The Fire of Love

Story by Yoan Noastrayeb on SoFurry

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A poem about my feelings for my one true love.

There is a flame that burns inside us all that flickers at each and every hint of love. It flickers but doesnt ever grow until the we find the one that it burns for. Then the flame burns brighter with all the love you give her, and then it starts to grow and turn into a fire but let me tell you one thing and thats if you play with fire your gona get burned. And even if that fire doesn't burn you the impact of her leaving is sure to scar you and when you get scarred it dims the flames until the only thing that you can blame is you for letting the fire grow dim in the firstplace. You try to move on from her but that fire yerns for her it burns for and the more you try to stop the more enraged it gets until she is the only thing you think about and then shes the only thing you ever pray about. Then the fire soon becomes an inferno engulfing your heart and making it hurt throughout all the time you away from her. then it comes a time when you feel like if you spend one more minute without her your gonna be burned alive by the very thing you desire the most. Then you hear that she still loves you but she doesnt want to get back into a relationship right now and isnt even considering it. The wait you feel will cook you sooner still. and then when that fire is fueld by your one true desire you feel like there is nothing that you can't overcome and then you remember that that love is a fire and that you can get burned if you play with it so why even bother but then you take it slow instead of fast like before and thats so the house of love youv'e built in your heart doesn't burn to the ground and leave you yearning for more.