatly." Kaze said.

Xavier growled as he looked to his son. they both stood there quietly waiting for the toher to make a move.

Kira stood off from them. Below on the streets she sighed.

"Father...please save us." Kira said calmly as she then took off to go protect her mother.

Off in the distance the general was watching the city with his binoculars.

"Sir, what are we gunna do?" A man asked from behind the wheel of a jeep.

"Well, I only hope that our weapon will do its job. Then we can destory this fucking place and get on with our lives." The general said calmly.

The soilder looked to the city, he sighed as he lit up a smoke and took a drag.

"Sir.....there may be a problem with that." He said.

"whys that private?" The general said still looking through the large binoculars.

Suddenly a gun shot was heard and the general fell over. the soilder sighed as he kicked the body out.

"Because i am under orders to keep this a private matter. No one is to destopry that city." The soilder flicked his smoke and drove off.