Preview of My new story. Shipwrecked.

Story by Kirstin the Lavender Flareon on SoFurry


Well, seems my stories got deleted, so here is a preview of my new story. Shipwrecked. Enjoy!

Mitsuru looked upon the great dark sky. Its navy blue stretching out towards both banks of the small island he was resting. He remembered what had happened two hours earlier...

Mitsurulaughed as his older brother told the story of how he battled a fierce Lioness on his African safari. He used hand expressions to express himself in the most eccentric way. Mitsuru took another bite of his dinner, chewing carefully. "So there I was, the Lioness crouching, looking very famished. She had already managed to rip apart the Buffalo that lay six metres from the Jeep. Me and four other people managed to tranquilise it." "Yeah, right! You're full of it!" Mitsuru rolled his eyes and laughed, his unusual hair, lime green, fluttering in the air conditioner's breeze. His family was on an ocean liner, travelling to a far off place. Japan.