Chapter One: Getting Ready

Story by Areio on SoFurry

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Author's Note:

This is the first furry story that I've done to date, although I have written many non-anthro stories in the past. I intend this to be a series, which will hopefully keep my brain working over the summer before classes start in the fall. Hope you enjoy!


This chapter contains references to vore, and in later chapters may contain graphic descriptions of such. Don't like, don't read. Simple as that.

Chapter One

Adrian was running late...too late. Corbin was sitting at the kitchen table, in the apartment that he occupied with his mate, worrying about why the latter was almost two hours late. Corbin knew that Adrian's classes at the local community college sometimes ran over, but it had never taken him this long to get home. "Maybe he is taking long with an exam," thought Corbin. It was the last day of the semester before summer, after all.

Corbin felt the familiar twinge of worry pulse through him as he waited, and when he heard a car door slam outside of his window, he jumped up, looking out. He looked around franticly, and was relieved when he saw the skinny shadowed form of the red fox round the corner and walk under a streetlight. He sighed in relief, walking over to the couch and collapsing as he heard the fox opening the front door of their building, then heard the keys rattling against the lock of their door. The younger fox walked in, looking disheveled as he put his keys down, but smiling as he saw his mate lying on the couch.

"There you are," said Corbin, "what took you so long?"

"There was a wreck on the highway, two people died," said Adrian, looking slightly depressed. He walked over to the couch, and Corbin made room for him, scooting over. He sat down.

"What caused the accident?" asked Corbin.

Adrian looked at the floor. "Drunk." His voice seemed to catch in his throat as he said it.

Corbin looked at him, seeing a slightly crumpled expression on his face, and embraced the fox. They broke apart, and Adrian sighed slightly shakily.

"That's terrible..." said Corbin gingerly. Corbin had learned shortly after he had moved in with his mate a year previously that Adrian's brother had been killed in a crash with a drunk driver.

Adrian looked up into the lupine's eyes, smiling softly. Corbin smiled reassuringly, and ran to get a box filled with movies that they kept upstairs in their bedroom. Movies had always cheered Adrian up. He brought it into their living room, setting it down on the floor, and he pulled a few of the more uplifting ones out.

"Robin Hood, Steven King's IT, Balto, Held In Captivity," listed Corbin, "The Lion K--"

"Held In Captivity sounds good," interrupted Adrian. Corbin grinned. He knew it was the fox's favorite movie. Ever since the ridiculously long best-selling novel had been made into a movie, Adrian had watched it repeatedly. "I'll have to remember to bring it with us tomorrow," thought Corbin.

They had been planning a week-long vacation into the mountains for months, and were leaving the next day. Although the story was one of Corbin's favorites as well, he preferred reading to watching. He didn't give this a second thought, however, as he pushed the disc into the player. They sat back and watched for the duration, Corbin putting his arm around his mate as Adrian cried with happiness as the two main characters escaped into a remote location in the mountains, to never be bothered again by their societies' prejudices and violence. Adrian murred, snuggling against his mate's shoulder as the credits rolled. Corbin smiled, glad to see that Adrian had cheered up considerably.

"What would you do?" asked Adrian.

"What do you mean? What would I do..."

"If a mouse showed up at our door," said the fox, "would him?" The wolf chuckled.

"Well, I do like getting my food ferally...I did it once before when I was a pup. Nowadays, though, I wouldn't do it unless I was starving and it was the only way to survive. Adrian nodded.

"Same here. I would just do it quickly, though, I wouldn't make the mouse wait a week."

"Very true, that wouldn't be much use if we were starving," said Corbin. The two lay on the couch, enjoying each other's company, and letting their conversation

Adrian eventually stood up and stretched, looking at the clock.

"Nine-thirty," he said, a grin spreading across his face, "time for our shower, do you think?"

Corbin also grinned, eying the fox slyly. "Ah, I would say so!"

The two had always been very environmentally conscious, and had been taking showers together since they moved in to their apartment, to save water. After the first couple of times, however, they ended up doing more than washing themselves in the shower, and had made a nightly routine of getting dirtier before they got cleaner. The two climbed the stairs, and entered the bathroom. The bathroom was rather large for a two-bedroom apartment.

"I love that movie," said Adrian, pulling his shirt off and throwing it aside.

"I know you do!" said Corbin, doing the same, "But I have to admit, I prefer reading the book to watching the movie. Much more imagination and creativity involved." He began to pull off his pants. Adrian chuckled.

"I like the movie because it is something that more than one person can do at a time, so we can share the experience," said Adrian, pulling off his boxers.

Corbin finished undressing, and looked at the smaller fox, grinning. Adrian had unusually soft fur, burnt red across most of his body, but a creamy white that covered his belly. The fur around his sheath always seemed to have a tint of red to it, making it slightly darker than the rest, but not by much. The wolf, on the other hand, had courser, slightly longer fur, making him look slightly more feral without clothes. He was the same color all over, a light grey mixture of both lighter and darker fur, blended together flawlessly. The fox grinned up at him.

"Shall we?" said Adrian. Corbin grinned.

"After you," said Corbin in a slightly husky voice.

Corbin followed Adrian, not to the shower, but to a small daybed, set against a window in a secluded niche of the room. After a few of their escapades in the bathroom, the two had learned not to go too far in the shower itself. The first time it had happened, the two had trouble getting out when Corbin had let his knot slip into his mate, tying them together until his body had finished what it had started. Adrian grinned back at the lupine form of his mate behind him, and climbed onto the bed, bending over and flicking his tail to the side, exposing his pucker to the wolf as he approached.

Corbin chuckled bemusedly to himself, and climbed onto the bed, taking his flaccid sheath in his paw, and positioning himself at his mate's entrance. He smiled down at Adrian, who was looking over his shoulder at him, and pulled his sheath back, exposing the tip and pressing it to the fox's pucker. Adrian moaned very softly as his mate's flesh made contact, his own tip beginning to slide out of its sheath as he presented himself to his mate. That, it seemed, was all of the encouragement that the wolf needed. Corbin pushed himself against the fox, his sheath quickly sliding back to reveal his lupine member, which was now swelling slightly as it penetrated Adrian.

"Ah...mmm..." grunted Adrian as he felt Corbin slide into him.

The two mated passionately, Corbin rocking up against his mate as he thrust in and out of him, his knot eventually swelling to a size that made it harder to manage the penetration. He knew what to do as he looked into the pleading eyes of his lover. He thrust himself forward, his arms reaching around the fox as his knot slid into place and continued swelling, locking the two together. Corbin took Adrian's swollen and unsheathed member in his paw, and began stroking it, concentrating on the base, knowing it wouldn't be long before he shot his lupine seed into his mate. The instinct of marking his mate as his own seemed to kick in, urging the wolf onward.

Adrian began thrusting violently into his mate's paw, knowing that he would soon feel a load of his mate's musky seed enter his body. He could feel the pleasure building inside of him as the wolf thrust harder, short trickles of pre leaking into his passage. The wolf had already begun to feel the familiar sensation, and knew that it wouldn't be much longer.

"Ah...I'm...going..." started Corbin, panting hard; but he couldn't hold himself back any longer. He gave a final thrust, and, holding Adrian tight to his hilt, he began to spurt jet after jet of his warm seed into the fox, emptying himself. Adrian felt the wolf's muscles begin to twitch as they mated, and as Corbin gave his final thrust, he knew what was happening. Adrian moaned happily as his mate filled him with his essence, knowing that by the wolf's monogamous instinct, he was once again being reassured by feel and scent that the fox was his. He felt himself begin to erupt as Corbin's seed jetted into his body, hitting his prostate, and pushing him over the edge. The fox's seed pooled on the bed beneath him, which they had never put linens on for this reason, as the two began to come down from their peaks.

The two panted softly, tied together, and repositioned themselves, Adrian laying against Corbin's chest, Corbin's arms still around the fox as he rubbed his chestfur. The fox felt himself continuing to be filled with the wolf's seed, the spurts becoming fewer and further between as the laid on the bed, cuddling. Corbin licked Adrian's neckfur affectionately as his knot began to deflate. They laid together for another ten minutes, before sliding his flaccid member out of the fox. The fox let out a soft moan as the wolf slipped out of him, causing a good amount of Corbin's seed to flow liberally out onto the bed. Corbin leaned over the fox, licking the side of his muzzle, before stepping into the shower. Adrian followed his mate, and slid the glass door shut behind him. He grinned up at the wolf.

"Thank you," he said, looking up at Corbin affectionately. Their eyes met, and the wolf wrapped his arms around his mate, their muzzles coming together. They both stood there, murring softly, before Corbin bent over, turning on the shower. The two cleaned each other off, making sure to get the residue of cum out of each other's sheaths. Corbin and Adrian finished their shower, dried themselves off, and got into bed without bothering with pajamas.

"Excited for the trip tomorrow?" asked Corbin, pulling the comforter back.

"Definitely," Adrain replied, "it should be fun. I like staying in that cabin."

"Yeah. Night, Adrian." He curled his body around his mate's, snuggling against the fox's fur.

"Night." Adrian and Corbin fell asleep quickly, their bodies snuggled against one another, ready for the next day's adventures.