Mystery caller Revealed, the Fall Craftsmen’s Fair and a Red Halloween! part one of two

Story by Tobias Woadpaw on SoFurry

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Mystery caller Revealed, the Fall Craftsmen's Fair and a Red Halloween!

All of the characters except Alex and Jake Morris belong to me

Alex and Jake are on loan from wiiplayer1996 and belong to him!

Part 1 of 2

The next day Tobi's ears perked up as he hears someone knocking on the door he gets up slipping on a set of green boxers. Seeing his fur is still crisp with Cody's and his own cum form last night smiles and goes to answer the door. Opening it groggily squinting in the sunlight "Hello who..? " is all he gets out as a tan shape tackles him to the floor. The tan furred individual gave off a scent of the ocean and desert sand then he knew who it was before he even herd the odd colored otter for it was an otter say "Tobi its been so long since I have seen you!" . Tobi's cousin Cooper hugged him tightly. "c-Cooper what are you doing here?" Tobi gasped out as his chest was hugged by the Aussie otter.

Tobi's Cousin Cooper is a hybrid his father being a Dingo and his mother a English river otter he was an otter like his mother but like his father had a tan kaki coat and his ears were slightly pointed. He stood he was about five feet tall his eyes were ice chip gray he was sporting jeans, a black T shirt with the band name "Noidz" written on it and had a large duffle over his shoulder and a case in his paw.

The otter released Tobi form his hug and looked at him, "Didn't uncle Rory tell you? He asked cocking his head to the side. Tobi looked confused and shook his head smiling . "well come on in actually there is someone I want you to meet . Tobi leads the way to the kitchen and sets up Cooper with a bowl of cereal then heads to his room for Cody.

The husky is snoozing in the bed one leg out of the sheets and over the side, Tobi smile and pokes him with a finger. " mmmh hey what gives?" asks Cody, "come on lets shower off my cousin Cooper is here we need to get decent " the fox giggles as they head for the shower.

As the two lovers shower the otter downstairs finishes his cereal and starts to check out his new environment. Cooper is looking through some old records of Rory's when his nose twitches he turns to find Tobi freshly showered and dressed in tan cargo shorts and a green half t shirt with Cody standing behind him in jeans and a black T.

Tobi looks form one to the other smiling, " Coady this is my cousin Cooper, Cooper this is my boyfriend Cody." The fox looks to see Coopers reaction. The otter looked over at the two "hahahaa I knew it!!! Wait till dad hears this he'll be out sixty bucks " said Cooper laughing hard. Confused Tobi cocks his head "wha..what are you talking abuout?" wiping a tear form his eye Cooper giggles out a reply, "we ehehe had a bet on whether you were gay or not ahheheheh he said no way you were gay I knew better tho ! "

An expesson of puzzlement was plane on tobis face as he regarded his cousin. "what gave me away?" he asked, "well last summer you could not take your eyes off my friend Bret and I just assumed you were gay. But enough of that what do you do for fun up here? Any good shelas?" Cooper asked as he looks around.

Tobi shighed with a smile and chuckled, "Yes plenty I am sure let me put your stuff in the guest room and we cn go down town.!" . Cooper nods and after Tobi goes upstairs he turns to Cody looks him in the eyes "Ok listen up pup Tobi is like a little brother to me if I find that you hurt him in any way it will end very very badly for you! got it?"

Cody looks back at him "I would never hurt him an if any one tried they would have to through me first !"

Cooper looks at him for a moment then nods and holds his hand out "good an no hard feelings yea? Just have to look out for my cousin" Cody nods and smiles "I understand got to look out for family" the two turn as they hear someone clearing there throat and find Roderick looking at them from the door way the older fox smiles at them " oh is the pissing contest over? Splendid! " he hugged both of the boys in turn "it's nice to see you again Cody and I hope you had a smooth flight Cooper?" Cody said hello and Cooper it was uneventful. Roderick walked over into the threshold and took off his shoes an coat setting them down he stretched. "well I am going to catch some shut eye you boys be safe ok?" they noded and the older fox went to go upstairs and almost ran into Tobi as he came down. After saying hello to his dad he started out the door with the other two boys.

The streets were full of vendors and furs all there for the Fall Craftsmen's fair, that was held every year. As the three furs made their way through the crowd they looked at the various stalls, seeing furs selling jewelry, beads, chainmail bracelets, hand crafted daggers and all sorts of stuff. As the three furs walk down the street a pair of black wolf husky mixes waves them over near one of the vendor tables.

"Hey Cody! " Says the older one who looked like he was nineteen giving Cody a hug, the younger one who appeared to be a little younger hung back behind his big brother his ears back. Looking over at Tobi and Cooper the older husky asks "who are these guys?"

Cody pulls Tobi close to him "This Is my boyfriend Tobi and his cousin Cooper, Tobi this is my friend Alex and his brother Jake!" . Alex laughs his tail wagging "whoa man your gay? Well grats on coming out and bagging a looker!!!". Tobi blushes an hugs Cody tightly. Jake inches out and smiles meekly at them his tail wagging slightly "hey your name is Cooper right?" he asked the otter.

Cooper smiled at him "yea it Is mate! Jake blushes an looks at his feet "I have not seen an otter who has fur that color before." The otter grinned at the wusky "well me dad is a dingo an me mum she's an otter so I got mums looks but dads color!" .

Jake nods "so your from Australia right?" he asks his tail wagging a bit. "yea I am a little town called Alabaster cove." Replied Cooper folding his arms. Alex cleared his throat "pardon me guys but Jake we need to head home and Cody we will meet you three at the pub tonight yea?" Cody nods "yea six thirty fine with you two?" Alex smiles "yea its perfect! See ya then!" . As the two brothers walk away Tobi sees something at a booth that catches his eye.

Alex and Jake

Jake ran into the house and up to Alex's room to play some video games_,_ there father was at work so the two boys had the house to themselves. Alex put his keys on the table_, "time for a little fun!_" Alex thought to himselftip toeing up the stairs. He silently went to his room and crept up behind Jake. Pouncing on him an pulling his little brother into a tight hug " Hey bud can we turn that off for a sec? " Jake dropping the controller as he is picked up giggling. "Sure bro what's up?" he asked smiling. Alex looked at his little brother smiling he nuzzled Jakethen kissed him on the lips.

Jake muured practically melting in Alex's arms feeling his older brother's swelled sheath through his pants. Jake's tail began to wagboth of them stripping down and embracing one another! Their naked bodies rubbing together as they kissed. Jake kissed his brother's nipples as he moved down nuzzling Alex' seven inch cock already out of its sheath shinning with pre, Jake he felt his own member slip out of his sheath as he sniffed his brothers erect cock taking in his sent as he began licking the tip then taking the head into his maw and suckling on it.

Alex moaned and shuddered as his brother sucked him off his warm tongue sliding over his shaft. He started to hump into his brothers mouth slowly then picking up the pace his cock pulsating he pulled out of Jake's mouth and kissed him. "I think puppy wants my dick in his cute little ass, well first puppy needs to be clean!" Alex said grinning. Jake turned around lifting his tail exposing the tight pucker beneath, Alex sniffed then began to lick around the entrance his tongue slicking Jake's ass before slipping inside causing his younger brother to moan out! Alex moved his tongue around Jake's tunnel lubing it up, Jake squirms his four inch cock already out and erect he pants out "Take me Alex I want to feel you in me!"!

Alex withdraws his tongue an places himself over his fourteen year old brother, his tail waging squirts warming lube into his cock rubbing it over his rock hard member. He leans over Jake his tip poking the younger wusky then he pushes in slowly muuuring as his brothers soft flesh grips his cock sliding in halfway letting Jake adjust before pushing the rest of the way in hilting his moaning brother. Alex pulls out slowly then slams back in to Jake picking up speed as he hammers into him!

Jake pants as he is fucked feeling his tight hole penetrated by Alex! His own cock throbbing as he feels their balls slap together! His older brothers knot hitting his tail hole demanding entrance Jake grits his teeth "TIE ME FILL ME WITH YOUR SEED!! " he yells feeling Alex take a stronger hold of his hips!

Alex grips Jake's sides and hearing his younger bother beg for his seed he slams his knot into him then fucks him hard suddenly Jake's tunnel tightens as he hits his prostate and Alex smells his little bothers cum the scent pushing him over the edge and his cock twitches shooting ropes of cum deep into Jake!

Tied together they lay down Alex still rock hard buried deep in Jake he nips his little brother on the neck "I love you" , Jake giggles happily "I love you to big bro!"!