BFB 3: Your Surrender

Story by CerberusWerewolfking on SoFurry

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#3 of BFB

Best Friend's Bother 3

Your Surrender

_ * __ Attention* _

I'm always watching and if you are under the 18/21 click the back bottom until you are back on your home page then delete you history and forget this ever happened. And if you are straight this contains gay material with lots of cock sucking and gay anal sex so press the back button and forget this ever happened unless you like that then I question you sexuality. If you are a furry hater ..... WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON THIS SITE?!? Either way this contains gay furry relationships and sex. Remember I'm always watching 0.0 well except when I'm playing video games then don't bother me XD but seriously I'm always watching.


Like many people I hate Mondays, this one in particular. Ever since Wednesday me and Taylor have been subject to torture from the school's number one group of homophobes, Landon and his buddies, so maybe four or five not that many people like him. Most people said they really didn't care and that they really don't like Landon. I wasn't really hurt by the insults and neither was Taylor but after a while you just what them to shut the fuck up. The day was almost over two more classes and they were my favorite classes, Biology 2 and Environmental Science 2, with Ms. Roger and Ms. Joyce.

History maybe my best class but science classes have always been my favorites. I love both equally but if I had to pick one it would be Environmental Science. We always do fun things and it's the only class I have with Taylor (he took Environmental Science last year with me too). First I had to go to Biology which was a fun class and my second best subject behind history. Courtney takes it too and Cole did but dropped it after a week because apparently last year he didn't take American History last year, because he failed Civics/Economics the year before (Too complicated either way schools fault.). It doesn't help that American History and World History are requirements to graduate.

Courtney sits next to me so we are always competing for the best grades. We didn't care if someone else got a better grade we only cared about each other. It just so happen we were getting out grades from our blood test (Yes a whole chapter and test about blood) and I felt confident I had a good grade (I only skipped one on the fill in the blank those always get me.). Ms. Roger placed both our test on the table and waited for our reaction. Ever since Biology 1 (Which me and Courtney were in the exact situation with Ms. Roger as the teacher) Ms. Roger would do this and she has even kept score (Me 15 Court 14). We had a stare down with Ms. Roger counted.

"1......2......3 GO!!" We flipped the papers looked at ours then each other's. Let's see I have a ninety-nine and Court a ........ Ninety-five.

"Boo ya!!!" I jumped out of my seat with my hands in the air. "Sixteen Fourteen biiiiiiiiiiiiii.....gamist"

Almost busted. Probably should have come up with a better cover and Mr. Roger just smiled and rolled her eyes. Everyone bust out laughing including me and Court. The rest of the class we just took notes on the circulatory system until the bell rang. Lucky for me my next class was around the corner literally. I walked in and talked to Ms. Joyce for a few minutes. She was my favorite teacher of all time. The twenty-five year old fox was a new age hippie. She always wore dresses and made us do little projects to help make the school more environmentally friendlier (like the compost bin, making the Agriculture classes use natural replacements for pesticides and our compost, and now we are trying to get the lunch ladies get local fresh produce for the lunches). She was telling me that Taylor and I need to focus more on our work and less on each other when Taylor walked in from athletic P.E. He looked kind of pissed for some reason.

"Hey Tay what's wron..." Then I was seen it. He had a black eye on the right side of his face. It was starting to swell. I rushed to him at the door and so did Ms. Joyce. "Baby what happened"

"Nothing just got hurt during practice." He was lying his lip twitched. I knew he didn't want to say anything in front of Ms. Joyce or he didn't want me involved.

"Can I go get an ice pack from Ms. Roger?" I asked Ms. Joyce.

"Sure hurry before it swells." I came back a minute later and I sat next to Taylor after giving him the ice pack. "Alright class pay attention to me not Mr. King's eye and get out your posters for your recycling projects."

Me and Taylor were done I came up with the cheesy slogan and he drew and amazing drawing to go with it. One thing I learned since we started going out was that he was one of the best artist I've ever seen. The only thing I could draw was little chibi versions of my friends (thanks to all the anime I watch mostly from Hetalia: Axis Powers). I waited for Ms. Joyce to get detracted before I talked to Taylor. I got my chance about five minutes later while her fiancé (Mr. Andres a substitute teacher) asked to talk to her outside.

"Tell me the truth what happened." I put on my serious face (he usually crumbles soon after when he's lying).

"I told you I got hurt during practice." His lip twitched again.

"Really than why is your lip twitching?" He cursed under this breath.

"It's nothing stay out of it." I was mortified when he said that.

"It was Landon wasn't it?" He looked down. That was all that I needed.

"Please don't do anything stupid and get yourself in trouble." Anger built up inside of me. How was I supposed to let this slide? Taylor hates confrontation that would end in violence. The big guy usually won't fight even if someone hits him first. I've only seen him fight twice. Once freshman year when some dude was messing with Court (he beat the living daylights out of him) and last year when a rival football team ganged up on him (Me and Cole helped him) and that last time he was going to seriously hurt if he didn't fight back. If I did something it wasn't going to be at school and I'll make sure he'll never know too.

"I won't but next time they won't be so lucky." He gave me a worried face. "I promise."

"You better not do anything at all." It hurt to lie to him, but nobody hurts my boyfriend.

"I promise I won't do anything." He just stared at me like everything I just said was a lie. Oh wait it was. Well I can't just let it go could I? Landon hurt him and I wasn't going to let anyone get away with that. "You want to come over later I'm cooking?"

"You cook and should I be worried?" That's just mean.

"Of course I cook." I love cooking. In fact I wanted to start my own restaurant later on in life. "I cook at the bar all the time."

"Then what are cooking?" Just thinking about food made my stomach grow.

"Most likely smothered pork chops with rice and gravy." Just like mama always makes.

"You'll have to pick me up." Good I can deal with my little "problem" then pick him up. "Cole and Courtney are going on a date so I don't have a ride."

"OK that's not a problem from me." Everything is going good. Now just have to make sure he doesn't find out about what I'm going to do.


"OK Landon and his little band of thugs should be here." I said to myself. They are always at Sonic after school (or during school). I looked out my window and sure enough my prey was as usual tormenting someone. The unfortunate soul was the unlucky waitress who got stuck delivering their food. Might as well help her while I'm at it. I got out my car and walked across the parking lot.

"Don't you have something else to do besides make every person you meet life miserable?" They all turned their predatory eyes at me and the waitress was smart enough to leave. "I mean it's not like you don't do it enough at school."

"Well look everyone the princess is here." The group giggled at their pathetic excuse for an insult. "Where's your prince?"

"I bet he's hiding so we don't blacken his other eye." Again they laughed.

"Nope he's helping his parents but I'm here to make sure you don't bother anyone anymore." They just looked at each other and smiled and Landon stood up and walked closer to me.

"How do you plan on doing that?" He clinched his fist... so predictable. "When you can even help yourself."

He pulled his fist back and sent it flying towards me. I calmly moved aside and grabbed his arm then flipped him over my shoulder. The rest of his little pack cam too. The first, a large rhino, came at me swinging. I blocked each with precise timing. Then his last strike, as I pushed it upwards, disrupting his balance. Then another skillful strike to his stomach. Making him double over with pain, and leaving the back of his neck an open target for attack. With one chop he was unconscious. The others became weary but sure enough they built up the courage and attacked. A bull came charging but I dodged easily then sweep kicked him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Then a pit bull ran over to his truck while a large boxer came up.

"You may have gotten lucky with the others but I won't be so easy." Then he smiled and heard a footstep behind me I ducked and the bull, who was knocked over punched his friend knocking him out cold. I then grabbed his shoulder and forced him into my knee sending the air straight out of his body. The pit bull came back with a tire iron and came swinging. I dodged each swing barely just waiting for an opening. Then he lost his balance after one big swing and I moved behind him before he knew what happened. Then I roundhouse kicked his back sending him to the ground.

"Well that wasn't so hard." I looked around and everyone's jaw was on the ground. Then I noticed Lea Smith, the school's biggest gossip informant, filming the whole thing on her phone. Shit, Taylor might just find out now. Then before I could even move, my phone started to ring.

"Please don't be Taylor." I repeated to myself as I pulled out my phone. Luckily for me it was a different Becker. The screen said Courtney Becker with a picture with Cole. As I pressed the answer button the though that Taylor called to make sure I answered popped up.

"Hello?" Then returned "please don't be Taylor".

"Holy fucking shit you kicked some ass!" Yep Courtney.

"Keep it down I don't want Taylor to hear!" Her whole house most likely heard her.

"It's find he's helping dad outside." Well that's a little of more time to come up with a good story. "It's all over Facebook."

"Fucking Facebook!" Wait just hide the post. "Can you get onto his Facebook and hide the post about the fight?"

"OK but why didn't you tell us you could fight like that?" It came naturally really.

"Y'all never asked." Nice way to avoid questions. "What about his phone?"

"It's charging I'll deal with it." This seams to easy I'm wondering if it's going to work now. Knowing my luck he'll still hear about it.

"Tell everyone not to mention it if you could." She asked a few more questions then apparently Taylor walked in because she said bye to Laura then hung up. Then I asked myself how does she know all of his passwords. I got into my car while my phone was dinging off the hook from text messages and calls, as I drove home.

Two hours later....

So far so good. I told everyone I could to not say anything. Some how even mama eve knew about it. I also had food to worry about too. I was almost done when there was a knocking at the door. Mother went to answer it and moments later her and Taylor walked into the kitchen. I couldn't read his face so everything seemed OK after he said everything smelled great.

"I'm going to go to your grandmother's to pick up the bar paperwork from last year." Great leave me alone when I need help. I might be the one to spill the beans. Knowing her she will get "distracted" and stay over there until later tonight. She left and Taylor sat down in the living room. The food was finished and I started to fix the plates as Taylor walked in.

"So anything interesting happened to you today." It was the first time since school I really looked at him. His eye didn't look too bad. The rest of his face made a scowl though.

"Nope and you." I hope that didn't sound weird or incriminating.

"Well my mom freaked when she seen my eye and I seen a video of you beating the living daylights out of Landon of Myspace." Wha?!?! Who gets on Myspace anymore?

"So what? Now you mad because I wouldn't let him get away with it." I would stop the whole world if it meant protecting him. "I'm not going to stand back and let him get away with hurting you?"

"Save the speech that's not why I'm mad!" His voice echoed through the house and and the words felt heavy with dominance and hurt. Tears started to flow freely from my eyes. I couldn't look at him so I looked down at the table. "I'm mad that you tried to hide it from me. Sure I'm made you went behind my back and did what I told you not to do, but I could live with that. You lied to me without even a thought of telling me the truth, and that's what I can't live with."

"I did it so you would be safe!" It did hurt that I lied to him and his doubt hurt even move. "I didn't want you know because..."

"Stop right there! I don't want to hear your excuse." It felt like every fiber of my being was coming undone. Every thought in my head screamed he was going to leave me. That I would be alone. "It's my life too, and you may be a big part of it now, but that doesn't mean I want you to hide the hard parts of it from me, or fight my battles. All I want is you...."

I looked at him and his eyes were bloodshot with tears running down his face too. The pain if only for a second stopped and I wished with all I had that he was going to say what I hope we was going to say. I know I can't live with out him. "

"I can't live without you though and I don't want to try." he walked around the table and lifted me up and held me close. His scent filled my lungs, and my body and mind all strength and gave in. I grabbed onto him and rested my head on his pecs. We left the table with our food relatively untouched and went into the living room. He laid down on the couch then I laid on top of him, and we held onto each other. Neither one letting go as if they let go they would lose the other forever if they let go. We said like this until we fell asleep.

Later that night...


I woke up around eight when I heard my phone ding, but I fell asleep again. Then again an hour later when I heard car door slam close then I heard the front door open and close. I must have been tired because couldn't open my eyes. For a minute I heard crying the it disappeared is the closing of another door. Then I drifted back to sleep. Once again I woke up but this time it was because my bladder had to be emptied. I carefully got up making sure not to awaken Blake. I looked at my phone it was midnight and I had two messages from mom. Shit I'm going to be in trouble. I read the massages on the way to the bathroom. The first one was asking when I was coming home. The second said that Courtney explained the situation to her and I could stay the night but no sex. That just sent a shiver down my back just knowing she sent it. After my bladder was emptied of it's contents I heard crying again. It sounded like it was coming from Ms. Jenny's room. I knocked on her door.

"You OK in there mama bear?" I walked in and the bed was covered with used tissue. Her eyes looked as if she had been crying for hours and from the evidence on her bed she had. She just looked at me and mumbled something.

"What I couldn't understand." She tried to pull herself together as much as possible.

"My mother has cancer." And with that my heart just dropped.

_To be continued................ _