My Summer Vacation Diary - CH. 1 Darkness

Story by Watchman on SoFurry

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#2 of My Summer Vacation Diary

Hi. I'm Jessy, and I'm going to start keeping a journal for a whil...

Hi. I'm Jessy, and I'm going to start keeping a journal for a while. You see, my life has gotten kinda weird lately. It's a good weird, in fact kinda awesome. I found these... well, I'm getting ahead of myself. At any rate, I feel like I should be writing this down so I can prove to everyone (myself included) that I'm not crazy. I know most of you won't believe it, but might as well post it anyway. Oh, before I go too much farther I should probably mention that I'm a furry. My fursona is a red fox and I belong to several furry web sites. I've never been to a con, but I've always wanted to. Enough about me though, you're here for the story, right?

I suppose I should tell you all exactly how this started. It was just a few days ago, while I was staying at my family's cabin in Minisota. I was just getting back from a bike ride at around dusk when I saw a faint blue speck appear in the sky off to my right. I stared in fascination as the speck grew rapidly in size until it was about as big as my little finger. That was about the time I realized that it wasn't growing, it was coming at me! I couldn't help but watch in fascination as it continued to fall. It was moving at an insane rate of speed! within a few seconds I was able to feel a faint warmth coming from it, and I could tell that it was covered in what looked like blue fire. within five seconds of when I first saw it, I watched it silently disappear into a patch of woods and a heartbeat later the ground shook with a boom that rocked me to my very core.

I figured that it could only be one thing, so I grabbed a few flashlights and my bike and raced off over the field towards what i thought could be a once in a lifetime chance to see a meteorite first hand! I never would have guessed how wrong I was!

While riding toward the woods I idly wondered what substance would make such brilliant blue flames. "Perhaps if i had paid more attention in chemistry class..." i thought to myself. With some trepidation, I neared the edge of the woods. I really had no idea what to expect in there. I had a rough idea of where it was, but could I trust my instincts to not get lost? then I realized that i didn't have to worry about it! I just rummaged through the pack on the handlebars of my bike until I found my GPS. It was a cheep, yellow, E-Trex with a dead spot on the corner of the screen, but it had already saved me more than once on those long, all day bike rides. and so, with Gamin as my navigator, I set off into the unknown!

The woods up here in Minisota are thick. I had always thought it was cool how the underbrush grew up so tall and dense on the edges lof the fields creating a barrier between the forest and the fields, but then once you get a few yards in, nearly all if it goes away. Just twenty feet or so beyond the sunlit field I was thrown into a completely different world. One that was cool and shady, where the songs of birds echo through the treetops and the rustles of unseen animals float over the dead leaves and pine needles that litter the ground. and don't even get me started on the smell! That musty, earthy smell of trees was one of my favorite things in the world! Except today was different. This patch of woods was eerily silent. The sound of my own footsteps was deafening and the slight whistle of wind over head sent chills down my spine. It had only been early dusk out in the field. In there, however, it was already getting too dark to see.

within minutes I was relying on Flashlight alone to make my way between the trees. I waded through the darkness for what seemed like hours before I spied something gray and furry lying on the ground next to a tree. My heart jumped straight into my thought as I realized that there was only one thing that big in the woods, a bear. I froze in my tracks, turning my light off and praying that the darkness would shield me from the huge animal's gaze. after a few minutes torturous suspense , I became aware of a burning in my lungs. How long had I been holding my breath? i carefully took a cautious, metered breath. It didn't seem to notice me. In fact I hadn't heard it move at all. Adrenalin was shooting through my veins, and I had to make a conscious effort to slow my breathing while I debated what my next best move should be. but something was bugging me. The gray color of the fur. as far as I knew there were no bears with that pale gray color.

Eventually, curiosity got the best of me, and I slowly turned my flashlight back on, with my hand covering the lens so it wasn't too bright. I pointed it at the tree behind the bear using the reflected light to illuminate the creature. the sight puzzled me. it looked like it had far to many legs, some comming out from odd places like the middle of the back. Then my mind suddenly twisted, the way it sometimes will when you are in the dark, and the answer was suddenly clear, it wasn't one big bear, it was two much smaller animals. They looked more or less the same. Like some kind of cat, but the way they were sitting propped up against the tree, didn't make any sense. It was almost human like. My mind immediately flew to one single explanation. 'FURRIES!' my mind screamed it so loud that I'm sure it could have been heard even outside my head! I blinked hard and rubbed my eyes to clear them, but they were still there when I looked up again.

I may have gotten even closer to the strange animals, but one of their legs twitched and my focus was drawn to a single clawed foot that looked like it could rip through sheet metal! it felt like i jumped ten feet in the air. once again, I was consumed by fear. My body was begging me to run! After all, what was I thinking? was I really going to approach a strange animal while it was asleep!? This time fear won out and I made my way back to my bike as quietly as I could. to my dismay, the woods didn't seem as quiet as before. I noticed every scuffle, every leaf-fall. There were noises everywhere, and it felt like they were all out to get me! I only had to glance at the GPS once or twice, and was back at my bike in record time!I wasted no time Hopping on, and pedaled back to the cabin as fast as my legs would carry me. Not until the door was safely locked behind me did I breath easy. but even then, I didn't get much sleep that night.