Through the Horizon: Part 2--Power and Negotiations

Story by Talon Drago on SoFurry

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#11 of Through the Horizon

Hello all, this is the second part of the chapter. Enjoy, oh and there's surprise gay buttsex in the next chapter. That's right, I'm back in production.

Through the Horizon: Part 2--Power and Negotiations

Bane awoke the next day; he had fallen asleep at the desk in his quarters once again. He looked at the clock to see that it was early in the morning. He arose and stretched his tired body. Bane walked into his bathroom and ran a bath for himself. His quarters had a bathtub capable of soaking in. After testing the water to see it was the right temperature, he carefully removed his clothing. He stood for a moment admiring his body in the mirror. Battle had toughened his body. Muscles had replaced fat and he had grown much leaner from not eating as he should. Yes, he had some touches of gray but it lent a distinguished air to him, he thought.

He stepped into the warm water and sank his tired body into it. He murred a bit as the warmth flowed through him. This was more relaxing than any shower. He laid his head back onto the tile wall and let the warm water soak some of the tenseness out of his muscles. It was not often he allowed himself the luxuries afforded with his office but today was a day he intended to take advantage of them.

As he soaked, he heard the door slide open and he opened his eyes to see Dasher Cheetah standing in his bathroom door. The Cheetah gave him a grin and teased, "All naked and vulnerable, such a wonderful sight. I miss those balls of yours." Bane laughed and told his friend, "No, you miss me filling you with what's in those balls." The Cheetah laughed and said, "Perhaps. Anyway, I came to check on you." The Cheetah took a seat on the floor beside the bathtub and told Bane, "It doesn't take a trained eye to see the stress you are under." Bane nodded and told Dasher, "Its just so much. Everybody's looking to me and I don't have a clue how to help anybody."

Dasher chuckled a bit before saying, "You know, I recall us having this conversation a few times before and each time you manage to pull something wonderful out of your hat. I have the utmost faith in you and you should have faith in yourself. I believe the issue is not that you don't know how but that you have not the strength to. You shoulder a heavy burden my friend, one I do not envy." Bane nodded and sighed before saying, "Dasher I'm tired. I can't keep this up forever. To be honest, this job has aged me considerably." Dasher nodded and told Bane, "You face something everybody in your position does. With great responsibility comes great worry and even greater demands. What I suggest, is that you take some time and relax; I have things well under control. Despite your belief to the contrary, things will not fall apart if you take a day off here and there. Let your friends help you at times, and take advantage of all the bonuses that come with the job. We can hold the fort while you take time out for yourself. Why else did you choose us, if we can't do the job?" Bane nodded as he considered that and asked, "And what of the dragon royalty?" Dasher chuckled and said, "They are shaken, but fine. We are treating the surviving crew members now for their injuries. We have cloaked the ship and are safe from attack for the moment. Right now Alex and myself feel concentrating on repairs is the best. We are using some of the non-injured dragon crew to assist." Bane nodded at that and asked, "What's our condition?"

Dasher picked up a data pad and looked it over. For being from a non-tech world, he had picked up the use of it quickly. He answered, "I had an idea you would want to know. We have restored full life support to all decks. There are minor hull breaches on three decks but they are being sealed by force fields at the moment, until more permanent patches can be made. Weapons are down, transporters are down, lifts are down, and main power is only at forty percent. The cargo bay in inaccessible, as are several other parts of the ship but repairs are being made as quickly as possible." Bane nodded and sighed out, "So basically, we got lucky?" Dasher nodded and answered honestly, "If the ships hadn't been destroyed by that shock wave, we would have never made it. This ship is powerful but we can be outnumbered and overwhelmed by sheer numbers."

Bane nodded and agreed, "A lesson I already knew." He sat back, "I will take the rest of the day off. I leave negotiations up to you. Tell them I am being treated for injuries and you are acting in my place."

Dasher nodded, and although it was technically a lie from the physical standpoint, it was the truth from an emotional one. Bane smiled, "I have faith in you. Besides they won't be expecting you, it may give us the upper hand in getting this over with quickly. Remember, take a hard line and don't back down. From what I've read the dragons respect honesty, and will not tolerate lies and deceit. Dasher chuckled, "I will remember that."

Dasher got up and walked out of Bane's quarters, locking them behind him. The leader needed time for himself. Calling Bane's second in command Alex, he told him that Bane was not to be disturbed until further notice. Anything he felt he couldn't handle, should be referred to the Cheetah, who would decide if Bane needed to be told. He walked silently through the hallway of the ship. They had of course taken structural damage but only minor amounts of it. He approached the quarters of the Draconic royalty. He knocked on the door and moments later, it opened. Greeted by the secretary of the Dragon Emperor, he was ushered inside, into the presence of the Dragon Emperor. What stood before him impressed him, a feat not easily done. Before him was an eight-foot tall, white dragon with wings in proportion to body size. He wore only pants, his heavily muscled chest exposed to view. There was a scar running from his right shoulder to his left hip, clearly visible but obviously healed. His eyes were blue, giving them an odd look against his white scales. His tail flicked impatiently behind him. An imposing sight indeed but Dasher tried to look unbothered.

He smiled at the cheetah, fully aware his appearance was being assessed as he was looking over the minister to Bane in return. "Please," began the emperor, "come in." Dasher stepped into the room, past the emperor and walked over to a chair. The emperor motioned for the cheetah to take and seat and he did so as well. Dasher waited until the dragon was seated before taking a seat himself. It was important to show the proper respect. The Dragon had been born to the court and knew the rituals, so it was vital Dasher showed he too knew the game. The two sat and eyed each other for a moment. The Dragon saw how Dasher carried himself and thought,'Minister indeed. This is a battle seasoned individual. Not a court fop or hanger on, this one. He is attractive too but what else is it about him?' The dragon took a deep breath thru his nose and assessed what it found, as well as what his other senses were telling him. There was something . . . and then at once he had it. This one had the touch of magic about him! Not just the earring, which carried no danger to the Dragon but it was in his blood! Now intrigued, He looked again at this Feline sitting next to him.

Dasher spoke, "Emperor, my name is Dasher Cheetah. I am here in place of Emperor Accendo, who is resting after treatment for some injuries he received in the battle. He designated me to make official contact with you." The Dragon's face betrayed his concern as he asked, "Nothing too severe I hope?" Dasher shook his head and answered, "No sir, nothing overly dangerous to his life."

The emperor smiled and said, "Good! My name is Talon Accendo. Please, call me Talon."

Dasher bowed his head and said, "I thank you, your Imperial Highness." Dasher gave a small grin and the Emperor continued, "I can tell from your tone of voice that the injuries are not all physical?" Dasher chuckled and answered, "No, I suppose not all of them." Talon nodded and said warmly, "I understand. Emperor Accendo carries a great burden. He is responsible for not only his people but to an extent, the entire galaxy." Dasher nodded and his respect for the Emperor grew as he answered, "Yes he is. It's something he takes very seriously and has worked very hard at. He asked you here to speak with you about that very thing. You see, our empire has the tools to fight the new threat, but not the manpower. You have numbers under your command but not the tools. The simple version of the speech he wanted to give you is that we should work together for our mutual benefit. It's obvious that they will not stop with simply us, the fox, the wolves, or the humans. They will only stop once we are all dead and gone, with them the sole survivors."

Talon nodded and said seriously, "Indeed, as the attack on my convoy has proven." The dragon stood up and walked to the window of his quarters. He looked out at the stars a moment before saying, "You know, as a hatching I would often look up at the sky and dream about what was out there . . . Wonder if somewhere else somebody was looking at me. Wonder if maybe, a friend I didn't know I had was waiting on me . . . A child's delusion. Then I grew up and faced the harsh reality of life. There are others out here but despite the differences it comes down to only two types of people. Those with power and those without. Being in the first of those two, its our responsibility as leaders to use it for the betterment of our people. Not only for the betterment of our clan or our world but for everybody." Talon turned to face Dasher, "That is something I have preached to my clan from the start. Its one reason I was so successful in ending the civil war among my people, and rising to lead them all. I came here to tell you that I was not interested in any alliance with you. Not because I didn't believe in your cause but because I did not want to subject my people to more bloodshed so soon after our last internal struggles. I wanted to shield them from this, as a father shields his children. However, this attack changes things. They will not stop at our boarders; they will attack us, and destroy us. Right now they are in the fox empire engaging them, however we both know they will not stay there. I will be honest with you Dasher; I do not like the thought of being in bed with the wolf empire. They have much innocent blood on their hands. But if it takes sleeping with the enemy to save my people, then so be it."

Dasher smiled, he had expected the emperor to know of their alliance with the wolves. The Cheetah began, "I have a proposal prepared from the emperor regarding the terms of our alliance. We provide the ships, the captains, and the engineering teams. You provide the rest of the crew. The ships answer to us, and you provide a representative of your government to monitor the progress of the war."

Talon stood in thought a moment before responding, "I don't like the idea of only you providing the leadership for the ships." Dasher nodded and said, "That is understandable however we have experience fighting this enemy." Talon countered, "Yes and we have more battle experience than any of you combined." Dasher nodded and there was a short silence. Finally Dasher spoke up and said, "What if we draw a pool of individuals from both sides and train them as a group. That way an even mixture of both empires will be on board the ships." Talon nodded and smiled as he said, "An acceptable compromise. Do you have a training facility?"

Dasher paused before saying, "The information I am about to tell you is classified by my government. I tell you only as a show of faith. Recently we have developed a new energy source. I am unable to explain it because I do not understand it. It gives us the ability to build more than we ever thought possible. Accendo city is powered by this new technology and another city is in the process of being constructed deep under the ocean of our world. This new city is a military facility only. It will house our military base of operations, including a new academy. Accendo City will continue to be the capital city." Talon nodded and said, "Impressive indeed." Dasher went on,"In addition, a new defense grid is in the process of being established. It's made up of defense platforms with enough firepower to take out even a capital ship with one blast." Talon nodded understanding to such a defense and said, "An understandable precaution. I'm also betting one that will not be shared." Dasher shook his head and said, "No sir it will not. Its protection will be offered but not the knowledge of its science or its control will be. We have to ensure the security of our people. We will not offer technology that may result in another civil war after the scavengers fall. Emperor, I have gained a lot of respect for you through these discussion, and I would like to be honest with you. I am aware of your tactics for negotiations, and as I have already displayed I am very aware of the game that royals often play. I must say this, there is not time for either of it. We are at war, and there is not time for weeks of talk with both sides going back and forth until some unstable alliance emerges out of desperation and exhaustion. No, we are at war and must act quickly and with firm will and body. We understand this alliance will be an uneasy one, I understood that from the start."

Talon nodded and considered what the cheetah had said, then said reluctantly, "I agree to your terms. Primarily because I have very little choice. If I do not agree, you simply drop us off at our home planet and retreat to your secure space, leaving the rest of us to die." Dasher nodded, it sounded harsh but was indeed the reality. He explained, "Talon, proliferating weapons of mass destruction is not our goal here and is not something we are willing to accept or tolerate. We build ships to defend ourselves with, ships that will be used for defense only. Your race has a history of civil war and conquest. Your own history tells us that you cannot be trusted with weapons you may later turn on yourselves, or one of the other governments. Giving you the defense grid with us controlling it, would look as if we are occupying your territory. Not something you are likely to accept. Us giving it to you outright is not something we will accept. Therefore, that technology is off the table. I tell you of it to tell you this. Emperor, we do not need your help, we ask for your assistance and offer what we can as a show of faith in your government. As you put it, we can just let you die. Truthfully you are very aware of your position here. You need us more than we need you. I said that to say this; I am aware of your lust for power as a species. I have studied all available material on you extensively. If at any time you make a play for power and turn this into yet another civil war . . . We will simply destroy the ships, withdraw, and let the enemy deal with you. I only tell you the same thing that Bane told Black."

Talon nodded, though his pride was struck by the Cheetah's words, the words carried truth in them. Truth that could not be denied, even if it was embarrassing to hear from another. The Accendo Empire indeed held the power, in fact they were the only major power left in the system. Talon took a deep breath and said,"Dasher, you speak the truth. I do not like what you say, but I cannot argue the point. Had any other group spoken those words to me it would have resulted in a quick death. However I cannot dispute them from you. Now if you do not mind, I wish to contact my government and let them know of our cooperation in this matter. I would like to talk with you further but that will wait for another evening."

Dasher stood and bowed to the Emperor then let himself out of the room, the door sealed and locked behind him. He did not like standing up to the Dragons as he had done but Bane warned him to be firm. Bane knew they would respect the balance of power. He walked once more through the ship, not having a destination but simply taking time to think. The negotiations had gone much better than he had thought they would. Bane had already warned him to take a hard stance on issues and not move in his resolve. They would offer ships, but nothing more. Even those ships would have self-destruct capabilities built in so that they could not be used against their builders. Bane trusted no other governmental faction and Dasher understood his hesitation as he agreed it was reasonable.

Seamus/Scott was busily treating the wounded in the medical bay. Dasher knew of his stress and burden but the fox would not take his advice and slow down. He didn't want to process what his new reality was and so he was keeping himself busy to avoid it. Seamus walked into his office and sealed the door behind him; he sank into his chair and looked at his desk. He was not who he thought he was, the reality of it was inescapable. Keeping busy had kept him from having to deal with it and being absorbed in saving lives was a good excuse not to. Yet there was something that he not could face. He did not know if Bane could look at him the same, as a part of him hoped so. He wanted his old life back but that was forever gone. No more a human and he couldn't even claim his own name publicly! They had been taken from him by an unknown enemy. He wanted to be angry, to hate whoever had done it.

However, that was not possible; the unavoidable truth was that he was now a fox. Scott was dead, he was Seamus, and nothing could change that now. The populace could never know of his real identity. For it would lead to panic if the public began to question the identity of others in the government. Knowing the truth and living with it was something he would struggle with.

A knock at the door brought him back to reality and Scott called out, "Enter." The door opened and in stepped Dasher. The fox smiled at his friend and said in welcome, "I was hoping you would stop by." Dasher nodded and said, "I know. I kind of figured that." The Cheetah took a seat in front of the fox as he went on, "I know you must be upset about new reality you have been forced into."

Seamus nodded and admitted, "Indeed I am Dasher. I was tortured and forced to work for the enemy. I should have let them kill me but instead I finally caved into their demands. I know that what I have done cannot be undone, just as what was done to me cannot be reversed. Once transformed the effect is permanent. I cannot be Scott anymore, I am stuck as Seamus. However I can offer a way to detect the transformation with our scanners." Dasher smiled and told Scott, "See? Its not all hopeless. Seamus, Bane loves you and always will. He fell in love with you because you were much like Scott. How much, he didn't know but it still shows that you are meant to be together. He still loves you and he only stays away now because he fears you need space to think about things for yourself right now. So he gives it to you." Seamus nodded sadly as he told Dasher, "The truth is I do need space. I am afraid and I don't know how to deal with any of this." Dasher chuckled and told the Fox, "I hear that more and more nowadays." Seamus chuckled, understanding the truth behind the comment. Dasher continued, "Seamus, this is the reality of your new existence. Yes, you worked for them. However it was not by your free choice. You did what you had to do in order to survive. Now, you can help us fight them. Help uncover more of their network and secure our future. Much has gone on in the time you have been gone. We have made much progress and have become a major power within this galaxy. So much so, that we now can control the fates of every government in this sector." Seamus nodded and Dasher then said, "My point is this. Take pride in the accomplishments that you have helped to build and the fact that even as a new identity, Bane chose you. You strengthen him, he needs you and you need him. You are and always were soul mates. Your death shook him; it almost killed him. Now that you are back, he has what gave him his strength back and that is you."

Seamus nodded and said with better spirits, "You're right Dasher. My name doesn't matter, my appearance doesn't matter, what does matter is who I am." Dasher smiled and purred, "See? I didn't even have to say it." The two friends stood and hugged each other. A minute before the Cheetah looked down. "Now," said Dasher, "go and get some rest. Your dead on your feet and will do nobody any good if you collapse. Besides, you need each other and you should let him show you how he feels."

The Fox nodded, knowing Dasher was right but was still afraid of finding out the hidden fear of his mate not accepting him again. Seamus was walked to the door and sent off to walk to Bane's quarters.

Seamus arrived at the door to their quarters and opened it. He stepped inside and closed it behind him. The room was darkened but he could see Bane's outline on the bed in front of him. He removed his clothes and slid under the covers with his mate. He knew Bane needed his rest but the urge to touch the Wolf once again was strong. On instinct Bane turned and wrapped his arms around his Fox. Things were different but also the same. Bane yawned and gave his love a lick across the muzzle, then smiled a little and said quietly, "It took you long enough to join me babe." Seamus blushed a little and felt tears rise in his eyes as he admitted, "I...I thought you might not love me anymore."

Bane gave the Fox an understanding smile and told him confidently, "Why would I not love my soul mate? Even as a fox, I chose you. Not Ron or Dasher could fill the place of you with me. Even as Seamus, I loved you tho I told him you would always have a big part of my heart. I think you understood and it helped you to know I loved you, Scott. I hardly know how to call you in private. Your heart and mind are Scott while the body is Seamus. I don't want to let either part of you again. Something drew me to you. I suppose in a way I've known all along who you were. But was afraid to acknowledge it. Hun, you are my mate and my fiance. I love you, for who you are in your heart and that is true of Scott and Seamus. Not for what you look like." Seamus held Bane tightly; tears running down his face. All of the events of the past year collapsed onto him. He sobbed openly as Bane rubbed his back and held him, murrmering,"It's alright hunny let it all out." The two lay in bed and held each other. Brought together by fate, and joined by love, they had lost and regained each other once more, beating all odds. Nothing could destroy their bond. Somehow, he had always known the truth of the fox. Yet, it seemed unimportant both then and now. Names didn't matter, nor did age, sex, or identity. All that mattered was that he had Scott back and now they would have their futures. The two fell asleep in each others arms, something they both needed more than the physical pleasures. For in their arms, both felt safe. Nothing could hurt them while the other held him.