Unthinkable Fear

Story by Rocelin on SoFurry

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#4 of The Tales From Zion

I woke up with a sharp pain racing through my head. Did I hit my head against something night? I rolled over onto my belly and stretched my arms out. I whined softly as I reached one of my paws up and pressed it gently up against the source of the pain. "What the...." I started to say, but trailed off as I finally felt a cold, yet wet liquid against the back of my head. I whimpered softly as I started to recognize the repugnant smell of blood taint the air. "Zachary!" I cried as loud as my hoarse voice would let me.

I staggered up to my feet and slowly glanced around the caravan trying to find the rabbit. My heart began to race as I couldn't find the rabbit. Where is he? I whimpered falling down to my knees. I grabbed a hold of Zachary's covers and held them up to my face, softly breathing in priest's soft and sweet scent. I felt so good realizing the subtle blood smell didn't belong to him. I then laid the covers back onto the rabbit's bed and made my towards the door. Oh please let everything be all right. I thought as pushed the door open.

What I saw on the other side did nothing but scare me to my bones. There so much destruction that happened to our group of travelers. What happened? The smell of blood and chemicals were so much stronger out here it began brought tears to my tired eyes. I gazed around sacredly and my partially clouded eyes passed over a few hooded figures walking around and came to rest upon a metal cage that rested near the center of the camp. I could see four within the cage, but because of the tear obscuring my vision I couldn't make out who they were. Whoever they were, one of them stood up as he saw me standing by Zachary's carriage. The fear of not seeing started to take over and I wiped my eyes clear of the tears just in time to see one of hooded figure advancing close upon me, sword ready.

As quickly as I could I dashed back into Zachary's carriage and slammed the door shut. You idiot, now they all know that you are conscious. I mentally beat myself up as I latched the door close. I jumped away from the door as whoever was chasing me pounded against the door. My paw quickly found the sword gifted to me and held it in read position in case the door was to be knocked down. Minutes passed and no further noise came from outside. Once my heart calmed down I started looking and gathering thing up. First, I fashioned a bag out of Zachary's cover. Then, while there wasn't much, I gathered up everything that could be used as I weapon and put them into a bag. When the time comes, these will come in handy. I tossed the bag off into a corner of the carriage and sat down at Zachary's desk.

I took my mangled pouch and started to put Zachary's writings into it. If this were to be the last time anyone was to be in here, there would be no way I'd be leaving any of the rabbit's writings behind. With everything set up, I laid down Zachary's bed; doing my best as trying to think of when to charge out. And help whoever I could. Please Tah'aveen, keep everyone out of harm's way. I prayed as I lay on the bed.


Thank you all for reading and if you would be kind enough to do so please vote for Zachary or my guy Taggart here I'd be thankful. While there is a three vote limit for each character, each vote will help our group survive.
