Chapter 14 - The Worried Sibling! Break into the Bastille Maison Des Dymons! (Part 3)

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#41 of Book 2 - N.D.'s Reign

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my READERS! You guys keep me going! ^_^. If it wasn't for them, this story wouldn't have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx and my friends. Things used from the game "Legend of Dragoon" is copyrighted to them so I don't take credit from those things. Also, do not use my own copyrighted things in your stories without consulting me first. Takes alot to make this stuff up so keep that in mind and enjoy. Also, if you're not old enough to be reading this, grow up first and come back. I'm not responsible for what you are about to read.

I couldn't protect my family, and even now, I'm still failure. I trained hard, bested my sister and did my best to gain power. Becoming a bounty hunter was a great way to keep my skills honed, yet its nothing beside my father....what do I do? What can I do?..

Date: December 3rd Location: Orez Delivery Company, downstairs storage hanger Time: 11:00 pm

The two had been teleported to their location, with Abu having no time to wait for the end of what Ruru was about to say as the time frame for their sneaky infiltration was too small. The dragon Eurasia wished he was stronger, seeing that his dad was indeed powerful after losing to him in a one on one fight. The fact that he saw that his father went easy on him made him want to improve himself even more, "I....don't want to be weak anymore. I let everyone down when that guy suddenly appeared...and saved us all.", he muttered, hugging his knees close to himself. Fyre sighed as she felt useless at this time, taking a moment to close her eyes and make her self grow to about 7 feet tall, not feeling in such a cute mood now as she rested her head on the ground.

Abu tapped his P.I.C. to bring out 3 holographic keyboards, one in front of him, and two beside him to prepare himself for the intense hacking that had to be done, "I'd say it'd take that idiot about...20 minutes to get the shield down. Eurasia will definitely get to Onari first due to him having a sense of direction. Though it seems both of you are troubled at the moment.", he said while typing on two of the keyboards and changing between the three every few seconds due to each key not only being a letter or number, but also hot-keys as well. Eurasia looked up and thought back to years ago, when he promised to protect his mom, and sisters. He wanted to be someone he thought he father wasn't, the protector of the family.

With how things are now, he wondered about his place now with how weak he was in comparison to his father, and mother. Before he could say something in response, Abu raised a hand, typing still with one hand, "You're gonna tell me that you're weak and pitiful are you not? Well you aren't. You're a strong individual. You simply lack the most important thing someone of Eurasia's and Ruru's caliber have; Experience. The dragoon of fire was fighting evil since before you were born, for about 20 years. I don't think you have the combat experience to compliment your fighting, nor the proper training to get as powerful as your mother.", he said, shocking the dragon as if he read his mind. Fyre's power was still a bit low from the hibernation, and would take some time to get back. Her size however granted natural power beyond what most would be able to deal with, along with the weakness of being a big target.

Abu adjusted his glasses and continued to type, getting the hacking programs, and vulnerability detectors, "Your father felt like that too after he lost his brother on his first real mission. 10 years of training before hand and he couldn't even stop one dragon from killing his brother. But that didn't stop him. He continued to get stronger, and I expect you to do the same. If anything, I'll give you a training accelerated "Way of the Dragon" regimen, which is MUCH more difficult but yields faster results. Given you're his may have inherited something from him...his untapped potential.", he explained, hearing a surprised growl from the dragon.

The dragon Eurasia remained quiet for some time, thinking about his proposition but still beating himself up. Abu wondered what he'd say, seeing that seventeen minutes has passed and he expected results soon from how he calculated Ruru's brain function and factoring in his incredible lack of directional capabilities, "Don't take too long on wondering whether or not you're strong enough for the training. I'm not going to be here forever. Fyre, give the boy some advice. You were a deadly weapon in the war...and I read that you were a magic engineer before the war as well. That power had to have come from experience, did it not?", he asked, Fyre giving a nod.

For a human, he was very astute she thought, seeming to have an answer for everything, "Well yes, I dabbled in magic for purpose of peace, and war. Thousands of years before we met humans, I was in the process of finding out the purpose of magic, and its origins. Although we use it how we see fit, we don't know where it came from, or who even discovered it. After many failures, and discoveries, I mastered how to use magic with my own body's natural spiritual power. The stronger it is, the more power you can control without blowing your soul to pieces. You don't get strong without going through both wins, and losses sweety. Only through that will you surpass your limits.", she explained, going over to nuzzle his cheek. Eurasia was surprised to hear such a thing, never thinking about magic in that way. He never was good at it, and he focused more on using his spiritual power on strengthening his physical power.

"I however, am unable to use spiritual power even though I am a dragoon. But I didn't let that stop me. I focused on my intellect, and even now I still know nothing about countless things in history, science, and my more unfavorable topic, magic.", he added, seeing that at 19:49 seconds, he got the signal that the shield had gone down. His screen flashed red and quickly he began typing at the keyboards. The holographic screen in front of him showed that he was remotely connected and the hacking would soon start, "Damn it! They installed a stealth searcher in the ma

Suddenly a screen full of numbers changed to Michael, who seemed surprised at the moment, "Eurasia, hurry up and transport Onari to the coordinates saved!", Abu ordered, the dragoon nodding and the screen suddenly changing to Ruru who was looking in the wrong direction, "Ruru, just listen! After you've dispatched the hired help, keep the P.I.C. close to the Mainframe and make sure nothing happens to it! Until I've completely hacked the system, don't allow anything to break the connection!. The P.I.C. will tell you when it's complete! Then make your way to Eurasia!", he said to the dragoon of wind, seeing him turn around, and give him the finger, "Fine Fine! I'm freaking busy!", he yelled, Abu hearing gunshots and seeing him go off screen.

First thing after reminding the dragoons was taking care of the new codes that were implemented while he was away, soon seeing that the security system had activated to stop his remote connection. After 30 seconds, the back up security system kicked in, Abu sweating a bit as he was typing at a speed that Fyre, or Eurasia hadn't seen before, the two peeking behind him and hearing multiple clicks, beeps and boops, "That's amazing....his fingers are moving so fast...", muttered the dragon Eurasia, not really computer savvy and seeing that he stone cold slow compared to him.

Fyre prayed for the success of their mission, though she raised her head upon hearing her name being called, "Fyre, I have a favor to ask. You seem to be worried, so I think you should be able to help their escape. Think you're up for it?", he asked, not looking at her, as he was too busy into the hacking. Fyre gave a yes and felt glad to do something, however Eurasia sighed as he felt completely useless, to which Abu knew would happy, "Sorry though Eurasia, there's no fit for you in the escape plan, but you're helping quite a bit keeping me safe. I'm not much stronger than a human so I'm an easy target....", he explained, making him feel somewhat better.

  • 20 minutes earlier

Location: Bastille Maison Des Dymons, Top floor hall Time: 11:00 pm

"--new moves--Oh crap...its dark.", said Ruru as he realized that he was teleported to his mission. It was a minor annoyance to not even be able to finish his sentence, but that didn't matter at the second. He seemed to appear in a dark, cramped area, not being able to see a thing, " I in a closet? No...This is a wall, not a door..well whatever.", he remarked, lifting two fingers and slicing in a small X pattern. Soon the wall in front of him fell to pieces, pieces of metal falling to the floor from being sliced in a large X fashion by his wind. Though not much was solved by it, still being in the dark but in a much wider area.

He felt that the air was quite stale, as if no one living had been here in quite some time, "Hmmm...where to go...Abu, tell me.", he thought to himself, grabbing his P.I.C. and pressing the screen, in which he quickly got a map of the area. Upon first glance he was on the top floor of the ship, seeing a dot many floors below which was red, which he guessed had to be his friend Michael. The hallway was dark and had many turns, holding the P.I.C. up and using it as a flashlight. The map however vanished when he held it vertically, which wasn't a problem for him he thought as he walked for a bit, "Okay turn here....left....wait what?", he said as he stopped, seeing a dead end. Before he could turn around, suddenly the lights turned on, but not how he hoped.

Red flashing lights and an alarm sounded, seeing the wall in front of him suddenly open up. From behind came in multiple robots, making Ruru sweat a bit as the robots stepped on through into the wall, it being a transport pipe used for them to get around quickly. He saw there were quite a bunch, having quickly jumped up and clung to the ceiling. They were huge robots, much taller than him, which was probably why the ceiling was about twenty feet high up. He sat upside down until the alarm went off, and seeing the wall open up again with the same bunch of robots, wondering if Michael was okay, "That dummy...they came back fast so I don't think they caught him. He's gotta be more careful..."

Once the coast was clear, he fell back to ground level, but levatated himself about 1 inch off the floor, doing so to not make a sound which was easy to do if you had control of the air around you. He turned back and followed the hall down another turn, stopping for a moment as he saw a camera up on the wall, "W-whoa! Nearly missed that...", he thought to himself, stepping back around a corner and saw it rotating back and forth. He listened for it when it turned back, then sprinting forward and slicing the camera at its neck. After some sparks from its circuits, he kept it in the air to keep it from making noise if it had fallen, lowering it gently with his wind power and casually continuing on.

However even with all of his sense of direction set on high, he ended up at yet another dead end, which started to annoy him, "Damn it, what the hell. Is this map broken?", he asked, turning the P.I.C. back horizontal and saw that he had made a wrong turn. There was also a timer on the map, which was showing how much time had passed since he started. It read 4 minutes, which meant that he had wasted a bit of time already. Quickly he ran in the opposite direction, trying to get to his location soon, but only ending up in yet another dead end.

Again he read the map and sprinted towards where he read, ending up at a bathroom door that was locked. He grumbled in frustration, finding this place to be like a maze since he kept on getting himself lost. As he took out the P.I.C. yet again to look at the map, the map did not appear, "Oh come on...why won't you work?!", he muttered, shaking the P.I.C. in frustration before a sudden burst of light came from the it, lighting up the dim bland hallways with an image of Abu. Before he could talk, the 3-d image looked at Ruru and sighed, though with a digital tone compared to the real one, "You've looked at the map 10 times so far. I expected you to get lost and its been 15 minutes. Don't worry, I calculated things and now I"ll give you the help you need. Just hold the P.I.C. out and it'll point to where you have to go. I expect you to be there before 20 minutes give or take. Now get going.", he said, the volume quite loud which was nearly high enough to start the alarm, but just barely below.

"That nerd...this place is just a freaking mess to walk around. I'm the one doing all the work.", he said while face-palming, holding the P.I.C. outwards in front of him and seeing an arrow like a compass spin around, then point to the left. Quickly he sprinted down the halls, cutting the few cameras that laid in the dimly lit hallways. It was surprising to find security so lax in a place considered to be the worse prison ever, cameras being far and few, but not even an alarm once he cut them down. But after seeing the robots, he thought that it was probably automated completely and he was in an abandoned part of the prison which was used for robotic transportation. Without any living souls on board, there wouldn't be any room for human error nor there would be any costs in feeding or housing anyone on board.

Finally he arrived at yet another dead-end after sprinting for a bit, wondering why as the arrow was pointing straight into it, putting his hand onto the metal and feeling it to be slightly warm. There was also the slight sound of beeping, meaning whatever was behind that wall, was something active, "This must be the place...but its locked. Meh whatever, I have the key.", he remarked, attempting to slice through the metal with a flick of his fingers. Sparks however flew as his slice failed, making him raise an eyebrow as he didn't expect that, "Whoa whoa. What the hell? This stuff is tougher than the rest of the junk here..well then. Time for business.", he said while cracking his knuckles.

He grabbed the weapon strapped to his back and this time sliced with power rather than the half-baked wind handling he was doing with his fingers. With a light grunt, he waved his blade in an X, cutting right through the metal and keeping the pieces together with his wind. He merely walked forward, sheathing his weapon back onto his back and holding his hands out to make his wind push it forward and gently lay them on the ground. He was blinded a bit by the light, entering a rather large room with a glass ceiling, with computers and buttons all over the place. The sight of the planet was quite awesome, also seeing the star it was orbiting which looked similar to the sun, "Wow...freaking sweet. Mike's missing out on this--oh shit, better hurry. Freaking Brian said I'd make it here in 20, and its 19. Where is that...oh.", he muttered to himself, holding the P.I.C. up and seeing it once more shine an arrow towards a computer made for input.

It was in the center of the room so it had to be where instructions or information was given or sent. He ran towards the chair by it, turning it as it was a leather turn-able chair, and noticing covered in dust. He quickly took a seat and wondered what to do next, looking for instructions but not seeing a single button on his new P.I.C.. He saw that there was a lower floor a bit farther into the room, with a few more seats for a crew to help. The timer continued to tick, Ruru getting a bit worried as he seemed to be unsure on how to proceed "Damn damn damn. 19:23 so far. Hurry, what the hell do I do?", growled the dragoon of wind, shaking his P.I.C. before it shined a beam of red light right at the station. It sent the information needed for a connection, the screen in front of him going from displaying information such as orbiting speed, time and such to pure white, and pixelated nonsense.

A bright flash came from outside, the invisible impenetrable shield sparking suddenly and then shorting out, leaving the prison unprotected. Almost immediately an alarm rang, walls opening from behind him and robots marching right in, humanoid in appearance, but much taller than him of his 7'0 height. About 20 of them walked in, making Ruru jump up and crack his knuckles, before seeing that he was being scanned, "Intruder detected! Intruder Detected! Warning, Guidance system in danger! Engage enemy with caution! Target Identified as Ruru, Dragoon of the Emerald Eyed Dragon, bounty 50 Million. Affiliated with Dragoon of the Ruby Eyed Dragon Eurasia. Bounty 100 Million.", said a robot, making him pop a vein in anger.

"Are you freaking kidding me? How the hell does Mike still have a higher bounty? Mine went up too but...his is much higher! That's it, you guys just pissed me off. I'll make sure that N.D. considers me as much of a pain in the ass as Mike.", he said, wind starting to blow around his fists. Suddenly he heard a voice, behind him, the P.I.C. behind him and in the chair flashing a holographic screen over it, "Ruru, just listen! After you've dispatched the hired help, keep the P.I.C. close to the Mainframe and make sure nothing happens to it! Until I've completely hacked the system, don't allow anything to break the connection!. The P.I.C. will tell you when it's complete! Then make your way to Eurasia!", he shouted, giving him the finger as he didn't care about that now.

Him beating the robots would've ensured that same result anyway, "Fine Fine! I'm freaking busy!", shouted Ruru back at his friend, quickly jumping into the air as he saw their arms turn into machine gun like objects. He dropped right down and ran forward once they started shooting, using a good amount of speed to try and dodge the bullets, but noticing as he tackled through them that they weren't firing at him, but around him. The computer had to be too important, but he couldn't just stay in front of it. They could do something unexpected, pushing five in a row back into the hallway he was in.

They fell down, but didn't break, being made of sturdy stuff as he walked over them. As he heard the cocking of their guns, he quickly grabbed a robot and lifted it up, using it as a shield to block an onslaught from multiple machine guns, "You'll never take me alive coppers!", he mocked in a mobster type voice, throwing the robot in his hands which tried to wiggle free right at the line of robots following him in the tight hallway. The sound of metal crunching together could be heard among the loud alarm ring, wondering how to finish this fast and simple.

However before he could actually think, he grunted in pain, a bullet grazing him from behind which made him duck and turn around. More robots were on the way, all armed to the teeth with guns not only on their hands, but their chests as well, "Crap...these guys are packing some heat!", he shouted, sprinting back and flipping forward to dodge some bullets, while also blowing a strong wind in the hallway to blow the robots behind him over and onto the ground. Quickly he ran back to the control room, flying up into the air for a moment before getting shot again, making him wobble and fall into the chair with a loud hiss of pain. He was bleeding but lightly, rubbing his leg from the pain of a bullet piercing the skin.

That wasn't as bad as the pain he got from the P.I.C. he landed on, feeling like he landed on a brick. He saw that the connection wasn't done yet, needing a bit more time until it was finished. Soon the control room was flooded with robots, all cocking their weapons at their target who was standing behind a chair and in front of a very important piece of equipment, "DRAGOON, MOVE AWAY FROM THE CONTROL CONSOLE SO YOU MAY BE TERMINATED.", stated one of the robots, with more entering the room from the bottom floor as well. There was one idea he had, something that could work and get rid of everyone in the room besides himself. His attention turned to the ceiling, looking like it could be broken easily as it seemed to be made of something glass-like as it was see through.

The dragoon gave a smirk and shook his head, pointing to the ceiling, "No way you rusty piece of scrap, this thing is pretty sweet. Controls the whole ship and such.", he mocked, making sure he was ready for the result of a depressurized room in space. Some of the robots began to beep and then retracted their weapons, making Ruru raise an eyebrow as he saw the opening he made and the ones used by the robots close shut by an emergency protocol. Suddenly most of the robots opened their humanoid like mouths and began to spray something into the air. It was a pink looking smoke, the dragoon of wind keeping it away from him, but seeing that nearly robot was doing it at the same time. The rest still had their sights trained on him, making sure he wouldn't move from his spot.

Not only that, but the sound of a light hissing began to fill the room, seeing that the normal oxygen in the room was beginning to be sucked out for this unknown gas to be the only thing breathable in the room. Soon it began to get foggy, denser and denser before Ruru was unable to see anything in front of him, "Shit, they're trying to gas me! No time to waste!", he thought, feeling the gas getting closer as the space in the air began to be replaced solely by the noxious fumes. He was about to take a step forward when he quickly jumped back and banged his back against the computers, dodging a bullet that would've caused a bit of trouble.

Time was running out for him, deciding to go with plan B, " really want to get me that bad? Come and get me!", grabbing one of the two blades on his back and swung upwards, "KROW LAVANTE!", shouted the dragoon of wind, a bird like figure being released from his weapon as it flew up and smashed into the ceiling. The gas briefly flew to the side, but quickly gathered and began getting onto his skin. Unfortunately the ceiling held on, barely a scratch on it from his attack, "What the hell...Brian, you really had to make that glass tough didn't you...", he said while covering his mouth, pushing back the gas and making a light tornado around him to keep it from getting into his lungs. But as seconds ticked, the tornado slowly shrunk in size, the miniscule bit of oxygen disappearing from the room.

When he took a step forward, he had to lift his foot to avoid a bullet, seeing that not all of them were breathing out the gas that he was covering his mouth and nose to avoid breathing in. He couldn't do a strong enough wind attack without collateral damage, leaving him in a tough spot. His eyes began to burn as it finally reached him, making him tear and cough, "Teargas?, its not only feeling...light headed....can't pass out now!", he thought, pocketing his P.I.C. and raising his blade with the other once more to try again. Although he couldn't see with his eyes clenched shut, he knew where he had to aim for as he turned behind him and readied another Krow Lavante.

Before he could make another attempt, a loud crash from below shook the ship, Ruru falling over and dropping his blade from the surprise earthquake. More loud explosions came from the lower floors of the ship, getting loud and louder before a red light shot through the control room. A massive red beam of fire blasting up and right through the glass without stopping, "Whoa! What the hell was that!?", shouted Ruru, an alarm ringing that the control room had been breached and beginning to decompress the air inside. Ruru held on to the chair, the loud hiss from the rush of air being forced out sucking all of the gas, and the robots as being picked up and sent out into space.

Ruru was now able to see clearly, though wondering what to do about the hole that was sucking out everything. Luckily he had some oxygen thanks to a hole from the lower floor of the control so he got his second wind, "Fresh air finally...but it won't last long if I don't plug up that hole.", he wondered, the chair he saw starting to get ripped from the floor slowly. He sheathed his blade onto his back and let go, stopping right in mid air and freezing all of the air in place. His arms were out as what he was doing required a major amount of concentration and magic, looking around for a second and spotting a red button on the ceiling, near the broken glass which said "Back Up for Hull Breached Ceiling; Emergencies only", which could only mean that now would be a good time.

Slowly he moved his hand, grabbing his blade once more and throwing it at the button, impaling it but activating it none the less. There was a loud creaking, then a sheet of metal began to cover the broken glass ceiling from above, before fully restoring the artificial atmosphere, complete with oxygen. Though the room had trouble with the lighting, the bottom floor of the control room completely melted and seeing that the blast came from many floors below, "Holy shit Mike. That blast was pretty strong. I know you're more magic than me, but that's freaking ridiculous!", he said while noting that he himself couldn't cut through the glass.

He saw that it was quite a bit of ways down, feeling the heat emanating from the melted metal. His attack barely scratched the glass, making him ponder how much strength was behind that beam, "What the let one out with that kind of must be fighting one of those N. Cyphers. Is the hacking done yet?", he wondered, taking a look at his P.I.C. and saw that the progress gauge was full with a little smile from a chibi looking Abu at the end of it. With the good news given, he cracked his knuckles and flew down, ready for some action and to back up his best friend.

  • 8 minutes earlier

Location: Bastille Maison Des Dymons, Lower Level Prison Wing D Time: 11:13 pm

The dragoon of fire was surprised to see a familiar face, but he couldn't say if it was a good one. Her Jet Black hair was slightly messy but cut short, and her green eyes along with her gaze made her only added to her tough demeanor, "So you're Eurasia. I made the mistake last time of thinking you were Aisarue. But looking at you closely, you seem more of a pansy compared to him.", she commented, making him shake his head and think about this for a moment, "Well Aisarue is a jerk, I'll say that much. And he probably is tougher too. But that's not important. If you're really Onari, then I will carry out the mission. Stand back please.", responded Eurasia, Onari stepping back and wondering how the dragoon would handle this.

She threw a pillow at it once and it disintegrated, knowing better than to touch it with anything, "You know that those bars will say bye bye to any weapon right? It's impossible to break...", she remarked, seeing him step back and summon a sword in a flash of fire to his hand. The blade was incredibly large, probably around the same height he was but thicker as well. Immediately he swung his sword, cutting through the bars and pushing back Onari from the sheer force of the blow. There was a bit of electrical feedback before the bars vanished, the dragoon holding the blade over his shoulder before dispelling it away in a flash of flame, "Not impossible. Though I don't think you can leave yet...I haven't gotten the signal that the shield is down. That's whats stopping anyone from coming in and out....least that's what Abu said.", he explained, walking into the cell and seeing that Onari was about chin height to him.

She had on a standard prison uniform, stripped with white shoes, seeing her arms wrapped around each other as she tried to hide her awe with her arrogance, "Not bad Flame Dragoon. You said that Abu sent you? Did BD give the order or what?", she asked, curious to the reason behind this dragoon's actions. He shook his head, and walked passed her, taking a seat on the bed that was mostly firm, "No, Abu himself did it out of his own accord. He said that someone named Shade was worried and considered an assault, but knew that it would've been too resource heavy. So he took a moment to ask me and my friend Ruru to help you out. I already have business here, so it was an easy yes. Even so, he's one of my best friends. We wouldn't have said no.", he explained, taking out his P.I.C and seeing that it was only 11:15, and he didn't take much time to get there even with the distractions on the way.

"Oh really? That introvert actually cares? Heh that's a surprise...well guess he has a heart of gold over all that metal. Though I had hoped that Shade wouldn't make a rash choice. It's my own fault that I'm here--errm. Well that's not important.", she said while quickly stopping herself, not wanting to spill too much to a non authorized personnel. Though with him here, now was her chance to find out the question that had been on her mind since her first encounter with Aisarue. She walked in front of him, rubbing her chin in thought, "Now then on to what is important. What is Aisarue to you? Brother? Cousin? I know that Abyssion is your brother, but there's nothing on that murdering coward. You have his face, except that you look like you'd cry over spilt milk.", she remarked, making the dragoon wonder exactly how to explain.

"Well, yes he's a horrible person. But I don't know exactly what he is. Only that he was born from my darkness and...N.D. brought him into this world from inside of me. How...I still don't know. Either way, I hear he's gone into hiding lately so I don't know what to really say about him. I know I can trust you with this...don't think I should be telling anyone this, but you work with Abu, and for a group who's against N.D.. Don't tell anyone this please?", he asked, still pondering on how to handle his darker side if they ever would meet. His techniques were a step above his in strength and heat, having the fire from hell gave him an advantage.

This information was grand but somewhat not helpful, though it gave her a better insight as to who Aisarue was. From what she got, it's not his fault exactly, and that it was more reason to bring down N.D., "So what, he's your dark half or something? Given physical form? That's bullshit...well no not really. N.D. knows all sorts of magic spells, and such so I wouldn't doubt it. Either way you don't associate with him, or plan with him do you?", she asked poking him in on the shoulder, Michael shaking his head. Her expression changed to a somewhat more angry gaze, clenching a fist for a moment, "If so, why are you here then? You mentioned you had business're not here to save called brother are you?", she asked while grabbing him by his green shirt.

"Yes", he merely said in response, looking away as he expected hostility from someone who fights against anyone working for N.D.. She clenched her teeth and pulled on his shirt a bit more, getting quite angry at the answer, "What the hell!? You say you don't hang out with Aisarue but you're here to bust out your brother? That bastard killed countless innocents who voiced their opinion against that monster! You call yourself a dragoon who fights against N.D.?!", she growled, shaking him while keeping her voice down enough to not alert the robots but still making her feelings known.

Michael looked up at her with his red eyes, then down, "I have my reasons. There's some things I have to know, and I know that there was a reason for everything he did. I...haven't forgiven him either, but if he dies without me knowing the truth. I'll regret it.", he explained, seeing her glare at him. She then punched him in the face, making the dragoon fall to the floor with a light grunt. It hurt quite a bit, this Onari being stronger than she looked, "Reason or not, what greater good is there is civies are killed in the middle? Are you really going to turn a blind eye to all that he's done if he had a "good reason" ?", she questioned, the dragoon getting up and rubbing his cheek.

"...I don't know. You can hate me if you want, but I know my brother has his reasons. If you had something to lose...wouldn't you do what you could to make sure that doesn't happen? Maybe he was being forced to work for him. I'll let you know when I find out okay?", he said, before hearing an alarm. It startled him, making him grab his P.I.C. and see the message "Shield down", on the screen. Then suddenly a holographic screen popped up and showed Abu, hard at work with the dragon Eurasia and Fyre in the background, "Eurasia, hurry up and transport Onari to the coordinates saved!", Abu shouted, Michael giving a nod and about to say something before he was cut off. He then looked at Onari who had her back turned to him.

"Well...I don't like you for helping the enemy, but..I understand your angle of things. But if it turns out that you wasted your time here saving him, I'll make sure you regret it. We'll keep in touch.", she said, not wanting to show her face as she remembered something similar happening in her past. Michael pressed the P.I.C. and opened up the T.P. program, seeing that there was two bookmarked locations, one being Ruru's Business, the other being unknown but marked with a red dot, "I understand. Give Shade our regards. And take care of Abu.", he asked, seeing her give him the peace sign before teleporting her away in a flash. He gave a sigh and felt bad, putting his P.I.C. away in his pocket and wondered how everyone really felt about him doing this.

So far it didn't seem to get on anyone's good side, and there was a chance that it would bite him in the back someday. Though what he wanted to know, was worth the risk, the dragoon of fire clenching his fist and running out. He then saw that his P.I.C. began to shine, an arrow appearing in front of him and pointing to the right. It was farther down the hallway, guessing that it was the way to go since Abu was the one who programmed the P.I.C.. He sprinted down the hall, seeing very angry inmates before coming to a large door. The door itself was massive, probably 30 feet tall from how massively tall and wide it was. From what he remembered from the map, this was the mess-hall. Up head was where his brother was being kept, which was weird considering he was a prisoner.

Grabbing some lunch isn't something that would be allowed to someone that was on death-row in N.D.'s prison, especially who they considered a traitor. As he walked forward, he felt something coming right at him from behind. Suddenly he jumped up, flipping backwards as a blur flew right under him, and smashed right into the door. In Midair, Michael brought his sword to his hand, which unfortunately made him come straight down with a loud thud, nearly making him lose his balance but landing on his feet, "Whoa, close...and I gotta remember not to summon my blade in the air...its too heavy for that.", he thought to himself, seeing something big right in front of him.

There were also skid marks on the floor, showing how fast this person was really going as he gripped his sword tight. The sound of hooves pounding into the floor were visible even over the alarm, feeling the vibrations as he saw his enemy, "Missed ya. Should've been your lifeless body splattered against the door. Not that you could break through it you little shit.", said a minotaur, dressed with a black vest, and shorts, with a black headband too. His fur was that of an orange red, with a unique nose ring that seemed to have a spike in the middle. Of course as proof of him being an N. Cypher, N.D.'s symbol was on the top left of his vest. His prominant feature was how big his upper body was, full of muscles surging with power which the dragoon could feel over his skin.

"You're an N. Cypher....Abu said it'd be someone I haven't met yet....If you're stopping me here, must mean that my brother is behind that door.", he responded, his sword starting to charge with energy, the blade its self turning red with a firey aura starting to cover it. Michael was so close, that he didn't want to waste more time before more of them came along. He could probably take out one or two, but not all of them at once. He wasn't too cocky with the training he received to be overconfident, planning on ending his quickly with a few new tricks he learned during the time he spent with Rizan and Shyranrya.

The Minotaur pointed to the door which had a light dent in it with a smirk, hoping to meet the brother of his former ally, "That's right shrimp. Cobotyne's the name. Only way you'll be seeing him is when I send you to hell where you both belong. Don't lump me with that weakling you beat some time ago....I'll show you what true power is!", he shouted, kicking the floor with his hooves before the bull charged forward with all his might. His speed was tremendous for a person his size and build, traveling at the same speed he remembered the rhino Gasparde ran at. Though this time Eurasia was ready, blocking his bull charge with his sword and grunting as the room shook under the power of it.

Michael skidded back a bit, grunting as he pushed him back, suprising the Cobo at his physical power and seeing a light aura of fire around the dragoon. It was then he saw the dragoon lift his red blade and swing at him, doing so with one hand, "TAKE THIS! CHARGED VIERNER BEAM!", shouted Michael, a beam bigger than him or the Minotaur firing right him. His eyes widened as it hit him dead on, the heat burning away the front of his vest while his hooves were scratching the floor as he was pushed back. He hit the door with a thud, the beam still drilling into him, and starting to burn at his fur. The dragoon panted as he let out an extremely powerful attack at the start, knowing that he only had two more shots like that one and dragging it out the fight could cost him dearly.

However the minotaur was still holding back the blast, seeing that it didn't disintegrate him yet. Then there was a powerful force of energy coming from his opponent, as well as a loud yell of determination, "UUUURRAGGGGHHH!", shouted Cobo, gripping the beam of pure fire energy and grunting while his power turned into a brown aura. With both of his hands, he then changed its direction upwards, dropping from the door as he held his burnt chest and let it burn through the ceiling, hearing that it wasn't stopping for anything. The dragoon of fire was stunned, hoping to finish things quickly but now seeing that things were never that easy, "That...that was a surprise. To let out such're that shitty candle's brother after all. But..if that's your best...then you won't be getting past me. The greatest defense N.D. has to panting adversary.", he remarked, seeing the dragoon sweating a bit as if that last attack took some effort on his part.

It was a huge shock to see Cobo still standing, knowing how much stronger a charged attack was compared to a normal. But at least it gave the dragoon an idea of what his opponent could do, seeing a powerful brown and yellow like aura covering him. He took a deep breath and prepared for battle, the two about ready to go at it again before something flew from above, landing right between the two, "Yo Mike. Starting without me and causing collateral damage? You're a pretty messed up guy you know that?", said Ruru, at last entering the scene which made Michael smile and put him at ease.

"Yo Ru, right on time. Gonna need some help...this guy. He's got the greatest defense in N.D.'s group he claims...completely deflected my attack.", explained the dragoon of fire as he walked towards his friend, the Minotaur hmmphing and not expecting a second intruder. Ruru simply smirked and turned to face the looming bull, cracking his knuckles as he normally did which was a habit before any fight, "Oh really? Must be compensating for something. I'll show him that a good ass-kicking can go through any defense.", he exclaimed, the two dragoons poised and ready to take on their first team battle in a long time.

To be continued.......