Summer with Leomon: Family

Story by Nappy on SoFurry

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#11 of Summer with Leomon

As Ben walked in everything was silent. He wondered if Grandpa had closed the store today. Then Ben began to wonder if Grandpa was even alright.

"Grandpa!" Ben called out. His heart beat like a drum when he got no answer.

Ben ran into the store. Grandpa was no where in sight, and then he went to the backroom and the same thing.

Ben began to panic, though there were many reasonable explanations to this. One was that he could simply be at home. The thing is that Grandpa is always at the store this time of day, though he may have closed the shop for today on account of recent events.

Not having any other option. Ben left the shop and went to the place where Grandpa lived.

Grandpa's home actually wasn't far at all from the shop. He lived only one block away in a small little house. When Ben arrived he was immediately worried because his Grandpa's dog hadn't ran up to the gate to greet him.

His Grandpa had a large German shepherd named Sparks that would always come up to the gate and happily greet visitors.

Ben quickly reminisced when Grandpa offered to let Ben keep Sparks, but his mother refused without hesitation. He also remembered being grounded that same day for arguing with his mom about her decision.

Through all that was going on, Ben could chuckle at this memory. That moment made Ben calm down a little bit before entering through the front gate to Grandpa's front porch.

He cautiously walked to the house and stepped inside. Everything seemed to be normal. "Maybe Grandpa took Sparks out for a walk?" Ben thought.

To be sure Ben called out for his Grandpa and like before received no answer. As Ben tried to accept the fact that there were many normal reasons for his Grandpa being gone, he still felt extremely uneasy.

The whole area seemed too stale to be his Grandpa's house. Then all the sudden he noticed an awful and unfamiliar smell. It was coming from the kitchen.

Ben felt a sudden despair, knowing the smell probably meant something bad.

He began to take baby steps towards the kitchen, the smell growing stronger with each step. The smell was so putrid that Ben had to force each step forward.

When he slowly made his way around the kitchen counter, he immediately shrieked and almost fell to his knees.

Ben screamed and shouted at what laid in front of him. Sparks was in the middle of the kitchen floor lying on his side. His stomach cut open down the middle spilling guts and blood that spread over the tile floor.

He ran out of there as fast as possible, non-stop running all the way home. Ben went up the stares still petrified and when he opened the door to the apartment he found his mom and Leomon both looking very down.

Renamon was on the verge of tears and she turned towards her son. "Honey, come here and sit by me."

Ben grew deafly worried about what was going on. He was also afraid to tell what happened at Grandpa's house.

Renamon was holding Ben's digivice and she showed it to him. On the screen there was writing.

"Where did this come from?" Ben asked

"It just started flashing a little while ago and this appeared on it." Leomon replied.

Ben took the digivice and read the note.

We have taken your human elder hostage and unless you give Renamon to us, we shall make sure his death is a slow one. Bring her to the digital world and you shall have the human back.

All Hail Lord Sansamon!

"So... what're we going to do mom?!"

"I don't know baby, I have no idea why they would want me, but I do know that we have to get Grandpa back."

Ben looked at Leomon. "Do you know why this lord Sansamon might want mom Leomon?"

Leomon shook his head. "No, but I definitely know who Sansamon is."

Both Ben and Renamon's attention were all on him.

"Sansamon is a vicious digimon who has conquered over many lands in the digital world. Like most other digimon do, I despise him. He's a tyrant all the way. Though, there are some digimon who gladly serve him and help him gain more power. That's all Sansamon cares about, getting more power."

"I went to Grandpa's house to see if he was there and I found Sparky... torn open. Those bastards got him there." Ben said.

"Wait they got him at the house?" Renamon asked.

Ben nodded his head.

"BENJAMEN! PLEASE COME OUT OF THE HOUSE!" A loud megaphone erupted from outside the apartment.

Ben went over to the window and peaked outside. Right under the balcony there were two police cars and four policemen standing and looking up at his direction.

"He came out!" one of the cops shouted.

They pulled out their guns and immediately started to unload them at Ben.

Ben shrieked and fell backwards into the apartment, "What the hell?!"

"Ben what happened?" Renamon started to panic.

"I'm as clueless as you are!"

"Well we have to get out of here now." Leomon continued to keep his cool.

"AHHHH!" Ben screamed as a sharp pain entered his leg.

"Ben!" Renamon screamed.

Leomon darted his gaze towards the next building's rooftop. On it was a sniper.

"Why are they sending so many to kill us?" Leomon thought. "Renamon, you get Ben out of here, I'll meet both of you at the abandoned subway!"

"No Leomon! We won't leave you here by yourself!" Ben cried.

"Ben you're injured! Renamon take him!" Leomon glared at Renamon. She nodded back at him and carried Ben away.

"Wait Mom! Stop!" Ben was helpless as Renamon took him out the door.

Leomon was now alone and the firing outside stopped. "Please let Ben and Renamon be safe", he thought. He took this moment and ran out onto the balcony. He made a tremendous jump off towards the other building.

The police below started to fire again, but Leomon was too quick to target well. He effortlessly landed on the next building and grabbed the sniper with one hand.

The sniper strangely seemed to show no fear. In fact he grinned and his eyes glowed red. The red eyes somehow seemed frighteningly familiar to Leomon and he threw him hard against the ground and ran to meet Ben and Renamon.

Renamon had carried Ben to the subway safetly. Ben had gone unconscious on the way there because of shock. When she was deep into the abandoned subway, she carefully laid Ben down.

Not too long after, Leomon walked in and noticed Ben's unconscious state. "Is Ben alright?!"

"Yes, but we need to get this bullet out of him!"

Right when that was said, Ben's eyes popped open. "No Mom! Please don't!"

"Ben we have to."

"But it's gonna hurt mommy!" Ben cried out.

"Oh calm down Ben!" Leomon said.

Since Renamon's claws were smaller and more curved, she would be the one to get the bullet out.

She slowly put the tip of one claw into Ben's wound. Ben cringed and whimpered, it felt like having a needle stuck in him and it was fiddling around with his flesh.

Thankfully the bullet wasn't too far down so Renamon could easily get a grip of it and she pulled it out.

Ben saw when she pulled the bullet out of his leg and he immediately fainted.

"Now we need to bandage his wound somehow." Renamon tried to think of things to use.

"I'll go find something outside." Leomon ran out of the subway.

Soon Leomon came back with a bundle of leaves.

"Leaves...wait! Is that poison ivy?!" Renamon grabbed the leaves and quickly inspected them. When she confirmed that they weren't poison ivy, she began placing and securing them onto Ben's wound.

Once this difficult task was done, Leomon kissed Ben (Renamon awkwardly turning her head away from them) and started to walk down another tunnel.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm just going for a walk." Leomon was already out of sight now.

Renamon just continued to watch Ben sleep.

Now that Leomon was alone he could think more on what all was going on. He started to think about what happened that morning. Leomon was trying to have some fun with Ben, and then Renamon stopped it.

"I can't go on like this" Leomon thought. He and Ben's relationship started off great and was going perfectly until Renamon came in. Leomon respected her only because she was Ben's mother, but still. None of this bad and difficult stuff started happening till she showed up.

Leomon desperately wanted his relationship with Ben to continue happily, but with Renamon there... he just didn't know how it could work.

Renamon was currently thinking about the same thing. Now that she had the chance to have a relationship with Ben, Leomon was in the way. She feared Ben would end up loving him more than her, but she really didn't think Ben would do that. She really feared that Leomon might try to take Ben all for himself. Renamon would not have that.

She had to do something. She had to take care of Leomon so she and Ben would be together forever. She had to do it now and she was determined to succeed.

She softly kissed Ben on the lips and then went off to find Leomon.

Leomon was sitting on an old bench when he saw Renamon coming his way.

"What is it? Is something wrong with Ben?" he asked.

Renamon shook her head no. "Leomon, we need to talk."

"Ahh, so the events that occurred this morning have been on your mind too."

"Yes, Leomon we have to settle this thing between us now."

"What do you mea..." before Leomon could finish, Renamon rushed over and kissed him on the lips.

Leomon started to have strange feelings and before they clouded his mind he pushed Renamon away.

"What the hell are you doing?!"

Renamon was still calm. "Leomon, you and I have to have an attraction to each other... for Ben."

"What do you mean for Ben?!"

"Both of us must fulfill Ben's emotional and sexual needs. You see, if we are not together then in the very near future we'll be at each other's throats over Ben's love. Ben loves us both the same, as if to him both of us together form one perfect being. If one of us goes, Ben will fall into depression. So we must have at least some attraction to each other, because all three of us (that's including Ben) form a triangle. In that triangle each person must have an attraction for the other. As you very well know, Ben loves us both and we love Ben, but neither me or you have the slightest liking towards one another."

"So you're saying we need to be in love?" Leomon asked.

"No, I'm just saying we have to be willing to fulfill Ben's emotional and sexual needs. Leomon, we must do this now or there might never be another chance, and don't you dare even think that I'm doing this with the intention of just having sex with you. My original plan I'll admit was to kill you, but I know Ben loves you too much and I never want to cause him any pain. We must Leomon..."

Renamon began to get closer to Leomon. Then she kissed him on the lips again. Leomon was submissive and once inspired he laid his hands on Renamon's shoulders.

The intensity between them started to grow and before it could go any further Leomon pushed Renamon away again.

"You think Ben's okay with this?" Leomon asked.

"What? Did you think me and you were going to have sex?"

Leomon had no idea what she was talking about. "Weren't we just..."

"Leomon, we were making an attraction between us. Remember what I said about being willing to do what is necessary to make Ben happy."

"What do you mean?"

Renamon froze for an instant. "Well... I don't really know."


"Don't worry Leomon. Over time we will develop a friendship and that will make things easier, but we had to settle this now. Let's just go back to Ben." With that said Renamon started on her way back.

Leomon remained here for a little bit saying in his head, "What the fuck just happened?!"

Leomon went back to find Renamon already asleep at Ben's side. He decided to just sleep on the opposite side of Ben.

The next morning Ben woke up and Leomon was the only one there. He was casually sitting up against the wall picking at his teeth.

"Leomon, where's my mom?"

"Oh, she went to go find some breakfast." Leomon said.

Ben sighed then tiredly got up and went to sit between Leomon's massive footpaws. Ben playfully tickled one of Leomon's toes and he heard him chuckle.

"Leomon, I love you. I just wanted you to know that." Ben said as a reminder to Leomon.

Leomon got down on his knees to face Ben and licked him on the cheek. "You don't have to remind me Ben. I know very well and I want you to know that I love you very much and will do anything for you... I would die for you Ben."

Renamon suddenly walked in carrying a couple of squirrels for her and Leomon and something else that Ben couldn't see.

"What do you have hidden Mom?" Ben asked.

Leomon had already taken his squirrel and gobbled it down.

Renamon grinned and pulled out two pop tarts!

Ben's eyes grew as big as saucers and he reached out like a little kid for his pop tarts. "How'd you get these?! They're my favorite too!"

"Well, I went back to the apartment. There was no one there but they completely trashed the place."

At the sound of this Ben dropped his pop tarts and burst into tears.

Renamon quickly embraced him. "Ben, what's wrong baby?"

Leomon knew what was wrong with Ben. He also knew that he couldn't help him. This was something that needed to be discussed between Ben and his mother. Leomon had only been in their lives a short time anyway.

Leomon left them alone and Renamon finally began to realize what was going on.

"Ben... are you crying because of what happened to the apartment?"

He suddenly thrust himself into her chest seeking the warmth of it for comfort. Renamon continued to embrace him and licked him on the cheek.

"I'm so sorry mom! I'm so sorry our life is ruined because of me!" he sobbed.

"Don't think like that Ben, none of this is your fault!"

Ben still wouldn't stop crying, but he let go of Renamon.

"I'm so scared of what might happen in the future. I'm not saying that I'm ungrateful for you and Leomon, but our old life was safe and secure. Now that life's been destroyed and we can never go back."

"Ben, it's okay, we'll just start new. In fact, this new life is better."

Ben was now only sniffling and he looked up at Renamon in utter confusion.

"Our life is more exciting now Ben and not only that but we are a bigger family now. There's me, you, Leomon, and soon will get Grandpa back from that bastard Sansamon."

Renamon wiped her son's tears away and hugged him again.

"Thanks for making me feel better mom." Ben said.

"Ben... you shouldn't call me your mother anymore."

Ben eyes began to get watery again. "Wha...what?"

"Don't cry again baby. You can still see me as your mother, but in our situation it might be easier for you to call me Renamon. Though, no matter what you call me, I'll always be your mom." Now Renamon began to cry.

Ben smiled then kissed her on the lips. "Alright... Renamon."

Leomon patiently waited near the entrance of the tunnel. "Hmm, I wonder what me and Renamon could do for Ben. Hopefully over time Renamon will become a closer friend to me or else as she said, we'll probably end up in a conflict with each other."

"Leomon!" It was Renamon calling him.

He quickly hurried back and when he got there he immediately asked Ben how he was feeling.

Ben simply said okay for now and tried to stand up until he felt a pain in his leg.

"Oww! The wound still hurts!" Ben loudly whined.

"There in here!" a voice from yonder yelled.

All the sudden gunshots were being fired at them.

"Oh shit, and at a time like this!" Leomon said.

Leomon picked Ben up and started to run further into the subway, Renamon was still behind.

"Renamon! What're you doing?!" Ben screamed.

"Leomon take Ben out of here and I'll get rid of these guys! Go somewhere safe and I'll find you!"

"No! Renamon come on!" Ben continued.

Renamon chuckled. "Ben, if Leomon could get away from these guys then I sure can."

Leomon nodded and took Ben off. As they ran Leomon noticed Ben's troubled expression. "Don't worry Ben, Renamon will come back. I promise."

Back at the subway, Renamon was soon faced with a few cops. Like Leomon she too noticed the red glow in their eyes. "What the hell are they?" she thought.

They began firing and she dodged their bullets quickly. She figured out easily that all digimon have their own special attack. She had to somehow find hers or she was doomed.

In the split seconds she had she concentrated in her mind trying to find her attack. Then the words came to her like they had always been a part of her.

"Diamond Storm!" Renamon was amazed off how effective the attack was, also by how marvelous it looked.

She didn't have time to waste so she ran off while the farce cops slowly recuperated.

Renamon ran for a long time and realized that it wasn't that hard to defeat her enemies, but it was hard to find Ben and Leomon.

Ben and Leomon had been waiting for hours in a rundown factory. The tension in Ben started to grow as he severely worried for Renamon.

"Leomon, why hasn't she come back yet?" Ben asked with a slight tremble.

"I don't know Ben, but I'm sure she's alright."

"You're wrong Leomon" Ben began shaking.


"You promised me you asshole!"

Despite his wound, Ben bounded towards Leomon's chest and started punching him. The punches only tickled Leomon, but Ben's words hurt him deep. "You bastard! You promised she'd come back! You lied! I hate you!"

Then Ben punched him where his heart was and Leomon felt a tormenting pain. It was the most powerful blow he had ever felt that it made him fall back.

Ben was knocked off and tried to find out what the hell happened.

Leomon started to tear up. "You really do hate me don't you? Your hate is what powered the blow at my heart."

"I... I'm sorry Leomon. I didn't mean it." Ben ran over and wrapped his arms around Leomon's neck. "I don't hate you. I hate the whole situation we're in and the danger. I took it out on you and I'm ashamed and sorry Leomon. So sorry, please forgive me?!"

Ben buried his face into Leomon's neck. Leomon started to rub Ben's back.

"Leomon, if I lost either you or Renamon than I would feel like I was in a miserable hell forever. That's why I beg both you and Renamon to be careful. I love you both so much."

"Renamon was right", Leomon thought. "If either me or her falls, then Ben will suffer."

"Is Ben okay?!"

Ben and Leomon got up and standing at the door way was Renamon. Ben ran over to her and jumped her. "Oh Renamon! I was afraid that..." Ben was so happy.

That night Renamon and Leomon were preparing for sleep and Ben was already asleep. As Leomon was taking off his pants, he heard Ben whimpering in his sleep. He rushed over to Ben to find him still asleep.

Leomon woke him up. "It's okay Ben, it's just a nightmare."

"Leomon, can you help me fall asleep?" Ben asked.

Leomon nodded his head and sat down setting Ben on his lap. Ben leaned up against Leomon's stomach.

Then Leomon started to hum an unfamiliar, but pleasant tune to Ben. The song didn't make Ben feel sleepy, but very serene.

Leomon ran his fingers through Ben's hair which made Ben have a tingly feeling. Ben then all the sudden felt something press up against his boxer covered behind.

"Leomon, is that what I think it is?" Ben gently asked.

Leomon didn't answer and kept humming. Then Renamon walked up.

"Is Ben... oh, I guess I should go." Renamon started to walk away until Leomon stopped her.

"Wait Renamon!" Leomon know knew what to do for Ben. He know knew what Renamon meant by being willing. "Come back Renamon."

Renamon slowly walked back and her and Ben looked up Leomon.

"Ben, may we pleasure you?" Leomon asked.


"You've been so good to us Ben and now we want to make you happy."

Renamon and Ben still looked a little confused. It didn't take long for Leomon to explain what he meant. Renamon smiled and went over in front of Ben.

Ben felt awkward for a couple of reasons. One, Renamon and Leomon had been talking about making him happy without him knowing. Two, Ben had never done anything or imagined doing anything like this before.

"Ben, take off your boxers." Leomon said.

Ben shyly took them off and felt the actual tip of Leomon's dick against his ass. Renamon bent down and licked Ben's balls until he got horny.

These separate pleasures were great, but would not even closely compare to what was coming next. Renamon aligned herself with Ben and put her hands on his shoulders and Leomon put his hands on Ben's sides.

Ben could already feel Leomon's dick pressing up against his flesh. He figured now was the time to go at Renamon.

Ben slowly slid his dick into Renamon's pussy and Leomon's dick began to penetrate Ben. Ben could feel his butt hole gradually spread letting Leomon's dick inside him.

Then Leomon thrust into Ben and when Ben felt Leomon's dick hit his sensitive spot, he thrusted up into Renamon at the same time she thrusted his dick into her.

This caused Ben to go back pushing Leomon's dick up deeper and deeper! They were like gears in a clock moving and keeping the clock going. This system of theirs kept the ultimate pleasure going.

To Ben this was the ultimate pleasure. Before when he had sex with only one of them at a time, it wasn't as good as this. To Ben it was as if there love and his all combined together to form this perfect love chain. Ben never wanted it to end.

"OH FUCK! OH MY FUCKING! DEAR GOD!" They all screamed.

They soon got closer together as both Ben and Leomon's dick went deeper. It got more painful and of course even better. Leomon let go of Ben and got a grip on Renamon's hips with his claws.

Leomon roared when he felt his dick go so far up that it almost got stuck. He dug his claws into Renamon and she gritted her teeth and pushed herself further onto Ben's cock.

She then reached out and clutched Leomon's chest with her own claws. Every time Ben hit her weak spot hard she'd claw into Leomon's chest. "OH SHIT! AHHH!" Leomon screamed.

Ben was right smack dab in the middle of all this. He began to get squeezed in between their warm bodies. "HEY... AHHH!" Ben screamed. Leomon's dick was now too far up to go any further, but he kept thrusting forward.

Ben's dick was at a point where it was painful to push forward into Renamon's pussy. "BEN! OHHHH PLEASE DON'T YOU STOP! OH MY!" Renamon howled.

Ben screamed from the middle in all the heat and pressure. Ben was soaked in the sweat dripping down his two lovers bodies as they rubbed together with him sealed in. Ben was now engulfed by steamy flesh and fur. Even Leomon's dick seemed to be warming the inside of his ass.

Renamon and Leomon were hot because of the friction caused by there two bodies rubbing together. Leomon loved Renamon's moist chest fur rubbing against his own chest.

Both of them could feel Ben in between them and they made sure he was feeling the friction too. They purposely squeezed him tight and they adored the ticklish feeling he caused them down below.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" They finally all screamed and it was like a cum explosion. They collapsed onto the floor, still together in their position


The heavily panted and drooled until Renamon and Leomon felt Ben squirming in between them. The released themselves from Ben and he finally got fresh air. The sight of Ben was shocking because he was the one mostly drenched in cum.

Both digimon got to cleaning Ben up before themselves. When they were done, Ben noticed some cum on their footpaws and gladly licked that off for them.

Because of all the sweat and heat, their footpaws had an odor that Ben absolutely loved and he rubbed his face in both their feet.

They were all tired out and soon set themselves up for bed. The slept on the floor with Ben cuddled up between the two digimon.

"So are you happy with our surprise?" Leomon asked.

Ben chuckled. "Yes Leomon. Let's get some sleep."


Hoped you all liked my long chapter! What'd you think? My next chapter is going to have a very big surprise!