Kalyn's Story - A New Chapter.

Story by WaterSinger on SoFurry

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#2 of Kalyn's Story

As a re-cap for the end of the last chapter:

"As you can see, our subject is now expressing post-climatic relaxation. She may not realize it, but Byron isn't to be the only one her tests are done with today. We have a surprise for her just as soon as Bryon's knot has deflated enough." His words penetrated my foggy mind as soundly as the dog on top of me had penetrated my body, making me gasp. What on earth could be next?

In this chapter, Kalyn will be confronted with different 'tests' as the scientists try to find out just why she is changing and why she is growing fur. Also expect another flashback to Kalyn's life only a few months ago...

As usual, do not read if you are under 18, as this story contains things that aren't meant for innocent eyes! If you do...well you have had your warning. This story contains stuff that is only semi-consensual, bondage, bestiality and whatever else I manage to drag into it. You have been warned!

I could have cried when they led Byron from me. I always ended up with this attachment to those that my doctor used when testing me...but I found it didn't matter whether they had fur or skin. I shivered, blushing as I felt the watery, gooey mess that was Byron's cum drip heavily out of my sex. I couldn't help but utter a softly despairing whine, a shiver running along my spine and a blush running along my cheeks as I heard one of the students mutter something about me being a dog-whore.

I was almost numb at the waist, my hips and sides marked with long scratches from Byron's claws, though none of them bled. I closed my eyes when the aide came back into the room. I yelped when he suddenly tipped a bucket of only lukewarm water over my back. I could feel the goose bumps bristling up my spine as I arched my back, and closed my eyes. I didn't expect a 'wash' like this, though I suppose it should have been to expect it, with more tests to come. I opened my eyes, watching as he grabbed a second bucket.

I frowned when he grabbed a sponge, and dipped it into the liquid, but rather than soap, the sponge seemed to drip something thick. I shivered, and muffled a moan by burying my face into the hobby horse when he stroked the sponge over my spread thighs, making me suddenly thankful that I still had skin there. The touch of the sponge and the warmth the liquid provided to my skin had me remembering just why I was so upset that first night I noticed anything approaching this change.

'My then boyfriend grabbed me by the hair, and pulled me up from where I'd been working his shaft, I gasped and pouted at him. He grinned at me lazily; his head cocking to the side so that the strands of black hair fell in front of those pale green eyes that had first started caused me to notice him. I'd only been this intimate with him, letting him touch and caress my breasts while I was stroking him through his jeans - though for a week we'd been close enough to have him coach me in what he called the art of a blow-job.

"Come on babe, let's get into the backseat. We've got more room there, and I have something else to teach you." His voice was like black magic to my senses, captivating me and encouraging me to climb through the narrow seats of the car. He joined me quickly, pulling me onto his lap and then urging me to straddle his lap. I gasped when he suddenly rocked himself against my sex, my hips shifting as a blush spread down my face and onto my chest. "D-Danny! W-what are you doing?"

"It's fine, babe. I promise I won't do anything you don't like..." Again his voice seemed to captivate me, making it hard for me to breath...especially when I felt his saliva-soaked shaft rock against me again, separated only by the thin bit of lace that were my underwear. He stilled any other protest I had by pressing his lips to my own, one of his hands cupping the back of my hand. His tongue brushed my lip until I opened them, so he then pressed his tongue deeper inside, uttering a soft moan as his constant movements against me caused his shaft to press slightly inside my admittedly wet sex.

I trembled in his grasp with the kiss, sliding my own arms up his until I could grip two handfuls of hair. He surged his hips forward, his tongue mimicking the movement until it met my own, where it stroked lightly back and forth over my tongue. I gasped, beginning to rock my body against his own, though I wish now I had noticed the movement of his free hand when it moved from my hip to my thigh. I arched my back, crying out when I suddenly felt the head of his shaft wedged into my sex, and when a powerful thrust of his hips shredded my virginity, I started to cry...'

I was stopped in my thoughts for a moment by the sudden invasion of fingers pressing into my sex, holding it open before rubbing some more of that now cooler liquid just along the inside. I gasped, before moaning softly, trying to shift my hips so that those fingers could press inside me and still the heat I had burning inside my body carried on boiling me from the inside, leaving me slightly distressed and upset that Byron hadn't eased it. "Are you okay, Kalyn? Or do you need a drink?" The intrusion of my doctor caused the previously gentle fingers to be withdrawn, and the remainder of the viscous liquid to be poured over my back. I shuddered, gasping softly before shaking my head at the doctor. "I-I'm fine! T-thank you, can we just get on with this test? I want to get back to my room."

"Of course we can Kalyn. Now everyone, as you can see, the subject has already willing let a dog mount her body, and achieved quite a noisy climax from it. Now she has been prepped with a new 'solution', which will certainly get her attention...or the attention of her next partner." I shuddered, uttering a whine at my doctor, pleading him with the noise not to tease. "Now, as you will see, the creature Kalyn next meets will not be one you have seen before. Tate will be coming along soon. He is a mix of Labrador, Great Dane and German shepherd, but primarily he is a wolf." I shivered at the thought of what such a powerful dog would look like; surely the mix of species would have been deliberate, designed to make a powerful dog even more so.

I listened out eagerly, tensing a little in anticipation as I waited to spot this dog - but what came through the door shocked me. Glorious patterns ran along his legs, blue, cream and white mottled in a merle effect over them as well as his stomach and chest, before meeting reddish grey fur that ran from the tops of his tufted ears down his back and even covered his tail, the red running deeper along the spine and fading to grey where it meant the other colours. His face was the same creamy gold as portions of his legs, but he had true wolf eyes, a deep amber-gold that glittered and gleamed - but that wasn't even the most striking part of his genetic makeup. What shocked me the most was the fact that he was much like what I was becoming - he stood on two-legs, and despite the rather canine-shape of his body, I could even see intelligence smouldering there.

The intelligence didn't last for long, unfortunately. He sniffed, then growled and groaned simultaneously, his eyes locking onto my naked, damp body. I stared at him, slightly enraptured as I ran my eyes across the strong, but lean frame of the man? Wolf? I wasn't even sure what to call him, but he began panting and pulling towards me, a little like Byron had...and it was then I noticed he had on a collar, and not one, not even two but three leashes were attached to it, and three minders were holding him back from my trembling, waiting body. "Let...me...go! Please! I-I want! I need!" His voice, when he spoke, was guttural, raw with need and lust, his nose quivering as he took in the scent that was slightly clouding my brain. What was it?

One of the minders, a slightly butch woman, reached up and unsnapped the leashes one at a time, presumably on a nod from the doctor behind the glass. Tate growled, I saw his throat work with the sound, and saw the minder gulp, moving backwards swiftly, and I shook partly in fear as he took a few steps towards me, his head outstretched as he sniffed in my direction, the sheath on his stomach swelling with every noisy inhalation of the air. He approached cautiously, circling my bound body, and approaching closer with every movement.

He went out of my view, and I couldn't help but tense, though the stroke of his tongue against my back made me whimper, then arch, my paw-toes curling. He growled softly, his tongue gliding roughly against my skin, the slightly rough but hot texture rising goose bumps in its path. He growled softly, his tongue lapping at the liquid where it pulled in the small of my back, his clawed paw-like hands grabbing my ass and making me utter a soft squeak as he trailed soft lines of fiery pleasure against the skin. With every raspy stroke of his tongue, I could feel the slender whiskers tickling my back and causing me to occasionally gasp.

When he had cleaned up my back, and I listened to his desperate, heaving panting speeding up as he shifted his position, his attention drawn by the liquid running from furred ankle up to silken-skinned thigh. I whimpered when his tongue stroked along the fur of my ankle, the skin beneath just as sensitive as my bare skin. As he moved nearer and nearer to my knees, I tensed, struggling a little in the bonds, my nose catching just the barest whiffs of an autumn forest, a clear cold river and something musky which invoked images of a large furred beast. I didn't normally smell things this well, it just wasn't normal!

I let out what could only be described as a yelp when his tongue caught every single dewy drop along my thigh, whining when he skipped the place I needed him to collect everything from the other leg, one slow slurp at a time. I was blind and deaf to everything except sensations at that moment; his actions had paralysed my senses into only feeling the oddly silken brush of his fur and tongue against my legs. I was left only to puff and pant in reaction to the touches from his silken tormenting tongue, my toes curling every so often as he caught a sensitive bit of skin - though when he gripped the fur on my leg carefully and tugged I began to moan. It's not that I wanted to give everyone a show, but if you had someone teasing and tantalizing you, making you catch your breath in expectant need - what would you have done? Bitten your lip and tried to hold back? I dare you to try it.

Everything stopped. His movements, the stroke of his tongue...everything. I uttered a curious whine, only to shudder when he panted on my sex, his lips just ghosting over the pouting, needy lips. "Mine. You are mine to taste, to take, to howl with, not for other dogs. They aren't allowed near you now." The breath of his voice wafting against me made me whimper, almost begging at that point for him to stop this horrible teasing...but I was halted in the beginning of my cry by that broad tongue suddenly cleaving me open, tasting the mixture of dog-cum, my own pleasure-fluids and whatever I had had poured over and stroked into me. A whine fell from my mouth, and I arched with a quiet groan, my body locked mostly into place. With just that lick, I was shivering and panting, and I could feel his breath on me, in me...and it felt like nothing I ever thought I could experience.

He was so attentive, his tongue sliding inside of my silken walls, lightly flicking up and causing me to drop into a series of whimpering moans, my body twitching and rolling about beneath the touch of his tongue, marking my insides with his own scent. My legs twitched and my skin felt like it was bubbling below as I started to pant, and he began to groan softly. When he moved his head away, I complained, unable to stop myself, though he shifted, resting his entire body over my own like a blanket.

He nestled his nose along the curve of my neck, lapping occasionally at every droplet of the liquid that he found there. He didn't settle, running that cold pad up to my ear, his hips beginning to roll against my own and making me utter a quiet whimper as he ground that swollen sheath against my swollen sex. I uttered a soft gasp when I felt the very tip of what was clearly a canine-styled shaft press into me, the soft-furred sheath pressing against my sex and causing me to groan softly. He gave a guttural growl, before forcing his hips against my own and making me utter soft whimpers of something akin to fear. Just his tip felt wider than Byron's, and when he 'buried his bone' inside me, I uttered a quiet howl.

I felt my insides spread around him as he began a series of slow but long thrusts, thumping his hips hard against my own as he carefully fastened his teeth against the skin of my neck. His teeth slipped once, before he widened his grasp, gripping onto my neck properly as he worked his shaft in and out of my body, humping into my body harder and harder as that long length swelled with every thrust, until he was working a little harder just to fill me up to the hilt. I could feel him panting, even as he shifted positions, no longer supporting himself against the bench, instead reaching around to glide his claws against my breasts.

When one nicked my nipple, I gulped, howling out in violent pleasure. When he increased the rough manner of his hips moving against my own, I yelped and moaned softly, my back arching as I rocked myself against his hands and his shaft, the rough thuds making me pant when my climax slowly ebbed down into just continued pleasure. I felt a familiar thumping of a knot, tapping against me for entrance, though on the twelfth hard thrust, I gagged a little. The pain of a knot as wide as my fist splitting me open broke through the pleasure temporarily, though when he was lodged within me, and was growling with the grasp around my neck - boy could I feel the pleasure.

He was stuck now, only able to do the shortest thrusts possible, though I clenched down hard around him - his teeth tightening around my nape, the whimpers he was uttering and the muffled sound of sloshing coming from the tight, stretched joining between us threatened to send me over the edge again. He pulled back once, twice...as though he was testing the bond that held us, before his hips surged harder against me. He had to release my neck as he cried out, giving a voice to his jubilant pleasure when he pumped me full of his cum, and then let his panting body slide down on top of my own, his fur pressed against my naked back, his ear in my nose.

"S-so sorry. Couldn't stop, you smelt so good. Like a bitch in heat and wanting to be filled with puppies. Next time will be better, I'll go slower. What are they putting you with mostly? T-they wanted m-me to look m-more wolf, so they let me hump and knot wolf bitches." His voice was scratchy and whispered as he gave a few slow, soft humps against my hips, making my back arch a little against his chest and a moan slid from my lips. "They want you like me, to breed us and see what happens. Be careful. Please, I...I just need to know your name." I groaned softly, covering up the whisper of his claws against the floor as he moved.

"K...Kalyn. I didn't know there were others like me out there..." I panted softly, though both of us lifted our heads up when the sound of the doctor speaking reached our ears. "Well done Tate, you certainly handled her well. When you get back to your room, I'll let your mentor tell you what treat you get this time, for behaving. And Kalyn, how are you feeling? Are you too sore to carry on?" Even when I nodded my head, he carried on talking. "That's good. One last test and then you are done for the day, I promise." I frowned, and Tate uttered a soft growl in the back of his throat, his hands leaving my dangling breasts to grab my shoulders and straighten his body up over mine. "No. I won't leave her. She's mine now, you can leave her alone."

I wasn't exactly used to this possessive tone, and it raised goose bumps along my spine. What on earth was going to happen next?!