Hater's Blood Bullets ~CH1: Arena of Dispare~

Story by HatersBulletShell on SoFurry

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Hater rolled, barely missing the line of bullets being fired towards her. She peered around the corner of the brick pile she was behind and watched the dark wolf come closer. She hid again, making sure she had bullets left in her clip. She took a deep breath, slowly crawled to the other side of the bricks, cocked her gun and ran, shooting wildly at the wolf. The wolf took shelter behind the sheets of roof iron that lay in the middle of the dirt arena. Hater made her escape to the dense forest part of the large arena, and hid in the boisen berry vines. The dark wolf leaped out from behind his hiding space, realizing Hater was no longer there. He growled deeply and continued to stride throught the Arena of Dispare. Hater waited silently, waiting for her prey to arrive. He came closer to the vines, closer and closer to being shot, closer to death. "This will teach you to mess with my family" She growled under her breath. She heard footsteps behind her approching slowly. She turned to face her follower, ready to fire. Hater lowered her gun, realizing it was Tray, her brother.