After school Events - Part 6 - The great escape

Story by foxydave on SoFurry

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#6 of After school events

I'm currently unsure where I'll take this story which isn't a feeling I enjoy as before I've always had a rough idea but with Ransom's new development e.g. his new owner it feels like learning to swim in the deep end.

Thanks for all the comments on the other parts of the story people it's been a great boost to getting me back into writing again!

Ransom didn't sleep that night. He spent the night chained to the end of his new owner's bed, cockgag still held in place in his muzzle which started to make his jaw ache after the first 3 hours.

The only sounds that night was the quiet noises made by his new Master in his bed as he turned over and the casual sound of a car driving past outside. Many times the thought of escape played on Ransom's mind but the new fox had done his work well in restraining him.

When dawn arrived it only took a few more hours for before the fox sleeping in the bed stirred and got up. Walking straight past Ransom as if he wasn't even there he walked into what Ransom supposed was the shower room from the sound of fast running water.

Half an hour later the now wet fox returned to the bed room and stood over the prone, grinning down at him. Ransom looked up at his new Master, being able to see the fox more clearly he noted that the fox looked to be at around mid twenties in age and held himself in a stance that reeked of importance and wealth.

Crouching down next to the Ransom he wrapped a paw tightly around his muzzle so he was forced to make eye contact "You will only refer to me as Master, I am your own Master and that's the only name you need to know me by" he said in a firm voice before undoing the gag and chucking it onto the bed.

As Ransom flexed his jaw it made one nasty loud click from being held open for so long before it returned to its normal relaxed state. As his Master started unchaining him from the bed Ransom knew he wouldn't be able to escape by fighting his Master, the look of his chest and the massive muscles in his arms was enough to discourage Ransom.

His new Master then made him crawl in front of him until they reached the kitchen in which on the floor was two dog bowls, one was full of water and the other was empty. Instructing his new toy to stay on all fours in the middle of the kitchen the bigger fox walked to the fridge and pulled out a tray of what looked like left over meals from the last few days but all mashed into one which was then scooped into the empty dog bowl.

His new Master watched as he started eating what had been put into his bowl, seeing him close his eyes tightly as he forced himself to eat the horrid tasting food. As he ate he felt his Master's paw stroking his naked flank, starting from his shoulder down to the tip of his tail.

Once he had finished eating he looked round to try and see if his Master was near by and found that he wasn't. His heart skipped a beat, realising this might be his only chance to escape this place so he stood up and looked around, his eyes landing on the back door he silently padded off to it, his heart jumping at the sound of it clicking open.

Taking one look behind him he starts sprinting for the end of the garden where a low wall about 3 or 4 foot high was built. He got only about 33 yards before a loud shrieking yelp sounded from his muzzle and he dropped to the floor, his body shuddering as electric pulses racked his body from the shock cuff he still wore on his ankle.

Crawling back a yard or 2 just so the pulses would stop he lay panting heavily on the lawn, tears coming to his eyes, not just from the shock but from the sense of failure and hopeless of escaping fills him.

As he lay naked on the lawn panting he heard heavy foot steps approaching him, staring up at the sky before he saw his Master outlined by the sun. The next thing Ransom noticed was the paw wrapped around his collar, dragging him inside, feeling the soft grass moving under his body while his ears flatten at the aching on his neck caused by the collar.

Once inside his Master dropped him carelessly on the floor, causing Ransom's head to smack painfully on the tiles causing his vision to blur along with a red pain streak go across the front of his vision.

"Stupid fucking bitch!" his Master snarls down at him, at the same time kicking Ransom in the side to cause the foxbitch to curl up protectively, his arms covering his face as the blows started raining down on him.

Ransom's Master only stopped when his arms tired but that was only to change arms to beat the fox with. When he had finished Ransom felt like he couldn't move, staying curled up on the floor as his fur soaked up the blood leaking from his body from the claws on his Master's paw.

A few days later it was drawn and the smell of bacon frying in a pan filled the house. It was only 6am but Ransom had been awake for an hour, the bruises and scars from his beating only just starting to fade. Since that day he had done nothing but play the perfect pet, scared to wits end of his Master and felt frightened of what would happen if he didn't.

As he prepared his Master's breakfast he thought back to the days before he was sold, wishing that he was back with serving Falcon instead of this fox. It was at that moment he stopped, he realised that instead of wishing he was free and back home he was missing being the pet of the leopard.

The mornings started pretty normally, he would wake up before his Master, lay out his Master's clothes for the day and go to prefer his Master's breakfast for when he woke up.

Pushing the bacon and eggs onto a plate just as his Master was walking through the door, smiling happily at his pet and took the plate. Sitting down at the table he began to tuck in. Ransom put the pan into the dish washer and padded over to where his Master was eating, kneeling down next to his Master but looking down at the floor.

Once breakfast was done his Master then threw Ransom a pair of tight fitting jeans "Put those one Bitch as we're going out and the rules of society don't allow me to take my property out naked".

As Ransom pulled the jeans up his legs he only notices the leash being attached to his collar when the paw appears under his chin and the sound of the clasp shutting around the D ring.

Blushing heavily and folding his ears although this had happened many times it still got to Ransom. As he was lead out the front door he knew it would be another day of people taking pictures of a fox being lead by a leash through town.

They were out for an hour in which involved a walk through the park where he was forced to walk on all fours like a common feral. However when Ransom went into a shop he tied the leash to a lamp post saying that the shop didn't allow pets, the shock cuff having been turned off for walks, to which Ransom waited just until his owner had stepped inside before unclipping the leash from his collar and started running.

He had never ran faster in his whole life, knowing it would only be a matter of minutes until his Master noticed that he had ran again. The memories of his last beating still fresh in his mind gave him extra speed.

His footpaws pounding the road he was glad that he used to go to the gym regularly where he spent many hours running and now it was paying off. After a mile or so of none stop sprinting he started to get a stitch in his side but he forced himself to keep going, no idea where he was going but anywhere was better from the beating or worst killing he'll get if he gets caught again.

He kept going until he round the motorway, picking a random direct in which to go in and sets off at a slow jog down it for a few minutes until he starts to walk, following a sign to the air port although what he'd do there was anyone's guess as he had nothing, no money, no clothes no nothing.

As he walked he stuck his arm out and held his thumb out in the classic hitchhiker stance. It took just over an hour before a car pulled along side, the driver's window rolling down Ransom looks at the driver and freezes, not daring to believe it....It was the snow leopard... It was Falcon. Ransom got into the car.

That's part 6 now done; it'll be a day or two until I can work on part 7 as I need to catch up on some much needed sleep and rest. Anywho I really hope you like the new developments and I look forward to your comments.
