Blast From the Past! Part 3

Story by NaziShepard115 on SoFurry

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BANG! John rubbed his shoulder, "Ow, that's a hard door..." Patrick rolled his eyes as John tried again. BANG! "Ok, this isn't working. Does he have a spare key or som-" John started but stopped when he noticed Patrick swinging a key around his finger. "How long have you had that?" John asked. "The whole time, Matthew gave me a spare key incase he got locked out. " "Then why did you let me practically dislocate my shoulder trying to OPEN IT?!" "I thought it would have been pretty funny." John sighed and pointed to the door "Just open it."

Patrick unlocked the key and they looked inside. "Ok look for anything that could help us find Matthew." John reminded Patrick. They checked in Matthew's room first. "Well all his clothes are dirty, if that helps." John said. Kevin shook his head no. John looked under the bed and found a small tin chest under it. "Hey, I think I found something." John said. Kevin walked over to investigate.

"Hmmm....a 4-pin code...what could it be?" John asked. "Jesus Christ! Don't you know anything about Matthew! He has a bad habit of making all his codes the same. Try 1-9-0-4." Patrick said. John tried the pin, sure enough it worked, he opened the chest slowly. Their jaws dropped as they started at the contents for a moment before breaking into uncontrollable laughter. "Ahaha! He wasn't kidding! He is a homo! He keeps a fucking dildo under his bed!" John said, catching his breath.

After returning the dildo to its hidden spot, they checked the kitchen, this time they made some ACTUAL progress. "His dishes are still in the sink....the cereal stuck to the bowl seems old." John noticed. "Yeah, and there's no trash bag in the trash can either." Patrick added.

"Do you think someone grabbed him while he was throwing out the trash?" John questioned. "Possibly, we better check outside by the dumpster."

The 2 headed outside and looked for more clues. "Hey! There's a blood stain on the street!" Patrick yelled. "By the direction of the splatter, what ever caused it was moving fast! That way!" Patrick pointed down the street. "I'll take this to the school and use a microscope there, they probably have Matt's blood type somewhere in the logs." Patrick continued. "Ok, my older brother works with the street video cameras, I'll check those." John suggested. They both nodded and went to "work".


"AH! AAAAHHHH!!!!" Matthew said as his hot seed shot all over himself. "Mmmm....Good.....let me clean you up." Raymond said. "Yes Master...." Matthew obeyed. He walked up to Raymond who then began to lick Matthew clean.


"The...the..blood...its Matthew's! It matches!" Patrick said.

"Then why are you so upset? That means we know what happened!" "Yeah, but that means something DID happen! And we don't even know where too look!" "And there's where your wrong, we know exactly where to look." "How so?" "I was able to get those video tapes from my brother, and there's a car with a big blood splatter on it, So I followed that car on the cameras and saw it turn into Cat-threw!" "Cat-threw? Nobody lives there! Why I get it." The 2 ran off to Cat-threw.


Matthew was dead asleep on the floor, he was exhausted. "Get up." demanded Raymond. Matthew twitched a little bit and mumbled, "But master....I'm so tired...." Matthew complained. "I'm sorry, did I confuse you? That wasn't a request. Get up now!" He screamed.


Kevin's hears went on high alert. He looked around trying to listen for the sound again. "What is it?" John asked. "I could have sworn I heard something....nah....never mind....I guess we better start searching the houses then." They knocked the first door, a tall Grey Cat stood before them. Kevin growled to himself. "You know what? I'm going to ask a different house." John watched his friend stomp to the next house. "Okaaaay....anywho, have you seen our friend Matthew? He's a German Shepard, he's tall," The cat thought for a moment. "Um....nope....why? Is he your boy friend?"

"W-what no! He's not! He's gay! Not me!" "Mmmhmmm, that's what they all say." "Whatever! Did you see a Silver Audi with blood stained on the front." "Nope." "Dang, ok well thanks anyways..." John said as he turned and walked away. "Good luck on finding your boy friend!" The cat called as John walked away. "HE'S NOT MY BOY FRIEND!!!!!" John yelled back. He then stood in the middle of the street and looked around. "Oh great, now where did Patrick go?!" John sighed, and then in the back of the head, WHACK! K.O!


"Uhhh...." John mumbled as he regained conciseness. He looked around and saw Matthew and Patrick, hanging by chains, naked. "Whuz a wha? Why are you guys naked?" John said. "You're naked too dumbass." Patrick said. John looked down a squealed seeing he too was naked.

"What's going on? What is this?" John frantically asked. "How should I know?" Patrick replied. "Shh! Guys! Master doesn't want us to talk unless we're told!" Matthew warned. "Master? Who the fuck is that?" John asked. "ME!" Raymond said with a loud and intimidating voice. "Oh, hi Raymond. Could you like tell me WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!" John yelled. Raymond slapped John across the face. "You will address me as Master and speak only when told to. But since your new, I'll answer your question anyways." Raymond walked over to Matthew and untied him.

"MATT! RUN! CALL 9-1...uh....oh yeah! 1!!!!! SAVE YOURSELF!!!" John frantically yelled. Matthew ignored John. "Thank you Master, what do you wish of me." He asked. Raymond smiled, "Make love to them, whether they want it or not." Patrick began to panic, "Wait, do what?!" Matthew walked over to his friends and positioned himself over Patrick's erect dick. He slowly slid his friend's thick cock into his tight ass.

Next, Matthew leaned over to John's crotch, his member was also rock hard. "I swear,if you even touch my cock then I wiiii-aaaaaahhhh....." John said as Matthew sucked it quickly. The three moaned to the pleasure are Matthew moved is ass and head up and down. Raymond laughed with satisfaction. "Sorry John," he started, "but even science lab partners don't get exceptions." Soon the 2 came inside of Matthew with long and loud moans, he quickly slid off Patrick's cock and removed his mouth from John's dick.

"There, I did as you asked." Matthew said, feeling shameful. "Now let them go." Raymond smiled. "But U haven't had my fun yet...." Raymond grabbed Matthew chained him up again, and he got to work. All Matthew could do was watch his friends get raped by Raymond. As they took turns, they would fear for their next turns.

But, what was this? Matthew's hands, they felt as though it could slip through the cuffs. The bear seed from John was acting as lube, slipping them off easy. Raymond, was reaching his climax, he pulled both of them in front of his crotch and blew his load on their faces. Just as Raymond was turning around to unchain Matthew and to tell him to lick them clean, his forehead collided with a metal pipe, or the metal pipe collided with him rather.

Matthew quickly unchained his friends, "Let's agree to not speak of this....EVER!" John and Patrick wiped the seed off their faces and both said, "Agreeded."