Scent of the Moon Chapter 7

Story by Silvermane77 on SoFurry

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#5 of Scent of the Moon


Claude- The Beast

The ride into the cafe was brisk on the Harley. Fall was definitely in the air with the crisp chill in the air, the occasional gust of acidic smoke from a chimney, and the sweet smell of rotting leaves. It reminded me of the woods in France. Those memories felt so distant as if it were a life time ago back when butting heads with Viktor was a reward in beatings. Back in those years Viktor was a force to be reckoned with. The fear he instilled was absolute but not the roles had changed as the older Alpha's health entered into it's own fall. I remembered his terrified look as he banished me to America, yes fear even amongst werewolves was intoxicating to me. It was my drug that I took in frequently until last night.

Thinking upon the events of the previous night and Sean brought me back from the past and to the present just in time to not miss a green light. I had hoped to see his car in the parking lot of Cafe De Le Garou. As I rounded the corner I was met with the fact he had not come, my heart sank a little bit as I had thought he might just show up. It would have been expecting quite a lot from him to be here so quickly but I was certain he would come and soon. I had what he wanted and what he needed, that much I had picked up from our two brief meetings.

How Eric and that pussy of a wolf Kevin had gotten their hands on him I did not know. I half suspected they simply did not know Sean's potential but I did. It came off in the damp, musky waves of scent, in his body language, and especially his bestial side. A side I suspected laid dormant like most werewolves I encountered in the so called new world. If Sean even tapped into that side of his nature, he could become great. Acceptance of the beast was to accept what we were and that was something I suspected not many werewolves in this land had. Man and wolf, nature and civilized, wild and still human, the ultimate dichotomy, but also the best of both those worlds in one form. That was what was drilled into me since my childhood in France. We were not to hide, we were meant to be free as any wolf was meant to be. Of course Kevin did let his primal nature out but it was corrupt. It was obvious Sean did not know of Kevin's short comings. All I had to do was look at Aaron to see those.

It was Aaron who greeted me outside the rustic building that housed Cafe De Le Garou. I never liked it as it looked from the exterior like a run down, weathered shack that red necks came to drink. Although we did get some the cafe was not about that. As I pulled into the parking lot I also noticed Sam's F10 Ford was no where to be found. The bouncer was late as usual. "God damn it" I blundered out getting Aaron's immediate attention. Sam had been one of the first Americans I recruited and I had learned to regret that decision. Aaron was the exact opposite. He was contented in the life I had given him and unquestioning in his loyalty. He still cowered at me and as much as that made me smile, I had wished that bu this time he would have grown a spine. He was loyal but would always be an omega, a lowly role but a necessary one. I even saw him shiver as I rolled up in the bike, probably due to the chill in the air than my presence.

I laughed as the cold rarely bothered me. The young man on the other hand could not wait to dart into the comfort of the cafe and flee to his beloved D.J booth in the rear room. Within minutes techno beats were filling the wooden interior of the building. The more restaurant part of the cafe in the front was empty. Towards the side of the bar was a black glass door which lead to a private area for members of my pack where Aaron was now. Mostly private save for a chosen few who were allowed in.

The room was simply a dance room with booths and tables surrounding the perimeter. The same pine wood walling that decorated the restaurant area continued here. I sat in one of the corner booths resting my bar arms over the top of the seat just lost in my thoughts and listening to Aaron's mixes. The black haired youth had a good ear for music and the DJ booth had been a reward for him to make up for his troubled past. Of course he spent most of his money on new records, lights, and even better gear so a lot of what I had initially gotten was gone, not that I minded. His music made the cafe more modern and not just another place for the local drunks to gather.

"Sorry for being late sir."

Those words broke my concentration as I looked over to the door to see Seam standing there. He at least was wearing the recently bought cafe t-shirts. The shirt looked like a second skin showing of his muscular physique. Certainly the casual black shirt with the wolf's head logo in white would help sell the image that this was a bar run by normal humans at least for the time being. In a flash of movement I was slamming him up against the wall rattling the photos and paintings hanging off it.

"Not as sorry as I am going to make you if it happens again!" I snarled holding him off the ground.

"Sorry sir, I swear it won't happen again," whimpered Sam scurrying as he was released.

Sam was suppose to be a promising werewolf but to see the predator cowering before me now was insulting despite my personal satisfaction. Sam's reckless nature was one of the reasons I took him in. He was not my creation, might like Aaron and as such I knew he would be a loose cannon in any pack. Left to his own devices he would be gunned down in no time without anyone to direct his strength. He was part of a problem I was seeing a lot in American werewolves. One side of the duel nature was always being ignored at the cost of the other.

"There's a person coming here. His name is Sean and he is to be brought back here when he comes," I commanded in a stern voice. "Don't harm a hair on his head or it'll be the last thing you ever do!"

"Yes sir," nodded Sam as the blond haired man slouched to the other side of the door.

"Sean? That wouldn't be Sean Michael's would it?" asked Tyler as he walked into the room as Sam walked out.

The dark haired thirty something man wasn't scared but cautious as he questioned. I just gave him a quick glance and he looked away. It was good to always keep the wolves in line. Tyler was a good business man. His hunger for money matched the hunger for more primal urges. Those same urges had cost him his job and family back in San Fransisco. Where I found him high on a variety of drugs. Normally I would have killed such a person but I saw potential in him just like I did in Sean. Now Tyler's nose was used only to sniff strangers to the cafe, hunt where he pleased, and maybe use those senses for gain in the local commerce scene. It was good to see the gift put to good use.

"He may be visiting us soon," I answered resuming my laid back posture in the booth.

"You're not retaliating for Keith are you?" inquired the lean built man.

"Hardly, Eric is welcomed to that miserable runt," I scoffed glad to be rid of that whining pup. "Worse mistake I ever made other than letting you order beer."

"What's wrong with American beer?"

"It's next to piss! Order some darker ales or I'll have you take Keith's place!" I growled.

"No thanks sir, you're not my type," grinned Tyler as he took out his cell phone and started making orders.

I made no secret of my preferences. Each to their own and Keith had been a promising candidate. He was on the streets down on his luck young man with little prospects. In some ways he reminded me of Aaron except he was still human, far too human. He could not accept the beast and his weakness in that regard simply grew. If it has not been for him wandering into Eric's territory and getting caught my plans here would not be at risk. Meeting Sean was perhaps the on redeeming part of that runt's failure. Unlike the other American werewolves Sean's division was separate but equal, as if he had forgotten the beast not abandoned it. Rumors had flown about this division but I dismissed them after all I knew how truthful werewolves could be. There was too much humanity in this country and not enough of the beast.

Of course of the more personal concern was the physical attraction. I would be lying if I said I did not desire him in that way, but there was more. There was something unique about him. I marveled at his civility even as I stomped thought his life and up rooted everything he had known about his own pack. Most werewolves would have pissed their pants or reacted in a needlessly overly aggressive manner. Sean just seemed to accept it. It was more than knowing when to submit, being polite, and accepting me as the bigger, stronger wolf. No there were these moments when his duality faded away when he truly became one being. That had me curious and I hoped he would come here. Here I could help him in ways that his pack had not. Why Eric had not succeeded in doing this I did not know.

I didn't like Eric, heck I didn't like many of the Alpha's of America. They seemed weak, unwilling or unable to face the beast inside themselves and live with it. I always embraced the beast. That lesson had been ingrained in me since I was born and hunting the French country side. Embracing the animal was part of earning by birthright and it was frustrating to see fellow wolves all but ignoring it.

"Ordering is all done sir. So why is Sean visiting us?" asked Tyler.

"It's obvious that Eric and the other Alpha's won't approve of what I am doing here, so I'll start with their beta's and work from there."

"So no ulterior motive then sir?" grinned Tyler obviously already connecting dots in his mind.

I sneered at my beta. Even if there was an alternative reason for Sean's visit, that was my private affair. He would never say it to my face but Tyler didn't care for my choices in sexual partners. If Keith had been my own sexual conquest then he'd have some credence to his argument but I had more than just him. Most had been one night stands with various humans who often or not found out how much passion an animal could have. I was not Kevin though. My needs were simple and as of yet I had not found a good candidate to fill them yet. Kevin had no morals about whom he slept with or how. I could count my sexual encounters on one hand. I very much doubted Kevin could do so with ten times the number of limbs he currently had.

The rage against Kevin and his lack of morality, Eric and the other Alpha's for their lack of animal instinct, and even Sam's lateness subsided when I heard him talking to someone on the other side of the door. I heard Sean growl at Sam's apparent refusal to take him seriously. Unfortunately I head Sam apologize so I couldn't rip him apart later. The door opened and he walked in. His long brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. He was dressed in business casual if not a more formal than I had expected. A long trench coat was open to reveal a maroon dress shirt, black pants, and black leather boots. It was rather flattering he thought enough to dress up.

"Welcome Sean," I greeted him trying not to show off my physique too much by flexing my arms over the bench's back.

He looked to Tyler and then back to me hesitantly. Was he that nervous? Scared to death of me already or was he thinking about his safety in a foreign pack's home territory?

"Is there anything Tyler might be able to get you? A margarita perhaps?" I jeered the young man.

Tyler let out a snicker at the mocking comment. Sean simply shrugged it off. He didn't seem insulted which was a good sign.

"How about a beer? Sam Adams or better Guinness if you have it."

I went silent trying to hold back the laughter at the irony of the request given the conversation Tyler and I had just had. "So Tyler can we get something for our guest?"

"'ll be right back sir," sheepishly replied Tyler scurrying to the front bar.

I grinned. "Same I do not want to be disturbed for a while," I ordered the bouncer. "I apologize for Tyler's lack of taste in beers. He prefers American and I prefer European. I am working on changing that."

Sean seemed to hesitate to sit down even when I gestured for him to do so. I was offended but still concerned. Was my reputation going to ruin any chance to get to know him? I was not accustomed to trying to win someone over but I did not want to dominate him into submission like everyone else. I had already made up my mind that he was something special, something I wanted to chase after and win. I wanted him as a companion not a prize or show of power.

"Please take your coat off and relax."

As he took off his coat and sat down I could smell the nervousness on him. Tyler returned with two bottle of Sam Adams as I tried to decipher the new werewolf. I noticed he was starting at an artist rendition of the Beast of Gevaudan done in 1765. I never told anyone that the piece was in fact the original. It wasn't a good representation of the werewolf, in fact I always thought it looked more like a cross between a hyena and a lion. From Sean's gaze I could infer he didn't like the Beast. From his perspective it probably did look a bit egotistical. He didn't know the truth and it was about time I told him. He had after all come at my request.

"Ah yes, old man Jean Chastel himself. Not a very good representation of my great grandfather though. I always thought it looked too cat like," I admitted.

"Jean Chastel...was...Wait I thought you were the Beast of Gevaudan?" he asked a look of confusion on his face.

I let out a boisterous laugh. It always amused me how many people bought into the great family lie.

"Just how many werewolves do you know of over three hundred years old?"

"None sir," whispered the young man swallowing a bit of his pride at the admission.

"As I said most of what you have heard of me are lies, exaggeration, and word of mouth that my family has long let get out of hand," I explained, trying to reassure him. "After all being known as the Beast has earned my family a great deal of respect."

"So you are not the famous mass murdering wolf of Europe?" he asked sounding a bit surprised and disappointed. Perhaps the later was due to his expectations of that reputation.

"Yes and no, the Beast of Gevaudan was not one werewolf but my family line. The acts of my great grandfather, grandfather, and father were true to some extent, though often exaggerated. I have only been in France and the U.S. Recently. I can assure you that I am not afraid to let the beast out like the other Alpha's in this country."

He immediately stood up. "Eric is not afraid!"

I stood up, towering over the young man. "Your loyalty to your Alpha is commendable but I know Eric. He's ashamed of his beast. So ashamed that I am willing to bet he hasn't allowed you to shift into the hybrid form!"

I glared down at the now cowering beta. Loyalty I respected but blind willingness just because of a leader was almost as bad as disobedience. Leaders had to be tested even pushed on occasion by others, tried, molded, and finally recognized for their talents. I had proven my dominance and role quite well. I was not sure Eric and the others had. I was raised to believe in the glory of the werewolf, not to hide from it in fear. Sean back down shying away moving slowly toward his coat. Damn it, if I lost him now there was little chance of winning him back.

"I've taken it...once...Last night in fact when Kevin...." he felt silent.

I sat down the long held rage boiling inside of me now was reaching a climax. If that dog laid one finger on him I'd rip him apart even if it meant Eric ending me. "He didn't do anything to you did he?"

""Sean quickly answered. "He never got the chance. One moment he was at the doorway in his bestial form making it obvious what he wanted, next he was on the broken remains of my bed with me towering over him. He was as badly beaten up as the bed and I don't even remember doing it."

I grinned as he confessed. "So you do have the best with in you."

"All I could remember is rage, anger, and the over whelming need to stop him," he admitted taking a swig of beer.

"The beast is part of our nature Sean. It's not mindless rage, needless bloody slaughter, or the monster of movies and films. It is simply nature untamed, unrestrained, and free to do what instinct, intelligence, and need require us to do. We are werewolves meant to be predators. The wolf is not a wolf if it does not cull the sick, weak, and injured from the herd, nor should it be caged up and locked away. The rage you felt was against a werewolf who tried to do things to you that you didn't want. Against a werewolf who often does harm to those around him," I explained letting my personal beliefs air out.

"Kevin never harmed anyone else."

"Tell that to Aaron over there," I replied nodding to the DJ booth taking a swig of my own beer. "He'll never admit it to you but Aaron was left on the streets of Cleveland after Kevin fucked him and bit him. Only hanging around long enough to full fill his own desire and then disappear leaving him alone to his fate. No pack, no one to show him the way. A new werewolf loose on the streets of a major city. How is that not creating a monster or bringing harm to others?"

Sean's face was full of disbelief and regret to a lesser degree, perhaps he had feelings for Kevin. I had seen it between the two of them but Sean had changed since the night before and perhaps seeing Kevin go after him and to hear that another had similar happenings, maybe he understood. I also noticed that this was all news to him. Eric and his pack had kept him in the dark which simply pissed me off more.

"Why hasn't Eric done anything about it?" he asked still in denial.

"I don't know but I do know that Kevin's reputation is one of taking advantage of new werewolves or taking out his frustrations on humans. Could be some one higher up has a choke hold on Eric or Kevin is good at lying, or Eric is good on making things appear better than they are. Who knows it could be a little of all of that in the end," I theorized. "All I do know is that when you took over as beta tensions amongst werewolf packs in this country lessened."

I hated politics even if it was politics amongst my own kind. The Americans seemed to thrive on it. Every pack out out for themselves not unifying and perhaps that was why Kevin's actions went unnoticed with that lack of unity doubtless anyone know or cared. It frustrated me to know my western counter parts seemed so human and seemed to ignore the other side of our nature so blindly. Sean seemed lost in that struggle as I looked at his face. Here was the result of such a struggle, a werewolf divided against himself and his pack unable to realize the truth.

"So why is Kevin like this? It doesn't seem to fit wolf behavior after all he was raised as one."

"That is true, but remember he is like all of us and therefore not all wolf," I answered leaning back to relax. "We are not human nor wolf but a blend of both nature's in one being. To deny one is to bring out the worse in the other. A wolf caged up will strike out the moment it is freed. A human imprisoned will feed his desired once liberated."

I could see I hit home with that last statement as he looked downward in self reflection and perhaps embarrassment. His whole body language was one filled with self doubt. It was a pity that he could not realize the truth but I could not force it. In time I know he'd realize it. So close we were to the solution but an electric buzzing rung at my ears coming from his coat pocket.

"You're going to have a call," I announced.

The ringing started almost as soon as I stopped talking. Sean gave me a look of bewilderment mixed with awe at my sense of hearing. He sighed as he retrieved the phone from his coat pocket. The light from the phone illuminated the wolf's face as he flipped it open in the dim room.

"It's him..."I muttered, no growled in anger half clenching the phone in rage.

Why the fuck did he have to call me now and just as Claude was getting interesting. Of course the revelations I was told did not help the situation. I read the text message. Despite making it known I was going to see Claude apparently Kevin still didn't get the concept.

"And what does he want?" came the deep bass voice of the French werewolf. Even his voice was something to be in awe and feared. It commanded attention and even in our conversation I found myself never ceasing to admire it.

I quickly read over the poorly typed message of the endless sorries, faked concern, and confessions of caring. Sorry Kevin but the truth was revealing and his actions of the past night seemed to fit well into what Claude described. The message was so insincere that it simply angered me more the more I thought about his bestial image in the bathroom, not even ashamed to show his arousal or hide it. His intentions last night were clear.

"He says he is sorry and wants to know where I am, despite the fact I told him," I blurted out angry causing me to rush my words as I tossed the cell phone to the floor in disgust.

I was angry, frustrated, and tired of all the sudden revelations occurring in the last day or two. My world had never been solid when I became a werewolf but now even those things I thought I could trust were no longer reliable. More so I was frustrated with my own blindness to it all and the fact Claude, Kevin, and Eric all seemed to have their grip on their natures, and I still didn't. Some beta I was I kept saying to myself as doubt flooded my thoughts.

Claude stood up. From the first moment I looked up him entering the room I found myself catching looks at his physique. He wore a leather vest open to reveal a rounded chest and ripped stomach covered in a fine coast of rusty brown hair. His arms were flexing every time he moved them which occasionally distracted me. The blue jeans seemed almost glued on save for around the waist leaving room for the imagination to fill. Finishing his biker apparel was a pair of black leather boots dusted with sandy dirt. He looked and acted like an Alpha, strong, confident, knowledgeable. Part of me though he might just be wooing me, another part wouldn't mind if he did. He extended a large hand to me.

"I am afraid I have not been a good host so far beyond offering you a drink. I am also tired of pack business. So let me give you a tour of the cafe," he smiled, a genuine smile.

I nervously took Claude's hand. In a rapid, fluid motion he had me up on my feet supporting me with his arms. I was surprised at the speed but he was a werewolf after all and I am sure all his prey were equally caught off guard. I could hear him inhale my scent heavily as he held me there. I took the opportunity to do the same. His was a musky scent, mixed with the faintest hint of blood, over all the layers there was the scent of wilderness, a forest newly wetted by a passing thunderstorm, rivers flowing, the acrid smell of autumn leaves decaying into the earth, more natural than any werewolf I had smelt before.

"You smell all too human Sean, but I like the sage, mixed with sweet grass, maybe later I'll show you my home. I think you'd like it," he smiled holding onto me. I was captivated so much so I went silent until he looked at me concerned.

"Oh sorry sir...You smell....wild...I...I kind of like it," I could feel myself hesitate nervous not to let on that one of his traits was arousing. How far could I trust the Beast, especially learning that his whole reputation was no more than a facade? Was he any different from Kevin?

"Stop worrying my friend. I am not going to harm you no more than I harm any self respecting werewolf," calmed Claude as he backed away slowly.

"I am not much of a werewolf, if I were to judge based on your concept of what we are. I am still very much at war with myself."

He remained silent for a moment obviously thinking on what to say. "I think I can help you Sean Michaels but before I do I need to show you what I am doing here. This part of the cafe is for us alone, the pack and our guests. The main part is for human patrons to keep the facade that we are not a werewolf hang out to those who might suspect."

"Those who suspect?" I inquired raising a brow as he walked over to a wooden door on the side wall.

"Come now Sean, you've been a werewolf long enough to know that there are humans interested in seeing us dead. Even with all the betas in all the packs working non stop, we could not catch all the leaks, all the threats, and the revelations. Werewolves like my great grandfather don't care about being not seen, humans who catch us at the right moments, a passer by witnessing a werewolf on the hunt. All it would take is one werewolf caught on video and posted onto You tube to end everything you and the other betas have worked on. I doubt you believe we can avoid detection forever either," flatly stated Claude as he lead me up a small set of stairs and down a small hallway.

His stocky muscular build prevented me from seeing where he was taking me. I was nervous being led some place unfamiliar to me by someone who I really did not know. Keep wary, the wolf warned going quite wild with alarm and nervousness. It's nervousness was adding to my own but if I were to find out the truth for Eric I had to do this. No that wasn't too important. My loyalty to Eric had been rattled not only by today's revelations but also Kevin's attitude towards me. Some where Eric had allowed him to act as an animal and that was not the lead I had respected for all this time. No it was the promise of being made whole. I had seen what would happen if I didn't resolve the conflict within me and that was not an option I cared for. He lead me to a door at the end of the corridor.

"So what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Preparing like any good leader does," he cryptically answered looking over his shoulder at me.

I cautiously walked into the room first as he followed. My heart started to race as I took in the scents in the room. There was slight panting, a certain degree of excitement with a tinge of fear, and a musky aroma permeating everything. Claude's excitement at my sudden fear got me nervous and I was preparing to flee when he turned on the lights. The room was dimly lit but I could see amber eyes glowing in the darkness towards the back of the room. Even after being a werewolf as long as I have been the sight of dancing orbs of yellow still made me jump.

A young man walked up to us. He had dirty blond hair that when down to his shoulders and a goatee. He was shirtless, a muscular swimmers build with a chest covered in light brown hair, a toned stomach, and biceps circles with black Gaelic symbols. The jeans he wore were faded and covered in dust. His sneakers were equally aged. One thing I noticed was a scar on his left shoulder that appeared to be a bite mark.

"Sean this is one of our newer recruits, Derek. Derek this is Sean Michaels, beta of the Lakes Region Pack," introduced Claude.

"Sir may I go see Aaron?" he asked needy.

I wondered if he had bitten him. He seemed confused but also submissive which surprised me given the edgy look he had.

With a nod from Claude, Derek shot past us and down the hallway.

"Aaron brought Derek in after they were dating, so much for being the big bad wolf," smiled Claude. "This is..."

The room went silent until there was the clicking of claws on wood. I noticed the room now, no longer distracted by strangers or blocked by Claude's mass. Half the room had been converted into a large cage with bars running from floor to ceiling. The one window in the back was blacked out with bar covering it and looked reinforced in the panes as well. The floor was wood but heavily scratched up. It had to be because inside the cage were two werewolves both in hybrid form pacing back and forth nervously eyeing us.

"...Where our new recruits are put until they learn control over their bestial sides," he explained closing the door behind us.

"So you have been recruiting new members. How many?" I queried watching the two pace.

"Only those you have met but there are a few other that may be brought in if they work out," he replied as he put his hand through the bars.

The brown wolf, clearly female, came up to Claude and sniffed the offered hand. The other one was a typical gray wolf, white underbelly, occasional patches of brown to tan in the coat, muscular and very male. He sat eyeing Claude cautiously switching his focus between me and the other werewolves. A slight snarl came from the male as the female became more affectionate. Claude didn't seem to mind it much until the male launched forward in a flash. Before I could blink the two werewolves were fighting in the cage snarling and snapping at one another ferociously. I jumped back at the sheer brutality as they threw each other around thudding against the bars. When they hit I heard a yelp and smelt fur burning. I sniffed the air again. That's how the simple bars were keeping them in, coated in iron but at the core solid silver. The two whimpered away licking their wounds.

"Seems Jacob and Liz are still having some aggression to work out," he sighed turning back to me.

"It's barbaric keeping them locked up as animals," I observed.

"No more barbaric than what you are doing to yourself. These two will emerge from this cage whole and complete. However the cage your beast is in is not like these metal bars," he remarked running a hand over the metal. "At least this way they can feel the savagery of the beast learn to use it, align with it, and not be ashamed of it. Not like you have been restrained."

"I have not been restrained," I protested folding my arms over my chest.

In a flash of movement which appeared very fluidic, he was in my face. He ran a large hand over my chest. The heat from it made me shiver as he leaned down whispering into my ear.

"Perhaps you should be."

He started nuzzling me in the shoulder and neck. The rough bristles of his beard tickled my neck as he pulled me close. The heat from his body made me moan in relief. The familiar scent of musky wilderness poured out of him and surrounded us like an unseen fog. As much as he had scared me just a day ago he was pushing all the right buttons at the moment. A low growl and a sudden sharp sensation on my neck brought out the wolf. I whimpered aloud as he nipped on my neck I could feel my skin toughed at sharply as his teeth grazed the muscles. I used the last bit of will power and common sense to push away slightly hoping my effort would reach the beast.

"Hmmm," smiled Claude a slight tinge of savage malice in his face. "Now my wolf it is time for you to be released."

He grabbed me by the neck and with a flash of movement opened the door to the cage. Violently I was thrown in. The sudden change of Claude's behavior bewildered me as well as caught me off guard. Before I could even get to my feet he slammed the door shut. The smell of burning flesh and acidic scent of silver filled my nose. Goddamn it the bar were silver. I felt the rage filled my body and blind my senses. Claude looked at me almost sympathetically.

"I am sorry Sean, but before I go any further with you or tell you anything else, you need to experience your own beast."

"Fuck you!" I'll rip your head off when I get out of here!" I snarled my common sense and nicety towards Claude fading rapidly.

Claude laughed defiantly. "Oh pup if you do manage to get out I'll gladly let you do whatever you want with me. However I'd concentrate on your cell mates first."

I felt jagged fangs rip into my shoulder as one of the werewolves launched at me knocking me to the floor. The other was clawing into my legs. I was going to be a meal for them while Claude simply stood and watched. The world went black and white as I felt the anger, rage, blood lust, the beast was coming. Before I blanked out in darkness I heard him speaking.

"Come on, come on, don't you die on me Sean."

He was coaching me on, egging on this change but I was in no way able to stop the flood of primal instincts and preservation coming as I felt my life's blood spill over my back. I felt the changing coming, fur replacing skin, rage and strength replacing intelligence and weakness, and I heard the Alpha saying.

"That's it, let it out!"