WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4.(1)

Story by Crystalwolf Windsong on SoFurry

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#2 of WOLVES MIST(2)

Snow sat with his back to a tree watching the crackling firelight. The mage had left, the green scaled Draco at her heels. She'd scratched a circle around him and the tree, promising him agonizing torment if he dared cross the line. He didn't doubt her word.

He watched as the other two Draco's had set up their small camp with a quick efficiency. Four small tents surrounded the fire in a semi circle, their open fronts looking like hungry mouths awaiting their next meal. He shifted himself trying to get more comfortable and growled softly when the Crimson Draco dropped his Warhammer to the ground like a piece of garbage.

He must not have been as quiet as he thought because the Draco looked up at him and smirked evilly before striding over to stand before the circle.

"Not such a brave Wolven now are you? Hardly a pup I'd say. You see this?" The Blood coloured Draco asked pointing to the jagged scar across his maw and down his neck. "One of you gave me this, right before I gutted him after having watched him slay my friends. You know what he did when he was lying on the ground mewling in pain like a little puppy?" The Draco's eyes burned with a vindictive light. "He cried for mercy. The O so great Wolven cried how much it hurt, he begged me to kill him. Begged like a lost boy crying for its mother. I sat there watching him squirm and cry until death finally took him. When Maree has finished with you, I'm going to gut you and then I'm going to sit and watch you."

Snow said nothing, kept eye contact with the Draco his lips peeling away from his teeth in a silent snarl. You first he thought to himself. He still hadn't thought of a way to escape, but now silent swore to himself that he would kill this monster first and avenge his brother and the Wolven who had died so cruelly by this red scaled demon.

The Draco smirked and strode away, his tail lazily flicking behind him.

For the moment Snow could do nothing but sit and watch, but eventually there would be an opening, a chance for him to escape or at least kill a few of his captors.

"The ward has been set, we shouldn't have any trouble." The mage spoke as she strode back into the firelight, the green scaled Draco stepping in her shadow.

"How long are we going to have to drag this whelp along with us Maree?" the Crimson Draco asked.

Maree brushed away the hair that had fallen across her face and tucked it neatly behind an ear. "As long as we must, he could have information for us. I didn't bring us out here, deep into enemy territory just for you slake your bloodlust Tiron." She said with a voice as cold as the night and as sharp as a blade.

Tiron stared at her challengingly for a moment, then bowed his head and sat down. He pulled a pan from a pack and ruffled through others for provisions.

Maree watched him for a while before turning her eyes on Snow.

He watched as she walked past the fire, the light setting her hair ablaze and casting dark shadows over her face. She came to a stop outside the circle she had drawn and gazed down at him.

"You're going to tell me everything you know. You might think now that you won't, but I'm going to enjoy breaking you." Her voice was like honeyed silk, made her sound like cat who had gotten into the larder and found the cream. "O how I am going to enjoy breaking you." She whispered softly her green eyes for a moment seemed to turn black, as if the very soul of night was in them before turning around dismissing him like an insect and seating herself near the fire.

How he lusted to jump up and slay them all, he allowed himself to sink into the daydream of emerging gloriously victorious and returning to the Mage Keep to a cheering crowd and his brother. The thought stopped him cold, his brother dead. Lying in the forest with no grave to mark his passing, no place where he and his parents could visit his cold bones and think of what might have been.

Chris stalked to the glowing light, careful to move as silently as possible. He'd left Skye behind, the boy would only have given their position away. Skye had put his hands on Chris and said something about putting his sight in him. All Chris understood was that somehow Skye would see what he was seeing.

Chris slipped into the next shadow glad that the mage and her group had been so sure of their own safety behind the alarm ward that they had lit a fire, effectively destroying their own night vision. Still he had to be patient and careful. They may well have set a guard.

The smell of stewing meat reached his nose and his stomach grumbled it's annoyance at not having been fed since the small snacks Klain had brought with to the forest. He pressed a paw to his stomach hoping that the rumbling had not been heard, to be given away by something as simple as his hungry stomach would be not only humiliating, but may even turn out deadly.

He stopped and sniffed at the air, listening intently. He could smell Snow and other strange scents that seemed cold to his nose.

He slipped forward following his nose toward Snow. Peering out between bushes he saw the three Draco's and a woman sitting around the fire, their backs to him.

Ahead of him he saw a white hind-paw behind sticking out from behind the tree.

Snow! He thought to himself elatedly, maybe he could get him away without those at the fire even noticing. If he could get Snow loose from whatever they had most likely bound him with and then guide the fool away through the forest they might not even have to confront these evil looking scaled creatures and their mage woman.

Quickly he slipped forward then screamed in pain as he crossed a line scratched in the dirt that he'd not noticed in his haste.

Blinding pain seared through his body as if it were on fire and he rolled in a vain hope to quell those flames. When he rolled away from the line the pain lifted and he sprang to his feet, barely conscious of what he was doing.

A great blood coloured monster was swinging a sword at him and instinctively he ducked under it, it's passing tickling the hairs on his ears. He dropped his paw to the floor and kicked out with both his legs, felt the impact and heard the sound of bones snapping along with a hissing pained shriek.

An arrow drew blood as its head sliced through the tender flesh of his jaw and he yelped at the pain and shock. He tried to leap away only to sprawl to the ground the earth itself having risen by the mages command to ensnare his feet.

More ground snaked over his chest pinning his arms to his side and shackling him to the soft earth so tightly that he could hardly draw more than a shallow breath. Fear and panic gripped him and he struggled and twisted in vain trying to escape the pressure keeping him from taking a deep gulp of sweet life giving air.

In his panic he saw the green Draco topple backwards head engulfed in flame. The other bronze Draco blasted past his vision and he saw blood streak down the tree as it slid down against the bark.

Still he struggled to gasp for air, spots swimming across his vision.

Snow had jumped as he heard the screaming behind him, his eyes seeing only the dead ghost of his friend rolling in agony on the ground, come to haunt him at not being able to save his or his brother's life. In shocked silence he'd watched as Chris's ghost had broken Tirons' legs, had seen the blood as the arrow had sliced his cheek.

He'd gasped in awe and fear as his brothers ghost had come flying out of the forest with hands raised, flinging fire, had followed the flame as it rolled through the air and sat like a burning bubbled helmet on the green scaled Draco's head, charring and blistering it as he watched. Then when the last Draco had pulled it's sword he'd watched as it careened through the air to smack into the tree above him and felt the hot blood splatter like warm rain down on his face.

The ghost of his brother and his friend had come seeking vengeance.

He watched as Maree had lifted her hands held like upturned claws and then screamed as the ground under his feet came alive and encased him, only his face free to watch.

Flame crashed through the air towards Maree from his brothers' ghost, only to sputter and die as it hit the air before her. Spears of earth had flung themselves from her feet at his brother in answer only to be knocked harmlessly wide by an invisible force.

Suddenly Maree's hand had lifted toward him and a beam of bright purple scythed through the air only to split in front of his face and pass him by to either side. The sparking purple light pulsed in his vision even after it had disappeared and he blinked furiously to make it fade so he could see.

Suddenly he heard his brother cry out in pain, his vision finally clearing he saw the red stain of blood on Skye's sleeve. He struggled against the prison of earth, wanting nothing more than to be free to come to his brothers' aid. Dust and leaves spun in a circle away from Maree and her eyes became black as night. Darkness seeped out of the ground and surrounded her in a sphere so black that the shadows around them looked like pale imitations. Pain seared through Snows skull and a dark looming fear gripped his soul.

There was an answering flash of light and a voice cried out "You will not have them!" Then his mind fled from whatever he was witnessing, pulling him into the safe comfort of unconsciousness.