The Digimon Wars Chapter 12 Chance

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Authors Note:

I actully had to chance a lot about ths story throughout it's development, but I finally finished it!

Wanna know why it took so long? Gears of War 3 and Dead Island, 'nough said.




Tom was starting to wake up. He was in a room with a few beds and a huge open window. He slowly stood up to a sitting position. ''Ahh, you're finally awake.'' He turned to look at the familiar voice, it was Michael with Lilymon behind him. Tom then remembered that he had become an digimon. ''Napoleon I-'' ''You begame an Garurumon, a champion level digimon of friendship.'' Tom was suprised to hear that he knew so much about digimon. ''Friendship?'' Michael started walking to him. ''Yes, it's power is very similiar to Greymons. Courage and friendship get their power from the same source, from the desire to help others.'' Tom was still a little confused. ''But...'' ''Don't question the power you have, let me tell you a little bit about what I have found out in these few days.'' He sat on Toms bed and began to tell his story. ''You see I am an virus version of Agumons digivolutionary line, courage except with me it's anger and revenge. Katie has the digivolutionary line of Piyomon, love. There's a few things that can outmatch what love can do. But you my friend have the line of Gabumon, friendship. It's a strong line that few can posses because people tend to not have any true friends.''   Lilymon went to the other bed on the other side of the room where Katie was, Michael contiuned. ''It's only a theory but I think that some humans can become the 8 legendary emotionary digimon. Agumon, courage. Gabumon, friendship. Piyomon, love. Tentomon, knowledge. Patamon, passion. Tailmon, light. There are others which I have not found out yet.'' Tom was a little confused. ''But that still doesn't explain how-'' ''That's the thing, so few humans can even possess these emotions and that's why they digivolve, I think...'' ''You think?'' Michael stood up from the bed and walked to the huge window. ''I still have no idea why or how humans can digivolve, but what I have realised that they must have one of these emotions and they must know that digimon are living beings just like us.'' Tom was starting to understand, it all made sense. ''You know, I think that that theory of yours is actully true. It all adds up to the last thing.'' Michael turned to face him. '' I know but until it can be proven completely it stays as a theory, but you're right it's the closest thing to truth.''   Tom was about to stand up when Michael stoopped him. ''Woah there! Your bpdy has used a lot of energy so I wouldn't walk, it was amazing how you could master your digivolution like that.'' Tom lied down again. ''Master it?'' ''Yeah. You were able to keep the form and control all your actions, unlike Katie and me where we went berserk but we still knew who the enemy was thou.'' Tom was a little scared. ''What about when you become a stronger digimon?'' Michael was a little suprised by his question. ''Ahh yes the ultimates and megas, well Katie was able to completely control hers but my virus forms are much more powerful than normal ones so I don't control them at first.'' Tom was debating if he should ask or not, but he swallowed his fear and asked. ''Have you ever.... Ran amok?'' Michael sighed. ''Twice, the first time was when I got digivolved into an ultimate digimon that could destroy mega level digimon with ease and I destroyed a city that was a little bigger than New York. The second time was in Paris, I digivolved into a very powerful mega level digimon and if I'd have to guess I could have destroyed the entire United States in an hour or two but these forms use a lot of energy.''   ''That brings up another question, if I would use too much energy as an digimon what would happen?'' Michael checked from Lilymon if Katie was fine. ''If you use too much energy my best guess is that you get transformed back into an human but my other guess is that you die, digimon work a little differently that you might think. If they use too much energy they die and if they use it wisely they only devolve back to their weaker forms.'' Tom somewhat understood what he was saying. ''And for my last question, where are we?'' ''We are in the digital world in a town that I made with all the digimon who believe in me, there are hundreds of digimon here who would give their own lives to protect me and thousands of others all around the digital world who would do the same.'' Tom stood up to a sitting position again. ''What do you mean?'' Michael walked to him. ''I mean that I am their leader and they believe in me, I cannot fail them. I have to do my best to protect them just like they are trying to protect me, I want to save many lives as possible. Humans and digimon alike, I want to make everyones lives good but it's hard.''   Michael made Tom lie down. ''Rest now soldier, we need everyone at their best.'' Tom was confused by his words but he was tired and the sun was setting. In the morning Tom woke up feeling better than ever, he wasn't even tired at all. After doing his morning routines he realised that Katie wasn't there, he went downstairs to find out that there was a meeting of somekind. Michael Katie Lilymon Tailmon with headsets and three kids were having breakfest and talking about something. ''So basically we need to- Oh Tom! Come on over here and sit.'' Michael yelled to him. Tom walked to the table and took a seat, there was food on the table and some maps. Tom grabbed some bread and began eating. Michael continued speaking. ''So basically what we need to do is to wait for GrapLeomon to arrive and then we attack QueenChessmons army, understand?'' Tom wasn't here so he didn't understand. ''I'm sorry what?'' Michael took a sip of his milk, then he spoke. ''Alright listen up, I'm going to repeat everything I said so Tom here can hear as well and so you guys remember understand?''   They all nodded. Michael began his story. ''Alright, after the attack on Moscow we found out that the real machine was actully held in the Ural Mountains so we went there to destroy it. But it was only the size of an truck so I figured that we should steal it, for some reason in the digital world computers and such don't need electricity to work. After we took the machine we opened a digital gate, we took the machine into it and we landed here. This was only a camp when I first got to the digital world but now it's a large town. I had to figure out how to use the machine since the instrutions were in Russia and luckily I speak Russia pretty well, after I figured out how to use the use machine I thought Tailmon here how to use it because the machine requires at least one person on it at all times.'' He signed towards Tailmon who was stuffing her face with all kinds of human sweets, Michael still couldn't look at her without laughing or smiling because she was wearing that headset so Michael could radio her at any time. ''Tailmon, you don't have to keep that on all the time you know.''   ''But I like it!'' Michael chuckled a little then he continued his story. ''Anyway, after I got back here I started doing a series of tests with the machine. I opened digital gates robbed something I needed and then immideatly closed it when I got out, no one ever knew I was even there.'' Tom interrupted his story. ''But on TV they are saying that you guys were attacking all over Russia.'' Katie giggled a little, Michael kept explaining. ''Well the only thing we did was to get rid of some materials that aren't good for nature.'' Tom smiled. ''I didn't know that you were a hippie.'' Michael chuckled a little. ''Well I guess I am, anyway. After I stole some computer, maps and whatnot these digimon who were here when I first came into the digital world came here because I had sent Lilymon to tell them where I was and that I was making a new city thats citizens can live in peace. More digimon came that I had excepted so I had to make it bigger with the help of the digimon, I have taken human stuff here but still kept the human culture at bay. What this little village is you might ask? It's a safe haven for digimon and humans alike, I will make this place my HQ as well. And you might have heard when I mentioned QueenChessmon, she is an evil digimon who wants to destroy us. I have avoided any battles with her because she has spies everywhere surrounding the town and I will not risk my citizens lives.''   Michael sighed. ''I'm currently waiting for GrapLeomon to arrive so we can go confront her armies.'' Before Tom could even ask Michael told him the answer. ''GrapLeomon leads a huge resistance that disobeyes EmperorGreymon who rules the digital world. GrapLeomon has managed to raise an army and I found him, I got him to agree that we need to take action against QueenChessmon before she attacks any cililian settelments.'' Michael stood up from the table and started walking around the table. ''You all play an important role in this play, tomorrow I shall attack the human worlds city called Vatican. Why? Because it's the most religious place on Earth! If we wipe it out the catholics and whatnot will panic, I will start from there to fix the human world.'' Tom hit the table and stood up. ''Just because you don't believe in god dosen't mean that you can attack the Vatican City and kill millions of innecent people!'' Michael chuckled to himself, he leaned on the table towards Tom. ''Innocent? Believe? It's their fault that the world believes in god that doesn't exist, it has been proven many times for thousands of years!''   Tom wanted to object but he figured that Michael was impossible to debate with, he was too smart. Michael continued walking around the table. ''After that we attack Washington D.C, the core of the political plague. After that we deal with the Talibans and other terrorist organizations, and then we head for-'' One of the kids stood up in anger. ''Are you insane!? I'm not going to help you to destroy the world, especially not the greatest country there is! My home.'' Everyone wanted to know what Michael would respond but instead of replying he was laughing so hard tears came to his eyes. ''Greates? USA? Loud laughing You gotta be kidding me! It's the worst country on Earth!'' He then contiuned laughing. The kid wanted to yell at him but Lilymon made him to sit down. Michael continued his pacing around the table. ''Anyway, after we have attacked the cores of the destruction of humanity we will make a video telling who we are and why are we doing this. Questions?'' Tailmon asked. ''Are you sure that destroying your world is helping it?''   Michael sighed and looked at her. ''War is a last resort, our people have been trying to make the human world a better place for thousands of years in peace but now we had enough.'' Before anyone could comment on this a Plotmon ran in the room, she jumoed on the table and yelled at Michael. ''pant He's here! GrapLeomon's here!'' Everyone was suprised to hear this and they were even more suprised to see that the voice belonged to a child, and even more suprised when they realised that she was covered in scars and such that ould never go away. ''Good job buddy, Tailmon! See that she gets some rest, Lilymon with me.'' Michael then started walking outside with Lilymon close behind him, Tom watched as Tailmon took the small digimon to her lap and walked somewhere. Tom asked Tailmon something before she got away. ''Uhh, what happened to her?'' Tailmon stopped and turned to face Tom, she then petted the Plotmon. ''Your mother did this.'' She then walked away. Tom was utterly sdocked, that was why they attacked that facility? His mother actully did that? Even thou he couldn.'t believe it he was still very convinced because everyone told him so, he hit the table with all his hatred. He then stood up to go outside while thinking to himself. (How could she? She is a loving person but how could she do something like this? She had outcasted her own children and an entire race of different digimon! How could she?) Before he reached the outern door he was stopped, someone grabbed his hand. He was about to pull his hand free when he saw that Julie was holding his hand. ''Tommy, I'm scared...''   Tom patted her head. ''I know, but you must stay strong.'' ''You two! You're the kids of that monster right?'' They turned to see that Katie had gotten up and walked towards them. Julie got mad. ''Mommy is not a monster!'' Tom kneeled to her sister. ''Get some breakfest will ya? After that you can roam around the town, let me handle this okay?'' She nodded and went to have some breakfest, Tom stood up and signed Katie to go to talk outside. Outside Tom was the frist to speak. ''Don't you talk about her near Julie! She's too young to understand all this!'' Katie pushed him back. ''Don't talk to me like that! I'm the second in command of the new world!'' ''And this new world crap too! Do you reallt believe that killing millions of innocent people will chance the human world to a better place to live?'' ''Of course it does! If you would have a little bigger brain then you could realise it as well!'' ''What's this commotion about?'' Lilymon said when she got in between them. Tom pointed at Katie. ''Napoleon has brainwashed her, killing millions of humans will not make it a better place to live!''   Lilymon stopped Katie from punching him, she then said. ''Both of you calm down! Katie, he wants you to come with him to fight the battle.'' Katie nodded and started to run to the gates. Tom was still furious, he looked at Lilymon. ''Take care of my sister Julie okay? I'm going to take a walk. Michael was speaking with GrapLeomon at the gate. ''So the plan is simple, a frontal assault with air support.'' GrapLeomon nodded. ''Even thou many will die they will not die for nothing.'' ''That's my kind of war, every single life counts.'' Michael said and looked at the army that was resting infront of the town. There were about 600 Oryxmon and about the same amount WereGarurumon. As air support there were about 400 Pteramon. ''Michey!'' Katie yelled when she ran to them. Michael was grateful. ''Good you made it, shall we go to the battle then?'' She nodden, Michael then looked at GrapLeomon who also nodded. Michael digivolved into his BlackWarGreymon form when Katie digivolved into Hououmon. The battle against the evil queen would soon take place.   Michael lead the battle, he was flying just above his troops. QueenChessmon was hiding behind her 2.000 Knightmon army, all of BishoChessmon, RookChessmon and KnightChessmon stayed at her castle. ''Come on! Push push push!'' Michael yelled to his soldiers. The WereGarurumon charged riding the Oryxmon and the Pteramon were in the sky being lead by Katie in her Hououmon form. The two armies were just about to clash when GrapLeomon jumped up. ''The King of Fist!'' He came down with an devastating blow that took out a few Knightmon. When the two armies clashed death started to spread on both sides, Katie and her flying little friends started raining down destructsion on to the back of the Knightmon army and the digimon in the front managed to take out a couple of Knightmon before the real battle began. Michael had to go for QueenChessmon right away so she wouldn't do that much damage to his army. He flew straight away to QueenChessmon who was hiding behind her army, she didn't see Michael coming throught the smoke. Michael rammed QueenChessmon down to the ground and then quickly got rid of her body guards, just as Michael was about to kill the last Knightmon QueenChessmon started running at him with her staff. ''Grand Cricket!''   Michael blocked her attack and then threw her away from him. ''Terra Destroyer!'' He quickly charged his attack and launched it at QueenChessmon, she barely got out of it's way by jumping up high and staying in the air. She was looking for Michael but couldn't find him. ''Right behind you!'' QueenChessmon tried to hit him with her staff but Michael dodged it and grabbed her and started to fly towards the ground. He stopped leaving QueenChessmon flying towards the ground, he readied his claws. ''Dramon Killer!'' He started flying at QueenChessmon at a high speed while pointing the claw weapons at her. QueenChessmon managed to land properly, as she was going to look up she got Michaels claws though her chest. Michael chuckled a little. ''Finally I got you.'' He then pulled his claws off of her leaving her to scream while getting turned to small bits of data. The near by Knightmon turned to see their queen die and to see Michael reading his claws. ''Let's do this fast shall we?'' Michael started to fly at them at a high speed, before they could even react they started to disappear in the air as bits of data. Michael quickly got rid of a huge chunk of Knightmon in a short while, Katie and her Pteramon had destroyed the flanks of the Knightmon and GrapLeomon had managed to do a hole in the ranks of the enemy army. After a while Michael had quickly gotten rid of the last Knightmon, as he looked around for any possible survivors GrapLeomon ran to him. ''I can't believe that your plan actully worked! I owe you a drink as you human would say.''   Michael didn't join his celebration. ''Casualties?'' GrapLeomon immideatly got serious. ''We lost a few dozen Oryxmon and a few dozen of WereGarurumon as well, but in that charge even I was amazed how you knew that a lot of the Knightmon would die.'' Michael looked at his claw weapon. ''I feel as if this would be covered in blood...'' ''What?'' GrapLeomon asked. ''Ah, nothing just thinking out loud. Anyway, take the men to Freiheit and get some rest. Katie! Let's go!'' With that said he flew away with Katie close behind him. Michael was just thinking to himself. [A great victory but at what cost? We were lucky that she didn't have the time to buff her soldiers, but it makes me wonder if I would have managed to win differently....] ''Michey!'' Michael was startled by Katies sudden call. ''Yeah sorry what? ''I said that we're nearing somekind of an city!'' They stopped, there it was. The Chess Castle, now without QueenChessmon it would be an easy victory. He turned to look at Katie. ''What do you say? Kill 'em?''   ''Kill 'em.'' She nodded. Back in the town Tom was walking around it, he wanted to get to known better to the town. He found that there were a few kindergardens a few small farms and some other stores. It was hard for him to picture all this even thou it was infront of his eyes. Michael had taken a lot of examples from the human world but he didn't take currency, instead of money there were these work points. Tom didn't really know how they worked but he could guess that the more you help the town the more points you get, to Tom it made perfect sense. When he was just walking around the town no one paid any attention to him, no one was a bit suprised that there were other humans here. Tom was some food stalls when he noticed that the digimon didn't have to pay for food, he was getting hungry as well and decided to grab a bite. Tom went inside a somekind of an restoraunt, when he stepped in he was amazed by how much it looked like an human restaraunt. When he took a few more steppes he was suprised when two Tailmons jumped infront of him. The other was holding some papers, a pencil and an pink bow tie on top of her head. The other one had a black tie, this one said. ''Welcome to Full Belly, may I take you to a empty table?''   Tom was somewhat suprised to hear this, no matter how he looked at it it was funny to see different Tailmon to do something unexcepted. ''Y-yes please.'' ''Right this way.'' The Tailmon turned around to find an empty table, while Tom was following her he was suprised to see how many different digimon there were in here. ''This will be your table for today, the menu's on the table and I will come back to take your order. Thank you for visiting Full Belly.'' When she had walked away Tom was snickering to himself in his seat. ''Full Belly?'' He then grabbed the menu and looked over some foods, he wasn't really suprised that there wasn't any alchohol or anything that was hard to make. He decided to just to go with an burger, propably this big one... When he put the menu down the Tailmon began walking to his way, Tom was just thinking to himself. (Napoleon really had some fun teaching them to behave like real waiters, I'd imagine that he couldn't be without laughing at them too.) ''Are you ready to order?''   ''Ah yes, I'd like to have this big burger.'' ''Ah, good choice. Please wait.'' Then she walked to the kitchen, as she was walking there Tom looked at the other digimon that were there. He soon noticed that there wern't any big monsters, instead there were a bunch of small digimon. Soon enough Tailmon came back with his burger, it really was as big as in the picture. ''Here you go, what would you like to have for drink? Juice, water or milk?'' Tom was a little embarrassed to ask for some coke but he went with the water, when he tasted the burger he almost wanted to yell that this was the best thing he had ever eaten. After he had had his little dinner he decided to walk around the town a little more, when he just happened to walk around the gate he saw a huge army resting infront of the town. He was startled first but soon realised that they were on their side, he saw something in the sky far away. Before he even ralised Michael had flew past him, he turned to see where he was hurrying. Michael had stopped infront of the gate, he turned to face Tom. ''Come on, we need to go.''   ''Go where?'' ''To the human world of course, now focus really hard and digivolve into Garurumon.'' ''No! I will not help you to destroy the human world!'' Michael walked to him, he pointed his claw weapon at him. ''You are one of us now, transform! And besides we're obly getting suplies, you're too weak to fight.'' Tom was scared of him, this is where he decided that when he gets strong enough he would betray him. ''Fine!'' Michael, Tom and Katie were just exiting the digi gate when something happened, somekind of an green light flashed before their eyes before they jumped out to the human world. When they exited Michael smashed a car beneath his foot, he realised that he was much bigger than before. He looked at himself in confusion, he looked darker and more powerful. He then looked at Katie and Tom who were also wondering their new sizes, Katies feathers looked much more puffy and Toms fur looked like a clean cats fur. Michael had to test something, he dropped his left claw weapon and showed his arm to Tom. ''Bite me.''   Tom looked confused. ''Wha-'' ''I said bite me!'' Tom did as ordered and bit Michaels arm, but he immideatly let go when Michael yelled in pain. They were all shocked about what they saw, Michaels arm was bleeding. Katie came a little closer to them. ''What is this?'' Michael looked at his arm. ''We... We have been materialized, if I'm bleeding then mabey...'' He took his claw weapon back and swinged it in the air. He could feel the weight of the weapon and he could also feel how much powerful his swing was. He laughed out loud. ''If what I think is correct..'' Tom and Katie asked almost at the same time. ''What?'' Michael looked at them. ''You see that we are much larger now right? We are also stronger, but there's one small problem. We have been materialized, meaning that instead of being made completely out of data we are also flesh and blood.'' He took a few steps to see that he could still walk well. ''We are much more vulrnable to gunfire but we are also much more powerful and intimitating.''   Michael took his sights aroud the abandoned city, when he saw the clock tower he got the confirmation of an succesful digi gate navigation. ''Big Ben, England...'' ''What?'' Tom asked. Michael turned to him. ''You might not know but we propably started world war 3, the entire world is in Defcon 2 and all of the great capitals have been evacuated.'' Tom started to panic a little. ''D-defcon 2!? The nuclear threat?'' ''Yes, they consider us much more dangerous than nukes because we have the digital gate machine now and we know how to use it, let's go get the suplies now.'' They started to walk around to find any useful suplies, Katie flew up to keep watch. Tom was getting creeped out as he looked around to see the rich cultured city of London empty, Michael seemed happy about it. Tom was getting irritated. ''Look I know you're smiling under that helmet! Stop it!'' Michael looked at him a little, then he focused to find any supplies. ''You should be grateful too, we're not getting shot.'' Tom ran infront of him. ''Is the only damn thing in your mind war?''   Michael looked at him in confusion. ''I'm considering our safety here, besides we are at war.'' He then walked past Tom to continue to find some supplies, Tom soon joined him. ''Why do I have the feeling that we're being watched?'' Michael didn't seem to consider the possibility. ''Unlikely but if we are we shouldn't care, it's not like they can do anything against us.'' Michael then used his walkie talkie in his right hand. ''Navigation of the gate succesful, still not seeing any useful supplies thou they took everything possible with them.'' ''Roger!'' Tailmon answered. Tom was wondering about the walkie talkie. ''How does that work when she is in the digital world?'' ''Honestly, I don't know.'' They were walking for a while when they heard something breaking in a store near by. Tom was scared while Michael was mad, they started to walk towards the store. Michael whispered to Tom. ''Go 'round the back, break in when I say 'not so fast' okay'' Tom did as ordered, he ran around the building to wait his command. Michael walked towards the store, when he was close he kicked the door open. The door wasn't big enough for him so he smashed through the wall. He looked around the dark building, he saw that some people went into hiding. ''Who goes there!?'' He yelled to them.   He walked to the next room, he smashed through wall. He could hear some children and women screaming in fear, before he could see anyone he was being beaten with wooden clubs. He didn't even flinch, instead he was laughing and looking at the humans pathetic attempt to attack him. He only needed to take a small swing and there were two bodies with their guts coming out, the others were screaming in fear. He laughed out loud, he loved the feeling of power. Before Michael could continue Tom smashed through the other wall roaring, to everyones suprise he attacked Michael instead of the people. Tom jumped on Michael biting his claw weapon that he defended himself with, Michael wasn't happy about his little betrayal. ''Why you little!'' Michael threw Tom outside, he then jumped outside himself. Before Tom couls stand Michael kicked him, he then hit him with his claw weapon. Michael watched as Tom got smashed to the wall. ''What the hell you think you're doing!?'' Tom was trying to stand up in all his pain. ''I will not let you hurt innocent people!''   Michael kicked Tom in the face. ''Innocent!? Innocent!? They attacked me! And it's because of the human race that the digimon are scared and my people have been tortured by these 'people' for thousands of years!'' Before Tom could objecy Michael broke one of his ribs with a strong kick. ''All of humanity deserves to die! Only us can live! We will rebuilt and fix this world! And all of your kind will die!'' Michael then broke another rib from Tom, he screamed in pain. The people inside were screaming in horror and Tom was yelling in pain. Michael walked to him, he then kneeled to him and said. ''I want you to think about my words, I'll let them capture you and you will not tell them a single word. You were a random soldier that I chose on this mission and you will say that I fought that you deserved to die a slow and painful death, understand?'' Tom didn't understand a single word he said, first he nearly kills him after his betrayal but then he gives him orders? Michael stood up and started to walk away, he took his walkie talkie and spoke to Tailmon. ''Do you copy? The mission was a failure, Tom was captured and we're coming back. Open the gate.''   Michael stopped as the gate opened, he wasn't really suprised that Tailmon didn't ask about Tom. ''Katie! Let's go!'' Katie landed near him, she looked at Tom and then at Michael. ''Trust me, let's go.'' Michael then entered the gate with Katie behind her.