Death Of The TITAN: glimps

Story by EMUSS on SoFurry

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#3 of Death Of The TITAN

first ever story atemp, i am planing on makeing more chapters of this story is people seem to like it, id verry much apreciate coments and feed back.. also rateings would be nice to.

wel this story contains blood, death, violance and other matter that i havent thought of yet. if any of this is not to your tast then kindly leave me alone.

no mention of furrys in this beginning of the story but that can easily be edited to do so but there will be in chapters to come. so with no further yamering from me plz enjoy the story and have fun with it..

also if some of the tags are wrong w/e ill fix them later when i feel like it

Marked adult because of parts after this one

''loading please wait. . . .''

'' . . . . . I'm sorry sir, but the information you requested cannot be located, would you like to execute the advanced search?''


''accepting please wait . . . .''

'' information located . . . now launching file on TITAN FORGE . . . . .''

'' TITAN FORGE, was funded in the year 2035 after the uprising of (M.O.A) in the year 2014.

The study of advanced cybernetics took a heavy stride forward. In a few short years

The program hit a major break threw with the design and creation of the (A.I.C.B) (Artificially Intelligent Cyber Brain) with this break threw came tremendous leaps forward in technology, such as robots, and androids.

It wasn't until the year 2039 the government decided to launch the TITAN FORGE program, a program to keep the country safe and secure not only from foreign powers but also from future uprisings. also protecting their allies over seas.

only 5 TITANS were successfully built, ALPHA, OMEGA, DATTADINE, #4, and HOPE.

These were the TITANS that were charged with the protection of the country and were equipped with the latest technology, heavy weapons, automated assembly lines, nuclear weapons and cyber brains.

It wasn't long after their creation that a couple began to become self aware. three years later In the year 2042 OMEGA stopped reporting in, and so DATTADINE was sent to report on OMEGA's condition, DATTADINE never reported back, troops were sent to the last known location of DATTADINE to find a torn war zone thousands of destroyed android soldiers as well as heavy weapons littered the area and the destroyed and torn apart remains of DATTADINE were discovered.

Fearing the worst the US government called an emergency meeting to debate who is responsible for these attacks, soon after calling the emergency meeting, #4 reported it was under attack and to the their surprise it was OMEGA who was attacking #4 the fighting lasted a few hours many soldiers and fire support was called in and most of their heavy weapons but they proved useless to the monstrous design of the TITANS defenses, without any ideas left they decided to nuke OMEGA and #4.

the area was nuked and every thing in its blast zone was either destroyed and killed #4 was completely destroyed and all the soldiers in the blast zone . . . . . but out of the rubble emerged OMEGA with only medium damage,and glowing blue from a newly designed energy shield. one of OMEGAS self invented defenses. in retaliation OMEGA launched a nuke of its own creation directly at the government's safety shelter destroying it and killing every one inside. nothing but a large creator wasleft.

ALPHA and HOPE were no where to be found they simply vanished its presumed they were destroid aswell. OMEGA was unchallenged and destroyed almost all of the United States and moved across the ocean to attack and destroy every allie of the states in its path. . . . Until nothing was left, those that survived the attack was soon swept up by Omega's troops and terminated soo. . . . AnD ThEn , d,gg,hh,s. . .ar .a.. h..f..gad.f.g... ... ..'' (ERROR!)

''I'm sorry but the information you have received has an encrypted virus installed please reboot and call maintenance for support. .thank you and have a nice day . . . .''

''ohhh crap. . ..GUYS WE NEED TO MOVE!''

(radio). . .*taking fire. . .taking fire. .the halls over run we need t- AHHhh! . . . .... ......*

''COME IN. . .DELTA. . .COME IN!''

gun shots could be heard through the armored door protecting the mainframe

''guys. . . get ready for any bastards that come through. . .shoot to kill ''

the few soldiers got into defensive positions and waited. . . . the gun shots faded until dead silence was left . . . . the soldiers shifted in their spots and gripped their guns tight. . . . then a bang on the door made some of them jump out of fright

''Their only testing the door, .stand your ground boys . . . here they come!''

Heavy hits and pounding came from the other side, large dents formed imprints of fists as the armored door snapped and buckled... few more hits and an androids forearm tore threw the door and started to spread it like a can opener. The soldiers opend fire, their bullets ripping threw the droids arm severing it from its body. the forearm crawled away as more droids started to crunch threw the door.


a few more droids went down , the lights shut off the only light the soldiers had was from the muzzle flashes of their guns and the lit eyes of the droids on the opposite side of the door. A couple droids stuck their gun barrels threw the hole in the door and opened fire.. a few troops yelled ''TAKEING FIRE'' as 2 were gunned down blood sprayed out of the strategically placed hits on their body's. They fell dead before they hit the ground with a thud. The droids started force their way passed the door.


the soldier yelled, rolling a grenade over to the door frame, a droid looked at it before it could kick it away the grenade blew. The room filled with a bright flash an shrapnel from the droids body, a man who didn't take cover in time was sprayed with it an was cut to shreds all over his exposed skin. He slipped over the empty bullet casings that littered the ground an fell bleeding, franticly trying to aid himself till he passed out from blood loss, soon he died while his friend tries desperately to wake him up

the commanding officer of the group sprayed bullets into the bots that seemed to never end, he ran out of ammo and only had his handgun left, as his men dieing left and right.

The world wasn't always infested with these machines and these men weren't always soldiers

If you ever hope to under stand the present, you must go back to where it all started.

In the uprising of M.O.A

The Mercenaries Of America

your feed back will be much accepted id liek to atleast see some people commenting

tell me what you enjoyed of this part or what. let me know if somthing can be improoved on.

god knows i wont notice any problems