Guardians: Chapter Eight

Story by Alyx Z Ranas on SoFurry

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#9 of Guardians: The First Cycle

(Hey all! Sorry for the wait. X3 Been slow and without internet. Anyway I've revised all the last chapters to make more sense so if you're confused with the story go back and reread. There are some new paragraphs and such that add clarification that I thought the story needed.)


Chapter Eight: Companion

Alyx looked up at the large mirror that was in his personal house and mulled over the past weeks dealings with the general; it all seemed messed up to him. He glanced around at his private home glad he got a chance to get away from the G.C. headquarters for a weekend at least. No one in the Corps or army knew about this house save him.

"Alyx? What the hell kind of decoration is this?"

Oh yeah, and Sain now. He turned around and grinned as the dragoness continued to bash his interior décor. There was nothing remotely interesting about his house upon the first glance; it just looked like a typical house in Caston City's sprawling metropolitans. But if you examined the inside closer it had all sorts of hidden panels and switches, which opened compartments, tunnels, secret rooms, or computer displays. Alyx had spent years building this place so it could connect to nearly any security system on this side of the world without being traceable.

Sain picked up a sculpture of a nude female wolf,

"I mean seriously? This stuff is tacky."

Alyx looked down again and examined the collection of sculptures, a couple were nude, one even a depiction of sexual congress, but most were clothed and very respectable.

"I've spent a lot of time creating these tacky things."

Sain looked across at him.

"You sculpted these?"

Alyx nodded adjusting one that was too close to the edge of the table they were on.

"Ah, well they're good, but still so tacky. Oooh!" She picked up one that was a sculpture of Alyx himself, fully nude and aroused, "This one is awesome, it'd go great on my mantle."

He looked at her from the corner of his eyes,

"You can have it if you want. I don't care to have it"

"Oh, psh," She grinned up at him, "So what's the story behind this?"

Alyx looked down at it and took it from her, rolling it over in his hands.

"This one is old; I sculpted it for a close friend back during the EWII. Or so the bottom says..." He looked down,

Sain took it back from him,

"So it's roughly two hundred years old then huh?" she frowned slightly, "So who'd you sculpt it for?"

Alyx looked off into space seeming rather lost for a moment,

"I can't really remember." He sighed softly, "But the past is the past and I can't remember anything past the Guardians Corps." He looked down and made a tiny noise, "I don't really have a grasp on who I am."

Sain set the sculpture down on the table and pressed against Alyx's side softly,

"Hey, we're dragons time doesn't apply to us." She looked up at him with a soft look, "The other day when you said you'd never had a mate before you just meant you'd never been mated to another dragon didn't you?"

Alyx nodded slightly and made a tiny despairing sound in his throat.

"I think so... But I'm not sure."

"So what happened?"

He looked down at her,

"I can't remember that either."

Sain made a small sound and nuzzled his chest gently,

"Well, that leaves me with one last question."

Alyx shook his head and looked down at her,


"How could the Germans have possibly got their hands on you when you were a drake when you're forty thousand years old?"

Alyx sighed softly and looked down,

"I'm not sure. It's all part of the 'brainwashing' I told you about yesterday. If nothing else my memory has been modified so that's all I can remember. Hell, I'm not really sure if I'm from Ireland, I could be Canadian, American or even Japanese for all I know." He paused and stroked her mane softly, "It's like I've been living in a dream ever since they got a hold of me. I occasionally remember flashes of life before this" he held up his hand with the tattoo. "But I don't think I was actually a drake then and none of it fits what I've been told."

Sain looked up at him and bit his nose making his blink in surprise,

"Obviously, it makes sense as to of why you can't remember who you sculpted this for" She grinned after Alyx nodded, "Especially if your forty quadrillion years old"

"Hey I'm not that old! ...I think..." He nipped her back as she giggled and squirmed away from him. She bent over towards him and grinned.

"You're oooooold." She laughed and took off as Alyx chased after her.

"You can't even keep up with me ol-"Sain looked over her should just as Alyx leaped to tackle her, "-Eep." They fell to the floor and tussled for a few more moments with the occasionally giggle of "old man" from Sain before Alyx finally ended up with her pinned beneath him.

He panted softly and licked her nose gently. Sain murred quietly and ran her claws over his chest suggestively,

"You wanna prove to me you're not old?"

Alyx shivered still panting and rolled off her.

"Nah I'm too tired now." He grinned as he heard Sain's snort of annoyance before he spun and tackled her again in one fluid movement. He licked and nibbled on her jawline playfully and murred deeply as she drew her head back eyes closing.

"Now I'd be worried if you thought I was being serious dear."

Sain didn't reply but rather started to work both of their clothes off with a lusty purr.

Alyx watched her take his shirt off for a moment before pulling the black t-shirt she wore off her shoulders. He kicked his pants off and looked down at Sain who was now in nothing but her panties. She glanced up at him and murred softly kissing him again. Alyx smiled and kissed back softly before breaking it.

"Now I wonder; are you just trying to get my mind off the past and cheer me up dear?"

Sain smiled and bit his nose,

"It's a possibility, but being outright horny is probably the largest motive here."

Alyx licked her cheek softly and started to purr quietly as they pulled each other's underclothing off at the same time causing Sain to giggle.

"You sound like an ARC engine dear." She nuzzled down his chest towards his swelling genital slit.

He looked down at her and purred harder,

"At least I'm not squealing like the HH's do."

Sain chuckled and drew her tongue across the tip of his member that had pressed from his slit.

"True. I'd beat the crap out of you if you did."

Alyx shivered at both the pleasure and Sain's comment but in two different ways.

"Then if it's possible I'll nev-Ooooh god" He groaned as Sain quite suddenly engulfed his entire exposed length in her maw. He leaned back and growled quietly as she sucked gently creating rippling waves of electric pleasure that rolled through Alyx's body.

His hips jerked a little as she gently ran her teeth over his member and bit down softly. She suckled on him gently making him close his eyes and hiss softly,

"Oh, yesssss..." He looked down as she quit and slunk back up his body to kiss him.

"I think that's enough to hold your attention." She grinned softly touching her nose to his.

Alyx murred quietly as his hot shaft was sandwiched between their bellies throbbing gently.

"Hold my attention for what love?" He ran his tongue over her cheek slowly, "Although, you already had it in the first place." He smiled as Sain let out a long murr and he kissed her passionately. Their muzzles locked both of their eyes sliding closed as their tongues danced in and out of each other's mouths.

Alyx opened his eyes after a second and broke the kiss picking Sain up in his arms. She made a small confused sound but started purring again as Alyx took her into the bedroom to set her down upon the bed. He slid up on the bed behind her with a quiet chirrup in her ear. His shaft pressed against the back of her tail and Sain growled softly her tail hiking up between them. She wiggled her rear delicately against Alyx's crotch.

"Are you just gonna keep me waiting forever?" She nearly hissed her arousal becoming nearly unbearable.

"I could dear, it's an idea." He murred quietly, rocking his hips gently forward to press his shaft into her slowly.

Sain growled in pleasure at the intrusion her walls contracting around Alyx's member as he slid further in. The relief was astounding, her nerves cries for attention at last being stifled as Alyx ground deeper into her having worked his way oh so slowly in. The both let out a soft sigh as his hips met her rear and her tail curled around his waist.

Alyx leaned his head over her shoulder and nipped at her jawline,

"Better dearest?" He smiled softly at her happy chirrup.

She pulled her head around and kissed him softly,

"Mm-hmm, much." She shifted a little next to him churring as the movement created more sweet friction. She let out a soft sigh enjoying the full feeling Alyx had created and looked back at him again, "I could fall asleep like this quite comfortably." She smiled as she felt Alyx shiver the thought crossing his mind, "But it wouldn't make you any less old." She teased.

Alyx rolled his hips against her pulling his shaft out a little and pressing it back in causing Sain to cheep. She tightened her tail around him.

"Hold on love." She murmured, "Just stay still for a little longer."

Alyx nodded and stopped moving; instead preceding to taste and nibble upon whatever part of Sain his mouth could get to, making her purr quietly. She murmured something quietly as she wrapped her tail around his gently. Alyx's shaft inside her felt wonderful and not moving was... different. Not that she had much experience sexually, but going against the instinct to just mate, instead enjoying it slowly like fine wine, was almost enthralling. It made her heart flutter at ever gentle friction of his cock pulsing with his heartbeat within her magnifying the sensations.

"Now don't you go soft on me," She purred softly, "I'm enjoying this too much."

Alyx groaned softly, "I couldn't go soft with something as sexy as you beside me."

He resisted the urge to thrust as her walls gave another light contraction that rippled along his length. The feeling was certainly different, every small move they made the flesh of his shaft ground against her inner flesh creating more electric sparks of pleasure. He felt like if he got any harder he might be able to burst and his pleasure wasn't going down with the light teasing. He inhaled a little shakily.

"Mmm, I don't know if this is relaxing or not." He moaned softly as her walls gave another rippling pull making him twitch, "Ooh, it's definitely pleasurable.".

Sain smiled and murred softly,

"Well don't thrust." She smiled, "It could be fun." She yelped as Alyx reached down and squeezed her clitoris gently making her buck twice. She reached down and grabbed his hand and gasped shakily, "I didn't say for y-you to try and make me move."

Alyx made a small noise of almost disapproval. Sain giggled and flexed her inner muscles making Alyx's eyes roll back and causing him to let out a long murr,

"Just be patient silly." She purred a little harder, "We'll get off eventually."

She looked over her shoulder at Alyx's face as he hissed quietly and felt his shaft twitch as he squirmed slightly. Their minds began to meld into one again as Sain squeezed her muscles once more and grinned when Alyx nearly went limp behind her.

"You look positively overwhelmed." She observed with a small giggle.

Alyx moaned softly and pulled out of her,

"You_are_ overwhelming love... And feeling your lady parts are still too much for my mind to register completely." He climbed over her as so they could be face to face. He lay beside her and smiled. "I love you."

"Mmm, I love you too. I don't know how you find it overwhelming, I don't. Your indelicate rod doesn't even faze me." She smiled and let out another lusty murr, "but you moved. I didn't' say you could."

"So I did." He reached down with a hand to rub her outer folds softly; parting the slick folds with two fingers he ran them along the edge of her opening slowly. "I got impatient. And my penis is not indelicate."

Sain moaned softly and rolled her hips gently.

"Compared to what I have yes it is... But... I guess I won't..." She murred deeply closing her eyes as one of his fingers dipped inside of her, "...complain."

Alyx smiled feeling her walls contract and grasp at his fingers. He kissed her nose gently as her eyes closed and then moved down her body quietly and swiftly before she realized what he was doing. He pulled his mind from hers and paused in front of her folds feeling a slight bit tense as he leaned forward and slid his tongue up into her replacing his finger as he pulled it out.

Sain squeaked and looked down, before letting out a massive murr as he started lapping out her fluids best he could. Alyx smiled against her folds; Sain's surprise and pleasure was music to his ears. He continued to eat her out puzzling over her taste, it was good but he couldn't think of anything to compare it to.

He explored her tunnel with his tongue slowly working over every part of her he could reach slowly and strongly. He purred as Sain's hands went to the back of his head gently urging him on as her hips rolled ever so slightly against his muzzle.

"God, that's good." She murred quietly as she forcibly pressed their minds back together so she could see what she tasted like to Alyx, "And you're mine so quite pulling away."

Alyx chuckled into her folds,

~~Just trying to surprise you dear.~~ He bit down onto her clitoris and nibbled upon the bit of swollen flesh murring at the sensations and tastes. Sain growled quietly,

"I'd rather..." She panted hard stuttering through the pleasure,"- b-be pleasured than surprised." She humped into his face gently as he gave her clitoris one last hard suck, "But both works t-too..."

Alyx murred quietly and continued licking through her folds enjoying the warm pleasure he created as his teeth ran gently over her outer labia. He extended his tongue over a roughish bump along her upper wall and grunted and gasped as she suddenly orgasmed around his tongue the white-hot pleasure searing through both of them.

Sain roared above him as she convulsed into orgasm her walls trying to pull Alyx's tongue deeper before she inundated it back out. Alyx lapped and swallowed at her folds until her climax started to run down. He shivered and looked up at her as her orgasm faded and he nibbled her clit gently making her gasp and twitch. He slid back up her body and kissed her softly.

"You taste amazing dear." He shivered softly his shaft throbbing, "And I didn't know we could merge minds and not orgasm at the same time."

Sain smiled softly tasting her fluids in the kiss,

"I'm glad you think so." She shivered and panted, "I'm... gonna make you do that again sometime." She reached down and touched her clit gently, making herself roll her hips once, "I didn't know we could either... Nice to know though."

Alyx chuckled and stroked her cheek with the back of one hand gently,

"All you have to do is ask. And yes I agree it is nice."

Sain laid her head on his rumbling chest and purred contentedly her mind pulling away from his slowly.

"I'll remember that." Her eyes slid closed slowly. Alyx laughed quietly and looked down at her. He was still so horny but he was too proud to ask for anything from her; especially since she looked so cute while falling asleep. He licked her ears softly and kissed her head wrapping his arms around her as she fell asleep.

He grinned just happy to have someone to cuddle to sleep. After a few minutes he churred softly as she began to move against him again, lazily grinding her pussy against his shaft. He looked down at her in surprise as a low moan escaped his throat. He examined her closely doing his best not to thrust against her as she continued to grind along his length. She was still asleep! He laughed in his mind as she rolled on top of him, deciding to let her have her way with him, it could be interesting.

Alyx chirruped as the sleeping dragoness reached down and roughly grabbed his length to line it up with her slit before slamming down on top of him to begin bucking against him hurriedly. She let out a long growl and bit at Alyx's neck nearly drawing blood. He flinched his head away from her groaning as her walls pulled against his shaft tantalizingly as she rocked even harder against him. He started to move but stopped when Sain growled again digging her claws into his sides, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

"Sain." She didn't respond still bucking and humping with abandon impaling herself repeatedly on his shaft, "Sain! Wake up!" He grabbed her shoulders and shook her gently and winced as she bit into his arm, but she did start to slow down. Alyx gave her another shake as her eyes opened almost blearily.

"Wha-?" Her eyes snapped open as she looked down at Alyx and stopped moving entirely, she sat up still in his lap, "What happened?" She moaned and looked down at her swollen folds wrapped around the base of Alyx's cock.

"You fell asleep and went a little primal dear." Alyx rubbed at the bite marks of his neck and arm, but was still purring as Sain's tunnel kept rippling slowly around his shaft in time with her panting.

"Mmm..." She looked at his arm, "Sorry."

Alyx dismissed it,

"Nothing to be sorry for." He grinned, "I should have stopped you but it was fun idea." He leaned up and kissed her, "Although I think I prefer you awake, when you're a little gentler."

Sain nodded and looked back down at her crotch and blushed heavily,

"Not a bad way to wake up though." She began to roll her hips against him slowly murring lustily, "I don't think I've ever felt this horny." She rubbed her exposed nub in tight little circles, "I feel like my clit is going to burst." She leaned back down on top of Alyx and smiled at him sweetly, "Fix it for me honey." Her mind practically tackled his; her feeling and thoughts swarming through Alyx's consciousness.

Alyx murred and then growled at her level of arousal, it felt like the slightest movement would cause an orgasm.

"Of course dear." He rolled the two of them over to be on top and pulled himself out so only his tip was still in contact with her pussy and then thrust himself back into her. He was surprised she didn't orgasm right then and there but instead her arousal rose higher past the point of orgasm, it was strange. But Sain was enjoying herself her tongue lolling out the side of her mouth as she panted with a heavy blush still thick on her muzzle. She moaned quietly,

God, it feels like I'm in heat."

That statement brought Alyx to shuddering halt making Sain whine softly.


"You heard me." She squirmed under him rolling her hips as much as she could, which wasn't much, "And it might very well be true, it's been about four years since my last heat so..." She trailed off and looked away her blush growing a little deeper

"Uhm..." Alyx looked down at her stunned.

"What?" She snapped up at him, "I'm a female, it what's happens to us."

Alyx nodded,

"Yeah I know, but it's kinda just sudden."

Sain sighed,

"Part of the whole shapeshifter thing I'm afraid."

"Mmm..." Alyx paused as her walls kept massaging his length and he murred, "So what now?"

Sain snorted,

"I don't want eggs or kids to slow me down while I'm still in the GC. Just don't try to impregnate me as a shifter, and we'll be alright..." She paused and looked at him, "Right?"

Alyx nodded,

"Yeah." He sighed, "It would take quite a bit of shifting for both of us to become fertile."

Sain looked at him almost crossly,

"What?" He asked confused.

Sain sighed,

"If you can't impregnate me like this then we have nothing to worry over. Please, just hurry up and fuck me."

Alyx stifled a laugh and began to rock against her again grinding their hips together, making them both moan lustily. Sain humped against Alyx hard trying to orgasm, she felt like should be stuck in a constant orgasm, but she wasn't. Alyx kissed her softly and reached down to squeeze her nub.

Sain roared into Alyx's mouth the moment his fingers touched her clitoris and she orgasmed harder than she ever had in her life. Alyx closed his eyes and purred deeply her walls pulsing around him and the orgasm raging through her body were a lot to take, although his vision wasn't flickering like the first time they'd mated. Sain's Roar increased in pitch for a moment before it died out her mouth still open in a silent roar of bliss as her orgasm didn't stop and but instead she orgasmed again, multiple orgasm washing over her without an end as Alyx kept moving against her.

She went limp against him her body consumed by the fiery bliss that pounded through her now without ceasing. Alyx looked down at her and licked the top of her head as she shivered another orgasm rolling through her, his shaft being squeezed and massaged the whole time. He let out a shuddering sigh feeling the never-ending running through her as he tried to get his body to reach its peak. He knew he'd probably pass out from the pleasure again, but he didn't care especially since he knew Sain wanted his seed in her.

Sain finally hit an orgasm that seemed to weaken and she came down from the high, shaking and feeling weak, like she'd ran several miles without stopping. Her heart hammered in her chest as she gulped at the air,

"I've never had anything like thaAIIEEE-" she shrieked as Alyx's shaft rubbed over her G-spot and set her off again she scrunched her eyes shut and roared again. Alyx grunted softly as her vagina contracted even harder around his shift milking at it with each thrust and pull. Sain quieted quickly and pushed her face into Alyx's neck shivering and jerking as her orgasm once again took off and she began experiencing multiple orgasms. Alyx churled softly to her and nuzzled her gently his own orgasm at last drawing near.

"I think I'm... Probably going to faint again." Alyx moaned into Sain's ear softly as her felt a rush through his body right before he seized up and lost himself to an orgasm. Sain murred quietly tears forming in her eyes from the sheer pleasure as body of their bodies were spirited away on the waves of the most incredible climaxes either of them had experienced. Alyx went completely limp after about thirty seconds his mind shutting down as he blacked-out.

It felt long, almost too long for Sain to finally come back down from her orgasm, she shivered feeling soaked and sticky from her belly down. She purred softly, her loins at last sated as she kissed the unconscious dragon atop her. She murred quietly as she rolled his slowly softening member out of her feeling both of their fluids mixed inside of her drip out slowly.

Sain put her head to Alyx's chest and listened to his breathing and heartbeat slow down as sleep slowly took her and she closed her eyes with a contented sigh happy to be with her mate.

(Personally I'm a little downtrodden with this, because of the time it took me to write, but hopefully someone like it. ^_^ Anyway, more of the story is coming, I promise, even if it takes several years this story shall be finished! Thanks for reading and have a good one. :D)