Stories from the Outback. Chapter 1.

Story by Sal the Buizel on SoFurry

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"The scorching heat from the Simpson Desert was enough to kill off unweary Furs in expeditions, in a matter of seconds. Bones littered the reddy-beige sand dunes. Most of the bones were scattered near dried-up water holes. At day, the Simpson Desert was as hot as a furnace, but at night, it'd be like sleeping in the nude, in Antarctic areas. However, there are solemn survivors of this harsh place. Dingoes, like us, Red Kangaroos, Thorny Devils, Bilbies, just to name a few." Mr Graham told his class of year 11 students, his baton pointing at the white-board at a really rough off-scale drawing of Australia's Simpson Desert.

Jason Tori sat at the back of the class, oblivious to the teacher's speech. Instead he was looking out the window, at the barren, dry land.

"Mr Tori!" Mr Graham's hard, dry voice echoed through-out the class. Jason perked his head up.

"Yes sir?" He asked

"Would you care to explain to us the good things about living in the desert? Or were you not listening to a single word I said?" He growled, leering down on him through his dusty spectacles.

"Exactly" Jason giggled. "I wasn't listening to a single thing you said. It's boring shit and we learned about it in year one." He winked then got up. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find some real fun, instead of sitting here, learning year one camel shit." And with a swish of his tail, he was out the door. Jason was a tall, sleek, popular Dingo, his fur was rusty-brown, and he had a necklace, a purple Yang. His parents also had died, well from how everything seems to die from around here, heat exhaustion or lethal sandstorms. Nope. None of that, his parents were hunted by city-Furs. Those fuckers personally came to his den, and killed his family. He was 8. To make matters worse, he was the only one in his family. The last survivor, but the really unfortunate part about it was, his family tree would not go on. For Jason was gay, yes, that meant that he would not have cubs with a wife. But he would not even dare think about telling anyone. Following the scent of his den, he walked over at sand-dune and took a sharp left. He sniffed the air and trotted over to where his den was. Upon entering, however, he was washed with the scent of his best friend, Bradley.

"G'day mate!" Bradley smiled. Bradley was a Red Kangaroo. Tall, horny, kind and caring, he was a great friend to Jason. "Ay! Brad! What brings you to my den?" He asked, smiling. "Well, I was just travelling past, you know." Brad said, picking up a small, wooden box. "What's this?" He asked "That, my dear friend" Jason padded over to him, "is my 'personal belongings'" he chortled a little, taking the box from Brad's paws. "So you got plans back here in Australia?" Jason asked him, tilting his head a little. "Actually, I do." He said looking at Jason a little sarcastically. "I'm moving back here, but found my old 'lil shack had been sold." He said frowning, "So I'm looking for a place to stay, and uh, can I bunk her for a while?" "Of course you can!" Jason beamed, happily to allow his best friend stay in his den.

"Great!" Brad said, dumping a suitcase onto the sofa "where do I sleep?" He asked, tilting his head, "and shouldn't you be in school?" Brad said, a little sternly. "Nah, school is shitty, I'll go back tomorrow" he said to Brad, and then walked in front of him. "Here I'll show you to your room." Brad looked at Jason walk away and wondered to himself 'should I tell him? Nah, I'll wait until tonight'

That night, while eating dinner, of pork and herbs, Brad turned towards Jason and tapped his shoulder. "Yes?" Jason asked. "Um..." Brad began, "never mind" he shoved his second-to-last herb into his mouth, and chewed ferociously 'stupid Brad! Look what you did! Gone and ma-'his thoughts were interrupted by Jason, who put a paw on his shoulder. "Brad. If you got something to say, just say it. I'm always here for you mate" "Really?" "Yes." "Ok, I'll tell you... I'm... uh... I'm bi..." Brad said muttered the last word quietly. "You're bi...?" Jason asked looking at him "Yeah..." "Dude, that's fine!" Jason smiled. "I've got nothing against guys who are bi! Want to know why?" "Why?" "I myself am gay!" He smiled, chucking some pork into his muzzle, and chewed casually. "So, you're ok with me?" "Course I am silly." "Great" "Just don't get any... Ideas" Jason smirked. They cleaned their dishes and hopped on off to bed.

Tuesday bought great excitement, as 11B entered their designated classroom for the first morning session, English. Brad had talked with the head master, and had arranged to be in Jason's class, so that was out of the way at least. But there was some commotion as Miss Damson hushed the class. "Today class" Her old, but kind voice washed over the quiet room "we have a new student. He is a Wolf all the way from Alaska. So please make him feel welcome."

A Timber wolf, guided by the headmaster entered the room. He had his head down, and had his ruck-sack tucked over his shoulder. "Eleven-B" The headmaster spoke, "this is Logan. Please, I would like you to make him feel welcome" and with a swish of his foxy tail, he was out the door. "Logan, please sit there next to Jason." Miss Damson pointed over to him. "Yes miss" Logan shyly walked towards Jason, who pulled his seat out for him. "Thanks" Logan smiled, and sat down. "I'm Jason." Jason whispered, during Miss Damson's lecture about Marie Curie. "Hi Jason" Logan whispered back. "Boys, I may be old, but I'm not deaf you know!" Miss Damson snapped at them. The boys immediately perked back up and listened to the teacher. Brad snickered as Logan blushed slightly, eyeing the teacher and doing his work.

At lunch, Logan hung around with Jason and Brad. Logan munched on a Tuna roll, while Jason and Brad had left-over pork and herbs from the previous night. "Can you two keep a secret?" Logan said as they turned around a corner, into a hug desert palm and sat under it. "Yeah, sure." Jason looked over at Logan. "What is it?" "Well..." Logan begun... "I'm gay" "Cliché much?" Jason winked at Logan "its ok, I am too. Brad over there is bi, but I think he's got his eyes on Elsie." He pointed to a vixen, who had moved here from the big city, to study in a 'quiet environment'. "Should I try my luck?" Brad smirked "Go for it buddy" Jason giggled Brad walked up towards the vixen, who was talking to Miss Damson about Shakespeare. "So, uh Elsie" Brad began. "Yes?" Elsie asked, gritting her teeth a little. "I was wondering, wanna-"He was cut short by the bell, and everyone headed back inside the building, ready for the final two sessions. "Fuck." Brad swore, as he missed his chance.

The rest of the day went pretty smoothly, Logan and Jason sat at the back and talked to each other during Maths and Biology, Jason learned that Logan was over here with his mother, who was studying about something, he didn't quiet catch, about the sand-dunes. Jason also found out, that his dad and brother had died during a blizzard. His dad was a scientist, and had his brother help him get some snow samples, but that day, a dreadful blizzard gave them both frostbite and hypothermia, thus killing them.

The end of day bell went and they all headed off towards home, Brad catching up with Elsie who asked her out. And would you believe it, she said yes. So Brad and Elsie, walking hand in hand, came through the front door, and went straight to Brad's room, where they spent the rest of the day, studying.