Dirty Preacher

Story by saintajax33 on SoFurry

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The worn black leather of the chair hugged to Toby's body. The chair had a tall back, and curves that clung to his body. It seemed out of place, like it was meant for a smoking lounge and not a preacher's office. Then again the whole office had a strange feel to it. The stained woods, rich browns, and dark leathers, gave the whole place a warm inviting feel, like the study of some old lords home. The panda's stubby ear's stood up as he heard the door creak behind him. He sat up straight, and adjusted the tie on his white dress shirt. He smoothed out the wrinkles that had formed as he'd slouched in that tall backed chair, and ruffled his head fur to make sure it looked right. Heavy footfalls patted the wooden floor behind him. He could Pastor Dan him before he saw him. That rich scent of scotch and leather, even above all the other scents in the room Toby could still pick out his above the rest. It was like he sweated the stuff.

Toby watched as Dan walked into his view, the large black bear stood proud in front of the younger bear. His three piece suit adorning his body like a well worn leather glove, clinging to over large rounded curve. He looked as he always did, strong, powerful, and commanding. He had on his red tie that he wore every third Sunday of the month; it was neatly tucked inside of his vest like always. The brass buttons on his coat sparkled with the dominance that flickered behind his eyes. He walked in front of his desk, and faced Toby, before he leaned back against it. He crossed his arms, and smiled softly at the younger bear in front of him. "So..." he said, his deep voice almost vibrating in his throat as the words spilled from his stubby muzzle. "Your mother has been telling me that you've been having some problems lately."

Toby's arms were crossed, and his eyes looked away from the bear in front of him. "I've just had a lot on my mind lately." He replied in a dry practiced tone. He didn't want to be here. But his mother had forced him. His grades had been dropping, and he'd been abrasive, like he didn't want to be a part of the world anymore. Not that it mattered, he'd already done enough to pass all of his classes, and he had an college acceptance letter sitting in his room. But she still wanted him here.

The bear let out a soft growl of annoyance, before he calmly spoke. "Well maybe I can help, care to tell me what's been on your mind?"

"No," Toby snapped back.

"Are you sure?" asked the pastor

"It's something personal that I need to sort out for myself."

"But you don't have to; it's my job to help you. But I can't if you won't let me in."

"I can't..." the panda spoke softly as he felt tears start to form in the corner of his eyes. "I don't want you to hate me. I don't want anyone to hate me. But if I tell you or anyone, they will."

"Why would I hate you?" the older bruin asked, his eyes growing with a look of concern. "Did you do something?"

"No..." Toby said softly, "it's just complicated." The panda's neck bristled with a combination of frustration and impatience; he didn't want to play this game.

"Look, I promise whatever it is I can help. That's what I'm here for, boy. Just trust me."

Toby's fist clenched into fists, and a snarl grew across his face. He looked up at the preacher, a hell fire lighting his eyes, the likes of which the pastor had never seen before. "The last time I "trusted" someone," he said, his words filled with caustic acidic passion, "I ended up sandwiched between two grizzly bears on some dirty mattress in the back of some seedy bar."

The older bear's ear twitched, but his expression didn't change much otherwise. He stayed quiet for a few moments; clearly he was picking his next few words very carefully. "Did they force you to do this?" Dan asked cautiously.

"No..." he said with a gentle pause, before he spoke again. "Yes... maybe?" He squinted his eyes, and began to rub his temple. "I don't know.... They'd gotten me liquored up; I don't really remember much from that night. I just remember the feelings, the touches, and the smells." Toby's ears laid flat to his head, "Every time I smell a cigar, or taste a beer, I get flashes of what happened. They just won't stop."

Dan's paws slipped into his pockets, his thumbs resting in the belt loops by his pockets. "Why didn't you go to the police after this happened?"

Toby shifted uncomfortably in his chair, "I don't know..." he said with the softness of a whisper. "I thought about it a few times... but every time I did something stopped me."

Dan's ears perked up, "And what was that, son?"

Toby felt like the spot light was on him, he didn't want to tell the preacher, but he just needed someone to talk to. Anyone. Even someone that might not understand. "Because..." he whispered, "I think I liked it..."

The older bruin's right ear twitched, and he had to clear his throat before he spoke again, "Like what exactly?" He asked, a strange gruffness behind his throat, like he was trying to hold something back.

"I don't know... I think there's something wrong with me... I liked the way they talked to me, what they did to me, and how they said they wanted to do it again and again. But I feel so guilty, I've heard you preach for years about how having impure thoughts about other boy's was wrong... and I've heard the rest of the congregation talk, and what they've said scares me. I heard some of my friends saying they would want someone that's," he paused for a moment, thinking of the word to say, one that would not form on his tongue. "Like me... That I should burn in hell for who I am, and how I should convert, and be like everyone else."

Dan stayed quiet for a moment. He lifted one of his fat fingers, "Your're right, and wrong about a lot of things, boy." He said with a gruffness to his voice. "I always said it was wrong for a boy to love another boy..." he paused, and grabbed a cigar from off of his desk, and proceeded to light it. He took a big puff, and let the smoke roll out of his nose. "And my followers might have followers that interpreted what they wanted to hear..." he took a few steps closer to Toby, a soft smirk growing on his muzzle. "What I really meant, was why should the boys be playing with other boys, when they could have big old Papa bears, like me."

Toby's eyes shot wide open as the bigger bear reached out, and grabbed the panda's tie. He twisted it around his knuckles, pulling the younger bear closer and closer to him, until their muzzles were hovering just inches away from each other. Toby's ears still laid flat to his head, his mind raced, he couldn't figure out what was going on. Was this some kind of test? Some kind of way to find out if he was really... if he liked other guys. "What are you..."

Toby was cut off when the preacher spoke again, "Shut up boy, if I wanted your opinion I would have asked you." He took another puff of his cigar, and let the smoke roll across the whites of the panda's face. "I think it's a sin for pretty boys like you to be shakin' up, leaving big needy bears like me to just use their paw at night." His free paw started to undo the buttons of Toby's shirt, "Cub's like you should know their place in this world." He learned in close to one of Toby's short stubby ears, the heat from the cherry of his cigar radiating near his ear as he whispered, "Between a real man's legs."

He ran his fat fingers through the soft downy fluff on Toby's chest, it still had a few years before it got thick and course like his. "You boys love it too, when you're down on your knees suckin' on daddy's dick. And you're being used as the cum rags you are." Dan's eyes glanced down at the growing bulge in the panda's pants, he smirked, and reached down to give it a squeeze. "You like this don't you, boy?"

Toby grit his teeth and his fists clenched down on the arms of the chair, as the preacher's paw sent chills of pleasure pulsing through his body. He wanted to push away, he wanted to yell for him to stop, and let him go. But he couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to do it; it was just like the few weeks before when the bar tender and the owner had done this to him. But this time, he didn't have the alcohol to blame. Maybe it wasn't the liquor in the first place; maybe he was the one that didn't want to leave. He was the one that wanted to feel these things, and do just what Dan was saying. Before he knew what he was doing, the panda slowly nodded his head yes.

The older bruin smiled softly, the white bits of fur speckling his muzzle shinning in the bright midday light. "Good boy," he said sweetly. "Now why don't you stand up, and strip for daddy. Show me just what that cubby body of yours has to offer me." Toby felt like he was on auto pilot as he stood up. He still didn't know what to do or think, so he just went with it. He slipped off his dress shirt, before he kicked off his dress shoes, and undid the top button of his pants. He couldn't help but blush as he pushed them down, and stepped out of them, leaving him standing in nothing but his red plaid boxers. Dan's eyes traced him up and down, and he growled a little, "Take it all off, boy." He said as he pointed at the last thing covering the younger bear's body.

Toby bit his lower lip as he hooked his thumbs in the elastic, and slowly pulled them off leaving himself bare for the preacher. He stood their naked before him, the bruin's lusty eyes eating him up as he walked around him, inspecting him to see just what he'd be getting into. He reached out and ran a claw over one of his flabby pecs, down over his rounded gut, and down to the fat white pouch between his legs. Toby had a soft gasp escape his lips as that older bear growled playfully in his ear. He began to rub and massage those fat panda orbs, making them shake as he moved up, and started to rub his sheath, the thin free piece of flesh moving up and down as it thickened under his touch. "Mmm a good sized pecker for a boy that will be takin' his daddy's dick."

He moved around and grabbed those two big black scoops of panda ass, and squeezed them in his paws, making Toby's thick stubby dick jump. "Nice ass to, its warm and soft. I think my cock will find a nice new home inside of here." The bear pulled off his tie, "Put your arms behind your back." He ordered in the same commanding voice he'd use when telling someone they should convert. Toby did as he was told, and those fat stubby fingers took a hold of his wrists, and he began to bind them behind the panda's back using his tie. "I don't want you being a naughty boy, and touching that dick of yours." He licked his lips, "if that little pecker of yours is squirting tonight, it's going to be because my dick is rammed up your ass."

He walked back in front of Toby, "On your knees." He said with a deep growl resonating in his voice, letting Toby know it was more of a command then a suggestion. Toby did as he was told, and he looked up at the older bruin, watching the smoke from his cigar roll around his head, and off of his nose, clouding the air in front of his face. Dan grabbed the back of Toby's head, and he shoved it into his crotch, grinding the bulge in his crotch against the panda's face. "Nuzzle it. Smell it. Lick it. Show daddy just how bad you want that cub fucker or his inside of you."

Toby's ears laid flat to his, as he stared at the throbbing bulge in front of him. He leaned in, and pressed his nose to it, and nudged it. "Don't be afraid of it, boy. It's not gonna hurt you yet." Toby started to rub his cheek against that bulge, blushing as he felt that incredible heat radiating off it, even through all that fabric. He traced up it with his nose, inhaling the black bears rich musky scent. The smell made shivers run up his spine. It was just like in his dreams, the ones that hadn't stopped since the first night he'd done something like this. Even through the haze of his memory, the smells like this rang through as clear as the morning dew. He followed that prominent outline, to what had to be the head. He stared at it for a moment, and noticed a thick wet spot forming near it. He leaned forward, and gave it a sniff, shivering as he smelled the musky scent of pre cum. He stuck out his tongue, and ran it over that wet spot, shivering as the intoxication flavor ran over his taste buds. His tongue began to lap at that swollen head, trying to get as much of that ambrosiaic liquid that he could.

The preacher smiled at this, "Looks like I found myself one good boy." He pulled the panda's head back, and he blew a puff of smoke down between them, before he undid the front of his pants and pulled out the his thick throbbing dick, and fat kiwi sized orbs. He kept one hand on the panda's head while the other one began to stroke it in front of his face. "Beg for it; tell daddy just how much you want his dick."

Toby's cheeks felt like they were on fire. It was one thing to just lie their passively and let what was happening to him happen. But the preacher actually wanted him to ask for it. It was crossing that line from bystander to participant. And for that matter, he didn't know what to say. What could he say and not make it sound like some cliche porn line. "I want it," He said with the faintness of a whisper.

One of Dan's eye brows raised, and he tugged on Toby's head fur. "Say it like you mean it, boy! Or you won't be getting anything from this Papa bear tonight."

Toby gulped, and took a deep breath, letting that wonderful musky scent run through his nose. It wasn't hindered by the fabric now, he could smell ever molecule that crossed through his nose, and he loved it. He gulped, and looked up at the big bruin above him, a need filling his eyes. A need that he never knew he had until now. "I need it daddy. I need to have that cub fucker inside of me. I want to taste and feel every inch that daddy has to offer me."

The big bear let out a booming laugh that filled the office, and made his thick gut jiggle above his thick dick. "I have to say boy, that's one of the better lines one of you fuckers have come up with on the fly." He started to rub the tip of his dick against Toby's lips. "Well if you want it so bad, show daddy just how much you appreciate his dick while I get ready for that fine fat ass of yours."

Toby bit his lower lip as he tried to remember what the grizzly bears had taught him. He ran his tongue over the head of the black bears dick, and he ran his tongue down the sides, getting a taste for the grizzly's shaft before he ran it along the underside, and took the head of that throbbing bear dick into his muzzle. He wrapped his lips tightly around the head, and began to suckle on it. Just enjoying the taste of the bear's pre cum, before he started to gently bob his head up and down its length, slowly taking more and more inside of is muzzle with each pace of his muzzle. Letting that warm piece of flesh full his muzzle to its braking point, getting the skin as slick as silk.

Dan gave his hips a little thrust, making Toby gag around his length. "Mmm if I'd known you were such a good little cock slut I would have called you in hear months ago." He undid the front of his black jacket, and started to undo the inner buttons of his dress shirt letting more and more of his fat fuzzy body come into view. He reached down, his warm soft body rubbing against the side of the younger bears face as he took a hold of that throbbing panda prick, and began to stroke it. The panda's orbs jiggled as he felt another puff of smoke, and he heard the bear say in a deep growlish tone, "I bet you can't wait to feel that belly of mine grinding into your back as that ass of yours ripples around my big fat dick."

He could feel the heat of the blush in the panda's face, and the throb of the dick in his paw, and that was the only answer he needed. "Oh your such a hungry little boy pig. I bet you can't wait to take that thick load of mine in your tight little cub butt, feeling it squish around inside of you all day until you can get home and finger yourself just dream about what I did to you," He paused and smirked, showing his sharp pearly white teeth. "And what I'm gonna do again, and again, and again, as long as you do just what daddy says." He could feel that 5 inch panda prick straining in his paw. He let go, leaving that throbbing panda dick to the cold air, and stood back up. He pulled the younger bear off his dick with a warm wet pop, and he glared down at the boy before him. "Think you can be daddy's good boy, and do what I say, boy?"

Toby looked up at him, his eyes still filled with that uneasy needy look from before. "Yes daddy." He replied.

"Good," the bear cooed. "Now get up." Toby did as he was told, and he stood there as just prick flexed in front of him, leaving himself bare for the Papa bear in front of him. Dan walked behind the younger bear, and he ran his paws over his thick thighs to that wonderfully fat ass. He slide behind that younger bear, and slid that fat prick of his between the bear's fuzzy ripe ass cheeks. He held his cigar in his paw as he reached around, and started to stroke his cub's dick. He buried his nose in the soft fur on the panda's neck, and he gave it a playfully nuzzle as he gave a little thrust with his hips, making the younger bear jump a little. He pushed him forward, laying him out on the desk. He moved the panda's legs apart, and spread those sweet ass cheeks open with one paw. He licked his lips as that pink pucker came into view, ripe and ready for the taking.

He leaned in and pressed the wet head of his dick against that sweet pucker, and he smirked down at the bear beneath him. He placed his paws on the cub's shoulders, "Get ready boy, here it comes!" He roared as he gripped onto Toby's shoulders for dear life and thrust into that quivering pucker before it even know what hit it. The panda roared out in pain as he felt the whole length of the preachers shaft sink down into his tender abused pucker. He shifted his position letting his fat gut rest against Toby's lower back. Dan set the cigar down in the ash tray beside him, and he began to grind his hips against Toby's ass, "Like that boy? Like the feeling of daddy's dick inside of you? I bet that cubby butt of yours can't wait to eat up my load, isn't that right?"

The panda groaned, and his dick strained under him, begging for its release. He bit his lower lip, and grined his ass against the big daddy bear's dick, groaning as that thick length rubbed that sweet spot inside of himself that made his dick leak pre onto the hard wood floor below. "Yes daddy! I want to feel that warm load inside of me; I want to feel it working its way through my hungry insides."

The older bruin laughed, and he gave that boy's ass a hard slap, "That's a good boy!" He growled playfully and started to thrust in and out of that black and white rump with the vigor of a man half his age.

Toby's paws twisted in their make shift bonds; he wanted so badly to stroke his dick. It practically begged for it. Every time that big fat dick of Dan's would thrust inside of him that need would get worse and worse. Pretty soon it was all he thought about, the world around him fading away, and being replaced with that need. He started to grind back into the bears thrust, just trying to get some feeling, and maybe give his dick the release it craved. With every thrust of the bear above him, he'd feel his dick slap against his belly, and leave another thick glob of pre cum against his gut. He wanted to feel it so bad, "Please daddy I wanna cum, please let me cum!" He begged, the words feeling foreign and strained in his muzzle. It felt so wrong saying them, but oh so right at the same time.

The bear grunted above him, and gave his ass another hard slap. "I don't know if you earned it boy."

Toby bit down on his lower lip, and he began to wiggle his ass around the older bear's thrusting dick. His stubby tail lifted as high as it would go. His back arched, "Please daddy, I'll do whatever you want, just let me cum. I need it, I need to cum." He pleaded as his dick rubbed against his large white belly.

The older bruin licked his lips, "Okay fine," he said through forced words, his mind being elsewhere. "If your promise to be my new cub and meet me every Sunday for our "counseling" sessions, I'll let you cum. But that means during the week you'll have to do just as I instruct. If I want you to go into the locker room and get fucked by every jock in your school, you'll do it with your tail lifted high, and the pictures to prove it. If I want to have you wait under the palpate and suck my dick as I'm giving a speech, you'll do it." The bear smirked, "And if I want you to go see Chuck and Chriss on the anniversary of the bars opening, and be the entertainment for the night, you'll be there in the sluttiest thing you own."

Toby's blood ran cold as that last sentence passed through his ears. He'd know this whole time. The preacher had been in on it, they must have told him. He must have known all along. He felt this odd combination of hurt, pain, and betrayal. But when that cock thrusting dick hit that sweet spot of his prostate, it all melted away. He didn't care anymore, it all felt amazing, he didn't know if he was gay, straight, bi, or some kind of Stockholm head case. It felt good, and that's all the mattered. "Yes daddy, I'd do it all for you! Just please let me cum."

The older bruin let out another laugh, and he reached down and started to stroke that chubby dick between Toby's thick thighs. "Whatever you say, boy." A few strokes was all it took. Toby's face contorted, and those black orbs pulled up tight to his body. His back arched, and his dick sent out spurts of his cum over his rounded stomach, and over the front of the preacher's desk.

"Don't spill a drop of my seed boy, it's a sin for a man to spill his seed upon the ground." He said before he gave out a crude laugh, and pumped his milky seed into his new cub's ass.