DA in Pokemon MBTY: Part V:

Story by RikuHeartfire on SoFurry

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#2 of Pokemon Mine is Better Than Yours

Part V: You think you're ready?


After the ...

Part V: You think you're ready?

After the excessive orgy, DA and Lance shook hands. "Nice battle. However... that was... interesting how it turned out!" Lance blushed and looked away snorting. DA grinned and rubbed the back of his head "Heheh...yeah, sorry about that... I forgot that Houndoom still had that move." Lance and Zephyr walked past DA as he stopped "So what're you gonna do now?" DA thought for a moment and nodded "Gonna go challenge the Elite Four." Lance's eyes widened as he looked to DA "Your serious...? DA slipped the toothpick back into his mouth and smirked "Yep! Never been more serious in my life." Lance thought and spoke "But what about that Lucario of yours? Don't you think he needs more training? He lost to Arcanine." DA turned around and set his hands on his hips and pondered. "Maybe he could use the training..."

DA nodded "Alright, I wont go just yet. I'll train my team until we're sure we're ready!" Lance smirked and flipped his hair "Do what you want. I'll just wish you the best of luck." DA blinked then tilted his head "Hold on. What're you gonna do?" Lance turned around " I have...my own reasons." DA lifted a brow and shrugged "Alright. I guess this is where we part ways ah?" Lance smiled and nodded, "Maybe I'll fight you again. This time uh... fair and square." DA laughed and waved "Sure. You'll just lose again." Lance scoffed and smirked, walking away "We'll see about that."

. . . . . .

The team all gathered around DA "Alright everyone. In just two weeks is the Pokemon League Challenge. In those hours we gotta prepare and train like there's no tomorrow." Machoke cracked his knuckles "Sure thing boss. We'll knock those Trainer's to the ground!" Nidoking smirked and nodded "That's the spirit Machoke. You get em while we lie back and take a break." Machoke looked to Nidoking with a grumbled. Mightyena sighed and waved his hair "What will this prove really? That you're the champion Master?" DA snubbed his nose and grinned "That's alright! I'll be respected by all Trainers" Mightyena smirked and held his arms. Charmeleon flared up and grinned "Yes! Finally somethin challenging!!" DA leaned in close and raised a brow "What're you talking about? You fainted on the first round against Scizor." Charmeleon fell over anime style.

Luke looked to the rest of them and smiled, he clenched his fists and looked to his Master "Alright! I'll train super hard this time!" DA looked to Luke and grinned, poking him in the forehead. "We'll see bout that Lukey!" Luke flinched and tilted his head "Cmon Master! Let's get to practicing! We only have two weeks!" DA set his hands on his hips "Where should we train then?" Mightyena looked ahead of DA "We could train at Victory Road. That trail there should lead us." DA rubbed his nose and grinned, "Alright then! Everyone, Let's head to Victory Road!" The team all followed behind DA, ready to challenge anything that was ahead.

Act II: End

Well! thats the end of Act II for some reason I have NO clue why the text is like this. so be on the look out for Act III! sorry >< theres no yiff...well much yiff in that part, its all about the fighting! and you"ll be surprise who the elite four is. ^^ cant believe this part was so short, well I just...couldnt think of anything else!