Diary Of Love (pt.1)

Story by ColorWolf on SoFurry

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"Okay ummmm... algebra is done, biology is done and my English is done. Heck yea son a homework-free weekend!" I say to myself

"Heeeeeeyyyyyyyy Big Mac!" my best friend Lisa, the purple fox, screams.

"What the- oh hi Leelee." I say

"You were awesome at the pep rally." She giggles.

"Yea ... didn't you see me mess up when the band played "Judas" by Lady Gaga?"

"Oh come on, you're the mascot, it doesn't matter that you messed up."

"Yea ok bye Leelee."

"Ok bye Colton," she says

I shudder hearing her say my real name, she's my best friend so I tell her almost everything and she guesses the rest. She even guessed about my bisexuality when she caught me checking out Keith.

I walk away and suddenly I hear a voice,

"Hey color bro," Keith, the brown and blue wolf, says.

"H-hi Keith," I stutter.

" Is something wrong your hands and face are red, aren't they normally like green?"

"Well they are normally various colors, but when I'm sick or if I'm embarrassed I turn red."

"Why are you embarrassed?"

"Oh look the bus is here talk later"

"See ya then rainbow dude."

As I on the bus I realize that Keith still thinks I'm straight. I decide to come out to him on Monday."


I wait after my humanities club meeting for Keith to finish weightlifting. Keith walks out wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He walks inside the building and changes his clothes. I act like the meeting had just finished.

"Oh, hey Keith."

"Hi color dude."

"You can call me Colton," and under my breath I add "or your boyfriend."

"What was that?"

"Nothing... Can I walk you home?" I ask

"Sure" he says.

Inside I am about to explode with happiness. We begin to walk to his house. On the way there Keith starts complaining about how hot it is outside. When I look away, he takes off his shirt and starts to flex.

"Hey Colton, how do I look?

"Oh my god! I-I mean wow u must be working hard." I say, my eye twitching with the effort of only looking at his face

"Hey what's wrong with your eye?" Keith asks and turns my head to look at him.

"I-I can't take it anymore! I Love you!" I lean in and crush his perfect lips against mine.

To be continued...