Unintended Intruder - Epilog

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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"Mr... McCain?"

"Yes Ma'am," Terry said as the nurse called his name.

"There might be some confusion with the paperwork, we have you named as the father of two of our mothers."

"Abigale and Marcy?"


"Both are correct," he said with a smile which turned his cheeks deep red.

"Uh-huh," the woman said with a fierce disapproval written on her face. "Well... you should know there's been an odd complication with your... with both mothers."

"Are... are they alright?"

"For now," the nurse told him, "but there were some strange complications and neither woman will ever be having another child again. Those babies tore them up pretty badly inside."

"Oh..." Terry said with a deep release of breath.

"You appear relieved," the nurse said with a disapproving look.

"They both made so much noise about their pregnancies," Terry told the nurse. "Let's just say... I feared much worse."

"Uh-huh," the nurse said with an unpleasant look.

"So... how are my babies?"

"Well... you'll be happy to know you're the proud father of a baby boy and a baby girl. And for some reason they both want to see you. I should warn you polygamy is illegal in this country, Mr. McCain."

"Only if I marry the both of them," Terry said with a sheepish grin, "and Marcy already said no."

"Interesting," the nurse said with a twitch. "Sign here please." He scribbled. "And here." He scribbled again. "This way please. You may now see your... family."

"Family," Terry said to himself as he stepped through the doors to where they were waiting for him. He never thought those words could ever sound so sweet.

At last it is done! Arthur and I really worked hard on the ending of this story so I hope you all like it.

Also, I must remind you to buy my Novel so that I can continue this professional writing gig:

Look at my Web Page: http://pwschumacher.webs.com/

Check out my BLOG: http://littleredwolf-faolan.blogspot.com/

Please buy my book: http://bookstore.tltpublishing.com/products-page/epic-fantasy/little-red-wolf-a-little-red-wolf-novel/

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