Going Against the Demons

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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Trying to do something better.


Derrin woke up from the previous night's sleep and lazily got out of his small nest which passed as his home. He sat down against the wall of the cave and peered outside. There was only barren land out there. No green vegetation. Only brown dirt and grey rocks. After looking out for a few minutes Derrin sighed and stood up, stretching his wings outward. He walked to the edge of the cliff te cave sat atop of and jumped off, taking flight out into the sun baked air. He glided for a few minutes before flapping his wings to regain altitude. Derrin flew for almost three hours before the barren soil finally had anything green patching it. The land quickly changed to live and healthy. Grass covered every inch, moss every rock, and trees dotted the area.

These did not cheer up his mood though. Where he was headed he was teased a lot. No one liked him. And it's all because of how he speaks. He doesn't speak the modern language of the magi. He was born with the tongue of ancient language. Most dragons are born with the language of the late magi. Some may hold both old and modern languages within their vocabulary. But Derrin had the language that was the earliest known form. I was so ancient that no one spoke it anymore. While it held great qualities in casting magic, it did not help with communication. When he started out as a young child he had great potential and learned at a quick pace. Now he barely even cares about his work. He doesn't even listen to the teachers anymore. He has tried to learn another language but that would hold him back in his studdies atleast fifty years to learn every word.

Derrin finally came to the gates that once shined beautifully in front of the school he attended. He landed in front of them and walked in with his head down. Not taking his eyes from the ground as he walked inside and into his normal classroom.

"Ah! Derrin. So glad you could join us.", the teacher said sarcastically.

Derrin kept his mouth shut and took a seat at his usual spot. He was currently learning combat techniques. But since he doesn't actually learn like all the other students do, he is left alone and never even acknowledged by the teacher. The day passed by slowly. Derrin went from the training area to the library for his lunch where he picked out the oldest books and read on what it was like in the ancient times. These books were written in the language he spoke so no one used them and most were covered in cobwebs. After an hour of reading he closed the book, put it on the shelf, and headed out the door. As he made a turn into the hallway he ran into another person and both fell back.

"Anreu! Sieite voshano!", he said in an angered voice.

"Tushei...Daneisa...Rei?", the other person said.

he voice was feminine, soothing to his ears. He looked at her with an angry look and opened his mouth to speak then realization hit him.

"What did you say?", He asked.

"Are...you...ok?", she pronounced slowly.

Not only did the dragoness speak his language, but he had not seen her at all in the school. She must be a new student.

Derrin helped her up and looked at her closely.

"I didn't think anyone spoke the ancient language anymore. My name is Masha.", she said in the more modern tongue.

Derrin was happy, confused, and sad all at the same time.

"How many languages do you speak?", he asked.

"All...seventeen. Why?", Masha answered.

"I only speak the ancient language though.", he said.

"Well, then. How many others do?", she replied.

"Only me.", Derrin said with frown.

"So that means no one can understand you. But how do you speak to your friends?"

Derrin only hung his head.

"You don't have any friends? But why?", she asked.

"They all make fun of me. Since they can't understand me, no one likes me. They always pick on me. And because the ancient language isn't used anymore, the teachers don't even like me. They may be the only ones who I can talk to and they will understand what I say.", Derrin said.

"You look like you need a hug.", Masha said.

Before Derrin could react, Masha had wrapped her arms around him and was holding him close to her. Derrin was shocked and blushed slightly. Then his vision became blurred by tears. He pushed her away and ran off down the hall. Masha looked at him as he ran and tried to pice together whay he did so. Derrin ran through the halls then started flying down them until he finally came to the one spot that no one ever hung around. He was deep in the heart of the older part of the school. The one part that was not traversed by the teachers. He let the tears run. They fell at a quick pace, as if he never cried before. He replayed the moment in his head over and over again. The feeling that coursed through his body when she hugged him. It wasn't hate, it wasn't discomfort. It was soothing...It was comfort. For the first time Derrin felt the comfort of someone else. No teasing, no hatred, not even sadness. Derrin decide to find Masha and speak to her again. She may make his life a lot easier.

He dried his tears and went throughout the school loking for her. But as he walked into the last room he ran into her again. A bunch of other students gathered around and laughed at him while others helped Masha up.

"Don't worry about apologies. He doesn't care.", one said.

"See how funny it is. What a weirdo.", said another.

Masha didn't laugh though. She looked at all the laughing people, rage building. If she found a teacher doing so then that would push her over the edge. Just one teacher. But there wasn't a teacher. Not a single teacher, but four teachers all laughing. At that moment she felt like crying herself. She gritted her teeth and opened her mouth.

"Shut the hell up!!!!"

All the laughter stopped. Masha helped Derrin stand up and turned back to everyone there.

"Why do you pick on him? Huh? Someone answer me.", She demanded.

"Because he's weird and-"

"No! It's because you are all a fucking bunch of assholes. None of you think he has feelings. You just go by your days treating him like garbage. At first when he told me he had no friends I thought that was just bad enough. Then he told me everyone picked on him. Well, I didn't know it was this fucking horrible to his life. How many times does he help you people when you ask him for help? Do you even ask him to do anything?"

"No. We don't care about him because-"

"Because he can't speak your language.", Masha interrupted, "Well woopdee fuckin doo. I have seen people treated like animals and worse. But this. If I would have met one of you people then I would more than likely do the same. But I didn't. I met him first. You people can fucking drop dead for all I care. This makes me sick to my stomach just thinking of the shit you put him through. You people need to fucking grow up and act mature."

As asha starting walking away, guiding Derrin, one of the students pointed at them.

"Looks like the new girls a weirdo t-"

He didn't even finish his sentence. Within a second Masha had spun around and punched him in the face.

"I'm sorry. I didn't catch that. What did you call me?", she said in a soothing voice and a smile on her lips.

The student only held his snout as the blood started leaking from it. Masha's smile went away.

"Thats what I thought. I don't care if I'm just the new girl in this school. I don't give a cre what even the principal or dean or whoever the hell runs this damn thing says. You people need to learn some respect."

Masha turned again and walked out of the school with Derrin, still holding his hand. Derrin stopped her but she still held onto his hand.

"I need to go to class Masha.", he said.

"Listen. I've seen a man tortured, mothers and children slaughtered in their own homes. Does this add up to that as anything? Yes. It does. It is not exactly equal but its pretty fucking close. No one should ever be treated in such a way. You wanna say different then go back there."

Derrin didn't move. He straightened his body. Masha continued on until they were far into the woods. She made sure no one was around then hugged Derrin once more, crying into his chest. Derrin could feel his chest begin to get saoked from the tears coming from her. He felt bad for her. But also thankful. hat will happen tomorrow? Will they just forget about it and continue to tease him or be nicer to him for once. Derrin sat down against a tree and patted her head.

"I appreciate what you did. No one has ever done such a thing for me in any form.", Derrin said.

Masha looked up at Derrin.

"But it must have been so hard going through that for so many years."

She sniffed and layed her head on his chest.

"It was. But now they will more than likely treat you like they did me."

"I'll make sure they won't. If they do then it won't just be a punch.", she said.

"Well what now? You have taken me from school, putting us both down as skipping class. So what do you plan on doing now?", Derrin asked.

"I guess...we should go home.", Masha answered.

Masha stood up and started walking. Derrin started walking the other way, towards his home and Masha stopped.

"Where are you going? Don't you live in the forest?", she asked.

"No. I live a few hours flight from here in the barren wasteland.", he answered without stopping.

"Why....Why don't you come stay with me? It would be better than livving in a lifeless place. But here, it will take an hours walk.", Masha suggested.

Masha had no wings like Derrin did. A more common gene among the dragons. Derrin stopped and thought.

"I've flown for three hours every day to get here, three more to get back. I think I will go with you. It would be nice to sleep somewhere other than a cave atop a seventy story cliff.", Derrin answered.

"Then follow me. I think you'll like it very much.", she said with a smile.

For the next hour they walked silently to Masha'a home side by side. after about an hour had passed the sun was getting low and Masha stopped. She turned to a gigantic tree and grabbed onto one of the vines.

"This is where I live. Just follow me up."

Masha climbed up onto a large branch and Derrin flew up to it. Masha took his hand once again and lead him into the center of the tree where it was bowl shaped. Like a nest. She layed down ain the soft moss, rubbing along it andstretched.

"This is where I hope to bear my young one day.", she said.

Derrin sat on the edge of the moss, feeling it. Masha helped him up and brought him to a side where part of the tree curved up into a wall. She sat against it and tugged on his arm. Derrin crouched down and sat next to her.

"So this is where you live? I'd say bearing young here would be wonderful. But then again I'm not a female, so I'm just saying things.", he said.

Masha grabbed his head and pulled it down to rest on her chest. Derrin was surprised by this, but the soft feeling of her breasts kept him quiet. He blushed slightly and Masha layed her head on his.

"I will make up all those years of torture you went through. Starting with this.", she said.

Masha picked her head up and kissed Derrin. He looked up at her silently.

"Why did you...Would you do it again. It felt nice.", He asked.

Masha kissed him again but longer this time, the kiss lasting a half minute. When she parted from his lips both hers ad his cheeks were red. Derrin moved from beside her and laid down with his head on her chest, between her breasts. He closed his eyes and drifted into sleep.

"Sleep. You will feel better love.", she said.

Masha layed her head down on a soft tuft of moss and put a hand on Derrin's head.


Part one complete. If I hold the inspiration till later today then I'll make another part very soon for sure.